Why the name Svetlana is not recognized by the Church, the explanation of the priest
Slavic names were often influenced by other peoples and cultures. But despite this, the ancient Russian name was very strict. In ancient Russia, a new name could appear only in the case of church canonization of a saint. Names were given to children under clearly defined church rules. Some names still managed to bypass the church ban and take root in the world of names. One of these names was the name of Svetlana. Unlike other names taken from other peoples since ancient times, the meaning of the name Svetlana is the author’s.
Peels And today's editorial office "Site" He will tell you the story of the name.
The creation of this name belongs to a specific person. In the early 19th century on the pages of the literary work of Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov in the poem “Svetlana and Mstislav” for the first time this name was used. But this work did not receive much popularity. And so would have been forgotten the name of Svetlana, if not for the Russian poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, who wrote the ballad “Svetlana”. V.A. Zhukovsky was the progenitor of Russian romanticism and quite popular in his time. The ballad “Svetlana” although it was written for the nobility very quickly became popular, thanks to which the name of Svetlana became popular.
But since the Church still forbade to call children by non-canonical names, the name of Svetlana began to be used in the names of ships, factories, boarding houses. Later, this name migrated into folk tales that were retold by the people. Hence the opinion that the name Svetlana is an ancient Slavic name.
In 1917, after the revolutions, the church lost its power and many prohibitions were lifted. At this time, many new and even strange names begin to appear in Soviet Russia. Also during this period, a new life acquires the name Svetlana. It is becoming very popular among the common people, and among the top authorities. The Church had no choice but to introduce this name into Orthodox saints. Therefore, the prototype of the name Svetlana in the church was chosen the name Photinia, which in Greek means “light”.
And indeed, Svetlana is distinguished by a joyful radiant character. The Girl of Light is very active and curious. Almost always does the right thing, is very self-confident and always insists on his own. The school of Light lacks stars in the classroom, but it is very active in public life.
As an adult, he loves to travel and visit new places. It is easy to find a common language with anyone. Always bright and attractive. Always surrounded by men and their compliments. Hardworking and persistent. If you set a goal for yourself, you will surely achieve it. They often achieve great success at work. If you find your dream job, you become one with it. A great leader and leader in life.
It is very healthy young. The problem is the skin since adolescence. But with proper care and regime of the day, this problem disappears.
Svetlana's character is not simple. It cannot be called easy and understandable. It consists of contradictions and extremes. In one second she can be kind and harsh, cheerful and rude. But despite such swings of positive qualities in her character much more.
Svetlana approaches the choice of a life partner very carefully. She is ready to look for and choose a real man of her heart. For her, the reliability and material condition of the partner is very important. Svetlana herself can earn no less than a satellite. She is more interested in equality than dependence on her husband.
Svetlana is a very vulnerable romantic nature inside, although it may seem that she is a real bitch. She does not put her true feelings on display, but trusts them only to very close people.
Now you know the meaning of the name Svetlana, and also discovered the traits of these unusual women. We hope you were interesting and informative!

Peels And today's editorial office "Site" He will tell you the story of the name.
The creation of this name belongs to a specific person. In the early 19th century on the pages of the literary work of Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov in the poem “Svetlana and Mstislav” for the first time this name was used. But this work did not receive much popularity. And so would have been forgotten the name of Svetlana, if not for the Russian poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, who wrote the ballad “Svetlana”. V.A. Zhukovsky was the progenitor of Russian romanticism and quite popular in his time. The ballad “Svetlana” although it was written for the nobility very quickly became popular, thanks to which the name of Svetlana became popular.

But since the Church still forbade to call children by non-canonical names, the name of Svetlana began to be used in the names of ships, factories, boarding houses. Later, this name migrated into folk tales that were retold by the people. Hence the opinion that the name Svetlana is an ancient Slavic name.
In 1917, after the revolutions, the church lost its power and many prohibitions were lifted. At this time, many new and even strange names begin to appear in Soviet Russia. Also during this period, a new life acquires the name Svetlana. It is becoming very popular among the common people, and among the top authorities. The Church had no choice but to introduce this name into Orthodox saints. Therefore, the prototype of the name Svetlana in the church was chosen the name Photinia, which in Greek means “light”.

And indeed, Svetlana is distinguished by a joyful radiant character. The Girl of Light is very active and curious. Almost always does the right thing, is very self-confident and always insists on his own. The school of Light lacks stars in the classroom, but it is very active in public life.

As an adult, he loves to travel and visit new places. It is easy to find a common language with anyone. Always bright and attractive. Always surrounded by men and their compliments. Hardworking and persistent. If you set a goal for yourself, you will surely achieve it. They often achieve great success at work. If you find your dream job, you become one with it. A great leader and leader in life.

It is very healthy young. The problem is the skin since adolescence. But with proper care and regime of the day, this problem disappears.
Svetlana's character is not simple. It cannot be called easy and understandable. It consists of contradictions and extremes. In one second she can be kind and harsh, cheerful and rude. But despite such swings of positive qualities in her character much more.

Svetlana approaches the choice of a life partner very carefully. She is ready to look for and choose a real man of her heart. For her, the reliability and material condition of the partner is very important. Svetlana herself can earn no less than a satellite. She is more interested in equality than dependence on her husband.
Svetlana is a very vulnerable romantic nature inside, although it may seem that she is a real bitch. She does not put her true feelings on display, but trusts them only to very close people.
Now you know the meaning of the name Svetlana, and also discovered the traits of these unusual women. We hope you were interesting and informative!
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