Amazing facts about dolphins
Few interesting facts about the wonderful animals - dolphins
Dolphin in the aviary India has become the fourth country to ban the content of dolphins in captivity. Earlier, similar measures adopted, Costa Rica, Hungary and Chile. The Indians called dolphins "person or person other origin than the« homo sapiens ». Accordingly, the "person" should have their rights and their exploitation for commercial purposes legally unacceptable. Scientists analyzing the behavior of animals (ethologists), said that it is very difficult to define the line that separates the human intellect and the emotions of the nature of the dolphins.
Dolphin - the only mammal whose birth begins literally with a tail instead of head! Young Dolphins stay with their mother for 2 or 3 years.
In nature there are almost forty species of dolphins, their closest relatives - whales and sea cows. Dolphins have evolved relatively recently - about ten million years ago, during the Miocene. Most species of dolphin live in salt water, but there are freshwater animals.
Adults dolphins reach sizes between 1 and 2 m in length and weight of 40 kg (river dolphin), 9, 5 m and 10 tons (killer). Brain - the largest organ in the body of a dolphin. During sleep, the part of the brain is awake, allowing the dolphin to breathe in a dream not to drown! Life dolphin depends on the access to oxygen.
Dolphins faint smell, but excellent eyesight and hearing absolutely unique. Emitting powerful sound pulses, they are capable of echolocation, which allows you to navigate well in the water, find each other and food.
The dolphins may swim at a speed of 25 miles per hour for a long time. This is about 3 times faster than the fastest athletes and swimmers in the world.
They also love to do ... surfing! For example, off the coast of Hawaii, you can often watch the dolphins surfers.
History of interaction between man and dolphin starts with the first mention of these animals. Recently, it was discovered that the "body language" of dolphins largely conforms to the rules of verbal communication rights. Communicating with dolphins has a positive effect on the human body, especially in the child's psyche. To such conclusion the British experts in 1978. Since then began the development of "dolphin." Now it is used to treat many physical and mental disorders, including autism and other ailments. Swimming with dolphins relieves chronic pain, improves the immune system and even helps the development of speech in children!
Dolphin and a pregnant woman near the coast of Ixtapa, Mexico. Ixtapa, MexicoPicture: CATERS absolutely unique feature of the dolphins - they could "look inside" a person like ultrasound device - for example, they quickly identify pregnant women. The feeling of "new life" is often very emotionally excites dolphins are vigorously and joyfully respond to pregnant women and, as a rule, in cages is not permitted to swim pregnant (though perhaps it is the best time to communicate), not to take account of animals at the other visitors, and avoid involuntary "an emotional attack" on the future of the baby.
A touching example of the man cares about the animals in the shelter are fed 10-day dolphin who lost his mother.
He has already appeared best friend - penguin
Dolphins are friendly and easy to communicate with other animals, and they reciprocate.
Incredibly romantic fact of "personal" life of dolphins - ethologists studying the dolphins of the Amazon, found that males give gifts to potential mates. So, what kind of gift is waiting for a female dolphin, to consider him as a candidate for the continuation of the offspring? Of course, a bunch of river algae!
With its graceful beauty dolphins became popular model for photographers from around the world. Let's check, suddenly, view stunning photos from these animals also has an effect akin to the "dolphin» ?!
Source: www.vse-interesno.info

Dolphin in the aviary India has become the fourth country to ban the content of dolphins in captivity. Earlier, similar measures adopted, Costa Rica, Hungary and Chile. The Indians called dolphins "person or person other origin than the« homo sapiens ». Accordingly, the "person" should have their rights and their exploitation for commercial purposes legally unacceptable. Scientists analyzing the behavior of animals (ethologists), said that it is very difficult to define the line that separates the human intellect and the emotions of the nature of the dolphins.

Dolphin - the only mammal whose birth begins literally with a tail instead of head! Young Dolphins stay with their mother for 2 or 3 years.
In nature there are almost forty species of dolphins, their closest relatives - whales and sea cows. Dolphins have evolved relatively recently - about ten million years ago, during the Miocene. Most species of dolphin live in salt water, but there are freshwater animals.

Adults dolphins reach sizes between 1 and 2 m in length and weight of 40 kg (river dolphin), 9, 5 m and 10 tons (killer). Brain - the largest organ in the body of a dolphin. During sleep, the part of the brain is awake, allowing the dolphin to breathe in a dream not to drown! Life dolphin depends on the access to oxygen.
Dolphins faint smell, but excellent eyesight and hearing absolutely unique. Emitting powerful sound pulses, they are capable of echolocation, which allows you to navigate well in the water, find each other and food.

The dolphins may swim at a speed of 25 miles per hour for a long time. This is about 3 times faster than the fastest athletes and swimmers in the world.
They also love to do ... surfing! For example, off the coast of Hawaii, you can often watch the dolphins surfers.

History of interaction between man and dolphin starts with the first mention of these animals. Recently, it was discovered that the "body language" of dolphins largely conforms to the rules of verbal communication rights. Communicating with dolphins has a positive effect on the human body, especially in the child's psyche. To such conclusion the British experts in 1978. Since then began the development of "dolphin." Now it is used to treat many physical and mental disorders, including autism and other ailments. Swimming with dolphins relieves chronic pain, improves the immune system and even helps the development of speech in children!

Dolphin and a pregnant woman near the coast of Ixtapa, Mexico. Ixtapa, MexicoPicture: CATERS absolutely unique feature of the dolphins - they could "look inside" a person like ultrasound device - for example, they quickly identify pregnant women. The feeling of "new life" is often very emotionally excites dolphins are vigorously and joyfully respond to pregnant women and, as a rule, in cages is not permitted to swim pregnant (though perhaps it is the best time to communicate), not to take account of animals at the other visitors, and avoid involuntary "an emotional attack" on the future of the baby.

A touching example of the man cares about the animals in the shelter are fed 10-day dolphin who lost his mother.

He has already appeared best friend - penguin

Dolphins are friendly and easy to communicate with other animals, and they reciprocate.

Incredibly romantic fact of "personal" life of dolphins - ethologists studying the dolphins of the Amazon, found that males give gifts to potential mates. So, what kind of gift is waiting for a female dolphin, to consider him as a candidate for the continuation of the offspring? Of course, a bunch of river algae!

With its graceful beauty dolphins became popular model for photographers from around the world. Let's check, suddenly, view stunning photos from these animals also has an effect akin to the "dolphin» ?!

Source: www.vse-interesno.info