Traditions and rules Petrova post
Petrov post — one of two summer positions. He is preparing Christians for the day of memory of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul (July 12) and was established in memory of the apostles fasted before preaching Christianity all over the world. We will talk about the rules, and folk traditions Petrov post.
How to fast on the fast of the apostles
Beginning of apostles ' fast is always Monday, a week after the feast of Trinity (Pentecost). Date of the Trinity depends on the date of Easter, so the beginning of Petrov of a post falls on different dates. And it can last from 8 to 42 days.
Petrov post always ends July 12. It is a day of remembrance of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul. In honor of this holiday post is called Petrov, or Apostolic. This year the apostles ' fast begins on June 27.
Apostles ' fast is not as strict as the Great. All the days of lent, except Wednesdays and Fridays, the faithful can eat fish. Meat is not fasting.
But even getting to this, not the strictest, fasting, you need to consult with your Confessor, and if you have any chronic diseases with your doctor. In General, the laity is not such a strict fast as the monks.
If for any reason you cannot comply with all the rules of fasting (and in the Charter of the monastery provided more stringent rules, for example, xerophagy (food with no oil) on some days, Petrov post), you can limit yourself to other small things. For example, in a post not to watch TV or use social networks online.
Petrov post — what can I eat?
Petrov post — lax. All the days of lent, except Wednesdays and Fridays, the faithful can eat fish. Meat is not fasting.
That the meal was not to the detriment of the health and, indeed, lean can be actively used in the dishes vegetables, mushrooms, berries and fruits. There is a huge variety of dishes for Petrov post.
Post and pregnancy
How should fast during lent Petrova pregnant and lactating women, says the rector of the Church of Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO Igor FOMIN:
There are different spiritual practices of lent, I will tell you about one that has developed in the parish of our Church in the name of Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO. Pregnant and nursing women are exempt from the gastronomic posts, but they are exempt from fasting spiritual. What I mean is for example, a post on watching TV, aimless reading Internet sites and the like. And, of course, in Petrov any other post, any Christian should earnestly pray.
If you want to learn more how to fast pregnant and lactating woman like to prepare for the Sacrament, talk to your parish priest or Confessor.
How to fast?
Answers Archpriest Igor FOMIN, rector of the Church of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO:
Each person needs to determine their degree of fasting. One may suffer a post in full, and he will be good. Another, on the contrary, should reduce post.
To fast are not as exact as written in the Statute, can ailing persons. Disease — the same kind of post, the humility of the flesh. In addition, in some diseases gastronomy post can bring to your health harm. Listen to yourself, ask the advice of a doctor.
Has its own measure of fasting in pregnant women; military personnel; those who work in the hectic or studying.
Of course, the special theme for kids post. Sometimes it is better to negotiate with the kids about what lent they will eat less candy than to impose restrictions on them in the dairy and meat food. In any case, with all the doubts and questions about fasting I suggest you to come to his spiritual father or priest you trust.
The most important thing "is not there in the post", is their neighbors. I'm talking about anger, irritation, quarrels and any other negative actions that destroy peace among men. In fact, with others in doing wrong, we are destroying the bridge between us and God.
As confession and communion during lent?
Says the rector of the Church of Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO Igor FOMIN:
Each of us must decide for itself the question of how often confession and communion in the post. It to be to the needs and forces. Because the Sacrament of Holy Communion, when we receive Christ into his soul as the dearest guest, requires not just desire but effort. This prayer, repentance, correcting himself. That's why confession in the days of fasting should be as serious and sincere as in the great Christian festivals.
If you have doubts about the question of how often you should take communion, ask advice from a priest who knows you and whom you trust.
Summer post
In summer, Orthodox Christians in two post — Petrov and Uspensky.
Petrov post is so named in honor of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul. It was established in memory of the apostles fasted before preaching the gospel all over the world. This post is also called Apostolic. Beginning of apostles ' fast is always Monday, a week after the feast of Trinity (Pentecost). Date of the Trinity depends on the date of Easter, so the beginning of Petrov of a post falls on different dates. And it can last from 8 to 42 days Petrov post always on 12 July. It is a day of remembrance of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul.
Dormition fast — the shortest of the multi-religious posts. Orthodox Christians fast from 14 to 27 August and are preparing for the two feasts of the Transfiguration and the Dormition of the Mother of God.
The fast of the apostles — tradition
Orthodox people in Russia fasted according to Church bylaws, so many traditions Petrova post was related to cooking. Wednesday and Friday were preparing the summer vegetable dish — okroshka, vegetable soup, mushroom spawn, botvinya of young greens and a variety of other dishes. And during the holidays Petrova post Housewives often baked special cakes — fish. Fish baked in dough right entirely, the cake was open.
Petrov post — selected recipes
Mushroom spawn
This caviar is prepared from dried or salted mushrooms, and also of their mixtures.
Wash and boil until cooked dried mushrooms, let cool, finely chop or mince.
Pickled mushrooms should be washed in cold water and chop.
Finely chopped onion fry in oil, add mushrooms and simmer 10-15 minutes.
Three minutes before the end of stewing, add the crushed garlic, vinegar, pepper, salt.
Ready eggs put on a plate slide and sprinkle with green onions.
Salty mushrooms — 70 g, dried — 20 g, vegetable oil -15 g, onions — 10 g, green onion — 20 g, vinegar, three percent — 5 g, garlic, salt and pepper to taste.
Meatless pea soup
In the evening pour the peas with cold water and leave to swell and prepare the noodles.
For the noodles: half a Cup of flour should be well mixed with three spoons of vegetable oil, add a spoonful of cold water, add salt and leave the dough for one hour for swelling. Thinly rolled and dried dough cut into strips, toast them in the oven.
Cook soaked peas, do not drain the water until soft, add fried onions, potatoes, diced, noodles, pepper, salt and simmer until the potatoes and noodles are ready.
Peas — 50 g, potatoes -100 g, onions — 20 g, water — 300 g, oil for frying onion-10g, parsley, salt and pepper to taste.
Meatless cabbage rolls
Finely chopped onion fry in vegetable oil, add the chopped boiled dried mushrooms. In a pan add washed millet, continue to cook until the cereal has absorbed the oil.
Cabbage rolls can be prepared from both fresh and sauerkraut. If you want to cook stuffed cabbage of sauerkraut, then take a swing, separate the leaves, cut each thick middle vein in each leaf put fried grits, roll roll.
If you have fresh cabbage, Kachan must first boil whole, and then gently remove the leaves, also by the middle of the thick veins.
Place the formed rolls in rows in the pan. Put the cabbage leaves.
Pour over cabbage rolls vegetable broth, add some tomato sauce and place in preheated oven, simmer for about an hour.
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500 g fish fillet, onion, 2-3 potatoes, 2-3 tablespoons oil, salt and pepper to taste.
Make lean dough, roll it into two cakes.
Pellet, which will be used for the bottom layer of cake should be slightly thinner than the top.
Place the rolled cake on greased form, to the cake place a layer thinly sliced raw potatoes, sprinkled with salt and pepper large pieces of fish fillet on top — thinly sliced raw onion.
All add the butter and cover with second tortilla. The edges of the pellets connect and bend downwards.
Put the finished Rybnik in a warm place for twenty minutes before you put Rybnik in the oven, pierce the top in several places.
Bake in the oven preheated to a temperature of 200-220°C. published
Author: Elizabeth Kiktenko
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: foma.ru/tradiczii-i-pravila-petrova-posta.html

How to fast on the fast of the apostles
Beginning of apostles ' fast is always Monday, a week after the feast of Trinity (Pentecost). Date of the Trinity depends on the date of Easter, so the beginning of Petrov of a post falls on different dates. And it can last from 8 to 42 days.
Petrov post always ends July 12. It is a day of remembrance of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul. In honor of this holiday post is called Petrov, or Apostolic. This year the apostles ' fast begins on June 27.
Apostles ' fast is not as strict as the Great. All the days of lent, except Wednesdays and Fridays, the faithful can eat fish. Meat is not fasting.
But even getting to this, not the strictest, fasting, you need to consult with your Confessor, and if you have any chronic diseases with your doctor. In General, the laity is not such a strict fast as the monks.
If for any reason you cannot comply with all the rules of fasting (and in the Charter of the monastery provided more stringent rules, for example, xerophagy (food with no oil) on some days, Petrov post), you can limit yourself to other small things. For example, in a post not to watch TV or use social networks online.
Petrov post — what can I eat?
Petrov post — lax. All the days of lent, except Wednesdays and Fridays, the faithful can eat fish. Meat is not fasting.
That the meal was not to the detriment of the health and, indeed, lean can be actively used in the dishes vegetables, mushrooms, berries and fruits. There is a huge variety of dishes for Petrov post.
Post and pregnancy
How should fast during lent Petrova pregnant and lactating women, says the rector of the Church of Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO Igor FOMIN:
There are different spiritual practices of lent, I will tell you about one that has developed in the parish of our Church in the name of Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO. Pregnant and nursing women are exempt from the gastronomic posts, but they are exempt from fasting spiritual. What I mean is for example, a post on watching TV, aimless reading Internet sites and the like. And, of course, in Petrov any other post, any Christian should earnestly pray.
If you want to learn more how to fast pregnant and lactating woman like to prepare for the Sacrament, talk to your parish priest or Confessor.
How to fast?
Answers Archpriest Igor FOMIN, rector of the Church of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO:
Each person needs to determine their degree of fasting. One may suffer a post in full, and he will be good. Another, on the contrary, should reduce post.
To fast are not as exact as written in the Statute, can ailing persons. Disease — the same kind of post, the humility of the flesh. In addition, in some diseases gastronomy post can bring to your health harm. Listen to yourself, ask the advice of a doctor.
Has its own measure of fasting in pregnant women; military personnel; those who work in the hectic or studying.
Of course, the special theme for kids post. Sometimes it is better to negotiate with the kids about what lent they will eat less candy than to impose restrictions on them in the dairy and meat food. In any case, with all the doubts and questions about fasting I suggest you to come to his spiritual father or priest you trust.
The most important thing "is not there in the post", is their neighbors. I'm talking about anger, irritation, quarrels and any other negative actions that destroy peace among men. In fact, with others in doing wrong, we are destroying the bridge between us and God.
As confession and communion during lent?
Says the rector of the Church of Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO Igor FOMIN:
Each of us must decide for itself the question of how often confession and communion in the post. It to be to the needs and forces. Because the Sacrament of Holy Communion, when we receive Christ into his soul as the dearest guest, requires not just desire but effort. This prayer, repentance, correcting himself. That's why confession in the days of fasting should be as serious and sincere as in the great Christian festivals.
If you have doubts about the question of how often you should take communion, ask advice from a priest who knows you and whom you trust.
Summer post
In summer, Orthodox Christians in two post — Petrov and Uspensky.
Petrov post is so named in honor of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul. It was established in memory of the apostles fasted before preaching the gospel all over the world. This post is also called Apostolic. Beginning of apostles ' fast is always Monday, a week after the feast of Trinity (Pentecost). Date of the Trinity depends on the date of Easter, so the beginning of Petrov of a post falls on different dates. And it can last from 8 to 42 days Petrov post always on 12 July. It is a day of remembrance of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul.
Dormition fast — the shortest of the multi-religious posts. Orthodox Christians fast from 14 to 27 August and are preparing for the two feasts of the Transfiguration and the Dormition of the Mother of God.
The fast of the apostles — tradition
Orthodox people in Russia fasted according to Church bylaws, so many traditions Petrova post was related to cooking. Wednesday and Friday were preparing the summer vegetable dish — okroshka, vegetable soup, mushroom spawn, botvinya of young greens and a variety of other dishes. And during the holidays Petrova post Housewives often baked special cakes — fish. Fish baked in dough right entirely, the cake was open.
Petrov post — selected recipes
Mushroom spawn
This caviar is prepared from dried or salted mushrooms, and also of their mixtures.
Wash and boil until cooked dried mushrooms, let cool, finely chop or mince.
Pickled mushrooms should be washed in cold water and chop.
Finely chopped onion fry in oil, add mushrooms and simmer 10-15 minutes.
Three minutes before the end of stewing, add the crushed garlic, vinegar, pepper, salt.
Ready eggs put on a plate slide and sprinkle with green onions.
Salty mushrooms — 70 g, dried — 20 g, vegetable oil -15 g, onions — 10 g, green onion — 20 g, vinegar, three percent — 5 g, garlic, salt and pepper to taste.
Meatless pea soup
In the evening pour the peas with cold water and leave to swell and prepare the noodles.
For the noodles: half a Cup of flour should be well mixed with three spoons of vegetable oil, add a spoonful of cold water, add salt and leave the dough for one hour for swelling. Thinly rolled and dried dough cut into strips, toast them in the oven.
Cook soaked peas, do not drain the water until soft, add fried onions, potatoes, diced, noodles, pepper, salt and simmer until the potatoes and noodles are ready.
Peas — 50 g, potatoes -100 g, onions — 20 g, water — 300 g, oil for frying onion-10g, parsley, salt and pepper to taste.
Meatless cabbage rolls
Finely chopped onion fry in vegetable oil, add the chopped boiled dried mushrooms. In a pan add washed millet, continue to cook until the cereal has absorbed the oil.
Cabbage rolls can be prepared from both fresh and sauerkraut. If you want to cook stuffed cabbage of sauerkraut, then take a swing, separate the leaves, cut each thick middle vein in each leaf put fried grits, roll roll.
If you have fresh cabbage, Kachan must first boil whole, and then gently remove the leaves, also by the middle of the thick veins.
Place the formed rolls in rows in the pan. Put the cabbage leaves.
Pour over cabbage rolls vegetable broth, add some tomato sauce and place in preheated oven, simmer for about an hour.
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500 g fish fillet, onion, 2-3 potatoes, 2-3 tablespoons oil, salt and pepper to taste.
Make lean dough, roll it into two cakes.
Pellet, which will be used for the bottom layer of cake should be slightly thinner than the top.
Place the rolled cake on greased form, to the cake place a layer thinly sliced raw potatoes, sprinkled with salt and pepper large pieces of fish fillet on top — thinly sliced raw onion.
All add the butter and cover with second tortilla. The edges of the pellets connect and bend downwards.
Put the finished Rybnik in a warm place for twenty minutes before you put Rybnik in the oven, pierce the top in several places.
Bake in the oven preheated to a temperature of 200-220°C. published
Author: Elizabeth Kiktenko
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: foma.ru/tradiczii-i-pravila-petrova-posta.html