In order for luck to be with you all year, on the day of the Honey Savior, eat one spoonful of honey and say simple words.
Honey Savior Day Come on! And this means that today we need to remember what is significant this holiday. We will gladly tell you how to conduct it so as to catch luck by the tail. Small spoiler: it will not be difficult to do. So let's find out soon!
In August, we are waiting for 3 favorite folk holidays: Honey, Apple and Nut Savior. Their celebration is associated with their special traditions, signs and restrictions.
And the first in line Honey Spas, which we will celebrate today, August 14, 2023. In the people, this event is also called Makovei or Wet Savior. It marks the beginning of the important Orthodox Assumption Lent. It will last until the 27th and will end with the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God.
Honey Savior is so called because at this time people started harvesting honey. This is a special day when summer is slowly receding, giving way to the ruler of autumn. The first collected honey can be eaten only after consecration in the temple. And if you make a wish while eating the first spoonful of fresh honey, it will come true.
The name of the holiday Wet Savior also has a special meaning. It was on this day that people used to clean wells and bathe pets. And the priests sanctified various bodies of water.
On the Honey Savior, believers went and went to church. It is not only honey and water that you take with you. The honeycombs of the most filled hive were carried to the temple to consecrate. Some honey was presented to priests, it was shared with beggars and children.
Also parishioners bring special amulets in the form of bouquets or wreaths. In ancient times, they were made of poppy flowers, kalina, sunflower, rue and motherland. A consecrated amulet acquires magical properties. With it, you can protect the house from the evil eye and evil spirits.
And the holiday is called Makovei, because on this day it is customary to prepare fragrant poppy pies and treat the whole family with them. By the way, we have a recipe for just such a treat for you!
The prohibitions on the Honey Savior are related to what products and things cannot be brought to the church for consecration. These are meat and any dishes from it, drinks with a degree, as well as money and other valuable things. For example, watches or jewelry.
Before people believed that if you swim in a pond or other pond on August 14, you can recover from any ailments. Water on this day has special miraculous properties. But to enter the water after the Honey Savior Day was strictly forbidden.
It is customary to cook Sbiten on Honey Spas. It's a fragrant honey drink with herbs. Previously, all work was canceled on this day. People went to visit each other and enjoyed lean pastries, watered with honey. Also from this day begins the collection of forest raspberries and cherry.
Honey is associated with a lot of signs on this day. For example, if you give someone a jar of homemade honey on August 14, God will forgive you all your sins. Whoever washes himself on this day with water from a well or spring will gain great strength and health.
If you want to catch your luck by the tail and recharge yourself a year ahead, do the following. Go out in the afternoon and stand under the sun, take a can of honey with you and say these words: “Honey strengthens, strength adds, honey sweetness warms and the body heals.” Then hide this can of honey in a dark place for three days. And then start eating this honey one teaspoon a day.
If you want to reconcile with a dear person, do the following ritual. Add to the kettle during brewing one teaspoon of honey and say the following words: "Put away, honey, resentment, calm down, honey, our passion." Such tea should be drunk by those who want to reconcile.
If you are sick, eat a spoonful of honey and say these words: “Sickness, go beyond forests and swamps.” I will sweeten you with honey and warm you with milk. For support and happiness, perform a ritual. Add one teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm water and say these words: I am filled with goodness, joy and happiness, and misfortune and sorrow go away from me. As honey is sweet, so my life is filled with joy.”
Tell me, how are you going to spend Honey Savior Day?

In August, we are waiting for 3 favorite folk holidays: Honey, Apple and Nut Savior. Their celebration is associated with their special traditions, signs and restrictions.
And the first in line Honey Spas, which we will celebrate today, August 14, 2023. In the people, this event is also called Makovei or Wet Savior. It marks the beginning of the important Orthodox Assumption Lent. It will last until the 27th and will end with the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God.

Honey Savior is so called because at this time people started harvesting honey. This is a special day when summer is slowly receding, giving way to the ruler of autumn. The first collected honey can be eaten only after consecration in the temple. And if you make a wish while eating the first spoonful of fresh honey, it will come true.
The name of the holiday Wet Savior also has a special meaning. It was on this day that people used to clean wells and bathe pets. And the priests sanctified various bodies of water.

On the Honey Savior, believers went and went to church. It is not only honey and water that you take with you. The honeycombs of the most filled hive were carried to the temple to consecrate. Some honey was presented to priests, it was shared with beggars and children.
Also parishioners bring special amulets in the form of bouquets or wreaths. In ancient times, they were made of poppy flowers, kalina, sunflower, rue and motherland. A consecrated amulet acquires magical properties. With it, you can protect the house from the evil eye and evil spirits.

And the holiday is called Makovei, because on this day it is customary to prepare fragrant poppy pies and treat the whole family with them. By the way, we have a recipe for just such a treat for you!
The prohibitions on the Honey Savior are related to what products and things cannot be brought to the church for consecration. These are meat and any dishes from it, drinks with a degree, as well as money and other valuable things. For example, watches or jewelry.
Before people believed that if you swim in a pond or other pond on August 14, you can recover from any ailments. Water on this day has special miraculous properties. But to enter the water after the Honey Savior Day was strictly forbidden.
It is customary to cook Sbiten on Honey Spas. It's a fragrant honey drink with herbs. Previously, all work was canceled on this day. People went to visit each other and enjoyed lean pastries, watered with honey. Also from this day begins the collection of forest raspberries and cherry.

Honey is associated with a lot of signs on this day. For example, if you give someone a jar of homemade honey on August 14, God will forgive you all your sins. Whoever washes himself on this day with water from a well or spring will gain great strength and health.
If you want to catch your luck by the tail and recharge yourself a year ahead, do the following. Go out in the afternoon and stand under the sun, take a can of honey with you and say these words: “Honey strengthens, strength adds, honey sweetness warms and the body heals.” Then hide this can of honey in a dark place for three days. And then start eating this honey one teaspoon a day.

If you want to reconcile with a dear person, do the following ritual. Add to the kettle during brewing one teaspoon of honey and say the following words: "Put away, honey, resentment, calm down, honey, our passion." Such tea should be drunk by those who want to reconcile.
If you are sick, eat a spoonful of honey and say these words: “Sickness, go beyond forests and swamps.” I will sweeten you with honey and warm you with milk. For support and happiness, perform a ritual. Add one teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm water and say these words: I am filled with goodness, joy and happiness, and misfortune and sorrow go away from me. As honey is sweet, so my life is filled with joy.”
Tell me, how are you going to spend Honey Savior Day?
Under the Union, these products were loaded with scarce goods, and we are ready to give them the last money.
Alexei took the money and went to his ex-wife, she just made homemade dumplings, which he had not eaten since he left her.