How to fast during lent
Lent gives the opportunity for joyful change, of renewal and rebirth for the light of life with pure, gleeful heart. The success of the transformation depends on the right attitude. US-the TRINITY: the Mind, Body and Soul. Each day of Lent we direct our time and effort to keep the body to clean, to study the nature of your mind and open your spiritual heart!
With the lack of experience and knowledge lent may seem overly restrictive. Here I share a personal experience, how to keep lent for the SOUL, MIND and BODY: support, tips, recipes meatless dishes for every day, exercises and cleansing practices for the body, wise books and settings and much more!
How to fast during lent
What can I eat during lent? Where to get recipes for meatless dishes and Lenten menu for each day? What not to eat during lent? What should be the diet during lent? When you eat fish during lent? What can you drink Post? What is a strict fast?
Vegetable products
Food during Lent is defined gastronomy and semantic aspectation food should be in the Post, is indicated in the Typicon (the Charter of the Church), the main purpose of the restrictions is abstinence of the flesh, deliverance from addictions, including food.
The semantic aspect is that a voluntary restriction in food, the usual pleasures, the manifestation of asceticism, that is, a certain sacrifice. If we sacrifice something to achieve his goals and gain experience, we begin to appreciate purchased many times more than we would have received it as a gift.
One solid Post may not be sufficient to improve, if he is not connected with the position of the spiritual. The meaning of Fasting is the eradication of the pernicious manifestations of the soul and the inculcation of goodness and love. Therefore, it is not necessary to bring themselves to exhaustion, Fasting entirely formal, external rules. Ultimately, all your efforts will be in vain if they are not aimed at achieving the main point of Lent, or the Post will turn into another diet. Many of the questions lent was discussed in the article lent in questions and answers.
Each person must learn to determine their own measure of allowance and restrictions during Lent, to take into account lifestyle, social position and responsibility before the close, but in the first place — to himself. Some will be able to comply with Post full of rigor, for others such limits could cause very negative health consequences and worsening of the disease. Significant relief in lent for patients because it is believed that the disease has a peculiar post and test. However, in certain diseases of temporary or total abstinence from the use of certain products on the contrary can benefit. Be conscious and ask the opinion of your doctor!
There are also relief in a Great Post for pregnant women, military personnel, for those engaged in heavy physical or intellectual labour (e.g. work in tight rhythm, or learning). Special Post for children and adolescents up to 14 years. Previously, students were allowed to observe only the first week of lent and the last. Children during Lent, you can limit candy and pastries, this Post is for them should wear more of a game character. But the abstinence from dairy and fish for a growing body is clearly not useful.
To define your own measures and the strictness of the fast, there are Preparatory weeks before Lent, which allow a measured log-in restrictions, and starting to fast 2 days a week — Wednesday and Friday, gradually introducing gastronomic inhibitions and bringing us closer to understanding how to fast for us. This time, in order to determine the amount of food required to maintain the health of the organism in normal mode.
What levels of restrictions are there in lent?There are five degrees of the Post (see also the Calendar of Lent):
1. Particularly strict fasting: total abstinence from food (for example, on Clean Monday in the first week of Great Lent, Great Friday, Holy week).
2. Xerophagy: cold food without oil, water, black bread, fruits, vegetables, compotes, salads of raw vegetables, sauerkraut and pickles, which are filled not with oil, and various salad dressings for vinegar-based or lemon juice. You can also add nuts and raisins. Fruit salads can be refilled with honey. Perfect smoothies without milk or with soy milk. Not any cooked food. So, for example, fit soaked in water, cereals, not cooked. (on mon, Wed, Fri).
3. Hot food without oil: boiled or stewed vegetables, soups, porridges on water (for Tue and Thur).
4. Hot food with vegetable oil and grape wine: salads, vegetables, soups, second courses (sat and sun).
5. Fish is allowed. When Fasting can you eat fish: the Annunciation April 7 Lazarus Saturday April 12 palm Sunday April 13.
The most severe Fasting in the first days, Monday to Wednesday, and in the last Holy week — good Friday and Holy Saturday prescribed total abstinence from food. Holy week is allowed to eat raw or undercooked vegetables without butter and virtually no salt.
What can I eat during lent?What is not there in the Post: it is impossible to use in writing the so-called "small" products (drevnerus. soon – "fat, butter"): meat products, fish, eggs, dairy products (butter, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk...). Briefly is the products of animal origin. Also refrain from any fast food, candy, white bread, mayonnaise, pastries. It is not recommended to drink alcohol and sharp spices, as their use in excessive amounts for scarce meatless diet can cause very undesirable effects and exacerbation of gastrointestinal problems.What you can have in a Post: you can eat wholemeal bread, fruit, vegetables, dried fruits, sauerkraut, salted and pickled vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, porridges on water, jelly, tea, stewed fruit, kvass, fruit drinks, smoothies.
During lent it is especially important to use first and second dishes, hot, in those days when they are allowed. Even the most basic products you can prepare delicious meatless meals — watch our section on Meatless recipes for every day and subscribe to receive recipes, updates and news in lent.
Thus, permitted vegetable products can be divided into:
1. Some Margarines contain milk. Such Margarines are not lean.
2. Bread sometimes contains "vegetable shortening" is the softener, or baking powder, which is prepared from plants. This bread vegetable.
3. Just "shortening" can be "animal shortening", that is made from animal fat. This bread does not lean.
4. Spices are permitted, however, to use them moderately better.
When you can eat in lent?You can eat once a day, at lunch or dinner; but on Saturdays and Sundays — two times in the afternoon and evening.
Note: the Amount of food you can determine based on the individual needs of the body.
It is worth noting that rules of Fasting recommended Zernovym Charter, belong to the monastic way of life, but for secular people, there are significant breaks in lent. However, the proposed order food from the point of view of the secrets of proper healthy diet seems very effective.
Abstinence from food until lunch or even dinner allows the body to more efficiently get rid of toxins without burdening it with new batches. Post — it has a lot to do with power hunger, not by time or social settings (for example, imposed lunch break at work, etc.). Hungry enough we are able to choose those foods that our body needs right now. eating 1 time a day to provoke the maximum metabolic activation. In this mode the food is better absorbed and we get from it the maximum amount of nutrients. You should always remember that above the feat in Fasting — your intelligence. The lifestyle that people were a hundred, two hundred or even 1000 years ago is different from how we live now. Before, life was easier mentally, but tougher physically. Now society, life in the cities and information saturation complicate the process of nevoljane in the daily hustle and bustle of the cycle, and eventually we get tired, overloaded, feel fatigue and the need for their replenishment through food. Of course, the way of life imposes adjustments on the classic food rules in the Post.
What can you drink post?During Lent on certain days allowed to drink a little wine, or add it when cooking. But this, of course de is not about excess, but about the diversity of the diet, because wine contains antioxidants and substances that prevent the development of influenza, according to scientists. In beverages, as in food, it is necessary to observe a measure. The Charter refers to 2 containers wine (by the glass). Some should give up alcohol completely.
Because Fasting is intended to free us from attachments, including the food, some need to limit or abandon the use of tea and coffee. Firstly, these drinks excite the nervous system that can affect the psyche and emotional state.
If you notice a dependence on these drinks, and drink them every day, try to replace them with, for example, chicory. Or discard them completely at least for a few days. If you will be very hard, so you're not just a "coffee lover", and dependent on him. And any addiction to get rid of.
Where to eat in lent? Sure to eat better at home and cook for myself. This allows you to be confident in the quality of food and ingredients. In addition, while cooking you can charge meals with their energy, saying prayers or certain settings to keep food brought to you health, strength and joy. Remember grandma's Goodies — they are always cooked with love and best wishes of good! Lenten meals prepared with love and the right attitude, good music will bring much more benefit and fun than store-bought or restaurant food.
Many people in the modern hectic lifestyle in the big city have no other options, except in cafes or in the restaurant, and there is nothing wrong with, since many places offer a vegetarian menu. Another thing is a gastronomic perversions and excesses. For example, many cafes compete with each other in sophistication and complexity they offer meatless dishes, sometimes even more bizarre than naposta food, thereby creating a cult of food, which directly contradicts the main purpose of the post.
Calendar Lent 2015
Each week of Lent has its own meaning and spiritual orientation. Lent is preceded by 4 introductory week (3 week), gradually lead to a strict rhythm of life. They help to identify the needs of the organism in the amount of food and water, gradually and deliberately introducing limitations, in order not to be weakened, exhausted, inability to daily Affairs.
Lent in 2015 (Cetverokatnice): February 23-April 5 Holy week April 6-11. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.yogabodylanguage.com/kak-pravilno-postitsia/
With the lack of experience and knowledge lent may seem overly restrictive. Here I share a personal experience, how to keep lent for the SOUL, MIND and BODY: support, tips, recipes meatless dishes for every day, exercises and cleansing practices for the body, wise books and settings and much more!
How to fast during lent
What can I eat during lent? Where to get recipes for meatless dishes and Lenten menu for each day? What not to eat during lent? What should be the diet during lent? When you eat fish during lent? What can you drink Post? What is a strict fast?

Vegetable products
Food during Lent is defined gastronomy and semantic aspectation food should be in the Post, is indicated in the Typicon (the Charter of the Church), the main purpose of the restrictions is abstinence of the flesh, deliverance from addictions, including food.
The semantic aspect is that a voluntary restriction in food, the usual pleasures, the manifestation of asceticism, that is, a certain sacrifice. If we sacrifice something to achieve his goals and gain experience, we begin to appreciate purchased many times more than we would have received it as a gift.
One solid Post may not be sufficient to improve, if he is not connected with the position of the spiritual. The meaning of Fasting is the eradication of the pernicious manifestations of the soul and the inculcation of goodness and love. Therefore, it is not necessary to bring themselves to exhaustion, Fasting entirely formal, external rules. Ultimately, all your efforts will be in vain if they are not aimed at achieving the main point of Lent, or the Post will turn into another diet. Many of the questions lent was discussed in the article lent in questions and answers.
Each person must learn to determine their own measure of allowance and restrictions during Lent, to take into account lifestyle, social position and responsibility before the close, but in the first place — to himself. Some will be able to comply with Post full of rigor, for others such limits could cause very negative health consequences and worsening of the disease. Significant relief in lent for patients because it is believed that the disease has a peculiar post and test. However, in certain diseases of temporary or total abstinence from the use of certain products on the contrary can benefit. Be conscious and ask the opinion of your doctor!
There are also relief in a Great Post for pregnant women, military personnel, for those engaged in heavy physical or intellectual labour (e.g. work in tight rhythm, or learning). Special Post for children and adolescents up to 14 years. Previously, students were allowed to observe only the first week of lent and the last. Children during Lent, you can limit candy and pastries, this Post is for them should wear more of a game character. But the abstinence from dairy and fish for a growing body is clearly not useful.
To define your own measures and the strictness of the fast, there are Preparatory weeks before Lent, which allow a measured log-in restrictions, and starting to fast 2 days a week — Wednesday and Friday, gradually introducing gastronomic inhibitions and bringing us closer to understanding how to fast for us. This time, in order to determine the amount of food required to maintain the health of the organism in normal mode.
What levels of restrictions are there in lent?There are five degrees of the Post (see also the Calendar of Lent):
1. Particularly strict fasting: total abstinence from food (for example, on Clean Monday in the first week of Great Lent, Great Friday, Holy week).
2. Xerophagy: cold food without oil, water, black bread, fruits, vegetables, compotes, salads of raw vegetables, sauerkraut and pickles, which are filled not with oil, and various salad dressings for vinegar-based or lemon juice. You can also add nuts and raisins. Fruit salads can be refilled with honey. Perfect smoothies without milk or with soy milk. Not any cooked food. So, for example, fit soaked in water, cereals, not cooked. (on mon, Wed, Fri).
3. Hot food without oil: boiled or stewed vegetables, soups, porridges on water (for Tue and Thur).
4. Hot food with vegetable oil and grape wine: salads, vegetables, soups, second courses (sat and sun).
5. Fish is allowed. When Fasting can you eat fish: the Annunciation April 7 Lazarus Saturday April 12 palm Sunday April 13.
The most severe Fasting in the first days, Monday to Wednesday, and in the last Holy week — good Friday and Holy Saturday prescribed total abstinence from food. Holy week is allowed to eat raw or undercooked vegetables without butter and virtually no salt.
What can I eat during lent?What is not there in the Post: it is impossible to use in writing the so-called "small" products (drevnerus. soon – "fat, butter"): meat products, fish, eggs, dairy products (butter, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk...). Briefly is the products of animal origin. Also refrain from any fast food, candy, white bread, mayonnaise, pastries. It is not recommended to drink alcohol and sharp spices, as their use in excessive amounts for scarce meatless diet can cause very undesirable effects and exacerbation of gastrointestinal problems.What you can have in a Post: you can eat wholemeal bread, fruit, vegetables, dried fruits, sauerkraut, salted and pickled vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, porridges on water, jelly, tea, stewed fruit, kvass, fruit drinks, smoothies.
During lent it is especially important to use first and second dishes, hot, in those days when they are allowed. Even the most basic products you can prepare delicious meatless meals — watch our section on Meatless recipes for every day and subscribe to receive recipes, updates and news in lent.
Thus, permitted vegetable products can be divided into:
- Home-made: pickles and pickling, pickled vegetables and berries, juices and jams, smoothies.
- Frozen and fresh vegetables, fruits and mushrooms.
- All kinds of legumes.
- Dried fruits, nuts, seeds and a selection of them, for example, vitamine candy.
- Grains.
- Herbs and spices in all kinds: they are able to diversify any dish.
- Soy products: mayonnaise, yogurt, milk, yoghurt and cheese. Other types of herbal products: almond milk or coconut milk.
- Wholemeal bread and baked goods, not containing muffin. It relates to the pita bread, simple cakes, bread, wheat germ, etc.
1. Some Margarines contain milk. Such Margarines are not lean.
2. Bread sometimes contains "vegetable shortening" is the softener, or baking powder, which is prepared from plants. This bread vegetable.
3. Just "shortening" can be "animal shortening", that is made from animal fat. This bread does not lean.
4. Spices are permitted, however, to use them moderately better.
When you can eat in lent?You can eat once a day, at lunch or dinner; but on Saturdays and Sundays — two times in the afternoon and evening.
Note: the Amount of food you can determine based on the individual needs of the body.
It is worth noting that rules of Fasting recommended Zernovym Charter, belong to the monastic way of life, but for secular people, there are significant breaks in lent. However, the proposed order food from the point of view of the secrets of proper healthy diet seems very effective.
Abstinence from food until lunch or even dinner allows the body to more efficiently get rid of toxins without burdening it with new batches. Post — it has a lot to do with power hunger, not by time or social settings (for example, imposed lunch break at work, etc.). Hungry enough we are able to choose those foods that our body needs right now. eating 1 time a day to provoke the maximum metabolic activation. In this mode the food is better absorbed and we get from it the maximum amount of nutrients. You should always remember that above the feat in Fasting — your intelligence. The lifestyle that people were a hundred, two hundred or even 1000 years ago is different from how we live now. Before, life was easier mentally, but tougher physically. Now society, life in the cities and information saturation complicate the process of nevoljane in the daily hustle and bustle of the cycle, and eventually we get tired, overloaded, feel fatigue and the need for their replenishment through food. Of course, the way of life imposes adjustments on the classic food rules in the Post.
What can you drink post?During Lent on certain days allowed to drink a little wine, or add it when cooking. But this, of course de is not about excess, but about the diversity of the diet, because wine contains antioxidants and substances that prevent the development of influenza, according to scientists. In beverages, as in food, it is necessary to observe a measure. The Charter refers to 2 containers wine (by the glass). Some should give up alcohol completely.
Because Fasting is intended to free us from attachments, including the food, some need to limit or abandon the use of tea and coffee. Firstly, these drinks excite the nervous system that can affect the psyche and emotional state.
If you notice a dependence on these drinks, and drink them every day, try to replace them with, for example, chicory. Or discard them completely at least for a few days. If you will be very hard, so you're not just a "coffee lover", and dependent on him. And any addiction to get rid of.
Where to eat in lent? Sure to eat better at home and cook for myself. This allows you to be confident in the quality of food and ingredients. In addition, while cooking you can charge meals with their energy, saying prayers or certain settings to keep food brought to you health, strength and joy. Remember grandma's Goodies — they are always cooked with love and best wishes of good! Lenten meals prepared with love and the right attitude, good music will bring much more benefit and fun than store-bought or restaurant food.
Many people in the modern hectic lifestyle in the big city have no other options, except in cafes or in the restaurant, and there is nothing wrong with, since many places offer a vegetarian menu. Another thing is a gastronomic perversions and excesses. For example, many cafes compete with each other in sophistication and complexity they offer meatless dishes, sometimes even more bizarre than naposta food, thereby creating a cult of food, which directly contradicts the main purpose of the post.
Calendar Lent 2015
Each week of Lent has its own meaning and spiritual orientation. Lent is preceded by 4 introductory week (3 week), gradually lead to a strict rhythm of life. They help to identify the needs of the organism in the amount of food and water, gradually and deliberately introducing limitations, in order not to be weakened, exhausted, inability to daily Affairs.
Lent in 2015 (Cetverokatnice): February 23-April 5 Holy week April 6-11. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.yogabodylanguage.com/kak-pravilno-postitsia/