A difficult test for real smart people that 95% of people will not master
Anyone can become a polymath. Only the desire to continue self-education is enough. Intricate tests throw connoisseurs a real challenge and help to really assess their strength. Therefore, we have prepared for readers the most difficult test with questions from different fields of knowledge. Are you in the circle of the chosen ones who gave the right answers?
GettyImages' most difficult test
Don’t worry if you haven’t answered all the questions! Erudition, as they say, is a profit. To increase it will help books, popular science films, sites with cognitive information. And our tests will tell you in which areas of knowledge there are still gaps.
The article and the preview used photos.

GettyImages' most difficult test
- How many oceans are there on Earth?
(g) six - In which organ does bile form?
(a) liver
(b) pancreas
(c) stomach
gallbladder - On the territory of what modern state are the ruins of the ancient city of Carthage?
(a) Turkey
(b) Greece
c) Tunisia
(d) Syria - By what pseudonym do we know Samuel Langhorn Clemens?
(a) Edgar Poe
Mark Twain
c) Jules Verne
(d) Main Reed
GettyImages - In what year did the more than six-century history of the Ottoman Empire end?
(a) 1792
(b) in 1870
(c) in 1903
g) in 1923 - Which of these writers did not win the Nobel Prize?
(a) Mikhail Sholokhov
(b) Ivan Bunin
(c) Boris Pasternak
(d) Vladimir Nabokov - Which of the 9 Greek muses was the patron saint of dance?
(a) Melpomene
(b) Clio.
c) terpsychore
(d) Calliope - Where, in the words of Napoleon Bonaparte, can you find the marshal's staff?
(a) in the royal palace
(b) in the heart of every officer
(c) in a soldier's backpack
(d) in the thick of battle
GettyImages - Which country’s flag is radically different from the rest in its shape?
(a) Cambodia
(b) Bhutan
(c) Marshall Islands
d) Nepal - Why does scaling form in the kettle?
(a) due to iron content in the water
(b) due to calcium and magnesium salts in the water
(c) due to chlorine content in the water
(d) due to organic impurities in the water
GettyImages - Which of these insects is a predator?
(a) roach
b) ladybug
(c) stag beetle
(d) butterfly - Which of Pushkin’s fairy tales begins with a numeral?
(a) “The Tale of the Pope and of His Worker Balda”
(b) “The Tale of King Saltan”
(c) “The tale of the fisherman and fish”
(d) “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”
GettyImages - Which of these characters is not fictional?
(a) Robin Hood
(b) King Arthur
(d) Sherlock Holmes
- When we were in school, there were four oceans on the maps. But on modern maps there are already five! In 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization adopted the division of the world's oceans into the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, Arctic and Southern (aka Antarctic) oceans. The Southern Ocean refers to the waters surrounding Antarctica and extending to 60 degrees south latitude. Scientists believe that the recognition of the Southern Ocean will help people to better understand its features and pay attention to the existing environmental problems in the area.
- As you know, bile helps the body digest food. This liquid is produced in... No, not in the gallbladder, as you might think, but in the liver!
- The ruins of the ancient Phoenician city of Carthage are near the capital of Tunisia. Today it is a place of archaeological excavations and the center of tourist routes.
GettyImages - Samuel Langhorn Clemens is known as Mark Twain.
- The collapse of the Ottoman Empire was finally sealed by the Treaty of Lausanne of 1923.
- Ivan Bunin received the Nobel Prize in 1933. Boris Pasternak in 1958 and Mikhail Sholokhov in 1965. Vladimir Nabokov was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature four times, but never received the prestigious award.
- The dance muse was called Terpsichora. Melpomene patronized the theater, Clio patronized the stories, and Calliope patronized the writers of epic poetry.
- The emperor knew a lot about spectacular lines. And one of the most famous was his phrase “in the backpack of every soldier lies the staff of a marshal.” The Russian proverb is “the bad soldier who does not dream of being a general.”
- The flag of Nepal is the only one in the world that does not have a rectangular shape.
GettyImages - Scaling is formed due to the presence of calcium and magnesium salts in water.
- Cute-looking ladybugs and their larvae are predators that eat aphids and other small insects.
- “Three girls under the window spun late in the evening,” – these words begin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by Alexander Pushkin.
- The Gascony nobleman Charles Augier de Batz de Castelmore, Count d’Artagnan, made a brilliant career in the company of the royal Musketeers of Louis XIV. His life formed the basis of the three-volume Memoirs of M. d’Artagnan, published in 1700. In the middle of the XIX century, Alexander Dumas-Father created on the basis of this book his cycle about musketeers.
Don’t worry if you haven’t answered all the questions! Erudition, as they say, is a profit. To increase it will help books, popular science films, sites with cognitive information. And our tests will tell you in which areas of knowledge there are still gaps.
The article and the preview used photos.
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