Nostalgic foods

Rye bread
In Russia, rye bread baked from the XI century. Loaf of "black" is almost always there in the kitchen. Some like rye bread over wheat. What could be more delicious crust with garlic Borodino? But many say that with all the variety of bakery products in the West bread "is not so." It is difficult to find even a "white", which is close to our taste, not to mention the rye. Look, for example, that talk about the bread guys went to the US.

"Cabbage soup and porridge - our food" - the saying goes. In this porridge is not any, and buckwheat. In the book, the famous chef Pokhlebkin "History of the major food products" buckwheat is called "a symbol of Russian identity." Cheapness, versatility and ease of cooking buckwheat is extremely popular in the post. Why not tell about foreign countries. Most countries in Europe and Asia as well as in America about buckwheat do not even know. For example, here's a cute girl talks to members-Japanese that is "buckwheat" and how to eat.

Bagels with poppy
Dryers - traditional Russian cuisine product. Not for nothing samovar often hang on the chain bagels. According to one version, their homeland - the Belarusian town of Smorgon. There are many variations of this culinary products. For example, in America popular bagels, and in Germany - pretzels. But drying with poppy there are hard to find, but because many Russian miss tea with bagels.

Cottage cheese
In Russia, yoghurt and cheese - two big differences. In our understanding, crumbly cheese, with a strong milky taste. In Western culture, the curd is considered sort of a young soft cheese. In the US and Europe granular curd cheese is even called the village - cottage cheese. On the shelves of European, Asian and American stores is difficult to find a normal, familiar to us curd. Usually sell its analogs: what we call the curd or soft (often salty) cheese. Cook from it our favorite cheesecakes or dumplings very, very difficult.

Wild strawberry, currant, gooseberry - favorite treats those who spent the summer in the countryside or who has a cottage. Unfortunately, in the West, these berries are rare, although there are growing. Thus, wild strawberry grows almost throughout Eurasia, and is also found in North and South America. But there is not popular gastronomic uses.

Dried fish
Roach, sculpins, smelt - for the Russian people is not just a snack to beer, it ri_tu_al. From time to time you want something salty, and dried fish here can be very useful. If you're a fan of this snack, then you will have abroad difficult. The fact is that even in traditional maritime countries, such as Turkey, buy dried fish is difficult. Foreigners just do not like fish in this form.

Mustard - the world famous seasoning. It is difficult to find a country where it is not used. The only problem is that in Europe and America prefer sweetish mustard with lots of additives (Dijon, Bavarian and others). In Russia, like witty. So many of our housewives go abroad themselves prepared mustard: buy mustard powder is easier than the "normal" finished product.

Crispy salted cucumbers and juicy marinated tomatoes - from one of these words in Russian human saliva runs. Almost every family has branded recipes canning for the winter. In Western countries, of course, you can buy pickled gherkins, but do they compare with household trёhlitrovochkami?

If you mix the condensed milk, sugar, syrup and butter toffee are obtained. In English-speaking countries, this dessert is called "Fudge" and is divided into two kinds: milk (toffee) and without it (fudge). Toffee candies abroad are many, but none of them compare with our "Golden Key" and "Kis-kisom." For us this is a taste of childhood, which is not impossible to miss.

Doctoral sausage
After two years of this cult Soviet sausage fulfilled no less 80 years. Developing her own recipes led Mikoyan. Doctoral so loved Soviet citizens that it became even add different dishes (Russian salad, hash); and in times of scarcity sandwich it was considered almost a delicacy. Abroad for cooked sausages are very restrained, preferring smoked or jerked products.

Yogurt and sour cream
In Western European and Asian countries as well as in the Americas meager assortment of dairy products. If curd has encountered little similar analogy, to find authentic kefir, fermented baked milk or cream is more problematic. In English sour - sour cream, taste and texture, it is more like Greek yogurt than a usual cream. Packages labeled kefir can be found, but as they say Russian living abroad, the taste is very different from yogurt, sold in Russia. Ryazhenka no analogues. There buttermilk (buttermilk), but it is, as they say, is another story.

Eat mushrooms in the world. But each region has its own culture and mushroom consumption. Thus, in Russia love salted mushrooms, and in many European countries, they are considered inedible. And in Japan and other Asian countries are found quite special, unknown to us mushrooms. Many expats miss the marinated mushrooms and Dried white.

Halva - a popular dessert in the world. But halva, produced in different countries, different in composition and, as a consequence, to taste. In Russia and many other Eastern European states prefer halva from sunflower seed. She is a little loose in consistency and quite dark in color. In Western Europe and in Asia such halva - a rarity.

Sauerkraut from oak barrel yes Mochenov with apple - is not the classic Russian cuisine? But the national dish of sauerkraut is considered not only in Russia but also in Germany. There it is called "saurkraut» (Sauerkraut) and quite often eat. But the recipe is still different (for example, feature Russian sauerkraut that cooking for her use so-called winter varieties of this vegetable), and on the southern continents (South America, Australia), sauerkraut and all the rare visitor.

Assortment of meat and fish food in foreign countries other than us. For example, in Denmark, you will not find mackerel in oil, but there is a "mysterious" tyuna. It is difficult to find and Gostovskaya stew - instead of it on the shelves of various kinds of canned ham.

This is a traditional Russian dessert. In Western Europe and the US related prefer jam jam and marmalade. Unlike our sweets is that the jam typically has a nonuniform texture - whole fruit or fruit pieces, plus non-liquid syrup. Many miss the homemade jam, as its taste is associated with childhood, when it was smeared on a crust of bread. Remember?

Almost all gone abroad say: "We miss the good herring." Is there no herring? There is, but not like that. In the understanding of Russian human tasty herring - fat and salted. We buy it, as a rule, as a whole, with the head and tail, and carve themselves; Ideas on the table with oil and onions. In many countries (eg Denmark) ... spread sweet herring. It is marinated with the addition of honey or sugar. Even the famous Dutch herring (haring) differ in taste. No worse than ours, just different.

It is known that marshmallows cooked in ancient Greece. This dessert is popular in many countries. But again, the only difference in the recipe. In America, for example, like a marshmallow, but, in contrast to our marshmallow, preparing it without eggs. For all the variety of delicacies pastiloobraznyh abroad is difficult to find familiar to us marshmallows.

Stop! Stop! Stop! As long as you do not run in the comments raise a discussion on the topic of harm mayonnaise, let us recognize that this is a very popular product in our country. With him eat entrees, finished second, their salad dressing. A habit - a great power ...
The origin of mayonnaise is quite confusing (there are several versions), and ornate history (even within the same dishes you can find some recipes). In Russian mayonnaise is traditionally produced from sunflower oil, water, egg white and the mustard powder, salt and sugar. In America also add lemon juice, and in Japan - rice vinegar. Furthermore, each country has its own technology. Therefore, immigrants from the former Soviet Union often tasted dozens of mayonnaise in search of something even remotely resembling the native "Provence", but often in vain.

Gingerbread cookies in Russia called honey bread. Initially they only actually prepared from flour and honey. Later were added and various spices. Many people think that it is primordially Russian delicacy. It is not. Gingerbread is considered the birthplace of Western Europe. There spicy cookies - traditional Christmas feast (Nuremberg gingerbread, Frankfurt gingerbread gingerbread man). Our cakes and more sweet, sweet, often with filling (jam or boiled condensed milk), and we eat them, not only on holidays, but also during a simple tea.

Source: lifehacker.ru