Careful, mercury! 10 types of fish that are better not to eat
Buying fish at the market or supermarket, do not hesitate to ask questions about the quality of the product. To purchase an excellent product, it is important to know the country of origin of the fish, where it was grown (indoor or outdoor pool with a risk of contamination), the method of catch (if the fish is wild).
When in the market or in the supermarket you are offered fish of expensive varieties, you should think carefully before buying such a product. After all, fraud has now become commonplace: insidious sellers under the guise of expensive varieties can sell cheapfish.
Royal mackerel
Until recently, it was believed that royal mackerel grown in the wild is very useful for health. But this fact can be argued because of the same mercury compounds. Wild mackerel is not recommended for use by children and women. Men can eat this fish no more than once a month.
Swordfish is a popular product in many Michelin-listed restaurants. For ordinary consumers, it poses a particular danger: under its guise, cheaper varieties of fish are often sold. Often, instead of swordfish, cunning sellers slip buyers polombo - fish from the shark family.
Ruveta is an unusually tasty fish that can be found under the name “white tuna”. Its use should be limited, since in large quantities, Ruveta meat provokes a strong attack of diarrhea. It contains a special substance - hempilotoxin, which is not digested by our stomach.
Bluefin tuna
Almost all types of tuna contain small doses of mercury. Fishing is often poached, killing other marine life. Due to poaching, the species has been seriously affected, as often fishing occurs before its reproductive age.
Red Lucian
Due to overfishing, the population of this species is very scarce. Now, under the guise of a red snapper, sellers sell naive buyers tilapia and sea bass. But this is not as scary as buying expired or spoiled during transportation of red snapper.
Very tasty fish, the meat of which is used for making sushi and sashimi. The eel was included in the list of dangerous products because its meat accumulates mercury compounds and polychlorinated biphenyls.
Do you like to indulge in exotic things? Tell us in the comments what kind of fish you prefer!

When in the market or in the supermarket you are offered fish of expensive varieties, you should think carefully before buying such a product. After all, fraud has now become commonplace: insidious sellers under the guise of expensive varieties can sell cheapfish.

- Wild sea bass
Those who want to eat this fish, it is necessary to know the place of its catch. Chilean sea bass contains a large amount of mercury, so adults are advised to consume this fish no more than 2 times a month. Bad choice is also considered perch caught on the islands of Crose and Prince Edward. There is illegal fishing with the associated destruction of other sea creatures. When choosing sea bass, it is best to stop at fish caught from the Falkland Islands and Macquarie Island. Also very good sea bass, which grew off the coast of Argentina. - Kafelion
Kafelnik is another fish with a high mercury content in meat. Fishing of this type of fish often occurs with a great violation of norms, hence the risk of getting infected fish or spoiled. If you still want to bring a tile to the table, pay attention to the fish that was caught in the Mid-Atlantic (there are more gentle methods of fishing). - Atlantic bighead
Not everyone knows that the age of the Atlantic bighead can reach 100 years! A few decades ago, there was a real boom in this fish. Now this species has a rather sparse population due to its long reproductive cycle and poaching. It is worth abandoning the purchase of an Atlantic bighead at least for the sake of preserving the appearance of this fish. And you can imagine how many toxic substances are in the meat of fish, whose age has exceeded 50 years. - Shark
Many gourmets like to treat themselves and their loved ones to shark steak. But is the game worth the candle? Most mollusks and fish have the ability to accumulate mercury compounds in tissues. The amount of these compounds depends on the type of fish and its place in the food chain. In the process of transferring mercury from one fish to another, the largest number of compounds are found in large predators. The shark is one of them.
Royal mackerel
Until recently, it was believed that royal mackerel grown in the wild is very useful for health. But this fact can be argued because of the same mercury compounds. Wild mackerel is not recommended for use by children and women. Men can eat this fish no more than once a month.

Swordfish is a popular product in many Michelin-listed restaurants. For ordinary consumers, it poses a particular danger: under its guise, cheaper varieties of fish are often sold. Often, instead of swordfish, cunning sellers slip buyers polombo - fish from the shark family.

Ruveta is an unusually tasty fish that can be found under the name “white tuna”. Its use should be limited, since in large quantities, Ruveta meat provokes a strong attack of diarrhea. It contains a special substance - hempilotoxin, which is not digested by our stomach.

Bluefin tuna
Almost all types of tuna contain small doses of mercury. Fishing is often poached, killing other marine life. Due to poaching, the species has been seriously affected, as often fishing occurs before its reproductive age.

Red Lucian
Due to overfishing, the population of this species is very scarce. Now, under the guise of a red snapper, sellers sell naive buyers tilapia and sea bass. But this is not as scary as buying expired or spoiled during transportation of red snapper.

Very tasty fish, the meat of which is used for making sushi and sashimi. The eel was included in the list of dangerous products because its meat accumulates mercury compounds and polychlorinated biphenyls.

Do you like to indulge in exotic things? Tell us in the comments what kind of fish you prefer!
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