Sweet tooth as interesting
In our difficult time, when buying a product has to carefully read the package. Do not just surf and read carefully. For example, one of the familiar blue and white label on the can of condensed milk
4 photo + letter via pe3yc
From a distance the left side of the labels are seen enlarged and the highlighted letter of the Standard and some letters with numbers after. At first glance, one can assume that you are offered a product which complies with state standards - and it carried many inexperienced buyers.
In fact this is not true. ISO 9001-2001 - a designation of quality management system adopted within the company (similar to Western to ISO 9001: 2001), to the product inside the can is not relevant and the contents of the banks are generally not standardized. In addition, this Standard does not apply, as long ago replaced by the GOST R ISO 9001-2008 (ISO 9001: 2008). Standards of quality management system to the quality management of production processes, but in no way does not guarantee the quality of products.
Nevertheless, it is clear for what purpose such a label applied to the bank. First of all - in order to mislead the consumer.
A user friendly, without being lohom can look and see what the document actually normalizes the contents of the jar. It TU 9227-020-00417266-2004 very vague industry internal document that allows you to add in the bank, in addition to evaporated pasteurized milk and sugar, and also other additives. In addition, these specifications are much more loosely normalized organoleptic, microbiological and physico-chemical parameters. Simply put, this is not a guest.
Standard that defines the parameters for condensed milk, has a number of 2903-78 in Soviet times since the introduction of changed slightly and is now in the fourth decade.
However, in the last year to this guest to take not a good amendment that without prior arrangement introduces the concept of "milk-containing product" without reference to explanation of this concept, and also eliminates the normalization of microbiological indicators (paragraph 1.5 and Table 3). So now the content of Escherichia coli and Salmonella in condensed milk is not standardized guests, and other legal acts, and under the "milk-containing products," the consumer is free to understand anything at all.
So, strictly speaking, even the guests do not guarantee quality. Nevertheless, the product corresponding to the state standards, even if such a truncated and castrated compared to the Soviet, it is in most cases preferable to a product manufactured by every rotten TU, the text of which, as a rule, is not freely available, that almost no one is controlled by the enterprise and that the same companies and in their interests and drawn up.
Here, for example, the right to prepare to condensed milk label, at first glance indistinguishable from previous:
Be careful and enjoy your meal.
4 photo + letter via pe3yc

From a distance the left side of the labels are seen enlarged and the highlighted letter of the Standard and some letters with numbers after. At first glance, one can assume that you are offered a product which complies with state standards - and it carried many inexperienced buyers.

In fact this is not true. ISO 9001-2001 - a designation of quality management system adopted within the company (similar to Western to ISO 9001: 2001), to the product inside the can is not relevant and the contents of the banks are generally not standardized. In addition, this Standard does not apply, as long ago replaced by the GOST R ISO 9001-2008 (ISO 9001: 2008). Standards of quality management system to the quality management of production processes, but in no way does not guarantee the quality of products.
Nevertheless, it is clear for what purpose such a label applied to the bank. First of all - in order to mislead the consumer.

A user friendly, without being lohom can look and see what the document actually normalizes the contents of the jar. It TU 9227-020-00417266-2004 very vague industry internal document that allows you to add in the bank, in addition to evaporated pasteurized milk and sugar, and also other additives. In addition, these specifications are much more loosely normalized organoleptic, microbiological and physico-chemical parameters. Simply put, this is not a guest.
Standard that defines the parameters for condensed milk, has a number of 2903-78 in Soviet times since the introduction of changed slightly and is now in the fourth decade.
However, in the last year to this guest to take not a good amendment that without prior arrangement introduces the concept of "milk-containing product" without reference to explanation of this concept, and also eliminates the normalization of microbiological indicators (paragraph 1.5 and Table 3). So now the content of Escherichia coli and Salmonella in condensed milk is not standardized guests, and other legal acts, and under the "milk-containing products," the consumer is free to understand anything at all.
So, strictly speaking, even the guests do not guarantee quality. Nevertheless, the product corresponding to the state standards, even if such a truncated and castrated compared to the Soviet, it is in most cases preferable to a product manufactured by every rotten TU, the text of which, as a rule, is not freely available, that almost no one is controlled by the enterprise and that the same companies and in their interests and drawn up.
Here, for example, the right to prepare to condensed milk label, at first glance indistinguishable from previous:
Be careful and enjoy your meal.
