What's good about dole services?

The birth of a child is one of the most important and exciting moments in a woman’s life. Bright emotions and new physiological sensations overwhelm the expectant mother, and therefore it is so important that someone is next to her. Previously, no one was particularly concerned with the comfort of women in labor, but now there are specially trained women whose help you can use.

We are talking about doulas – women who help during pregnancy, childbirth and during the recovery period, providing the mother with all possible support. Many have heard of them, but in fact few people know what doulas know and why they are needed. Exactly. "Site" I'll tell you today.

In our country, few people know who doulas are and that their services can be used at all. However, this practice has long been known and quite common in other countries. Many stars resort to doula services, such as Nicole Kidman, Mila Kunis and even Meghan Markle. Why would a woman in labor need a doula?

A doula is a woman who helps directly before, during and after childbirth. You might think it's a midwife, but it's not. It's not a doctor, doula. provide support emotional and informational nature. The main function of the doula is to provide maximum comfort for the woman in labor.

The Doules do not deliver, do not make a diagnosis and do not give any medical advice at all. Their task is to inform the expectant mother about the process of childbirth, ease her condition with massage or breathing techniques and make sure that all the wishes of the woman in labor are met.

To understand all the specifics of the profession, you need to figure out what exactly the doula can and can do. Let's look at the main points.

  1. Provides emotional support. There is no standard scenario, because every woman in labor needs something different. It could be a conversation or an opportunity to hold someone’s hand. Dowls find an approach to every woman.
  2. Doulas know how to apply natural pain relief methods. Methods can also be different: massage, breathing exercises and relaxation.
  3. One of the most important functions of the doula is information. Before giving birth, the doula prepares parents for this process, tells how to act in this or that case during childbirth. When a woman has information, it is easier for her to cope with stress, because there are much less surprises.
  4. The assistant provides the woman with all information about her rights specifically in her city and hospital.

  5. Doula is always on the side of the mother. It ensures that all the wishes of the woman giving birth are respected. In a state of stress, a woman can not monitor everything and even achieve something. To do this, there is a doula that is fully aware of the preferences of the woman giving birth and helps them to come to life. The function of a doula is not to quarrel with doctors. Rather, it is to ensure contact between all those who take part in childbirth and to establish a calm interaction between them.

  6. If a woman decides that a man should be present at birth, the doula can also help him. Many people underestimate the importance of such assistance, but a man also has a child and needs support.

What the doula does not do, however, the powers of the doula are not unlimited. There are things the doulas don't do under any circumstances. Let's find out what's not in the doula service.

  1. Doula does not perform medical manipulation: does not measure disclosure, does not recommend drugs and does not assess the need for medical interventions.
  2. Doula also does not interfere with the work of doctors. For a professional doula, conflict with doctors is unacceptable. The task of the doula is to establish contact between participants in the process, but not to conflict with them.

  3. Nor does the doula give advice or tell the woman how to do it. It can provide information, but it must not persuade or impose its opinion. Doula's actions must be unassessed.
  4. Dole cannot be a fanatical proponent of just one practice or method. She can stick to it for herself, but she should not impose it on her client.

Now the profession of dole is becoming more popular, and women more often turn to them for services. Even doctors say that the presence of a doula before and during childbirth has a positive effect on the health of the mother and child. Statistics show that the presence of a doula at childbirth reduces the likelihood of cesarean section by 50%, reduces the duration of labor by 25%, and reduces the use of various types of stimulation and analgesia.

Doula can be a useful person and make this difficult process easier for a woman. However, it is not so simple, because there is a question of trust. This person will be dedicated to the most intimate areas of life. For everything to go smoothly, a woman must trust the doula completely. But how do you choose an assistant like that?

First, you should pay attention to the qualifications. An experienced doula should know the anatomy of a woman, the process of childbirth and understand the psychology of a pregnant woman. But perhaps most importantly, a doula should have real-life experience assisting in childbirth. You need to find out how many mothers she had before you and, if necessary, talk to previous clients.

Secondly, you have to trust this woman. If you fail to make contact or are psychologically incompatible, nothing will work. That person you have to trust completely, in a sense, the doula has to become your second self. If you do not feel this, it is better to abandon this idea altogether.

Doula is the person who will help prevent many inconveniences associated with childbirth, and make them as comfortable as possible for you. This is the importance of these professionals and their help to women.

The husband in the maternity ward no longer surprises anyone, but is it worth it? Earlier we talked about whether to agree to a partner birth.

We also told the story of a woman who invited not only her husband, but also her eldest daughter. The girl’s reaction exceeded all expectations.

Today, alternative births are popular among mothers. Young mothers are looking for more natural and optimal ways to have a baby. There is no place for conservatism in modern society. So do not fear anything and make a decision based on what your heart tells you.

How do you feel about the dole? Do you think it helps a woman in labor? Tell me in the comments.


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