What date begins Petrov post 2019
From Monday, June 24, 2019, begins Petrov Post. The duration of this fast is always different, depending on Easter. This year it will last relatively short, only 18 days. The fast ends on July 11, and on July 12 we celebrate the Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.
The main task of fasting is to prepare the Christian morally and physically for the feast dedicated to the actual founders of the Christian Church. Therefore, its value is only a little less than that of Great Lent. Many believers neglect this fast, but it is not worth it, because it is just as important as other fasts.
Peter’s Lent, which is also called apostolic, has its own characteristics, its own traditions, and given the beginning of summer, its own dishes.
Petrov post is considered summertime. It prepares all Orthodox for an important holiday. The fast was established in honor of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul and was named PetropavlovskBut because of the inconvenient pronunciation, it was simplified to “Peter’s post”, since the name of Peter appears in the name of the holiday first.
Petrov's post is considered lax. Believers during this period refuse to take dairy and meat food, however, unlike Lent, you can eat fish.
In addition, many see this as a symbolism, because the apostles themselves, with whom the establishment of fasting is associated, were fishermen, and Peter is also their patron.
During fasting, you can and even need to pray a lot. The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul prayed fervently day in and day out, and in order to be like them, honoring their memory, the Church urges the faithful also to read prayers intensively. You should also read the Holy Scriptures, which help to strengthen faith and find answers to important questions in life.
It is not unimportant to help others. Of course, this is not necessary, but to protect yourself and your soul from torment, it is better to be kind to people. During Petrov Lent It is important to keep your soul in a state of meekness and humility.
However, it is very important to know not only what can and should be done in Petrov fast, but also to understand what to do categorically should not.
Editorial "Site" Asks you to know, What is strictly forbidden to do during this summer's fast.
What not to do during fasting
It's worth mentioning. folklore. One of the most common signs associated with the Petrov Post says that marriages concluded at this time are fragile. That's bullshit, of course!
The other thing is that if you are a believer, you simply will not celebrate such an event at this time. After all, Petrov’s fast implies limitations both in the sense of fun and in the sense of the table. So it is much easier to move a happy event for some time after the fast.
In addition, according to folk customs, it is undesirable: to engage in needlework, lend money, cut hair (hair will be rare), as well as conduct ceremonies, read conspiracies, imagining and guessing (although the latter is forbidden to do a believing Orthodox person).
Not only believers, but also lay people often wonder: is it possible to clean on Sunday? After all, often during the week, many housewives do not manage to maintain perfect cleanliness, so some of the hassle - washing, cleaning and ironing - is postponed for the weekend.
I suggest you see if you can clean up on Sunday. The question was answered by church officials.
In the days of apostolic fasting, you need to observe food restrictions, but you want to treat yourself to a delicious one. We shared a wonderful recipe for lean honeycakes with you. They're fine!
The fast ends on July 11, before the big holiday. Earlier we told how to properly hold the Day of the Holy First Apostles Peter and Paul, July 12.
Be sure to share this. useful with my friends on social media.
The main task of fasting is to prepare the Christian morally and physically for the feast dedicated to the actual founders of the Christian Church. Therefore, its value is only a little less than that of Great Lent. Many believers neglect this fast, but it is not worth it, because it is just as important as other fasts.
Peter’s Lent, which is also called apostolic, has its own characteristics, its own traditions, and given the beginning of summer, its own dishes.

Petrov post is considered summertime. It prepares all Orthodox for an important holiday. The fast was established in honor of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul and was named PetropavlovskBut because of the inconvenient pronunciation, it was simplified to “Peter’s post”, since the name of Peter appears in the name of the holiday first.
Petrov's post is considered lax. Believers during this period refuse to take dairy and meat food, however, unlike Lent, you can eat fish.
In addition, many see this as a symbolism, because the apostles themselves, with whom the establishment of fasting is associated, were fishermen, and Peter is also their patron.

During fasting, you can and even need to pray a lot. The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul prayed fervently day in and day out, and in order to be like them, honoring their memory, the Church urges the faithful also to read prayers intensively. You should also read the Holy Scriptures, which help to strengthen faith and find answers to important questions in life.
It is not unimportant to help others. Of course, this is not necessary, but to protect yourself and your soul from torment, it is better to be kind to people. During Petrov Lent It is important to keep your soul in a state of meekness and humility.

However, it is very important to know not only what can and should be done in Petrov fast, but also to understand what to do categorically should not.
Editorial "Site" Asks you to know, What is strictly forbidden to do during this summer's fast.

What not to do during fasting
- During the Petrov Lent, you should abandon animal products: this rule is inviolable for all fasts! Thus, the food in Petrov fast should be fresh, light and useful. It can be treated thermally, well, except for strict days - Wednesday and Friday.
And on the days of remembrance of the saints that fall on the time of Petrov Lent, it is allowed to eat fish dishes, oil, and wine. - During fasting, try to protect yourself from unnecessary gossip, discussion of someone, from unpleasant words and deeds.
- Forget about anger, envy, lies and live according to the commandments of the Lord.
- These days, try to limit yourself, or better, completely withdraw from participation in entertainment activities.
- You can work in the post just as hard. The same goes for rest. Just lying on the couch and doing nothing is forbidden during fasting, unless you are sick with a serious illness.
It's worth mentioning. folklore. One of the most common signs associated with the Petrov Post says that marriages concluded at this time are fragile. That's bullshit, of course!
The other thing is that if you are a believer, you simply will not celebrate such an event at this time. After all, Petrov’s fast implies limitations both in the sense of fun and in the sense of the table. So it is much easier to move a happy event for some time after the fast.

In addition, according to folk customs, it is undesirable: to engage in needlework, lend money, cut hair (hair will be rare), as well as conduct ceremonies, read conspiracies, imagining and guessing (although the latter is forbidden to do a believing Orthodox person).

Not only believers, but also lay people often wonder: is it possible to clean on Sunday? After all, often during the week, many housewives do not manage to maintain perfect cleanliness, so some of the hassle - washing, cleaning and ironing - is postponed for the weekend.
I suggest you see if you can clean up on Sunday. The question was answered by church officials.
In the days of apostolic fasting, you need to observe food restrictions, but you want to treat yourself to a delicious one. We shared a wonderful recipe for lean honeycakes with you. They're fine!
The fast ends on July 11, before the big holiday. Earlier we told how to properly hold the Day of the Holy First Apostles Peter and Paul, July 12.
Be sure to share this. useful with my friends on social media.