All normal people...

According to legend, they live among us. They have many faces, each of which reminds us of our own imperfections.

All normal people. They know what they want and how to achieve it.
All normal people are able to find a common language with others.
All normal people create normal families and live happily ever after.

The legend of normal people goes back to childhood, to your mother's lamentations over your torn jacket and broken knees:

All normal children are calm and persevering.
All normal children know the measure.
All normal children go to other parents.

And you swear not to run, not to fall, not to fight, not to fight, to do lessons without reminding, finally to love boiled broccoli. Honestly trying to become like all normal children – to make mom feel like a normal mother, no worse than others. After all, for a person, for a normal person, even a small one, nothing is impossible: books do not lie, especially to children.

All normal children read books.
All normal children quickly learn to play by the rules.
All normal children are open to the world.

Unnoticeably, you begin to believe in the legend of normality, correlate your thoughts and actions with it, divide people into normal and abnormal.

- I don't think she's quite normal.
- Sure! Any normal person would think first and then talk. All normal people do that.

There comes a time when “all normal people” get inside your head and start living your life for you. Instead of you, they choose friends, buy you clothes, download torrents to their liking: “Every normal person should watch this.” You feel more normal and less yourself.

All normal people make decisions based on their choices.
All normal people are confident in themselves.
All normal people think positively.

“Normal people” are taught and judged. The part of you that's still yours is trying to rebel, knocking shoes, but any form of unauthorised behavior is severely suppressed:

- Are you going to miss this great opportunity? Are you crazy?

Abnormality, like the worst nightmare, follows you on your heels and will certainly catch up if you break the agreement of normality. You didn't sign any agreements? That’s the fun: the agreement on normality signed for you “all normal people”, put down roots in your mind.

All normal people know that they are normal. All normal people doubt their normality.
All normal people try to protect themselves from everything abnormal.

Abnormal means expelled from the polis, thrown off a cliff. Inadequate, inappropriate. Some rules of “normal” behavior have become law. Normal people don’t steal or kill other normal people. You steal, you kill, you are a criminal, a thief and a murderer. The thief should be in jail, the killer in the electric chair. The desire of the thief to steal and the need of the murderer to kill are less important to society than the rights of people not to be robbed and killed.

All normal people obey the law. All normal people are responsible for their words and actions.
All normal people read Crime and Punishment.

In addition to the law, there are social norms of varying degrees of formalization:

All normal people respect their elders and give them a place in transport.
All normal people consider a person’s life the highest value.
All normal people live by conscience.

Do not consider a person’s life the highest value – you fall out of the normal. But at the same time, you live by conscience - does it still turn out to be normal? Can you be half normal? Yes or no?

The legend of normal people is passed down by word of mouth and has a high citation index. Professional storytellers supplement it with more and more details, allegedly speaking on behalf of those very normal people.

We normal people don't want to be taken by aliens.
We normal people...

Who are you normal people? Do you really exist?

The task for field research: observe relatives, acquaintances, colleagues in the office, heroes in the movies and deputies in the box. Determine who is normal, paint the faces of abstract “normal people” with live colors.

Svetka / Igor Vladimirovich / Pope Rimsky is a normal person, completely in the subject.

Normal means yours. The crazy is the stranger. Showing the features of abnormality, you break yourself. A landmark comes to the aid: Svetka / Igor Vladimirovich / Pope of Rome would have acted in this way, so it is necessary. Whoa! A step back, it was the opposite: a breakthrough into abnormality looked like sabotage to retake territory from the “normal people” who settled it.

Normality is no longer a necessity, but a choice, not a prison, but a home. You feel good there: you walk in formation, sing in choir, smile on command. You're not afraid. All normal people turn fear into faith. As a normal person, you believe that when you die, you will go to heaven for normal people because you were normal in life. All normal people are judges, saints, righteous. Normality is your refuge and salvation. Abnormality is inner hell: boiling pots and devils with horns.

The question remains: are all normal people the same or are they normal in their own way? Since we live in a world of normal people and we are normal ourselves, why don’t we all choose our own form of normality so we don’t merge? (This is a normal person’s motive.) After all, we are quite adequate, not going crazy from unexpected freedom. Or are there risks?

All normal people have the right to exist.
All normal people are able to enjoy a walk in an area of two square meters.

Author of the article: Elena Aksyonova

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