Saving Lives
Only in the last three years, officially registered in 1100 cases of deliberate animal rescue people. It's official statistics. It is a pity that many stories of miraculous recoveries remain unknown to the general public. Maybe it would make people take a different attitude towards animals? It's official statistics. It is a pity that many stories of miraculous recoveries remain unknown to the general public. Maybe it would make people take a different attitude towards animals?
Rescue dogs stories of people getting bigger. And there is even a logical explanation. Zoopsychologists note that pets, in principle, have become more loving person and generally aggressive animals to man in the world has declined. Dog handlers, for example, talk about qualitative changes in the behavior of dogs even "fighting" breeds. They note that if dogs "humanize": in general, they have raised their IQ (by about 30% over the last 20 years), in particular, began to understand up to 500 words, took over many of the good character traits ...
Over the past decade, we have become accustomed to the dog rescue drowning, is removed from the fire, warn of earthquakes, bombings and sunbathing, warm your body freezing ... Dogs are increasingly began to call the emergency services. And do not those dogs that are specifically teach this courses, and those who are just every day watching what buttons to push the owner to come to his aid. But sometimes four-legged friends make is that inexplicably and literally incomprehensible.
In Moscow, a German shepherd was killed by electric shock, grabbing the exposed wire hanging from power lines. She did it on purpose during a walk with the hosts - a young woman and her five-year daughter. Walk the dog at dusk, and if she had not grabbed the wire, it would necessarily have stumbled or mother or child.
Jamie Hanson - disabled woman who lost a leg in an accident, she lived with a dog and a cat in Rin (Wisconsin, USA). In one of the quiet autumn evenings Jamie was watching TV when the cat jumped on the table, where there was a lighted candle, and knocked it straight on artificial flowers. Fire broke out immediately, and the woman could not do anything - her artificial leg and the phone is very far away. Then Jesse - old German shepherd - first brought her leg, and then the phone.
- Jesse pulled me out, and then ran into the house, because there screaming our cat. More alive, I did not see them .. - recalls now 49-year-old woman. She received a third-degree burn your hands, but still alive, her house burned down completely and both pets died.
But this case has shown, perhaps, all the television world - in Kenya found the dog in the forest a baby girl. And they brought it to their puppies - the whole piece. There the child and found the owner of the dog. As the dog was able to move the baby in his mouth busy highway and climb over the barbed wire fence - remains a mystery.
Maria Tripodi - Italian resident of L'Aquila, which was destroyed by an earthquake, their miraculous escape also required the dog. Labrador Maria Angelina knocked down, not allowing to enter the house. The woman was furious and was already thinking about how to punish the dog when in front of her building collapsed.
In the US city of Oklahoma Staffordshire Terrier rescued three children from a bandit. Shoemaker Angelica and her children were watching television in his trailer, when they broke a man with a gun. He put a gun to the head of one of the girls and demanded that all lay on the floor. At this moment, Di-Boy jumped on the gunman shot the dog ... The culprit in the head, but a wounded dog continued to throw at him. As a result, the bandit fled. The dog was seriously injured, fortunately, was able to save her.
Former football player and actor Vinnie Jones in an interview admitted that at one time suffered from severe depression and was going to shoot himself. He took the gun and went into the nearby forest. For the actor ran his dog. According to Winnie, dog looked at him with pleading eyes so that he just could not pull the trigger.
Feats of dogs can transfer indefinitely - dogs pulled from burning car owners, come to save people in an unequal battle with alligators, bears, cougars ... The dogs also have a survival instinct, so to explain their actions can only sacrifice and love. Otherwise, no way. Zoopsychologists believe that such a sacrifice on the part of dogs and cats due to the fact that they have been domesticated for a long time and also have long been part of human life. But how to explain why other species - not domesticated, rather, on the contrary, save lives?
According to the same survey zoopsychologists about the behavior of pets, cats also become less aggressive toward humans. Moreover according to experts furry pets "osobachilis" - now they are less run out of the house, have become more loyal to owners understand many teams, and some even take the "watchdog" function.
Persian cat from the village Koryakova (Myshkinsky District Yaroslavl region), Simba from New Zealand, Angora cat from Timothy Swan (Sumy region) ... - all these and many others have warned their masters fire. Fire in all of these cases occurred at night, and people could be poisoned by fumes or burned alive, if not create fluffy warned them of the danger. All the "rescuers" could simply run away and escape alone, but they chose to first save the hosts.
And in the tiny village of treeless (Ulyanovsk region) purebred cat Vaska defended his master from robbers, drug addicts. When criminals attacked a man with an ax, rushed the animal in response to one of the attackers, and clung to him claws. Taking advantage of the turmoil, the man fled. He returned with a local policeman. Robbers gone. Vaska was killed them on the spot ...
A couple of years ago, the whole of Germany admired cat who warmed up all night baby, preventing it from freezing. Mother threw the baby cuckoo on the street in Cologne, and if not for an animal that warmed the child and attracted the attention of passers-by, he would not live till morning - on the street was near zero degrees. A very similar story is not so long ago occurred in England. There's a cat named Slouli also rescued the baby - the baby he found on the street while walking, and the baby was packed in a plastic bag. Slouli made his way to him and warmed up in the morning. Morning concerned the hosts went to look for her cat ... Home they returned with her beloved pet and a wee boy. By the way, that night the temperature dropped to minus 12 Celsius - without Slouli kid was doomed ...
Tommy the cat could cause rescuers to his master with a disability, lost consciousness. Harry Rosheyzona had a stroke. He fell from the wheelchair and lost consciousness. His favorite immediately called 911 on the radio. Came a Harry told the doctors that only a few times the cat showed how to dial the number, but it is not expected that it will remember Tommy. It turned out he doubted nothing.
Dolphins, whales, turtles and CROCODILE ...
Of course, we all heard many times about dolphins who save drowning people. The first pro-dolphin rescuers told another "father of history" Herodotus. He described how a dolphin rescued from death Arion Greek singer, who lived in the VII-VI centuries BC If you believe Herodotus, Arion was forced to fling himself into the waves - the command of the ship on which he was returning from Italy, plotted to kill him to usurp the money passengers. But before the forced suicide Arion asked the captain to sing one last time. He was allowed. After singing the aria singer stepped into the waters of the sea. However, dolphin, enchanted song, pushed him from the depths to the surface and helped to get to land. Herodotus claimed that the singer delivered a dolphin on the back straight to Cape Matapan. 24-year-old surfer Todd Endrisa dolphins rescued from shark. It happened off the coast of California.
- First, she grabbed my side - on the back of a lifetime was a terrible scar - says athlete. - But to drag me into the water to stop her surfboard - lower jaw shark rested on him. Then the shark realized that she had to dump me off the board in the water. And I realized that the board - my only chance for salvation.
The giant predator again and again attacked Todd, trying to drag him into the water, at the third attempt she managed to grab a guy's leg. For a while Todd was hitting her nose free leg, but his strength is running out, and the predator was able to pull it into the water around the shark ... Suddenly there was a ring of three dolphins, they surrounded the predator, so that she was forced to let go of the leg of the victim. The young man was able to get back on the board and in this environment made it to shore. Places his foot had stripped away almost to the bone, but he was still alive.
By the way, scientists are very skeptical usually relate to reports that the whale or dolphin rescued man. Like, all of these stories, no one can confirm all of this only with the Word of salvation.
Skeptics believe - animals are just playing with swimmers and with the same success can kill a person, as well as to save him. However, an incident that occurred in the polar pavilion entertainment center in Harbin (China), proved - sometimes purposefully marine animals, like dogs and cats, rescue people.
In Harbin, a couple of years ago took the competition freediving. Young athletes dive and hold their breath. Win was the one who dived deeper and longer than any other other remained under the water, holding her breath. By the way, the water was ice pavilion, according to the organizers were fully recreate the conditions of the Arctic. One participant 26-year-old student at a medical Yang Yong has just started to dive into the icy water when her legs cramped. Athlete panicked - she began to flounder, swallow ice water, because it all happened not on the surface and at depth, rescuers did not notice anything.
Young was very lucky - on the competition in the pool were left its inhabitants, competition would make it more spectacular. By sinking the girl swam beluga (polar whale) Mila and pushed to the surface where it was picked up by doctors. On pictures taken by eyewitnesses clearly seen that Mila grabbed the girl's leg and pulled up. Before that beluga spent several years in the pavilion, and apparently remembered how people behave when they need help.
11-year-old Doberman Turbo, who lives with his mistress on the island of Marco Island (Florida), also rescued dolphins. His mistress Cindy Burnett forgot to close the gate, the dog ran away from the yard to walk. But the walk ended very badly - the dog fell into the canal. And held there for 15 hours. All this time, the owners were looking for her, but they had no idea the thought came to look for your pet is not about the channel, and in the water.
At some point, to help the dog arrived dolphins. They supported the dog afloat on the water and slapping their fins and tails to attract people's attention. Scary heard the splash lived next door to a family channel. From the channel Turbo got rescuers. After the incident, the dog quickly recovered, and its owners still regret that they were unable to repay the dolphin fish.
Off the coast of the Philippines after the collapse of a woman sinking ship "Aloha" saved ... giant tortoise! And Fell Gunasekur - retired from Sri Lanka - all states that during the terrible tsunami in 2005 was saved by a crocodile. Judging by the description, it was Estuarine crocodile, the largest of all species of crocodiles. Retired claimed to be familiar with the reptile before, as the animal is not time to go and see his garden before the disaster. The man was washed away huge wave just at the moment when walking in their garden. For some time he remained afloat, then began to sink. And at that moment I saw a huge log, moving in his direction. Fell caught on the log, which upon closer inspection, it turned out thus crocodile ... 7:00 pensioner swam in the arms of a dangerous beast until he swam to shore.
GORILLA calf, rabbits, kangaroos ...
One-eyed kangaroo Lulu saved the life of his master - Australian farmers Lena Richards. Farmer struck a tree branch during a hurricane. Lulu found Lena and just yapping at him like a dog, beckoning help. On the sounds made by animals ran farmer's daughter - Celeste. The man was taken to hospital, where doctors diagnosed a strong head injury. At the time, Len saved Lulu - he found it when kangaroo died from starvation and injuries in the bag his mother knocked on the freeway. Family Richards left the baby and keep the living. Time passed, and now head of the family rescued Lulu.
Mumps Priscilla saved 11-year-old son of his mistress, when the boy was drowning. Baby mama - Carol Burke - always closely followed by his son, as Anthony suffered a delay in development. She turned away from the boy for a couple of minutes, during which Anthony managed to jump into the water and sail from the coast by a considerable distance. And then he began to sink. Priscilla jumped into the water and get to the baby faster than his mother managed to call emergency services. Mumps grabbed the boy's shirt and sailed with him to the shore.
Rabbits, gorillas, calves, parrots ... - Media overflowing with stories of animal rescue. No only answer to the question - why are we saving?

Rescue dogs stories of people getting bigger. And there is even a logical explanation. Zoopsychologists note that pets, in principle, have become more loving person and generally aggressive animals to man in the world has declined. Dog handlers, for example, talk about qualitative changes in the behavior of dogs even "fighting" breeds. They note that if dogs "humanize": in general, they have raised their IQ (by about 30% over the last 20 years), in particular, began to understand up to 500 words, took over many of the good character traits ...
Over the past decade, we have become accustomed to the dog rescue drowning, is removed from the fire, warn of earthquakes, bombings and sunbathing, warm your body freezing ... Dogs are increasingly began to call the emergency services. And do not those dogs that are specifically teach this courses, and those who are just every day watching what buttons to push the owner to come to his aid. But sometimes four-legged friends make is that inexplicably and literally incomprehensible.
In Moscow, a German shepherd was killed by electric shock, grabbing the exposed wire hanging from power lines. She did it on purpose during a walk with the hosts - a young woman and her five-year daughter. Walk the dog at dusk, and if she had not grabbed the wire, it would necessarily have stumbled or mother or child.
Jamie Hanson - disabled woman who lost a leg in an accident, she lived with a dog and a cat in Rin (Wisconsin, USA). In one of the quiet autumn evenings Jamie was watching TV when the cat jumped on the table, where there was a lighted candle, and knocked it straight on artificial flowers. Fire broke out immediately, and the woman could not do anything - her artificial leg and the phone is very far away. Then Jesse - old German shepherd - first brought her leg, and then the phone.
- Jesse pulled me out, and then ran into the house, because there screaming our cat. More alive, I did not see them .. - recalls now 49-year-old woman. She received a third-degree burn your hands, but still alive, her house burned down completely and both pets died.
But this case has shown, perhaps, all the television world - in Kenya found the dog in the forest a baby girl. And they brought it to their puppies - the whole piece. There the child and found the owner of the dog. As the dog was able to move the baby in his mouth busy highway and climb over the barbed wire fence - remains a mystery.
Maria Tripodi - Italian resident of L'Aquila, which was destroyed by an earthquake, their miraculous escape also required the dog. Labrador Maria Angelina knocked down, not allowing to enter the house. The woman was furious and was already thinking about how to punish the dog when in front of her building collapsed.
In the US city of Oklahoma Staffordshire Terrier rescued three children from a bandit. Shoemaker Angelica and her children were watching television in his trailer, when they broke a man with a gun. He put a gun to the head of one of the girls and demanded that all lay on the floor. At this moment, Di-Boy jumped on the gunman shot the dog ... The culprit in the head, but a wounded dog continued to throw at him. As a result, the bandit fled. The dog was seriously injured, fortunately, was able to save her.
Former football player and actor Vinnie Jones in an interview admitted that at one time suffered from severe depression and was going to shoot himself. He took the gun and went into the nearby forest. For the actor ran his dog. According to Winnie, dog looked at him with pleading eyes so that he just could not pull the trigger.
Feats of dogs can transfer indefinitely - dogs pulled from burning car owners, come to save people in an unequal battle with alligators, bears, cougars ... The dogs also have a survival instinct, so to explain their actions can only sacrifice and love. Otherwise, no way. Zoopsychologists believe that such a sacrifice on the part of dogs and cats due to the fact that they have been domesticated for a long time and also have long been part of human life. But how to explain why other species - not domesticated, rather, on the contrary, save lives?

According to the same survey zoopsychologists about the behavior of pets, cats also become less aggressive toward humans. Moreover according to experts furry pets "osobachilis" - now they are less run out of the house, have become more loyal to owners understand many teams, and some even take the "watchdog" function.
Persian cat from the village Koryakova (Myshkinsky District Yaroslavl region), Simba from New Zealand, Angora cat from Timothy Swan (Sumy region) ... - all these and many others have warned their masters fire. Fire in all of these cases occurred at night, and people could be poisoned by fumes or burned alive, if not create fluffy warned them of the danger. All the "rescuers" could simply run away and escape alone, but they chose to first save the hosts.
And in the tiny village of treeless (Ulyanovsk region) purebred cat Vaska defended his master from robbers, drug addicts. When criminals attacked a man with an ax, rushed the animal in response to one of the attackers, and clung to him claws. Taking advantage of the turmoil, the man fled. He returned with a local policeman. Robbers gone. Vaska was killed them on the spot ...
A couple of years ago, the whole of Germany admired cat who warmed up all night baby, preventing it from freezing. Mother threw the baby cuckoo on the street in Cologne, and if not for an animal that warmed the child and attracted the attention of passers-by, he would not live till morning - on the street was near zero degrees. A very similar story is not so long ago occurred in England. There's a cat named Slouli also rescued the baby - the baby he found on the street while walking, and the baby was packed in a plastic bag. Slouli made his way to him and warmed up in the morning. Morning concerned the hosts went to look for her cat ... Home they returned with her beloved pet and a wee boy. By the way, that night the temperature dropped to minus 12 Celsius - without Slouli kid was doomed ...
Tommy the cat could cause rescuers to his master with a disability, lost consciousness. Harry Rosheyzona had a stroke. He fell from the wheelchair and lost consciousness. His favorite immediately called 911 on the radio. Came a Harry told the doctors that only a few times the cat showed how to dial the number, but it is not expected that it will remember Tommy. It turned out he doubted nothing.

Dolphins, whales, turtles and CROCODILE ...
Of course, we all heard many times about dolphins who save drowning people. The first pro-dolphin rescuers told another "father of history" Herodotus. He described how a dolphin rescued from death Arion Greek singer, who lived in the VII-VI centuries BC If you believe Herodotus, Arion was forced to fling himself into the waves - the command of the ship on which he was returning from Italy, plotted to kill him to usurp the money passengers. But before the forced suicide Arion asked the captain to sing one last time. He was allowed. After singing the aria singer stepped into the waters of the sea. However, dolphin, enchanted song, pushed him from the depths to the surface and helped to get to land. Herodotus claimed that the singer delivered a dolphin on the back straight to Cape Matapan. 24-year-old surfer Todd Endrisa dolphins rescued from shark. It happened off the coast of California.
- First, she grabbed my side - on the back of a lifetime was a terrible scar - says athlete. - But to drag me into the water to stop her surfboard - lower jaw shark rested on him. Then the shark realized that she had to dump me off the board in the water. And I realized that the board - my only chance for salvation.
The giant predator again and again attacked Todd, trying to drag him into the water, at the third attempt she managed to grab a guy's leg. For a while Todd was hitting her nose free leg, but his strength is running out, and the predator was able to pull it into the water around the shark ... Suddenly there was a ring of three dolphins, they surrounded the predator, so that she was forced to let go of the leg of the victim. The young man was able to get back on the board and in this environment made it to shore. Places his foot had stripped away almost to the bone, but he was still alive.
By the way, scientists are very skeptical usually relate to reports that the whale or dolphin rescued man. Like, all of these stories, no one can confirm all of this only with the Word of salvation.
Skeptics believe - animals are just playing with swimmers and with the same success can kill a person, as well as to save him. However, an incident that occurred in the polar pavilion entertainment center in Harbin (China), proved - sometimes purposefully marine animals, like dogs and cats, rescue people.
In Harbin, a couple of years ago took the competition freediving. Young athletes dive and hold their breath. Win was the one who dived deeper and longer than any other other remained under the water, holding her breath. By the way, the water was ice pavilion, according to the organizers were fully recreate the conditions of the Arctic. One participant 26-year-old student at a medical Yang Yong has just started to dive into the icy water when her legs cramped. Athlete panicked - she began to flounder, swallow ice water, because it all happened not on the surface and at depth, rescuers did not notice anything.
Young was very lucky - on the competition in the pool were left its inhabitants, competition would make it more spectacular. By sinking the girl swam beluga (polar whale) Mila and pushed to the surface where it was picked up by doctors. On pictures taken by eyewitnesses clearly seen that Mila grabbed the girl's leg and pulled up. Before that beluga spent several years in the pavilion, and apparently remembered how people behave when they need help.
11-year-old Doberman Turbo, who lives with his mistress on the island of Marco Island (Florida), also rescued dolphins. His mistress Cindy Burnett forgot to close the gate, the dog ran away from the yard to walk. But the walk ended very badly - the dog fell into the canal. And held there for 15 hours. All this time, the owners were looking for her, but they had no idea the thought came to look for your pet is not about the channel, and in the water.
At some point, to help the dog arrived dolphins. They supported the dog afloat on the water and slapping their fins and tails to attract people's attention. Scary heard the splash lived next door to a family channel. From the channel Turbo got rescuers. After the incident, the dog quickly recovered, and its owners still regret that they were unable to repay the dolphin fish.
Off the coast of the Philippines after the collapse of a woman sinking ship "Aloha" saved ... giant tortoise! And Fell Gunasekur - retired from Sri Lanka - all states that during the terrible tsunami in 2005 was saved by a crocodile. Judging by the description, it was Estuarine crocodile, the largest of all species of crocodiles. Retired claimed to be familiar with the reptile before, as the animal is not time to go and see his garden before the disaster. The man was washed away huge wave just at the moment when walking in their garden. For some time he remained afloat, then began to sink. And at that moment I saw a huge log, moving in his direction. Fell caught on the log, which upon closer inspection, it turned out thus crocodile ... 7:00 pensioner swam in the arms of a dangerous beast until he swam to shore.

GORILLA calf, rabbits, kangaroos ...
One-eyed kangaroo Lulu saved the life of his master - Australian farmers Lena Richards. Farmer struck a tree branch during a hurricane. Lulu found Lena and just yapping at him like a dog, beckoning help. On the sounds made by animals ran farmer's daughter - Celeste. The man was taken to hospital, where doctors diagnosed a strong head injury. At the time, Len saved Lulu - he found it when kangaroo died from starvation and injuries in the bag his mother knocked on the freeway. Family Richards left the baby and keep the living. Time passed, and now head of the family rescued Lulu.
Mumps Priscilla saved 11-year-old son of his mistress, when the boy was drowning. Baby mama - Carol Burke - always closely followed by his son, as Anthony suffered a delay in development. She turned away from the boy for a couple of minutes, during which Anthony managed to jump into the water and sail from the coast by a considerable distance. And then he began to sink. Priscilla jumped into the water and get to the baby faster than his mother managed to call emergency services. Mumps grabbed the boy's shirt and sailed with him to the shore.
Rabbits, gorillas, calves, parrots ... - Media overflowing with stories of animal rescue. No only answer to the question - why are we saving?