Post about the squirrel and Pradik
This machine came to the service station with complaints from the client to the strange sound of the front ...
After 1, 5 hours pokatuh pochёsyvany his head and knocking the place was localized to within 10 cm. Near
janitors! It began dismantling the panel. First, the view from the cabin, opening the filter.
janitors! It began dismantling the panel. First, the view from the cabin, opening the filter. & Quot; title = «After 1, 5 hours pokatuh pochёsyvany his head and knocking the place was localized to within 10 cm. Near
janitors! It began dismantling the panel. First, the view from the cabin, opening the filter. »& Gt;
Here it is - the reason for knocking, or rather, a lot of reasons!
In short, the man was 3 days somewhere in the woods, there was a walnut grove, and during that time the squirrel (or more) decided
make Pradika warehouse.
This stuff had accumulated a large package with the top. Normal dry nuts. Delicious.
Squirrel just wish the morning came, and left the warehouse, but somewhere not say :(
make Pradika warehouse.
This stuff had accumulated a large package with the top. Normal dry nuts. Delicious.
Squirrel just wish the morning came, and the warehouse left, and somewhere not say: (& quot; title = «In short, the man was three days somewhere in the woods, there was a walnut grove, and during that time the squirrel (or more) decided
make Pradika warehouse.
This stuff had accumulated a large package with the top. Normal dry nuts. Delicious.
Squirrel just wish the morning came, and left the warehouse, but somewhere not say :( »& gt;
via aarnet.livejournal.com

After 1, 5 hours pokatuh pochёsyvany his head and knocking the place was localized to within 10 cm. Near
janitors! It began dismantling the panel. First, the view from the cabin, opening the filter.

janitors! It began dismantling the panel. First, the view from the cabin, opening the filter. & Quot; title = «After 1, 5 hours pokatuh pochёsyvany his head and knocking the place was localized to within 10 cm. Near
janitors! It began dismantling the panel. First, the view from the cabin, opening the filter. »& Gt;
Here it is - the reason for knocking, or rather, a lot of reasons!

In short, the man was 3 days somewhere in the woods, there was a walnut grove, and during that time the squirrel (or more) decided
make Pradika warehouse.
This stuff had accumulated a large package with the top. Normal dry nuts. Delicious.
Squirrel just wish the morning came, and left the warehouse, but somewhere not say :(

make Pradika warehouse.
This stuff had accumulated a large package with the top. Normal dry nuts. Delicious.
Squirrel just wish the morning came, and the warehouse left, and somewhere not say: (& quot; title = «In short, the man was three days somewhere in the woods, there was a walnut grove, and during that time the squirrel (or more) decided
make Pradika warehouse.
This stuff had accumulated a large package with the top. Normal dry nuts. Delicious.
Squirrel just wish the morning came, and left the warehouse, but somewhere not say :( »& gt;
via aarnet.livejournal.com