Low back pain — EFFECTIVE treatment with honey!
The most effective in the treatment of degenerative disc disease is a comprehensive approach. Traditional medicine offers effective drugs that provide analgesic, anti-inflammatory, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage and other measures. Traditional medicine is based on natural products. Very often for the treatment of osteoarthritis uses honey as pure, and as one of the ingredients of medicinal.
The composition and properties of honey
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The composition of honey contains a lot of useful substances
The use of honey in osteochondrosis due to its unique composition: it is to some extent varies with the species of plants from which bees gather nectar, the climate, the soil, the time of extraction from the honeycomb. However, it is possible to distinguish five main groups of substances included in the composition of honey:
Vitamins and mineral elements in the honey have already undergone processing under the influence of enzymes of bees. Therefore, their assimilation does not require body's consumption of large amounts of energy: honey is almost completely ready to suction, that happens very quickly.
Produced effectThis product is almost universal. It is also used in official and folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. Honey has on the body multilateral action:
Ways to use honeyFor the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the honey used both internally and externally – as a poultice and as a remedy for a massage.
IngestionExperts believe that taking internally is the most appropriate meadow, clover, forest, Linden or buckwheat honey. These varieties contain the maximum amount of nutrients.
Ways of reception:
Mix liquid honey (300 g) with aloe juice in a ratio of 3:1, add the lemon juice and crushed peeled almonds or walnuts (0.5 kg). The mixture is to take a teaspoon three times a day. Honey mix with lemon. Be taken before meals. The mixture can be poured with warm water and drink instead of tea. Grate the garlic, add the honey (ratio 1:1.5), mix and put in a dark place for 1-2 weeks. Ready means taking before meals for one teaspoon. It strengthens the immune system, stimulates circulation, improves the condition of blood vessels, especially in the form of cervical degenerative disc disease. Squeeze the aloe Vera juice, mix with liquid honey and wine of Cahors (1:2:3). During the week, insist at a temperature of about 7-10 degrees, and then put into the refrigerator. Recommended regimen – up to 3 times a day. The tool has a tonic, restorative and anti-inflammatory action. To reduce pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis, you can use the following tool: grate the lemons with the peel grated (to facilitate the process of their pre-should be parboiled), add the same amount of the may honey and olive oil. Approximately 10 days the mixture was kept in the refrigerator. Take 2-3 times a day. External useOsteochondrosis externally honey is used primarily for compresses and conduct of honey massage.
Twenty five million six hundred twenty two thousand seven hundred eleven
Grate one potato, add to the resulting mass of warm liquid honey, mix well. Apply to affected area, cover it with cling film or plastic wrap and wrap a piece of natural, warm fabrics. The exposure duration from 1 to 2 hours. Such a honey poultice is very useful in osteochondrosis of the cervical localization. Mix the grated radish with liquid honey, add a tablespoon of coarse salt and a little vodka. Mix and apply to the affected area. A similar composition prepared without salt, it is recommended to take inside during exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves, pour a glass of hot water and boil for 3-5 minutes, then strain and after some cooling, add a tablespoon of honey. Daily applied on the neck (chest, waist) moistened with natural fabric, cover with film wrap and wrap a woolen scarf for 2 hours. Procedure to continue until the easing or disappearance of symptoms. Osteochondrosis this compress is very useful to apply after honey massage: this will greatly enhance the performance of both procedures. In the cervical form of the disease prolonged exposure to the affected area is undesirable because it can cause an increase in pressure. For pain in the spine is useful and is a “dry” honey wrap. The meeting is necessary to sculpt the cake, mix the honey with flour (1:1), and apply it on the affected area. For maximum effect, painful area should be pre-steam. On top of the cake is better to cover with a film and fix a warm scarf.
What you need to know about honey massageMassage with honey is indicated for all forms of osteoarthritis. Method is used for any pain in the spine since ancient times. It is still practiced by the healers of Ancient India and Tibet. Thanks to special technology, the active ingredients are quickly absorbed into the skin, in a short time reaching the lesion.
Seventy two million forty five thousand eight hundred twelve
ActionThe most important action of honey massage in osteochondrosis is in the improvement of metabolic processes in the lesion. By accelerating local tissue metabolism are supplied with sufficient nutrients, accelerates the process of regeneration. Massage with honey has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and warming effect. As a result, muscles relax, blood circulation is normalized, pain becomes less pronounced or disappears. Effect on the skin using massage movements helps to open the pores, improves skin breathing, which speeds up the recovery process. Honey absorbs toxic compounds: it also indirectly improves the local exchange. The honey massage strengthens the General and local immunity, relaxes and soothes. These factors accelerate recovery. Honey reduces pain and promotes the normalization of breathing: this is extremely important when breast osteochondrosis, often accompanied by disturbances of the depth of inhalation and exhalation. TechniqueBefore the start of the session of honey massage you need to master the principle of its implementation. The technique differs from the classical. It is based on not stroking, pinching and other techniques of conventional massage, as strong pressure with the palms, followed by a sharp tearing, and thus a main goal of the procedure: the maximum absorption of honey into the tissues and its extraction residues.
StagesVideo: honey massage
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Phase 1: preparationBefore the start massage the treated area should remove the extra hairs, otherwise they will stick to honey and to escape with him, which is extremely painful. It is also recommended to warm up the affected with osteochondrosis of the region. The best way is to take a hot bath, or at least applied to the part of the body hot compress. At the same time it is necessary to take care of the heating of the honey. It needs to be in the liquid state, preferably a little warm.
Stage 2: the beginningMasseur gets honey on warm hands, apply the hand to the painful site and holds a few stroking movements. It promotes relaxation and warming the muscles. At the same time the honey is evenly distributed on the skin.
Stage 3: the mainWhen honey mass is quite thick, you can proceed to the very essence of massage. The palm pressed against the patient's body, and then abruptly tear. From the surface of the body at first comes off the lower part of the palms, followed by the rest of the way down to the fingertips. You should not press too vigorously, but the palm surface should be completely snugly to the body.
A slight burning sensation or slight pain are the norm. Redness and heat of the treated area evidence of proper execution of the procedure. Pain, irritation, rash should be a signal to end the massage.
In the beginning of the session med is actively absorbed into the skin. During the palms a certain portion remains in the body, the rest is on the hands. Massage should continue until such time as the honey will begin to fully remain in the hands. In the process of planning the mass changes color, becoming whitish or grayish. This occurs as a result of absorption of waste and toxic compounds.
Step 4: the finalOsteochondrosis honey massage complete with a light stroking of the body. Remnants of honey is rubbed with a piece soaked in warm water tissue, and the treated area is wrapped up in a blanket. The patient needs some time to remain in a relaxed state for better absorption of bioactive components in the tissue. Optimal is the procedure for the night.
Session duration is approximately 30 minutes. The course includes 5-8 procedures.
In some cases not recommended the use of honeyThere are some contraindications, in which the treatment of degenerative disc disease of honey should be abandoned.
If you are allergic to the product ingestion is not desirable!
Honey massage can be carried out at:
Source: pozvonki.com/lechenie/med/
The composition and properties of honey
Sixty two million five hundred eighty five thousand eight hundred forty three
The composition of honey contains a lot of useful substances
The use of honey in osteochondrosis due to its unique composition: it is to some extent varies with the species of plants from which bees gather nectar, the climate, the soil, the time of extraction from the honeycomb. However, it is possible to distinguish five main groups of substances included in the composition of honey:
- carbohydrates;
- nitrogenous substances;
- vitamins;
- mineral components;
- acids.
Vitamins and mineral elements in the honey have already undergone processing under the influence of enzymes of bees. Therefore, their assimilation does not require body's consumption of large amounts of energy: honey is almost completely ready to suction, that happens very quickly.
Produced effectThis product is almost universal. It is also used in official and folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. Honey has on the body multilateral action:
- Helps to restore the normal flow of metabolic processes, which is extremely important in osteochondrosis, as a basis for the development of illness is the malnutrition of the intervertebral discs and stagnation in the spine.
- Strengthens defenses and stimulates the body's immune response: a strong immune system helps fight the disease using its own reserves.
- Due to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, reduces the severity of inflammation in the lesion.
- Antitoxic action of honey is also important in osteochondrosis, because due to intake of a large quantity of drugs, the body needs periodic cleaning.
- Calming effect. The reception of the product inside helps to strengthen the nervous system, improve psychological background, which improves the performance of basic therapy.
Ways to use honeyFor the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the honey used both internally and externally – as a poultice and as a remedy for a massage.
IngestionExperts believe that taking internally is the most appropriate meadow, clover, forest, Linden or buckwheat honey. These varieties contain the maximum amount of nutrients.
Ways of reception:
Mix liquid honey (300 g) with aloe juice in a ratio of 3:1, add the lemon juice and crushed peeled almonds or walnuts (0.5 kg). The mixture is to take a teaspoon three times a day. Honey mix with lemon. Be taken before meals. The mixture can be poured with warm water and drink instead of tea. Grate the garlic, add the honey (ratio 1:1.5), mix and put in a dark place for 1-2 weeks. Ready means taking before meals for one teaspoon. It strengthens the immune system, stimulates circulation, improves the condition of blood vessels, especially in the form of cervical degenerative disc disease. Squeeze the aloe Vera juice, mix with liquid honey and wine of Cahors (1:2:3). During the week, insist at a temperature of about 7-10 degrees, and then put into the refrigerator. Recommended regimen – up to 3 times a day. The tool has a tonic, restorative and anti-inflammatory action. To reduce pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis, you can use the following tool: grate the lemons with the peel grated (to facilitate the process of their pre-should be parboiled), add the same amount of the may honey and olive oil. Approximately 10 days the mixture was kept in the refrigerator. Take 2-3 times a day. External useOsteochondrosis externally honey is used primarily for compresses and conduct of honey massage.
Twenty five million six hundred twenty two thousand seven hundred eleven
Grate one potato, add to the resulting mass of warm liquid honey, mix well. Apply to affected area, cover it with cling film or plastic wrap and wrap a piece of natural, warm fabrics. The exposure duration from 1 to 2 hours. Such a honey poultice is very useful in osteochondrosis of the cervical localization. Mix the grated radish with liquid honey, add a tablespoon of coarse salt and a little vodka. Mix and apply to the affected area. A similar composition prepared without salt, it is recommended to take inside during exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves, pour a glass of hot water and boil for 3-5 minutes, then strain and after some cooling, add a tablespoon of honey. Daily applied on the neck (chest, waist) moistened with natural fabric, cover with film wrap and wrap a woolen scarf for 2 hours. Procedure to continue until the easing or disappearance of symptoms. Osteochondrosis this compress is very useful to apply after honey massage: this will greatly enhance the performance of both procedures. In the cervical form of the disease prolonged exposure to the affected area is undesirable because it can cause an increase in pressure. For pain in the spine is useful and is a “dry” honey wrap. The meeting is necessary to sculpt the cake, mix the honey with flour (1:1), and apply it on the affected area. For maximum effect, painful area should be pre-steam. On top of the cake is better to cover with a film and fix a warm scarf.
What you need to know about honey massageMassage with honey is indicated for all forms of osteoarthritis. Method is used for any pain in the spine since ancient times. It is still practiced by the healers of Ancient India and Tibet. Thanks to special technology, the active ingredients are quickly absorbed into the skin, in a short time reaching the lesion.
Seventy two million forty five thousand eight hundred twelve
ActionThe most important action of honey massage in osteochondrosis is in the improvement of metabolic processes in the lesion. By accelerating local tissue metabolism are supplied with sufficient nutrients, accelerates the process of regeneration. Massage with honey has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and warming effect. As a result, muscles relax, blood circulation is normalized, pain becomes less pronounced or disappears. Effect on the skin using massage movements helps to open the pores, improves skin breathing, which speeds up the recovery process. Honey absorbs toxic compounds: it also indirectly improves the local exchange. The honey massage strengthens the General and local immunity, relaxes and soothes. These factors accelerate recovery. Honey reduces pain and promotes the normalization of breathing: this is extremely important when breast osteochondrosis, often accompanied by disturbances of the depth of inhalation and exhalation. TechniqueBefore the start of the session of honey massage you need to master the principle of its implementation. The technique differs from the classical. It is based on not stroking, pinching and other techniques of conventional massage, as strong pressure with the palms, followed by a sharp tearing, and thus a main goal of the procedure: the maximum absorption of honey into the tissues and its extraction residues.
StagesVideo: honey massage
Subscribe to our youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXd71u0w04qcwk32c8kY2BA/videos
Phase 1: preparationBefore the start massage the treated area should remove the extra hairs, otherwise they will stick to honey and to escape with him, which is extremely painful. It is also recommended to warm up the affected with osteochondrosis of the region. The best way is to take a hot bath, or at least applied to the part of the body hot compress. At the same time it is necessary to take care of the heating of the honey. It needs to be in the liquid state, preferably a little warm.
Stage 2: the beginningMasseur gets honey on warm hands, apply the hand to the painful site and holds a few stroking movements. It promotes relaxation and warming the muscles. At the same time the honey is evenly distributed on the skin.
Stage 3: the mainWhen honey mass is quite thick, you can proceed to the very essence of massage. The palm pressed against the patient's body, and then abruptly tear. From the surface of the body at first comes off the lower part of the palms, followed by the rest of the way down to the fingertips. You should not press too vigorously, but the palm surface should be completely snugly to the body.
A slight burning sensation or slight pain are the norm. Redness and heat of the treated area evidence of proper execution of the procedure. Pain, irritation, rash should be a signal to end the massage.
In the beginning of the session med is actively absorbed into the skin. During the palms a certain portion remains in the body, the rest is on the hands. Massage should continue until such time as the honey will begin to fully remain in the hands. In the process of planning the mass changes color, becoming whitish or grayish. This occurs as a result of absorption of waste and toxic compounds.
Step 4: the finalOsteochondrosis honey massage complete with a light stroking of the body. Remnants of honey is rubbed with a piece soaked in warm water tissue, and the treated area is wrapped up in a blanket. The patient needs some time to remain in a relaxed state for better absorption of bioactive components in the tissue. Optimal is the procedure for the night.
Session duration is approximately 30 minutes. The course includes 5-8 procedures.
In some cases not recommended the use of honeyThere are some contraindications, in which the treatment of degenerative disc disease of honey should be abandoned.
If you are allergic to the product ingestion is not desirable!
Honey massage can be carried out at:
- intolerance honey;
- coagulation disorders;
- high temperature;
- nausea or vomiting;
- heart failure;
- renal disease;
- the presence of a neoplasm of any etiology;
- skin disease;
- diseases of the blood.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: pozvonki.com/lechenie/med/
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