Fake math

How to achieve a device of a crocodile to swallow people? <...> arranging it blank. Long ago solved physics that nature abhors a vacuum. In like manner, and the inside krokodilov it must be empty, so <...> constantly to swallow and be filled...
©F. M. Dostoevsky. "Crocodile"the History of zero
Pythagoras said: "the Elements of numbers are the elements of all things, and the whole world is harmony and number". But what is this thing displays 0?
There is an expression: "This man is an empty space, round zero." In Agni Yoga it is indicated that a lot of people don't have the spirit, these people are empty shells. Nullus (lat.) – "no". In India, the zero meant "empty", "hole". Thus, by definition, zero is not a number. It really is a hole, which fail all the computation, if 0 is entered. example
Addition with 0 to no avail, there is nothing to subtract from 0, subtract 0 bezsmyslenno. When multiplying 0 or multiplying by 0, the result falls into the "hole"; 0 do not share, because to share something is nothing, and at 0 you can not divide, just work fallacy (7 × 0 = 0, then, 0: 0 = 7 ?!).
"...Stenosis to zero, the body falls through the surface – the bearer of the corresponding coordinates, and flips through itself..." (Source: Florenskiy P. A. the Imaginary in geometry: the expansion of the area of two-dimensional images of geometry (experience a new interpretation of the imaginary). – Approx. ed.)
Among the Roman digits is not zero. In the Middle ages, when the phenomenon of people — empty shells impossible not to notice, then sign (symbol) appeared. Sign phenomenon. The Inquisition raged, lie triumphed, the Truth was pursued by the frenzied tops, they stupidly tried to serve the numb fear of the lower classes. The truth thronged in mass consciousness and its place was empty, it was the lie. 0 first appeared as a sign of lack of discharge. In VI century Indian mathematicians created the recording method using 9 digits. 0 is left empty place, and later began to put a dot or small circle. The ancient Greeks to refer to the missed category, put the letter ο (al-Greek. οὐδὲν, nothing) (also: ancient Greek. οὐδὲν – void, empty space. –Approx. ed.). No one came to mind to consider 0 a number, empty space – entity. The question is not could be about to enter 0 in the number of natural numbers, because natural number represents presence and 0 absence. In the ninth century appeared the symbol 0. Only played a positional role as a sign of lack of discharge. The sign of zero is not a circle but an ellipse (elleipsis, lat. – lack of; al-Greek. ἐλλιπής – devoid of anything). (Also: ancient Greek. ἐλλιπής – elliptical, incomplete; ἐλλιπές – failure, defect, gap; ἔλλειψις – fault, intentional omission of the words irrelevant to the meaning of the expression. – Approx. ed.) for a Long time the concept of zero seemed strange and unnecessary, why to call and to indicate what is not, i.e. non-existent? By definition of Aristotle, "a lie is non-existent". But "0" is non-existent. Consequently, zero is false, its mathematical symbol, and accurately performed, i.e. without violating mathematical laws, operations with 0 clearly prove the consequences of a lie. (Also the expression "he is a round zero" need to understand "he is a liar, it is filled with lies, he has no spirit, he's an empty shell", therefore, he is not human.) All these conclusions are so obvious mathematically that zero had no choice but to try to hide this fact. The engaged "scientists"-the Jesuits. example
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) was a pupil of the Jesuits. With the introduction of the method of coordinates by Descartes zero begins to perform on a par with numbers, moreover, becomes the center of coordinates. Through zero to Descartes managed to push through and negative numbers.
Christopher Clavius (1537-1612) – lecturer of the College of the Jesuits in Rome. Wrote a commentary to Euclid. ("Comment", so that not a trace of the original meaning – that they are masters. By the way, the Latin word commentum means a) a trap, a lie; b) the invention.)Girolamo Saccheri (1667-1733) – lecturer of the College of the Jesuits in Milan. The essay "Euclid, cleansed from all stains". In his footsteps went N I. Lobachevsky, who invented the so-called "neevklidova geometry", and on the works of Nikolai Lobachevsky and Georg Riemann founded his theory of albert Einstein. Where to fit a zero? The number of natural numbers is full and infinite, begins with one. (Monad – from Greek. μονάς unit.) Unit is the first principle of the identity of things themselves and their permanence. The monad is the beginning of all numbers, the numbers are the same – the beginning of all things.
But I wanted to "legitimize" zero, give him a "civil rights". Came up with other numeric ranges: integers, rational, real. Of course, put 0. But the advantage of the true numbers still had only a number of the natural numbers. Then went the other way. A Peano (1858-1932) wrote a Manifesto called "axioms of the natural numbers" (1891), in which he announced: "I. 0 is a natural number. II. The next natural number is a natural number. III. 0 is not the successor of any natural number". Etc. In fact, the axiom is an "undeniable truth". Brash and unsubstantiated statements Peano, who set out to adjust the Universe to your liking, has nothing to do with science nor to the axioms. Despite the chorus of enthusiasm about aximsite Peano, promotion failed. Zero failed to introduce into the hierarchy of natural numbers. The number is not passed. But this attempt was not the first and not the only one. What to do without tampering with the zero cannot be entered in math sophistry. That "zeros" you see, so trying to equate fictional to the present and was, and continue. example
As-Samawal (?-1174) came up with the rules for algebra and entering into the taste, said that for x not equal to zero: x0 = 1. (There were, of course, no fallacy in the proof.)
Michael Stiefel (1487-1567) – came up with a zero exponent.John Wallis (1616-1703) believed that 0 sharing is even possible! Moreover, if you take an infinite number of zeros, it is possible to get a unit, it must be done...Invented and introduced in 1808, the sign n! – factorial. "The factorial of zero occurs in a variety of combinatorial problems, but everywhere and always it is taken equal to one." (0! = 1) so: want and accept, without reason, without evidence. (The term "factorial" introduced in 1800 by the French mathematician and politician Louis françois Antoine Arbogast (1759-1803), the designation of the factorial n! – introduced in 1808 by the French mathematician Christian Kramp (1760-1826). – Approx. ed.) Georg Cantor (1845-1918) invented "set theory" and stated: "Many there are many conceivable by us as a single. The set not containing any elements, nazyvaetsya". In fact, the concept of "empty set" is a typical fallacy, and the whole theory of Cantor is based on juggling with words, which is attached to one or the other sense.Even earlier invented "the set of integers":... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 ... And even then that in a fantasy world, zero has provided a Central place. He became a reference point in both directions.
Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) wrote in his "Differential calculus" (1755), that the infinitely small value is zero. "There are infinitely many orders of infinitely small quantities, and although all these values are equal to zero, should be clearly distinguish them from each other if we appeal to their interdependence, expressed by the geometric ratio." (Bishop John. Berkeley mocked infinitely small as on "shadows of departed quantities," finding sophistry, and was convinced that the correct analysis results are obtained through compensating errors.)
The individuals who introduced zero and tried to win for him, "civil rights," thus proving that no idea what the reality show definitions:
• "man is the measure of all things" • "all numbers correspond to things (objects)" • "unit is the measure of all numbers" • "unit is a monad, corresponds to the point" and how they are interrelated. Moreover, they argue that the point is subject to a "zero measurement". Machine civilization is built on the basis of zero (the binary system). All the launches deadly new inventions are made through the countdown to zero. People to this ritual accustomed and do not think about what is ritual, why is "0" starts an event and that it brings them. Negative numbers
In nature there are no negative values. Even the Jesuit Descartes was forced to call negative numbers "false", Cardano called them "fictitious". In mathematics, there is the subtract operation, but it is absolutely different things. In antiquity there was no notion of separately taken of a negative number.The numbers can be only natural (existing, natural), and the signs "+" and "–" refer to the operations, but not to numbers. There is a ban: it is impossible to subtract a larger from a smaller – in full accordance with the Law of nature.
If the branch hangs 1 pear, and often you want 3, then it will fail. And even if in the report you will write 3 pears, eat something, only one.
This prohibition has been, and remains, a violation of it in the computing means a hoax, and nothing more.
Negative numbers appeared in Diophantus in the third century, and in India in the VII century. A positive number meant "property," negative "duty", "lack of". They appeared as supposedly symmetric positive. But if in nature there were such symmetry, it would be symmetric to each other and size, characters which are numbers. But there are no values. example
On a scale thermometer 0°C – temperature (t) the freezing point of water. The conventional, because if the the 0 make t the boiling point of water, then t +10°C would be considered t -90°C.
Negative numbers "debts", has drawn the increasing attention. Quickly increased the number of people who didn't create anything. Ruining the "property" of its kind, they lived "in debt", i.e. their "duty" ruined someone else's "property", because negative values are not found in nature. If "duty" had eaten "property," then it disappears and a = 0. And if we see that someone lives "in debt" and thus thrives, then, is the secret ruin someone else's "property": the debtor is booming, while there is someone to destroy.
Diophantus introduced a new facility – negative number called "lack", "duty". Introduced as well as later Peano, i.e. without evidence. Invented and the rules for these numbers: • "lack of" multiplied by "lack of" give "presence"; • "lack of" multiplied by "existence", gives a "disadvantage". Rules of addition and subtraction Diophantus does not explain, he just uses them. And what is there to explain? From the point of view of mathematics, and it is one of the Pythagorean – all this just does not make sense. But he Diophantus used a negative number only in intermediate calculations, but the solution always took a positive number. It is clear that this split consciousness of the "value for Diophantus does not have a geometric meaning as before." But if there is no geometric meaning, so there is no mathematics. Diophantus introduced the entry of equations, and gave two basic rules of transformation of equations: 1) the transfer of the equals sign with reverse sign, to get rid of negative numbers; 2) reduction of similar members. example
To get rid of "debt" there is no other way than increasing "property", and is equal to ruining, you're ruining yourself, and that is the law of retribution. And it brilliantly describes in symbols: a + b = b + a (you, him, your equal, "property" equally). But you wanted to, in violation of the equality so, to transfer his "property" (using the equality sign) a + b – a = b. Polukilogrammovye because his "property" passing to you, was not "property" of your and your "debt". Wants to take yet – will ruin him and yourself. Violating equality, you have lost as much as took away your equal. And if it was 3 + 2 = 2 + 3, i.e. 5 = 5, then the result of your transformation (3 + 2 – 2 – 3 = 0) will become 0 = 0, but admit it, it's not the same.
The following "adjustments" made As-Samawal (XII century). The work he composed at age 19: first set out the rules for the treatment of negative numbers without resorting to a more positive value, from which they usually were deducted. Acted in a big way:
– (–AHP) = axn; –axn – (bxn) = –(a+b)xn So the characters were set out credo: it would be good to exist solely due to "debts" do not create "property", and even mathematically to legitimize this lifestyle.
Negative numbers appeared in trade settlements. example
If the merchant is 3000 p., and buys for 5000 rubles., that he was indebted to 2000 p. In accordance with this believed that there is made a subtraction 3000 – 5000, the result is the number 2000 (with the dot at the top), meaning "two thousand debt."
In this example things are not called by their names: the merchant is not currently "bought" and took someone else's without paying. So, the appearance of negative numbers was due to the dishonest trade transactions and false definitions.
A cubic equation. They cannot be solved in principle, because this is not mathematics – actions with non-uniform values in math is prohibited. And cubic equations as a result of "behind-the-scenes" manipulations with numbers with radicals, negative and complex numbers suddenly emerges laundered roots. Negative numbers represent the display of the principle of "take more than give", or even "take without giving". Very interesting explanation of why such persistence of a negative number "to win the rights of citizenship": an example
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, – further subtraction gives "no number", and then have nothing to deduct. If we want to make subtraction always possible (i.e., to take without giving. – Approx. ed.) we have:
1) "lack of numbers" count the number (zero);2) from this last number is considered possible to take another unit, etc. So we get new numbers: -1, -2, -3, etc. (ie, in place of mathematical Law to put mezhdusoboynyh contracts and conditions. To replace the math.) Michael Stiefel (1487-1567) continued an arithmetic progression in negative numbers, which he called "less than nothing". In geometric progressions he suddenly povilaitiene the exponent, which he attributed to the alleged role symmetric role of positive indicators.
Rafael Bombelli (1526-1572) gave the definition of negative numbers, though all mathematicians of the time considered a negative number, false, impossible, and made up rules for handling them. It is different from "dexterity and skill with which it is formally manipulated roots of negative numbers". It was cheating. He also introduced his imaginary number, by a Declaration, calling it a "axioms". (Incidentally cheated off of Diophantus ~ 140 tasks included in his treatise, without specifying the author.) And he came up with the square root of a negative number to call "plus minus" and "minus of minus". And gave rules for multiplying this nightmare to fasten sophistic number to the natural. And introduced the sophistry, of course, through zero. His books are studied Leibniz, Euler. The main purpose of all this manipulation To° – to build an imaginary world and pretend to be true, to equate to true, to write with mathematical symbols in a real. To achieve the goal is very useful algebra, because alphabetic symbols it was easier to hide the phantoms. Simon Stevin (1548-1620) introduced decimal fractions and negative roots of equations. He developed a violent activities to force everyone to recognize the irrationality of full numbers. But the negative roots of the quadratic equation was considered non-existent even in the Ancient Babylon. Negative numbers became widespread only after the introduction by Descartes of coordinate axis. The method of coordinates has been known since ancient times, it was used by explorers but no one could come to mind to define its place on the planet with negative numbers. Descartes also introduced the zero is a reference point, and through him, pulled a negative number, and "equal" to each other in the coordinate system values of different dimensions, reducing them all to cut. So built logistics imaginary world in which zeros it would seem by the numbers and the debts of the estate. This world was an accurate reflection of the human world. In this nightmarish world of people (lat. ludus – the game) seemed to themselves actually exist, they manipulate the numbers, inventing their own laws manipulation. Imaginary world seemed real, and the reality they have ceased to see and understand.
Author: Svetlana Ryabtseva
_______________________1. Dostoevsky's "The Crocodile". First published in the journal "the Era" (1865, No. 2) called "an Extraordinary event or passage in the Passage, just the story of how one gentleman, known for years and is known for appearance, transit crocodile swallowed alive, all without a trace, and what came of it".
2. The author uses only the prefix "no-", where before it could be written "the devil". The fact that the prefix "devil" was introduced illegally some "Special Meeting" under the Provisional government in 1917. But in the Russian language there is no such alternation of "h", it is contrary to the Morphological law. Prior to 1917, wrote, "without-". So the author follows the law of the Russian language.

The materials underlying the essay were announced on 24 March 2001 at the conference in Novosibirsk.
First separate edition: Ryabtseva S. L. Essays on mathematics. – Novosibirsk, 2007. – 120 p –
ISBN 978-5-9657-0086-8.
Source: omskmark.moy.su/publ/essayclub/s_l_rjabceva/2014_s_l_rjabceva_matematika/92-1-0-1800#t20c