The sad fate of actor Vladislav Galkin, who will forever remain for us a smiling trucker Saska

Actor Vladislav Galkin He lived a short but eventful life. He first appeared in films when he was only 10 years old. Over the years of his career, the people’s artist was able to achieve deserved recognition of the audience. Today's edition. "Site" He wants to honor the memory of the deceased actor and remember his main achievements.

Actor Vladislav Galkin Vladislav Galkin's mother was a theater actress, film writer and screenwriter. While she was missing for a long time at work, the boy was raised by his grandmother. It was thanks to her that 9-year-old Galkin got his first screen test. This happened in secret from his mother.

A year later, the film The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn was released. In it, Vladislav played one of the main characters of Huckleberry Finn. Following this film, the actor starred in a cameo role in the film “This villain Sidorov”.

The boy’s stepfather Boris Galkin left the cinema under the impression. He later recalled: “Before me was an absolutely mature acting job of an 11-year-old boy, a built role, a lived fate.” It was he who predicted Vladislav the great future of a professional film actor. At the same time, Galkin’s mother did not want him to associate his life with acting. She understood how difficult the path of an artist was.

Galkin played his first major role in the film Golden Chain. By the age of 18, the actor had several successful roles. Vladislav planned to further develop his acting talent. Therefore, after school he entered the Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute. Besides, he studied at VGIK.

For his role in the film “In August of the 44th...” the actor was awarded the Nika Film Award in the nomination “Discovery of the Year”. Galkin devoted several years of his career to the successful Russian television series Long-haulers. It was he who brought Vladislav long-awaited popularity and recognition.

The audience enthusiastically accepted new works with Galkin. For example, the military series “Special Forces” and the thriller “Beyond the Wolves”. And the role of Ivan the Homeless in the serial film “The Master and Margarita” can be called one of the best in the performance of Vladislav.

The series “I fly” helped the actor to try himself in a new role. He played a talented surgeon and head of student practice. In 2009 Galkin starred in the melodrama “Love in the hay”. This was the last role of the artist in the movie.

Vladislav Galkin was married 4 times. However, having met his last wife, actress Daria Mikhailova, he realized that only thanks to her did he understand what love is. Unfortunately, the couple did not have time to have children. But together they raised Daria’s daughter from her first marriage. The actor is hardly an exemplary family man. In 2009, he began an affair with Anastasia Shipulina. But the man never managed to divorce his last wife.

A serious illness broke the people's artist suddenly. He was hospitalized and died a month later. Nobody knows what really happened. The stepfather of the artist still believes that in this story involved people who wanted to “remove” Vladislav and get his savings. No matter how Boris Galkin tried to prove his case, it did not affect the investigation.

About the life of Vladislav Galkin filmed as many as 6 documentaries. In memory of the actor, the central street in the village of Kaskovo is named. And the musician Sergey Galanin dedicated to the artist a song called “Leave actors”.

Without a doubt, the actor could bring to life many more images. But life was different. We invite you to enjoy the game of Vladislav Galkin and review your favorite film with his participation. His memory is bright!


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