Dangerous killer
Here I will try to collect the most dangerous "little animals" on planet Earth. Maybe someone this information would help !!!
Photography + information
Reptiles and amphibians
Most poisonous frog
Frogs dart frogs and phyllobates (Dendrobatidae and Phyllobates trinitatis)
They live in the forests of South and Central America. Unlike other amphibians, dart frogs are active only during the day and at night they sleep.
As you know, bright skins have dangerous venomous animals, thus providing safety from predators and a warning to outsiders. Phyllobates dart frogs and painted brightly.
These frogs are very poisonous. The most deadly poison just at them. Especially dangerous phyllobates disastrous (Phyllobates terribilis) from Venezuela. This inhabitant of the rain forest reaches a length of 25 mm and painted in gray or brownish-olive tones with dark spots. Abdomen of females golden yellow. This phyllobates is active during the day and hunts small insects, spiders and worms.
The family of climbers (Dendrobatidae) includes about 130 species, but among them there is no non-poisonous frog. Poison dart frogs have skin riddled with glands secreting tiny fraction of the poison, which is enough to kill the jaguar. The poison that consists of about a hundred different substances. This is one of the strongest poisons non-protein nature. It is so dangerous that scientists have to wear thick gloves to pick it up, because the poison can penetrate any cut or scratch. Poison has terrible nerve. The result is an arrhythmia of the heart, leading to its stop. To poison acted, it is enough to enter the bloodstream through the mucous membrane, or cracks in the skin. That's why these frogs nobody dares to touch, except for the Indians, who smeared poison frog hunting arrows.
Vaccines against poison dart frogs are not invented. It is unlikely that it is possible to stay alive after the poison gets into the body. Each frog produces enough of the toxin, and one dose can kill at least 10 people.
In fact, the climbers - a rare exception in nature. Basically, the poison of living beings, which are protected from predators, is pretty weak - most often it comes down to "chemical protection" (as a ladybug or a forest bug).
Dart frogs do not hunt large animals. Their main food - it's small insects, spiders and worms. Why do they need such a strong poison, it is still unknown. Another interesting fact about these reptiles, is that the very frog poison dart frogs to his insensitive. It is not clear the origin of their toxins. There are cases where captive-bred climbers lost their virulence. Apparently, they need some special diet for the maintenance of toxin in the body.
So, finally, once again: the frog dart frogs and phyllobates extremely dangerous to humans. But by themselves, these frogs do not throw at people, so there is no chance of their being poisoned by poison, unless, of course, by touching their skin. Therefore, the most important way to protect the very simple - do not touch these frogs!
Reptiles and amphibians
The most dangerous lizard
Among the lizards have such representatives, whose venom is very dangerous. It - gila, which are representative of the most dangerous - lizard Zhilate or "Gila Monster" as it was called in Mexico.
Distributed lizard zhilate in mountainous parts of the southwestern United States and Mexico.
Gila inhabit quite arid areas: as a rule, the rocky foothills of the desert and semi-desert. They can be found among the thickets of cactus, shrubs, grasses, at the bottom of canyons. Sometimes SPE lodge on the banks of the river, because zhilate pretty good swim.
The length of the lizards - up to 60 cm.
The teeth are bent back. On the upper and lower jaw are grooves, which are suitable channels greatly developed poison glands. When you bite your teeth almost half a centimeter go to the victim's body. The precipitate or broken tooth quickly replaced. That is why, even old lizard considered dangerous. Zhilate bites are very painful and often lead to death. The venom is neurotoxic, ie, the bite will paralyze their prey.
Happy to see this gila very difficult to hide in some burrow or under a rock. But with the onset of darkness zhilate come out of their hiding places to hunt. Until it got dark, they are slow, but the darkness has playfully run on their short and strong legs.
Basic food - it's the eggs of birds and reptiles. Eat zhilate as insects, rodents and chicks, and searching for prey using smell, constantly sticking out his tongue.
For once the lizard is able to eat up to 35% of the weight of his body.
Like many other reptile, gila able to for a long time (up to 5 months) without food. This is due to the fact that when a lot of food, some of the fat deposited in the tail. Then the fat is used when there will come a famine, for example, when the gila becomes dormant.
The bites of these reptiles are very painful and act the same way as snake bites. For medium-sized animals zhilate deadly poison, can sometimes lead to death. Yad powerful: from dozens of people bitten by about one-third have died or have been close to death. "The natives believe bites gila much more dangerous than the most terrible bites of poisonous snakes. Indeed, the poison of this animal can cause the death of not only man, but also large animals such as deer, bulls, buffaloes "- wrote Alfred Bram.
Gila rather slow and cumbersome; in the case of danger, often trying to escape, and fall to the ground, trusting its bright warning coloration. Yad your used mainly for defense against enemies, and not to attack. That is why we can safely say that almost all cases of human bites, was not the fault of the lizard. Most likely, the person himself provoked the gila. That's why zhilate are not very formidable threat to human, if you observe the necessary caution.
Photos: 2
Reptiles and amphibians
The most venomous snake
Lastohvost (Hydrophis belcheri). At sea poisonous snake, lastohvosta inhabiting the north-western coast of Australia, Ashmore Reef in the Timor Sea, the poison has miotoksichnym effect, stronger than any poison of the snakes living on the land.
There are about 48 species of sea snakes. This family had once left the land and moved to a fully aquatic lifestyle. For this reason, sea snakes acquired some of the features in the structure of the body, and looks somewhat different from their terrestrial counterparts. The body is flattened laterally, the tail in the form of a flat tape (at ploskohvostyh representatives) or slightly lengthened (from lastohvostov). Easy stretches throughout the body, but up to a third of all these snakes absorb oxygen from the water via the skin, which is densely permeated by blood capillaries. Under water sea snake may be more than an hour.
Sea snake venom is dangerous to humans. Their venom enzyme predominates, which paralyzes the nervous system. When attacking a snake strikes quickly with two short teeth, slightly curved back. The bite is almost painless, no edema or hemorrhage. But after a while there is a weakness, impaired coordination, convulsions. From paralysis of the lungs in 7 hours in death.
Most of the toxicity of the venom of these snakes - a direct result of water habitats: to prey did not run away, it must be immediately paralyzed. However, sea snakes venom is not as dangerous as the venom of snakes that live with us on earth. When the bite is released ploskohvostov 1 mg of venom and the bite lastohvosta - 16 mg. So, the chance of surviving a person has. Of the 10 bitten by sea snakes 7 people remain alive, of course, if it is time medical assistance. However, there is no guarantee that the find yourself among the last, so you should observe the following tips:
just dive in thick wetsuits, a layer of which should not be less than 7 mm;
In no case do not touch the snake, and if there is a need to catch it, then use a special long-handled tongs to;
not to tease, do not provoke snakes, or may be followed by a lightning attack;
would not let the snake bite itself, even if you are wearing a wetsuit: drive it away, or try to distract her attention to something else.
However, we must be honest to note that in practice some of the tips is difficult to implement. There is still playing the role of the fact that sea snakes, like other predators, being unpredictable. I do not know for sure that the snake will take in the next instant.
That's what history has occurred with photographer Ben sprinkled who specializes in underwater photography. During operation, he was attacked by a snake, which the photographer accidentally disturbed, hitting algae. First Crop grabbed the first thing that came to hand. It was a big snail. Sea snake again and again rushed to the human shield until the poor snail had not been completely destroyed, but this did not stop the snake. Clutching fins photographer. Crop found that it is better not to move. And the right thing. It took more than 5 minutes when the sea serpent itself is unhooked and calmly swam further. Just all the laws of nature, it is already a victim must be dead ...
Keep yourself in their hands, even if the snake swims to you. Normally, sea snakes driven ordinary curiosity. To avoid trouble with them, we must remember the most important rule, which operates with all predators: Caution - chief assistant. Sea snake almost does not attack for no reason. Not to anger her, then, most likely, it will not touch you.
Bonus: Melkocheshuychataya Parademansiya. The most venomous land snake melkocheshuychataya parademansiya (Oxyuranus rnicrolepidotus), lives mainly in the basins of the Diamantina River and Coopers Creek, Australia. One instance of this snake was received enough poison to kill 250,000 mice, but no reports of injured people has never been reported.
Photos: 3
Spiders and scorpions
The most poisonous spider
Brazilian wandering spider (Pisaura mirabilis)
Brazilian wandering spider is a fast and very active. All anything, but he is also very poisonous. He was even ranked among the ten most dangerous spiders in the world. His name saying that the spider was deserved: he did not weave the web, like most spiders, because he does not need. Wandering spider never lived in one place and always haunting. It is unpleasant for the person that sometimes comes in the house. In South America, often find these spiders in clothing or in boxes with clothes and food.
Wandering spider is found only in America, and even then mostly in tropical and subtropical regions. To Brazilian wandering spiders include two types - a jumping spider, which pursue their prey abrupt jumps and runs spiders. The last run very fast, but are nocturnal, and during the day - sitting under rocks or hidden in some other place, including in people's homes.
Brazilian wandering spider likes to feast on bananas, do not miss the opportunity to get into the box with this fruit. For his fondness this spider got another name - the banana spider. But the main food for him after all are not the fruit. He hunts mostly on other spiders and insects, and also happens that attacks the birds and lizards that exceed its size.
He himself was rather medium-sized predator - only some 10 cm. But small
the dimensions do not prevent him to be a great hunter and a serious problem for the people, and all because he is able to allocate the bite of solid dose of a toxic poison that is formed at the ends of chelicerae, channels venom glands.
Maybe wandering spider venom is less dangerous than the venom of snakes. Adult healthy person, he is unlikely to kill - only cause a severe allergic reaction, with which modern medicine is able to quickly deal. But if the Brazilian wandering spider bite a sick person or a small child, the poison can act faster than an ambulance arrives.
In 1998, one of these spiders bite 23-year-old American, who went through a box of bananas. It was hidden and spider. Spider, angry that his troubled, has bitten a man's hand. He immediately went to the hospital, where he and assisted. This is how an American describes his condition: "When spider bit me, I felt in my hand very deeply penetrated spike. A head immediately became like a balloon ... My chest tightened so that I could hardly breathe. Blood pressure is taken off, almost to the ceiling, and my heart was pounding so hard that I could feel how it beats the chest. Honestly, I thought I would die. " Doctors entered the victim antidote and thus saved his life. The patient was discharged the next day.
But there are tragic and meeting with wandering spiders. In the house of the Brazilian wandering spider family hid in the attic. Younger children found it and wanted to play. Spider grabbed the hand of the younger daughter. When the brother tried to reject it, and the boy was bitten by a spider. The parents immediately called an ambulance. Doctors arrived half an hour later, but by that time three year old girl died, she could not save.
Luckily for the residents of Russia, wandering spiders are not live and are unlikely ever to appear: the climate is not very suitable. But still have to remember to be careful handling of these arthropods, suddenly still have to meet with them.
In itself, wandering spider does not attack people. It bites only in self-defense. But the problem is that these spiders like to hide and very difficult to see. If found wandering spider, try as quickly as possible to make it out of the house and see all the boxes and cabinets: whether they still single. If possible, we should be as careful and in any case not to take the spider arms.
Photos: 4
Spiders and scorpions
The most poisonous scorpion
The most dangerous of all the scorpions - a Palestinian scorpion genuris.
His poison strong as the Indian cobra venom. In North Africa, hundreds of people die each year from this scorpion, 95% of those bitten die.
Special vaccine against scorpion venom has not yet invented. Most used serum from the poison WIDOW.
Their stings in Mexico die every year up to 1000 people.
korpiona can be considered a truly legendary arachnids. In ancient Egypt, he was portrayed in the tombs of the king Scorpion is mentioned in the famous "Book of the Dead", scorpions portrayed on the monuments of the ancient Persians. There are scorpion and Greek legends - Aphrodite created it to destroy the son of Zeus, Orion. How creepy creation is mentioned in the Bible, and the scorpion. Used in their black deeds scorpions wizards and witches, sorcerers and alchemists. Recent hoped using scorpion venom to produce the Philosopher's Stone.
Indeed, not every living being on this planet has such a reputation. However, until the mid-19th century, these arachnids knew practically nothing, there were only speculation and fantastic stories. Maybe it's because few dare to communicate with scorpions, because they were considered almost the most dangerous animals.
Most scorpions found in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, the Crimea and the southern United States.
In Russia, the scorpion is found only in Dagestan and the Lower Volga region, but living here motley Scorpion - one of the most dangerous types.
The optimum temperature for scorpions - is +25 ... 35, they can withstand very extreme heat. For example, scorpions are found in the desert where the average temperature is 50 degrees Celsius. Most likely, such a high temperature, they endure because of the economic loss of moisture, light color and day lifestyle. But if the temperature becomes lower than 2 degrees, the scorpion can die. But in general, the scorpions are among the most enduring living things. For example, they are completely painless tolerate large fluctuations in radiation. When testing an atomic bomb in the Sahara survived only scorpions.
Day scorpion is very difficult to see. At night, a scorpion goes hunting. Helps him well developed system of touch, in addition, it can feel any, even the smallest, the oscillation of the soil. Scorpion catches its prey at a distance of 50 cm. But seeing scorpions are not developed, despite the fact that they have as many as six pairs of eyes: they differ only the darkness and the light.
Scorpio marginally active in the hunt. Swag specifically pursues and attacks only when it stumbles, or rather, when she inadvertently stumble on a scorpion. Basically, it becomes prey to spiders, cockroaches, worms, woodlice. But scorpions can eat carrion, and in times of food shortages.
A man scorpion attacks only in self-defense. From any creature that is larger than the scorpion trying to quickly escape. But if there is no ways to retreat, it is protected it fiercely. A scorpion, though small, but a serious opponent. After all, at the end of its abdomen is swelling with venomous glands, which ends with a very sharp tip.
Photography + information
Reptiles and amphibians
Most poisonous frog
Frogs dart frogs and phyllobates (Dendrobatidae and Phyllobates trinitatis)
They live in the forests of South and Central America. Unlike other amphibians, dart frogs are active only during the day and at night they sleep.
As you know, bright skins have dangerous venomous animals, thus providing safety from predators and a warning to outsiders. Phyllobates dart frogs and painted brightly.
These frogs are very poisonous. The most deadly poison just at them. Especially dangerous phyllobates disastrous (Phyllobates terribilis) from Venezuela. This inhabitant of the rain forest reaches a length of 25 mm and painted in gray or brownish-olive tones with dark spots. Abdomen of females golden yellow. This phyllobates is active during the day and hunts small insects, spiders and worms.
The family of climbers (Dendrobatidae) includes about 130 species, but among them there is no non-poisonous frog. Poison dart frogs have skin riddled with glands secreting tiny fraction of the poison, which is enough to kill the jaguar. The poison that consists of about a hundred different substances. This is one of the strongest poisons non-protein nature. It is so dangerous that scientists have to wear thick gloves to pick it up, because the poison can penetrate any cut or scratch. Poison has terrible nerve. The result is an arrhythmia of the heart, leading to its stop. To poison acted, it is enough to enter the bloodstream through the mucous membrane, or cracks in the skin. That's why these frogs nobody dares to touch, except for the Indians, who smeared poison frog hunting arrows.
Vaccines against poison dart frogs are not invented. It is unlikely that it is possible to stay alive after the poison gets into the body. Each frog produces enough of the toxin, and one dose can kill at least 10 people.
In fact, the climbers - a rare exception in nature. Basically, the poison of living beings, which are protected from predators, is pretty weak - most often it comes down to "chemical protection" (as a ladybug or a forest bug).
Dart frogs do not hunt large animals. Their main food - it's small insects, spiders and worms. Why do they need such a strong poison, it is still unknown. Another interesting fact about these reptiles, is that the very frog poison dart frogs to his insensitive. It is not clear the origin of their toxins. There are cases where captive-bred climbers lost their virulence. Apparently, they need some special diet for the maintenance of toxin in the body.
So, finally, once again: the frog dart frogs and phyllobates extremely dangerous to humans. But by themselves, these frogs do not throw at people, so there is no chance of their being poisoned by poison, unless, of course, by touching their skin. Therefore, the most important way to protect the very simple - do not touch these frogs!

Reptiles and amphibians
The most dangerous lizard
Among the lizards have such representatives, whose venom is very dangerous. It - gila, which are representative of the most dangerous - lizard Zhilate or "Gila Monster" as it was called in Mexico.
Distributed lizard zhilate in mountainous parts of the southwestern United States and Mexico.
Gila inhabit quite arid areas: as a rule, the rocky foothills of the desert and semi-desert. They can be found among the thickets of cactus, shrubs, grasses, at the bottom of canyons. Sometimes SPE lodge on the banks of the river, because zhilate pretty good swim.
The length of the lizards - up to 60 cm.
The teeth are bent back. On the upper and lower jaw are grooves, which are suitable channels greatly developed poison glands. When you bite your teeth almost half a centimeter go to the victim's body. The precipitate or broken tooth quickly replaced. That is why, even old lizard considered dangerous. Zhilate bites are very painful and often lead to death. The venom is neurotoxic, ie, the bite will paralyze their prey.
Happy to see this gila very difficult to hide in some burrow or under a rock. But with the onset of darkness zhilate come out of their hiding places to hunt. Until it got dark, they are slow, but the darkness has playfully run on their short and strong legs.
Basic food - it's the eggs of birds and reptiles. Eat zhilate as insects, rodents and chicks, and searching for prey using smell, constantly sticking out his tongue.
For once the lizard is able to eat up to 35% of the weight of his body.
Like many other reptile, gila able to for a long time (up to 5 months) without food. This is due to the fact that when a lot of food, some of the fat deposited in the tail. Then the fat is used when there will come a famine, for example, when the gila becomes dormant.
The bites of these reptiles are very painful and act the same way as snake bites. For medium-sized animals zhilate deadly poison, can sometimes lead to death. Yad powerful: from dozens of people bitten by about one-third have died or have been close to death. "The natives believe bites gila much more dangerous than the most terrible bites of poisonous snakes. Indeed, the poison of this animal can cause the death of not only man, but also large animals such as deer, bulls, buffaloes "- wrote Alfred Bram.
Gila rather slow and cumbersome; in the case of danger, often trying to escape, and fall to the ground, trusting its bright warning coloration. Yad your used mainly for defense against enemies, and not to attack. That is why we can safely say that almost all cases of human bites, was not the fault of the lizard. Most likely, the person himself provoked the gila. That's why zhilate are not very formidable threat to human, if you observe the necessary caution.
Photos: 2

Reptiles and amphibians
The most venomous snake
Lastohvost (Hydrophis belcheri). At sea poisonous snake, lastohvosta inhabiting the north-western coast of Australia, Ashmore Reef in the Timor Sea, the poison has miotoksichnym effect, stronger than any poison of the snakes living on the land.
There are about 48 species of sea snakes. This family had once left the land and moved to a fully aquatic lifestyle. For this reason, sea snakes acquired some of the features in the structure of the body, and looks somewhat different from their terrestrial counterparts. The body is flattened laterally, the tail in the form of a flat tape (at ploskohvostyh representatives) or slightly lengthened (from lastohvostov). Easy stretches throughout the body, but up to a third of all these snakes absorb oxygen from the water via the skin, which is densely permeated by blood capillaries. Under water sea snake may be more than an hour.
Sea snake venom is dangerous to humans. Their venom enzyme predominates, which paralyzes the nervous system. When attacking a snake strikes quickly with two short teeth, slightly curved back. The bite is almost painless, no edema or hemorrhage. But after a while there is a weakness, impaired coordination, convulsions. From paralysis of the lungs in 7 hours in death.
Most of the toxicity of the venom of these snakes - a direct result of water habitats: to prey did not run away, it must be immediately paralyzed. However, sea snakes venom is not as dangerous as the venom of snakes that live with us on earth. When the bite is released ploskohvostov 1 mg of venom and the bite lastohvosta - 16 mg. So, the chance of surviving a person has. Of the 10 bitten by sea snakes 7 people remain alive, of course, if it is time medical assistance. However, there is no guarantee that the find yourself among the last, so you should observe the following tips:
just dive in thick wetsuits, a layer of which should not be less than 7 mm;
In no case do not touch the snake, and if there is a need to catch it, then use a special long-handled tongs to;
not to tease, do not provoke snakes, or may be followed by a lightning attack;
would not let the snake bite itself, even if you are wearing a wetsuit: drive it away, or try to distract her attention to something else.
However, we must be honest to note that in practice some of the tips is difficult to implement. There is still playing the role of the fact that sea snakes, like other predators, being unpredictable. I do not know for sure that the snake will take in the next instant.
That's what history has occurred with photographer Ben sprinkled who specializes in underwater photography. During operation, he was attacked by a snake, which the photographer accidentally disturbed, hitting algae. First Crop grabbed the first thing that came to hand. It was a big snail. Sea snake again and again rushed to the human shield until the poor snail had not been completely destroyed, but this did not stop the snake. Clutching fins photographer. Crop found that it is better not to move. And the right thing. It took more than 5 minutes when the sea serpent itself is unhooked and calmly swam further. Just all the laws of nature, it is already a victim must be dead ...
Keep yourself in their hands, even if the snake swims to you. Normally, sea snakes driven ordinary curiosity. To avoid trouble with them, we must remember the most important rule, which operates with all predators: Caution - chief assistant. Sea snake almost does not attack for no reason. Not to anger her, then, most likely, it will not touch you.
Bonus: Melkocheshuychataya Parademansiya. The most venomous land snake melkocheshuychataya parademansiya (Oxyuranus rnicrolepidotus), lives mainly in the basins of the Diamantina River and Coopers Creek, Australia. One instance of this snake was received enough poison to kill 250,000 mice, but no reports of injured people has never been reported.
Photos: 3

Spiders and scorpions
The most poisonous spider
Brazilian wandering spider (Pisaura mirabilis)
Brazilian wandering spider is a fast and very active. All anything, but he is also very poisonous. He was even ranked among the ten most dangerous spiders in the world. His name saying that the spider was deserved: he did not weave the web, like most spiders, because he does not need. Wandering spider never lived in one place and always haunting. It is unpleasant for the person that sometimes comes in the house. In South America, often find these spiders in clothing or in boxes with clothes and food.
Wandering spider is found only in America, and even then mostly in tropical and subtropical regions. To Brazilian wandering spiders include two types - a jumping spider, which pursue their prey abrupt jumps and runs spiders. The last run very fast, but are nocturnal, and during the day - sitting under rocks or hidden in some other place, including in people's homes.
Brazilian wandering spider likes to feast on bananas, do not miss the opportunity to get into the box with this fruit. For his fondness this spider got another name - the banana spider. But the main food for him after all are not the fruit. He hunts mostly on other spiders and insects, and also happens that attacks the birds and lizards that exceed its size.
He himself was rather medium-sized predator - only some 10 cm. But small
the dimensions do not prevent him to be a great hunter and a serious problem for the people, and all because he is able to allocate the bite of solid dose of a toxic poison that is formed at the ends of chelicerae, channels venom glands.
Maybe wandering spider venom is less dangerous than the venom of snakes. Adult healthy person, he is unlikely to kill - only cause a severe allergic reaction, with which modern medicine is able to quickly deal. But if the Brazilian wandering spider bite a sick person or a small child, the poison can act faster than an ambulance arrives.
In 1998, one of these spiders bite 23-year-old American, who went through a box of bananas. It was hidden and spider. Spider, angry that his troubled, has bitten a man's hand. He immediately went to the hospital, where he and assisted. This is how an American describes his condition: "When spider bit me, I felt in my hand very deeply penetrated spike. A head immediately became like a balloon ... My chest tightened so that I could hardly breathe. Blood pressure is taken off, almost to the ceiling, and my heart was pounding so hard that I could feel how it beats the chest. Honestly, I thought I would die. " Doctors entered the victim antidote and thus saved his life. The patient was discharged the next day.
But there are tragic and meeting with wandering spiders. In the house of the Brazilian wandering spider family hid in the attic. Younger children found it and wanted to play. Spider grabbed the hand of the younger daughter. When the brother tried to reject it, and the boy was bitten by a spider. The parents immediately called an ambulance. Doctors arrived half an hour later, but by that time three year old girl died, she could not save.
Luckily for the residents of Russia, wandering spiders are not live and are unlikely ever to appear: the climate is not very suitable. But still have to remember to be careful handling of these arthropods, suddenly still have to meet with them.
In itself, wandering spider does not attack people. It bites only in self-defense. But the problem is that these spiders like to hide and very difficult to see. If found wandering spider, try as quickly as possible to make it out of the house and see all the boxes and cabinets: whether they still single. If possible, we should be as careful and in any case not to take the spider arms.
Photos: 4

Spiders and scorpions
The most poisonous scorpion
The most dangerous of all the scorpions - a Palestinian scorpion genuris.
His poison strong as the Indian cobra venom. In North Africa, hundreds of people die each year from this scorpion, 95% of those bitten die.
Special vaccine against scorpion venom has not yet invented. Most used serum from the poison WIDOW.
Their stings in Mexico die every year up to 1000 people.
korpiona can be considered a truly legendary arachnids. In ancient Egypt, he was portrayed in the tombs of the king Scorpion is mentioned in the famous "Book of the Dead", scorpions portrayed on the monuments of the ancient Persians. There are scorpion and Greek legends - Aphrodite created it to destroy the son of Zeus, Orion. How creepy creation is mentioned in the Bible, and the scorpion. Used in their black deeds scorpions wizards and witches, sorcerers and alchemists. Recent hoped using scorpion venom to produce the Philosopher's Stone.
Indeed, not every living being on this planet has such a reputation. However, until the mid-19th century, these arachnids knew practically nothing, there were only speculation and fantastic stories. Maybe it's because few dare to communicate with scorpions, because they were considered almost the most dangerous animals.
Most scorpions found in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, the Crimea and the southern United States.
In Russia, the scorpion is found only in Dagestan and the Lower Volga region, but living here motley Scorpion - one of the most dangerous types.
The optimum temperature for scorpions - is +25 ... 35, they can withstand very extreme heat. For example, scorpions are found in the desert where the average temperature is 50 degrees Celsius. Most likely, such a high temperature, they endure because of the economic loss of moisture, light color and day lifestyle. But if the temperature becomes lower than 2 degrees, the scorpion can die. But in general, the scorpions are among the most enduring living things. For example, they are completely painless tolerate large fluctuations in radiation. When testing an atomic bomb in the Sahara survived only scorpions.
Day scorpion is very difficult to see. At night, a scorpion goes hunting. Helps him well developed system of touch, in addition, it can feel any, even the smallest, the oscillation of the soil. Scorpion catches its prey at a distance of 50 cm. But seeing scorpions are not developed, despite the fact that they have as many as six pairs of eyes: they differ only the darkness and the light.
Scorpio marginally active in the hunt. Swag specifically pursues and attacks only when it stumbles, or rather, when she inadvertently stumble on a scorpion. Basically, it becomes prey to spiders, cockroaches, worms, woodlice. But scorpions can eat carrion, and in times of food shortages.
A man scorpion attacks only in self-defense. From any creature that is larger than the scorpion trying to quickly escape. But if there is no ways to retreat, it is protected it fiercely. A scorpion, though small, but a serious opponent. After all, at the end of its abdomen is swelling with venomous glands, which ends with a very sharp tip.