The recipe for making a delicious smelt
Believe it or not, but smelt - one of the most delicious. Emperor Peter the Great called it the Tsar-Fish! Historically, smelt is the same symbol of St. Petersburg as the Hermitage, white nights and drawbridges. Petersburgers so adore the nondescript fish that they annually hold a festival of smelt and even erected a monument to it in their city.
In Peter. cook everywhere: on barbecues in the park, in restaurants of haute cuisine, and, of course, in every kitchen. Frying fish is as simple as it is. And tonight. "So simple." I'll tell you a few ways.
How to fry smelt (nut, root, cucumber, net) belongs to the family salmonfish. Not so big, but no less useful. Pros are obvious: fish grows in a natural environment, not on farms, feeds on natural feed, not hormonal feed, and costs three times cheaper!
This fish is rich in healthy fats, proteins, phosphorus and calcium. Small smelt is absolutely waste-free - eaten completely, along with the head and tail. They fry it without taking out the guts. The flesh of the fish is sweet, and during roasting, the bones soften and do not taste.
In the coastal areas, fresh fish can be bought all year round. But frozen does not lose its nutritional value.
An ignorant person often bypasses the smelt side, beingware of unpleasant smell and troubles with cleaning. All because smelt is confused with capelin, sardine or large sprat. But smelt is absolute. fishy! Its smell is similar to the smell of fresh cucumbers or watermelon crusts. Even fishermen jokingly call it “fish-vegetable”.
In small individuals, scales are easily washed off with water, and in large ones it falls off itself (during transportation) or is easily removed with your fingers. Fresh fish can be stored for 72 hours, frozen for up to 9 months. Fresh smelt. Always smells of cucumber (this is the main sign!) and shines, eyes are not cloudy.
Frozen fish, unfortunately, does not smell. But recognizing stale or frozen goods is easy. Such a fish will be very light, almost gray, absolutely scaleless, with a broken tail and an abundant amount of ice.
Before cooking smelt, it must be thoroughly washed. Fish up to 10 cm can not be gutted or cleaned. In principle, any, but the most tasty - medium size, about 14-16 centimeters in length. It makes no sense to buy a large one, it does not carry gastronomic value.
How to fry smelt (the easiest way) This method does not need a long description. You will need fish, salt, breading flour (ordinary or corn) and vegetable oil for roasting. Fresh fish washed under running water (eviscerate and trim the head if necessary). Dry on a paper towel to make the glass excess liquid.
Put the fish in a bag and fill it with flour. Shake the package several times so that the flour completely covers the carcasses. Then warm up the frying pan with vegetable oil and lay out the fish one at a time on the pan. Roast quickly, literally for a couple of minutes on each side. Put it on a paper napkin to make the glass oil. Bon appetit!
Fried smelt in Petersburg Ingredients
Smell in tomato Ingredients
Be sure to try cooking smelt to understand why St. Petersburg sings her ode. Not only is the fish prepared very quickly, but it turns out just excellent taste.
If smelt is rarely found on sale, do not hesitate to buy capelin. This penny fish is no worse than other salmon and is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Did you like the recipe? Then tell your friends. smelt Quick and delicious!
In Peter. cook everywhere: on barbecues in the park, in restaurants of haute cuisine, and, of course, in every kitchen. Frying fish is as simple as it is. And tonight. "So simple." I'll tell you a few ways.

How to fry smelt (nut, root, cucumber, net) belongs to the family salmonfish. Not so big, but no less useful. Pros are obvious: fish grows in a natural environment, not on farms, feeds on natural feed, not hormonal feed, and costs three times cheaper!
This fish is rich in healthy fats, proteins, phosphorus and calcium. Small smelt is absolutely waste-free - eaten completely, along with the head and tail. They fry it without taking out the guts. The flesh of the fish is sweet, and during roasting, the bones soften and do not taste.
In the coastal areas, fresh fish can be bought all year round. But frozen does not lose its nutritional value.

An ignorant person often bypasses the smelt side, beingware of unpleasant smell and troubles with cleaning. All because smelt is confused with capelin, sardine or large sprat. But smelt is absolute. fishy! Its smell is similar to the smell of fresh cucumbers or watermelon crusts. Even fishermen jokingly call it “fish-vegetable”.
In small individuals, scales are easily washed off with water, and in large ones it falls off itself (during transportation) or is easily removed with your fingers. Fresh fish can be stored for 72 hours, frozen for up to 9 months. Fresh smelt. Always smells of cucumber (this is the main sign!) and shines, eyes are not cloudy.

Frozen fish, unfortunately, does not smell. But recognizing stale or frozen goods is easy. Such a fish will be very light, almost gray, absolutely scaleless, with a broken tail and an abundant amount of ice.
Before cooking smelt, it must be thoroughly washed. Fish up to 10 cm can not be gutted or cleaned. In principle, any, but the most tasty - medium size, about 14-16 centimeters in length. It makes no sense to buy a large one, it does not carry gastronomic value.
How to fry smelt (the easiest way) This method does not need a long description. You will need fish, salt, breading flour (ordinary or corn) and vegetable oil for roasting. Fresh fish washed under running water (eviscerate and trim the head if necessary). Dry on a paper towel to make the glass excess liquid.

Put the fish in a bag and fill it with flour. Shake the package several times so that the flour completely covers the carcasses. Then warm up the frying pan with vegetable oil and lay out the fish one at a time on the pan. Roast quickly, literally for a couple of minutes on each side. Put it on a paper napkin to make the glass oil. Bon appetit!
Fried smelt in Petersburg Ingredients
- 1 kg medium-sized smelt
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 egg
- 70g mayonnaise
- 2 tbsp flour
- spice
- vegetable-oil

- Wash the fish and remove the ridge with the insides, pulling the head (this is very easy).
- Carcasses salty, add spices and fold a pint.
- While the fish is salting, prepare the lime. Mix the egg, mayonnaise and flour. Save it to taste.
- Heat the pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. Dip the fish in the lime and put it flat on the pan. Roast for a few minutes on each side. Change the oil for each next serving.
- Serve the fish hot. Bon appetit!
Smell in tomato Ingredients
- 800g fine smelt
- 300 ml of water
- 70ml tomato paste
- 2 medium bulbs
- 1 carrot
- 70 ml of vegetable oil
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp sugar
- bread-flour

- Peel the vegetables and wash thoroughly. Cube the onions, rub the carrots. Roast everything in vegetable oil under the lid to a golden crust.
- On top of the vegetables lay pre-washed and dried fish without heads. Sprinkle salt, sugar, spices and cover with a lid.
- In a separate container, mix water, tomato paste and flour. Pour this mixture on the fish.
- When the sauce boils, reduce the fire and carcasses under the lid for about 1.5 hours. Then turn it off, let it cool completely under the lid.
Be sure to try cooking smelt to understand why St. Petersburg sings her ode. Not only is the fish prepared very quickly, but it turns out just excellent taste.
If smelt is rarely found on sale, do not hesitate to buy capelin. This penny fish is no worse than other salmon and is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Did you like the recipe? Then tell your friends. smelt Quick and delicious!