How to communicate with your friends and relatives in Russia

If the Russians for a moment depart from the fictional image and realize that there are no fascists in Kiev, no, he will be forced to admit that the feeling of hatred overwhelming him - it was his own sense.
Psychologist says Oleg Hamster, as in Russia there is a mass processing of consciousness, and makes recommendations on how to communicate with relatives, friends and colleagues - the Russians, whose brains rented Kremlin.
In the difficult situation in which we now find ourselves, we had the surprise of many communication problems in the family, colleagues, friends and co-workers from Russia. Why seemingly normal, adequate people behave like crazy? How to react? Earlier, communicating with the Russians, we could discuss something, argue, argue, negotiate. It was a normal communication. Now we find that we just do not hear. In response to any of our arguments is some text that consists of a set of stamps, and we understand that this promise - a blatant lie. We discuss the state of affairs is not in Russia and in Ukraine, but the Russians occupied such a position, though better than we know what we are going.
In such cases, I advise you to transfer the attention of the interlocutor to those outrages that take place in Russia - terrorism, theft, indiscriminate pya & GUSTs and so on. D. You can also ask the interlocutor about why Russia is now the rise of Nazism, and how they are going with everything this fight. This is the easiest way to bring down heat.
Why suddenly a rational adult and intelligent person becomes impossible to speak? Here it would be appropriate to talk about such a mechanism, like zombies or mass treatment of consciousness. It is important to remember that the media in Russia for many years under the full control of the state, they broadcast created a single power-driven ideology. There are, of course, the opposition and the media, but they are compressed, and the farther, the smaller they become. Soon there will arise a single ideological space. In Russia, revived and restored the Soviet system of propaganda in the most horrible of its forms. This propaganda machine is very similar to the one that was in Nazi Germany, but clearly not up to it. However, the system of mass media in Russia work very powerfully.
How is a zombie? Each person has a personal conscious and subconscious, our own emotions, feelings and relationships. But there is a collective unconscious, which said Carl Gustav Jung. It involves a set of identical patterns of thinking different people included in a single system. What images appear in the mind of a man who grew up in the Soviet Union, for example, for me, the word "fascism"? The first thing that comes into my head - a wartime poster, which a Soviet soldier with a bayonet pierces fascist. Second - burned towns and villages. Then - the Nazis with rolled-up sleeves are holding Schmeiser. Still - the song "Arise, great country!" These images contain a strong emotional charge, and then the fear and hatred, and anger, and contempt, and much more.
The collective unconscious contains: A mixture of the visual images, feelings, emotions and sounds. And it is not necessary that these images correspond to reality. For example, in Russia it is successfully operating such a way as "international conspiracy", which in form is absurd, although it alludes to something concrete.
Images can be fundamentally fictitious, unrelated to reality, but it is woven from elements of reality. For example, the Russians say that seized power in Ukraine Bandera and the Nazis. Wade mythical images of "fascists", "Bandera" (also very emotionally charged image, and for the East and West of Ukraine this charge is diametrically opposed) and are connected to the real Kyiv, Russian-speaking citizens, Independence Square. All of this intricately mixed and created an image of chaos.
Since we belong to a variety of systems (generic, professional, national, state, and so on. D.), We are connecting to different sets of images stored in the collective unconscious of these systems. As in the movie "The Matrix": stuck in the back of the cord, and the person sees the image of the world, which he dictates the system. These "ports" of the human psyche and the connection system are the images. On one side of the image (by the system) is a visual image or stereotype (the same as "fascist", which I, for one, never in my life seen as the overwhelming majority of Russians), and on the other - our personal emotions (hatred , anger, fear and thirst for justice, and so on. d.) And all the personal power of the person directed to the implementation of this system image. That is the feeling and the strength of many Russians are now actively focused on the fight against fascism in Ukraine, although in their life there are many problems that should be overcome.
Included in the system (for most people it happens unconsciously and uncontrollably), we take these images and empathize with them. In adults, these Russians historically formed images abound, to take at least ideological images created during the Soviet era. It should be understood that there was a real war, with its horrors and victims, and it was the image created in our collective unconscious. These are different things. But the common man does not distinguish between the image and the image of a fictional observed. It takes any image as the truth. If that is not too fantastic. Although sometimes too fantastic images taken for the truth. Remember textbook example of how a radio show based on the book by HG Wells' War of the Worlds "caused panic among the population. If I, you, someone else will begin today to talk convincingly about the meeting with the Chupacabra, after some time this beast will cease to be fantastic in the perception of the audience. Users do not distinguish the images obtained from their own experience, from the images obtained from the system. A simple example. All of us believe that we know what it looks like the solar system: the middle of the sun around which revolve the planets in their orbits. But does any of us have seen it with my own eyes? We have seen a picture of the textbook and took it on faith. If you understand this, you will find that we have no other evidence of the existence of the solar system, besides the image of the textbook. Much of our knowledge of the world - it is the same picture, is not derived from their own life experiences.
Due to the fact that we live on the same territory, spinning in the same community, and, therefore, are attached to a common system, we "swallow" the same or similar images, and it allows us to communicate, how to understand each other. If we talk about thinking, it is not so much a man thinks, as the system thinks through man. The system has loaded us in a certain number of images, and now all our comprehension of reality is through these images. That is the process of thinking - this is not a personal process and system.
So, what happened in Russia? Putin began to strengthen and update certain set of images: first of all, the image of fascism (the Russians reacted as if fascism is at their frontiers) and, of course, the idea of Soviet heroism. It is appropriate to recall the celebration of the Victory Day. This holiday, in addition to reflect the real process - the Soviet victory over Germany, still has a strong ideological load. It is a festival designed to annually maintain the mood of the winner. After the victories of the past 70 years. Over the years, it was lost, and lost a lot, had lost the Cold War with the West (the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia's economy is now - the raw material). But the celebration goes on and people continue to live with a sense of victory. Now Russia is not so much remember the victims in this terrible war (which would have cost to make), enjoying a chauvinistic sense of the winner. This day could make a day of remembrance, Peace Day, to protest against the military, but in modern Russia, which in fact continues to be Soviet, this festival continues to function as a way to raise heroism.
The Russians - the imperial nation, but all nations have the imperial post-imperial syndrome - an experience, to say the least, sadness, sadness of a lost grandeur. Hence, the Victory Day and other holidays associated with the greatness of Russia and Russian weapons. If the experience of the lost grandeur arm imposes a few highly charged images, for example, the same fascism, and indicates exactly where is this fascism (in this case - in Ukraine), automatically all the force of emotions rises and most of the Russian population eager to fight fascism in Ukraine.
But emotion is not enough to raise, they must be maintained. And begins the appeal to Russian unity (rush false ideas about the fullest infringement of Russian and even Russian-speaking), the ideas of Orthodoxy (against the "shameless gay Europe"). The result is a fusion ideology, symbols, images are connected to the Soviet past, Russia's imperial past, panslavyanizma and Orthodoxy. This strange mix served under the guise of the concept of "spiritual braces". Although the only ties of which are from Russia - oil and gas, all the rest - ideological superstructure designed to make it around at least some sense. This is understandable, because to live in a meaningless world - is very difficult.
You have to understand that people are connected to a common system of images, stop to think, they just react as you press the button. Press the media - went emotion, no thought process. Therefore, when you try to speak with a Russian, you discover a powerful emotion, logic does not work there. Even if you manage to convince the incredible efforts of man in something, something to prove to him you are surprised to find that the next conversation, he once again renew its promise, and in the same form as before. Why is that? Because he returns home, joins the system - to the TV, neighbors, colleagues, and again loaded the same information.
How do you know that your partner zombified? He reacts emotionally, gives powerful punches (identical in all members of the same system) and did not hear your arguments. Man does not absorb external information, which can destroy the image created in his head. Symptom strong ideology in this - in the human defense mechanism built by "unnecessary" information. And man clings to the protection mechanism. Because if it is for a moment depart from the fictional image and realize that there are no fascists in Kiev, no, he will be forced to admit that hatred, overwhelming - it was his own sense that this aggression, which he feels - his own. What is the need to kill himself, he is now experiencing. And that his country - not a liberator and occupier. For any normal person is a catastrophic experience.
Therefore, if you are confronted with such a charged, you know - something to prove futile. Although you can try and maybe your partner has retained the rudiments of critical thinking. A sign that your attempt at communication can be successful - what a man you attentively and with interest listens, asks probing questions. This suggests that he is able to think, perceive information. You can very carefully dosed to give him this information, without touching, to the extent possible, its stereotypes about home country. Russian soldier, he suddenly realized that his country - aggressor, and Putin - a thief and a liar to lose faith in their country, their patriotism and instead of grandeur, is inextricably linked with the greatness of his country, he suddenly begins to feel his insignificance.
But what to do if a zombie Russian, with whom you communicate, your relative, a longtime friend, colleague? The best thing you can do - is to get away from the topic of collective images and bring the conversation to track personal interests. Ask how the children there, whether to pay a pension, that salaries have finished the repair. Or turn the conversation into a professional course. You will see how people in an instant become so, how did you know him before. But once you touch on some geo-political topic as the reverse process occurs. Just like in the movie "The Matrix", when one civilian suddenly turns into Agent Smith. According to the film, Agent Smith - a self-contained unit designed to maintain the system. So in this case, from the beginning to look through every Russian Dmitry Kiselyov. Disappears personality, there is a system. You will at some point start to say no to a man, and with speaker Putin. Therefore, expect that you will be able to win, it is not necessary. System to identify you stronger one. Such speakers in Russia - hundreds of millions.
The only thing that we can in this situation - to maintain personal contact, feel the boundaries within which we can communicate, and be sure to focus on the following: "Now the situation is difficult, even very difficult, but we are normal people all want peace. So let's just look at it calmly. Everything will be fine, and you, and me. " This approach may save some balance in the relationship. If you start to lose his temper, shouting, beating the enemy words, you will definitely feel better (a good way to self-regulation), but accomplish nothing except the growing response of aggression and hatred. If you want to self-regulation for the sake of someone from acquaintances Russians potrollit - trollte. If the relationship you are not expensive. Now you can not prove. This system of meanings over time will collapse by itself.
Accept as fact: the humanistic expectation that all people are smart and they can agree on - it is an illusion. The mind, of course, each individual, but if it is taken in the use of the system, it becomes a part of this system. And it is impossible to negotiate.
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