25 of curious facts about dolphins, animals in India recognized personalities
Dolphins, surprisingly, in many guises. Did you know, for example, that the famous killer whales - Orca - in fact the dolphins? Yes Yes! His name they received in error, due to incorrect translation. On our planet, there are about forty species of dolphins. Now you will find a sensation. Ready? Guess who is now living animals - the closest relative of the dolphin. Hippopotamus! Honestly! Dolphins with hippos "dispersed" forty million years ago. The notorious killer whales is much dearer behemoths than a giant fellow whales. Moreover, the killer whale is much dearer to us humans than any inhabitant of the ocean depths.
Github.ioMyshlenie and behavior of dolphins is so "human" that in India they are legally classified as non-human persons. In the animal world in terms of intelligence with dolphins few beats. Even your pet dog will be difficult to compete with them
Website publishes 25 of curious facts about dolphins
1 Dolphins -... Mammals, and all mammals have hair. Dolphins too - at least, at the cubs. They grow "whiskers" that initially helps the child to find his mother. However, a little later, these hairs disappear.
< 2. Dolphins use masking (it is called "protective coloration"). Back them dark and belly light, so these wonderful creatures blend in with the dark ocean floor, and with the light pouring from above.
< 3. Dolphins omnivores. What they will find those and feed. But the fish prefer
4 Whales Killer -.. Not the whales and dolphins. Their name is wrongly translated from Spanish. It should have been called orcas
«killer whales».
< 5. In the period from 2005 to the oceans disappeared thirty-six armed dolphins in the service in the US Navy. What were these "warriors"? Destroy the terrorists
6 Some of the scientists made an offer to provide the dolphins human rights -.. Once they have similar contact with the brain apparatus and social order. They even dubbed the "non-human persons»
7 In 2008, there was a story:.. Rescue several times unsuccessfully tried to hold the two sperm whales through a narrow isthmus. Moko the dolphin rescued them, pointing the way underwater brethren.
< 8. The scientists made the discovery that dolphins call each other by name. .. They do this by using the whistle
9 in the neighborhood Laguna, Brazil Dolphins for two hundred years (and maybe longer) work side by side with local fishermen - driven into a catch net .
10 The Shadow of dolphins is not constituted as our:. they can not breathe automatically. Therefore, the dolphins have adapted to sleep ... only half a brain. The second half of this supports the process of breathing.
< 11. The smallest of the Earth called Maui dolphins. They live only in one place, off the coast of New Zealand, and the world left them no more than sixty individuals.
< 12. In the Navy of the Soviet Union dolphins at one time trained mining ships. These intelligent animals even dropped from an airplane with a parachute.
< 13. In 1964, the screens out the television series "Flipper." The main role - the cleverest male dolphin Flipper - played the female, who had several understudy. One of understudy committed suicide by stopping breathing (this is subject to the dolphins, because they breathe only consciously, remember?).
< 14. In the ocean the world also have foster homes! And unusual. In 2013, oceanographers ran into priёmysha dolphin sperm whales in little family
15 Dolphins -.. Mammals. We, too. And in dolphins, and we have light, we breathe the same. And, unfortunately, the same can drown.
< 16. Sometimes, dolphins males females was removed from the family, keep them in isolation and do not give the feed. What for? Such is the way to achieve the consent of the ladies in the proximity.
< 17. It happens that dolphins are sexually unsatisfied homicidal maniac.
< 18. Strong > Whales sometimes drive up the dolphin "on Zakorko».
19. In 2006, the highest (at the time) a man of the earth, the Mongolian shepherd from China Mr Bao, asked for help from water park: there the dolphins swallowed plastic waste, the coaches have tried all ways to extract and came into despair. Hands Mr Bao length of 1, 06 m saved glutton life
20 The world has such a community -.. "Anti-dolphin". Its members believe dolphins threat to humanity and call upon them to destroy.
< 21. Dolphins identify people in the underwater kingdom with the help of sonar. It allows them to recognize the structure of our skeleton.
< 22. There are cases when dolphins rescued people from shipwrecks. The noble animals assisted victims stay afloat and even deterred them from sharks.
< 23. In the Asian Ganges River dolphin is found Indies. These animals are blind from birth, therefore, have a phenomenally sensitive sonar.
< 24. The Calcasieu Parish Louisiana lake lives a pink dolphin albino.
< 25. The wounds (eg, shark teeth) on dolphins heal quickly. Somehow I remembered "heal, like a dog." It turns out that dolphins are able too so.
Dolphins - a unique creation. Those who had a chance to talk with them more closely, they are unlikely to forget the delicious "rubber" skin and charming smile, gentle poschёlkivayuschie sounds and cheerful character. Wait a minute, or you are in the ranks of the "Anti-dolphin»?
via www.publy.ru/post/21120

Github.ioMyshlenie and behavior of dolphins is so "human" that in India they are legally classified as non-human persons. In the animal world in terms of intelligence with dolphins few beats. Even your pet dog will be difficult to compete with them
Website publishes 25 of curious facts about dolphins
1 Dolphins -... Mammals, and all mammals have hair. Dolphins too - at least, at the cubs. They grow "whiskers" that initially helps the child to find his mother. However, a little later, these hairs disappear.
< 2. Dolphins use masking (it is called "protective coloration"). Back them dark and belly light, so these wonderful creatures blend in with the dark ocean floor, and with the light pouring from above.
< 3. Dolphins omnivores. What they will find those and feed. But the fish prefer
4 Whales Killer -.. Not the whales and dolphins. Their name is wrongly translated from Spanish. It should have been called orcas
«killer whales».
< 5. In the period from 2005 to the oceans disappeared thirty-six armed dolphins in the service in the US Navy. What were these "warriors"? Destroy the terrorists
6 Some of the scientists made an offer to provide the dolphins human rights -.. Once they have similar contact with the brain apparatus and social order. They even dubbed the "non-human persons»
7 In 2008, there was a story:.. Rescue several times unsuccessfully tried to hold the two sperm whales through a narrow isthmus. Moko the dolphin rescued them, pointing the way underwater brethren.
< 8. The scientists made the discovery that dolphins call each other by name. .. They do this by using the whistle
9 in the neighborhood Laguna, Brazil Dolphins for two hundred years (and maybe longer) work side by side with local fishermen - driven into a catch net .
10 The Shadow of dolphins is not constituted as our:. they can not breathe automatically. Therefore, the dolphins have adapted to sleep ... only half a brain. The second half of this supports the process of breathing.
< 11. The smallest of the Earth called Maui dolphins. They live only in one place, off the coast of New Zealand, and the world left them no more than sixty individuals.
< 12. In the Navy of the Soviet Union dolphins at one time trained mining ships. These intelligent animals even dropped from an airplane with a parachute.
< 13. In 1964, the screens out the television series "Flipper." The main role - the cleverest male dolphin Flipper - played the female, who had several understudy. One of understudy committed suicide by stopping breathing (this is subject to the dolphins, because they breathe only consciously, remember?).
< 14. In the ocean the world also have foster homes! And unusual. In 2013, oceanographers ran into priёmysha dolphin sperm whales in little family
15 Dolphins -.. Mammals. We, too. And in dolphins, and we have light, we breathe the same. And, unfortunately, the same can drown.
< 16. Sometimes, dolphins males females was removed from the family, keep them in isolation and do not give the feed. What for? Such is the way to achieve the consent of the ladies in the proximity.
< 17. It happens that dolphins are sexually unsatisfied homicidal maniac.
< 18. Strong > Whales sometimes drive up the dolphin "on Zakorko».
19. In 2006, the highest (at the time) a man of the earth, the Mongolian shepherd from China Mr Bao, asked for help from water park: there the dolphins swallowed plastic waste, the coaches have tried all ways to extract and came into despair. Hands Mr Bao length of 1, 06 m saved glutton life
20 The world has such a community -.. "Anti-dolphin". Its members believe dolphins threat to humanity and call upon them to destroy.
< 21. Dolphins identify people in the underwater kingdom with the help of sonar. It allows them to recognize the structure of our skeleton.
< 22. There are cases when dolphins rescued people from shipwrecks. The noble animals assisted victims stay afloat and even deterred them from sharks.
< 23. In the Asian Ganges River dolphin is found Indies. These animals are blind from birth, therefore, have a phenomenally sensitive sonar.
< 24. The Calcasieu Parish Louisiana lake lives a pink dolphin albino.
< 25. The wounds (eg, shark teeth) on dolphins heal quickly. Somehow I remembered "heal, like a dog." It turns out that dolphins are able too so.
Dolphins - a unique creation. Those who had a chance to talk with them more closely, they are unlikely to forget the delicious "rubber" skin and charming smile, gentle poschёlkivayuschie sounds and cheerful character. Wait a minute, or you are in the ranks of the "Anti-dolphin»?
via www.publy.ru/post/21120
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