9 ways to distinguish good honey from bad
In this article we will not go into detail and write about all the differences of good honey from bad, and just give simple and efficient methods to determine the level of quality of your honey before and after, you already have at home.
Good honey means the natural product produced by bees on the basis of pollen, not sugar, and honey under the bad — everything else (a lot of water in the composition, the use of artificial sweeteners and sugar, etc.).
How did the modern diversity to identify good honey and to recognize the bad?
1. Read the composition Is the first step that will help you learn about the presence or absence of extra additives in your honey, and then choose a better option. The manufacturer is obliged to specify all the ingredients in that percentage in which they appear in the product up to certain limits, so that a large amount of something extra will not pass unnoticed.
2. Natural honey is not sticky Take a little honey and try to RUB it between his fingers. Quality natural honey is well spread out and easily absorbed by the skin (of course, if you took just a little bit), but if it stays sticky and is not absorbed, it is highly probable that the honey added to sugar and artificial sweeteners.
3. Caramelization, Place in a bowl a couple of teaspoons of honey and heat at high power in the microwave. Become caramelizing honey good and bad will be foaming and forms a lot of bubbles.
4. Paper check Drip a few drops of honey on the paper. If the med didn't come in the hole and not even sharpened the paper, it is a quality product that does not contain water. Accordingly, the honey, which is easily and quickly put a hole in the paper is of poor quality.
5. Ant trick the Ants don't like real honey. If you have access to ants, just put it in a place where they can be observed, a slice or a drop of honey. If ants will be around the med side, then it is natural!
6. Honey and water is the easiest and Most effective way to test the quality of honey is to look at its reaction with water. If a glass of water to throw a good spoon of natural honey, he fall to pieces and sink to the bottom, whereas poor quality honey from artificial additives will begin to dissolve.
7. Tingling in the mouth Natural, 100% pure honey from bees in your mouth causing a slight tingling sensation, tingling. From bad med this effect does not happen.
8. The honey on the bread Put a little honey on a slice of bread. If the bread becomes firmer, natural honey. If honey just to moisten the bread, it is a bad product that contains a lot of water.
9. The crystallization of Pure natural honey over time kristallizuetsya, while the honey with artificial additives remains liquid, syrupy form for very long.published
Source: /users/10

Good honey means the natural product produced by bees on the basis of pollen, not sugar, and honey under the bad — everything else (a lot of water in the composition, the use of artificial sweeteners and sugar, etc.).
How did the modern diversity to identify good honey and to recognize the bad?
1. Read the composition Is the first step that will help you learn about the presence or absence of extra additives in your honey, and then choose a better option. The manufacturer is obliged to specify all the ingredients in that percentage in which they appear in the product up to certain limits, so that a large amount of something extra will not pass unnoticed.
2. Natural honey is not sticky Take a little honey and try to RUB it between his fingers. Quality natural honey is well spread out and easily absorbed by the skin (of course, if you took just a little bit), but if it stays sticky and is not absorbed, it is highly probable that the honey added to sugar and artificial sweeteners.
3. Caramelization, Place in a bowl a couple of teaspoons of honey and heat at high power in the microwave. Become caramelizing honey good and bad will be foaming and forms a lot of bubbles.
4. Paper check Drip a few drops of honey on the paper. If the med didn't come in the hole and not even sharpened the paper, it is a quality product that does not contain water. Accordingly, the honey, which is easily and quickly put a hole in the paper is of poor quality.
5. Ant trick the Ants don't like real honey. If you have access to ants, just put it in a place where they can be observed, a slice or a drop of honey. If ants will be around the med side, then it is natural!
6. Honey and water is the easiest and Most effective way to test the quality of honey is to look at its reaction with water. If a glass of water to throw a good spoon of natural honey, he fall to pieces and sink to the bottom, whereas poor quality honey from artificial additives will begin to dissolve.
7. Tingling in the mouth Natural, 100% pure honey from bees in your mouth causing a slight tingling sensation, tingling. From bad med this effect does not happen.
8. The honey on the bread Put a little honey on a slice of bread. If the bread becomes firmer, natural honey. If honey just to moisten the bread, it is a bad product that contains a lot of water.
9. The crystallization of Pure natural honey over time kristallizuetsya, while the honey with artificial additives remains liquid, syrupy form for very long.published
Source: /users/10