A fairy tale for the youngest of installers
Stolen from the site nag.ru. Happy reading
Attic hole beckoned coolness and silence, promising though dusty, but still relatively quiet work. Assembly Petrov firmly put his foot on the first rung welded to death on the floor stairs, and in a few seconds ascended high enough to stop harmful hear the old woman, who was still unpleasant to mumble with his toothless mouth two floors below. Petrov did not like the old woman immediately, as it immediately and put it in popularity.
- All hodyut and hodyut - hostile flashing pale eyes hissed the old woman in the back of a suspicious man in overalls, who was carrying in one hand a large black plastic box, and the other - a bright orange chest - first visit and then shitting anywhere, and then in the hallways bulbs disappear.
- Do not grumble, grandmother - peacefully Petrov said, smiling politely vigilant old woman. - I'm not a thief, but quite the contrary. Internet go to repair.
But assessing the frown on that information the charge was deaf ears of the old woman, he decided to explain:
- Broke the Internet at your tenants! And I did - repair. Do you know what "Internet»?
- And how is it! - Soared old. - That's what this stuff in the house of a divorce! Ah, the dirty dog! Oh, goddamn adversary!
I had to flee. But even "flying rats" - hated pigeons kurlychuschie somewhere in the dark attic, now seemed Petrov quite lovely creatures. Close the door, and it finally cut himself off from the noise of the old woman, Petrov folded things on the floor and pulled out a flashlight. Should look around and find a box with switches.
The bright beam of electric light underfoot starts swirling dust.
- Well this is how much time one here not to go? - I wondered aloud Petrov.
Trying not to stumble and not to hit any location that head, he walked slowly to the attic gloom. Fortunately the road was clearly visible - many cables of various kinds, and even colors, were in the dark better than Greek Ariadne thread.
The box showed up pretty soon. He stood on the floor, entangled in cables, as if carried with them a relentless struggle for life and death. On top of showing loyalty to duty as an ally by the fans hanging birds perch colorful hill towered doves "gifts».
- Easily - do not pull the cable out and shit - philosophically concluded Petrov and reached for the gloves.
Suddenly, somewhere in the darkness I came on first loud rustling and then bellowing incoherently. Petrov paused, listening, sighed and moved toward the sound. It seems that the reason for termination was found almost simultaneously with the box. With the homeless do not want to communicate, but also to keep them here after repairs meant guarantee a recall as soon as possible.
- Hey, you - loudly said Petrov, a flashlight illuminating the darkest corner, where he heard a heavy puffing and vague fuss. - Look for another place to doss house.
A beam of light slid frail calf, covered with hair. Petrov stared at the strange creature sank his teeth into the cable. A rat the size of a dog? A dog without a tail, but with a beard and in his pants? The circus dwarf?
Being in the spotlight, being twitched and moaned with a vengeance. Suddenly it became very obvious that the creation of teeth stuck in a thick black cable insulation, well mounted on a pole with iron cramps.
- Wow, - struck Petrov reached into his pocket for a digital "soap box».
- Get sverkashku, not that it will be worse - someone said a grim, but at the same time comic-pitched voice.
Petrov pulled the hand and in the spot light showed another "circus midget." Although the actor a little hairy man, though consisting of one unkempt beard, resembled little.
- Who are you? - With a joyful surprise Peter's question, looking at the wrinkled face, adorned with a large hooked nose, on which gleamed wickedly green as a cat's eye.
- What do you think? - Grumpy man asked.
- Escaped from the circus? - Gently asked Petrov.
The version was untenable from the start, so rude gesture being shown Petrov, turned out quite natural continuation of the conversation.
At this time, the second creation that and sat clutching his teeth into the cable, twitched and moaned again, furiously shaking his shaggy head.
- Deliver Cherdachnika - grimly man asked, nodding toward stuck.
- Yeah, right now - revenge, Petrov said, somewhat offended by coarse man. - This is, by the way, an act of sabotage. Trying to ruin the cable sector! Now we will call the police.
- Do not the police - a conciliatory, but also the man he said grimly. - Release. Gave back.
- I like constructive and outlined in our conversation, - the extent Petrov said, sitting down on the inverted discovered near a rusty bucket. - I repeat my question: who are you? Working for whom?
- Local, we - after hesitating, he mumbled into his beard man. - I do, if you think to call, Brownie. And this is - Cherdachnik.
Petrov whistled, but gave no surprise to knock yourself with the main idea:
- Brownie - so houses. Cable-what prevented you?
- You, the people, it will be hard to realize - sadly said Brownie.
- And you try - curiously looking at the interlocutor, said Petrov. - Then let you go on all four sides without any gifts. And not for the first time since pogryzennye cables see. Thought - rat.
- Well, listen, - sighed Brownie.
His story was simple, something instructive and Petrov touched deeply.
From time immemorial, all the houses and members of their entourage, which included Attic, barn, Air and other such small demons, lived beside people and feel just fine. About them knew they were afraid, they left offerings. But best of all offerings was that they are remembered and passed on from generation to generation the tale of beneficial creatures, living quietly in the house. After all the kind words addressed Brownie gave them all the vital forces are incomparably greater than any of the edible piece that they could quietly take off the table.
And then came the new time. People in houses ponastavili iron boxes and handed them to the black rope solid and ... stop thinking about anything except the color pictures in a small window. And the more the Internet invaded the lives of people, the less they remembered about the houses and his loyal assistant. And did not the houses of vitality. And along with him and his entourage. And then Brownie decided to fight.
He correctly determined that spoil the iron box is useless - they are quickly repaired by the owners - and immediately took up the black rope, which felt the beating of alien life takes all the attention once kind and responsive people. To sense, however, since that did not. People navrode Petrov, quickly found damage and global network continues to deprive Brownie last effort. Only one single old lady from the first floor went every day to remember the little old man to keep order in the house.
- We fought as they could - sadly said Brownie. - But nothing helps. They forgot about us humans. Let's go to the woods, to the devil Yes Water. There, and we die.
Not saying a word, Peter took the cord and helped Cherdachniku free.
But when the bearded dwarf began to say goodbye, Petrov suddenly interrupted most impolite way:
- Well, wait a minute. Tell me: do you wield hand tools could?
Brownie nabychilsya instantly and looked at Petrova former hostile gaze.
- You laugh? What is there to be able to then? I have every soul can see through mites. Blacksmith me, consider relatives. And ore.
- But such a thing? - Petrov reached into his pocket and pulled out a cable stripper.
Brownie few seconds staring at the instrument, then stretched hairy hand stroked a yellow plastic handle and nodded gravely:
- Good mites. It looks just terrible. And inside - good. Make friends.
- Well, well, - feeling a rush of enthusiasm, said Petrov. - Well, then. Anywhere you will not go away. There was one idea.
Two weeks later, Petrov instead of "exciting" cruise on the roof of the next mnogokvartirnika, sitting at home, typeset on a computer layout of plates and mentally bring the first results.
What Cherdachnik homes and treat even the better tool Petrov, it was clear even then, in the darkness of the attic, over half of entrained cable shredding. Connectors and connectors were given worse and svarochnik fantastic team mastered all until the third day. But Petrov was the fifth of its territory and was extremely pleased with the result. All cables are neatly turned out to be fixed and labeled boxes with equipment - sparkled perfect purity, and approaches to them - cleaned of debris and dirt.
But to dwell on this new team was not going to. The news that fantasy creatures all is not lost, quickly spread throughout the area, and more and more familiar attic could see unfamiliar bearded face, busily studying stand with the tool. After Peter himself also fulfilled his promise, and jokingly told everyone that the Internet is now in the neighborhood work properly only by houses, attic, barn and Bannomu. It was enough to make people remember the old tales, and the life force back to Little Helper.
- Uncle Petrov, we are there in the attic of the cable cutters closed - as always unexpectedly jumped out of the battery a little Brownie. - To understand himself go or call the police?
- Sam go - gradually Petrov said. - Watch that for carvers. Maybe just hooligans like for example those that you scared the night before last. Wait, that's just the layout of plates completed yet.
Curious Brownie climbed on the arm of the chair and slowly, almost syllable by syllable, read:
- For reliable operation of the Internet in the entrance responsible company "Brownie".
Attic hole beckoned coolness and silence, promising though dusty, but still relatively quiet work. Assembly Petrov firmly put his foot on the first rung welded to death on the floor stairs, and in a few seconds ascended high enough to stop harmful hear the old woman, who was still unpleasant to mumble with his toothless mouth two floors below. Petrov did not like the old woman immediately, as it immediately and put it in popularity.
- All hodyut and hodyut - hostile flashing pale eyes hissed the old woman in the back of a suspicious man in overalls, who was carrying in one hand a large black plastic box, and the other - a bright orange chest - first visit and then shitting anywhere, and then in the hallways bulbs disappear.
- Do not grumble, grandmother - peacefully Petrov said, smiling politely vigilant old woman. - I'm not a thief, but quite the contrary. Internet go to repair.
But assessing the frown on that information the charge was deaf ears of the old woman, he decided to explain:
- Broke the Internet at your tenants! And I did - repair. Do you know what "Internet»?
- And how is it! - Soared old. - That's what this stuff in the house of a divorce! Ah, the dirty dog! Oh, goddamn adversary!
I had to flee. But even "flying rats" - hated pigeons kurlychuschie somewhere in the dark attic, now seemed Petrov quite lovely creatures. Close the door, and it finally cut himself off from the noise of the old woman, Petrov folded things on the floor and pulled out a flashlight. Should look around and find a box with switches.
The bright beam of electric light underfoot starts swirling dust.
- Well this is how much time one here not to go? - I wondered aloud Petrov.
Trying not to stumble and not to hit any location that head, he walked slowly to the attic gloom. Fortunately the road was clearly visible - many cables of various kinds, and even colors, were in the dark better than Greek Ariadne thread.
The box showed up pretty soon. He stood on the floor, entangled in cables, as if carried with them a relentless struggle for life and death. On top of showing loyalty to duty as an ally by the fans hanging birds perch colorful hill towered doves "gifts».
- Easily - do not pull the cable out and shit - philosophically concluded Petrov and reached for the gloves.
Suddenly, somewhere in the darkness I came on first loud rustling and then bellowing incoherently. Petrov paused, listening, sighed and moved toward the sound. It seems that the reason for termination was found almost simultaneously with the box. With the homeless do not want to communicate, but also to keep them here after repairs meant guarantee a recall as soon as possible.
- Hey, you - loudly said Petrov, a flashlight illuminating the darkest corner, where he heard a heavy puffing and vague fuss. - Look for another place to doss house.
A beam of light slid frail calf, covered with hair. Petrov stared at the strange creature sank his teeth into the cable. A rat the size of a dog? A dog without a tail, but with a beard and in his pants? The circus dwarf?
Being in the spotlight, being twitched and moaned with a vengeance. Suddenly it became very obvious that the creation of teeth stuck in a thick black cable insulation, well mounted on a pole with iron cramps.
- Wow, - struck Petrov reached into his pocket for a digital "soap box».
- Get sverkashku, not that it will be worse - someone said a grim, but at the same time comic-pitched voice.
Petrov pulled the hand and in the spot light showed another "circus midget." Although the actor a little hairy man, though consisting of one unkempt beard, resembled little.
- Who are you? - With a joyful surprise Peter's question, looking at the wrinkled face, adorned with a large hooked nose, on which gleamed wickedly green as a cat's eye.
- What do you think? - Grumpy man asked.
- Escaped from the circus? - Gently asked Petrov.
The version was untenable from the start, so rude gesture being shown Petrov, turned out quite natural continuation of the conversation.
At this time, the second creation that and sat clutching his teeth into the cable, twitched and moaned again, furiously shaking his shaggy head.
- Deliver Cherdachnika - grimly man asked, nodding toward stuck.
- Yeah, right now - revenge, Petrov said, somewhat offended by coarse man. - This is, by the way, an act of sabotage. Trying to ruin the cable sector! Now we will call the police.
- Do not the police - a conciliatory, but also the man he said grimly. - Release. Gave back.
- I like constructive and outlined in our conversation, - the extent Petrov said, sitting down on the inverted discovered near a rusty bucket. - I repeat my question: who are you? Working for whom?
- Local, we - after hesitating, he mumbled into his beard man. - I do, if you think to call, Brownie. And this is - Cherdachnik.
Petrov whistled, but gave no surprise to knock yourself with the main idea:
- Brownie - so houses. Cable-what prevented you?
- You, the people, it will be hard to realize - sadly said Brownie.
- And you try - curiously looking at the interlocutor, said Petrov. - Then let you go on all four sides without any gifts. And not for the first time since pogryzennye cables see. Thought - rat.
- Well, listen, - sighed Brownie.
His story was simple, something instructive and Petrov touched deeply.
From time immemorial, all the houses and members of their entourage, which included Attic, barn, Air and other such small demons, lived beside people and feel just fine. About them knew they were afraid, they left offerings. But best of all offerings was that they are remembered and passed on from generation to generation the tale of beneficial creatures, living quietly in the house. After all the kind words addressed Brownie gave them all the vital forces are incomparably greater than any of the edible piece that they could quietly take off the table.
And then came the new time. People in houses ponastavili iron boxes and handed them to the black rope solid and ... stop thinking about anything except the color pictures in a small window. And the more the Internet invaded the lives of people, the less they remembered about the houses and his loyal assistant. And did not the houses of vitality. And along with him and his entourage. And then Brownie decided to fight.
He correctly determined that spoil the iron box is useless - they are quickly repaired by the owners - and immediately took up the black rope, which felt the beating of alien life takes all the attention once kind and responsive people. To sense, however, since that did not. People navrode Petrov, quickly found damage and global network continues to deprive Brownie last effort. Only one single old lady from the first floor went every day to remember the little old man to keep order in the house.
- We fought as they could - sadly said Brownie. - But nothing helps. They forgot about us humans. Let's go to the woods, to the devil Yes Water. There, and we die.
Not saying a word, Peter took the cord and helped Cherdachniku free.
But when the bearded dwarf began to say goodbye, Petrov suddenly interrupted most impolite way:
- Well, wait a minute. Tell me: do you wield hand tools could?
Brownie nabychilsya instantly and looked at Petrova former hostile gaze.
- You laugh? What is there to be able to then? I have every soul can see through mites. Blacksmith me, consider relatives. And ore.
- But such a thing? - Petrov reached into his pocket and pulled out a cable stripper.
Brownie few seconds staring at the instrument, then stretched hairy hand stroked a yellow plastic handle and nodded gravely:
- Good mites. It looks just terrible. And inside - good. Make friends.
- Well, well, - feeling a rush of enthusiasm, said Petrov. - Well, then. Anywhere you will not go away. There was one idea.
Two weeks later, Petrov instead of "exciting" cruise on the roof of the next mnogokvartirnika, sitting at home, typeset on a computer layout of plates and mentally bring the first results.
What Cherdachnik homes and treat even the better tool Petrov, it was clear even then, in the darkness of the attic, over half of entrained cable shredding. Connectors and connectors were given worse and svarochnik fantastic team mastered all until the third day. But Petrov was the fifth of its territory and was extremely pleased with the result. All cables are neatly turned out to be fixed and labeled boxes with equipment - sparkled perfect purity, and approaches to them - cleaned of debris and dirt.
But to dwell on this new team was not going to. The news that fantasy creatures all is not lost, quickly spread throughout the area, and more and more familiar attic could see unfamiliar bearded face, busily studying stand with the tool. After Peter himself also fulfilled his promise, and jokingly told everyone that the Internet is now in the neighborhood work properly only by houses, attic, barn and Bannomu. It was enough to make people remember the old tales, and the life force back to Little Helper.
- Uncle Petrov, we are there in the attic of the cable cutters closed - as always unexpectedly jumped out of the battery a little Brownie. - To understand himself go or call the police?
- Sam go - gradually Petrov said. - Watch that for carvers. Maybe just hooligans like for example those that you scared the night before last. Wait, that's just the layout of plates completed yet.
Curious Brownie climbed on the arm of the chair and slowly, almost syllable by syllable, read:
- For reliable operation of the Internet in the entrance responsible company "Brownie".
