The man who saved the Earth
30 years ago, humanity would disappear if it were not for this man of Friazino:
The photograph Stanislav Petrov (b. 1939) - a Soviet officer, retired lieutenant colonel.
Wikipedia gives a rather dry facts about the events of 30 years ago. Found a good description of the events:
"On the night of September 26, 1983 the country was asleep. In the world was anxious, Cold War came to a head two weeks ago was shot down a South Korean passenger "Boeing" accidentally violating the borders of the USSR. America and the "progressive" world vyzverilis on the "evil empire".
And suddenly. At the command post Serpukhov-15 newest space missile detection system to pinpoint the start of a number of intercontinental ballistic missiles from the United States, aimed at Russia.
"Siren on KP in full roar, red letters blaze. Shock, of course, enormous - told later Petrov. - All povskakivali due consoles, look at me. And what am I? All the instructions for operational duty, which he himself wrote. Done all that is necessary. Rechecked functioning of all systems. Thirty verify levels, one after the other. Go Reports: all the same, the probability - deuce. Higher. & Quot;
Peter knew that he must immediately report the situation to senior management of the country, while Andropov. Realized that with a probability of 99, 9% not inclined to reflect Andropov would order a large-scale retaliatory strike.
Second run. Everyone looks at Petrova.
"For those two or three minutes, nothing really proanaliziruesh - says Petrov many years later. - Remains intuition. Two arguments I had. Firstly, the rocket attacks from one base do not start, take off all at once. Secondly, the computer by definition - a fool. You never know what he might start to take over. »
Later, American journalists tried to find out, what kind of database with Russian satellite spotted the rocket launch: "Yes, what do you care? America still would not have been, "- said Petrov.
Relying on intuition, Petrov took the fate of the world on his own responsibility, disabled the alarm and fixed start supernavorochennoy system as a "false alarm».
Soon it turned out - was right. Missile detection system responded to the sun glare from the high clouds, taking them for a fiery trail missiles.
The next day at the Serpukhov-15 was full of commissions. Petrov rashly promised numerous awards, but soon realized it - because he violated the statute, being a cog, began to think and make decisions. In addition, in time has not filled combat log.
Yuri Votintsev, then commander of the missile and space defense of the USSR, gave Petrov interrogation. "He asks, why do you combat magazine just at the time is not full?" - Says Petrov. - I explained to him that in one hand I had a tube that the situation reported in the other - a microphone, my team for subordinates to intensify. There was nothing to write. And he does not let up: "Why has not filled later, when the alarm is over?»
In short, to prevent third world Petrov no promotion is not received. Received a scolding. What Petrov clear:
- If you reward me for this case, then someone behind him had to suffer very large. First of all, those who developed early warning system. Large academics who have been allocated huge billions. Another good thing that I have for the magazine in full not ogreb.
History classified. For many years, even his wife did not know that Peter, who nagged she habitually uncovered for pasta and scattered socks, once saved the world.
Declassified in 1998.
Petrov remained a lieutenant colonel and soon after the story has resigned - to save the world for the second time was a chur even for him.
We have the story for many reasons (among them: violation of military regulations, the failure of a space system) not as advertised.
Article about Petrov I accidentally found in the English-language Wikipedia and other sources is used Anglophone.
In 2006 in New York at the headquarters of the UN Petrov handed baseball figurine "Hand holding a globe" with an engraved inscription: "A man who prevented a nuclear war».
She is still gathering dust next to the crystal and the Soviet seledochnitsami in the sideboard modest panels Friazino where now lives retired, retired Lieutenant Colonel Petrov.
Stanislav Evgrafovich, you holy man. Thank you. & Quot;
For this case, he received a severe stress, a few months hospitals, dismissal from the army, apartment on the outskirts of Moscow Region Fryazino and phone queue.
But in the world of him understood and know the truth is presented mainly figurines:
1. January 19, 2006 in New York at the UN headquarters Stanislav Petrov was awarded the special prize of the international public organization "Association of World Citizens." It is a crystal statuette "Hand holding a globe" engraved on it the words "person who prevented a nuclear war».
2. On 24 February, 2012 in Baden-Baden, Stanislav Petrov received the award in the German media in 2011.
3. February 17, 2013 was awarded the Dresden Prize awarded for the prevention of armed conflicts. (€ 25.000)
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The photograph Stanislav Petrov (b. 1939) - a Soviet officer, retired lieutenant colonel.
Wikipedia gives a rather dry facts about the events of 30 years ago. Found a good description of the events:
"On the night of September 26, 1983 the country was asleep. In the world was anxious, Cold War came to a head two weeks ago was shot down a South Korean passenger "Boeing" accidentally violating the borders of the USSR. America and the "progressive" world vyzverilis on the "evil empire".

And suddenly. At the command post Serpukhov-15 newest space missile detection system to pinpoint the start of a number of intercontinental ballistic missiles from the United States, aimed at Russia.
"Siren on KP in full roar, red letters blaze. Shock, of course, enormous - told later Petrov. - All povskakivali due consoles, look at me. And what am I? All the instructions for operational duty, which he himself wrote. Done all that is necessary. Rechecked functioning of all systems. Thirty verify levels, one after the other. Go Reports: all the same, the probability - deuce. Higher. & Quot;
Peter knew that he must immediately report the situation to senior management of the country, while Andropov. Realized that with a probability of 99, 9% not inclined to reflect Andropov would order a large-scale retaliatory strike.
Second run. Everyone looks at Petrova.
"For those two or three minutes, nothing really proanaliziruesh - says Petrov many years later. - Remains intuition. Two arguments I had. Firstly, the rocket attacks from one base do not start, take off all at once. Secondly, the computer by definition - a fool. You never know what he might start to take over. »
Later, American journalists tried to find out, what kind of database with Russian satellite spotted the rocket launch: "Yes, what do you care? America still would not have been, "- said Petrov.
Relying on intuition, Petrov took the fate of the world on his own responsibility, disabled the alarm and fixed start supernavorochennoy system as a "false alarm».
Soon it turned out - was right. Missile detection system responded to the sun glare from the high clouds, taking them for a fiery trail missiles.
The next day at the Serpukhov-15 was full of commissions. Petrov rashly promised numerous awards, but soon realized it - because he violated the statute, being a cog, began to think and make decisions. In addition, in time has not filled combat log.
Yuri Votintsev, then commander of the missile and space defense of the USSR, gave Petrov interrogation. "He asks, why do you combat magazine just at the time is not full?" - Says Petrov. - I explained to him that in one hand I had a tube that the situation reported in the other - a microphone, my team for subordinates to intensify. There was nothing to write. And he does not let up: "Why has not filled later, when the alarm is over?»
In short, to prevent third world Petrov no promotion is not received. Received a scolding. What Petrov clear:
- If you reward me for this case, then someone behind him had to suffer very large. First of all, those who developed early warning system. Large academics who have been allocated huge billions. Another good thing that I have for the magazine in full not ogreb.
History classified. For many years, even his wife did not know that Peter, who nagged she habitually uncovered for pasta and scattered socks, once saved the world.
Declassified in 1998.
Petrov remained a lieutenant colonel and soon after the story has resigned - to save the world for the second time was a chur even for him.
We have the story for many reasons (among them: violation of military regulations, the failure of a space system) not as advertised.
Article about Petrov I accidentally found in the English-language Wikipedia and other sources is used Anglophone.
In 2006 in New York at the headquarters of the UN Petrov handed baseball figurine "Hand holding a globe" with an engraved inscription: "A man who prevented a nuclear war».
She is still gathering dust next to the crystal and the Soviet seledochnitsami in the sideboard modest panels Friazino where now lives retired, retired Lieutenant Colonel Petrov.
Stanislav Evgrafovich, you holy man. Thank you. & Quot;
For this case, he received a severe stress, a few months hospitals, dismissal from the army, apartment on the outskirts of Moscow Region Fryazino and phone queue.

But in the world of him understood and know the truth is presented mainly figurines:
1. January 19, 2006 in New York at the UN headquarters Stanislav Petrov was awarded the special prize of the international public organization "Association of World Citizens." It is a crystal statuette "Hand holding a globe" engraved on it the words "person who prevented a nuclear war».
2. On 24 February, 2012 in Baden-Baden, Stanislav Petrov received the award in the German media in 2011.
3. February 17, 2013 was awarded the Dresden Prize awarded for the prevention of armed conflicts. (€ 25.000)
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