Leslie Nielsen. I do not feel that I am I stick up a sweat

Leslie William Nielsen (born. Leslie William Nielsen)
Career: Actor, Producer, Screenwriter
Height: 1.87 m
Date of Birth: February 11, 1926 • Aquarius
Place of Birth: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Date of Death: November 28, 2010 • '84
Place of death: Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Actor Leslie Nielsen, William was born on 11 February 1926 in the Canadian town of Regina, in a family with royal roots. The boy grew up in a small village in the far north of Canada, where imported food only two months of the year. Mother of future celebrity Mabel Elizabeth (nee Davis), emigrated from foggy London to Canada (ie in Canada and held her acquaintance with the future father of Leslie - Ingvar Dane Nielsen, who was constable of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police). Leslie Nielsen was not the only child in the family, because he had an older brother Eric, who also achieved great heights in his career (in 1980, he served as Deputy Prime Minister of Canada).

His acting talent by the assurance of the Leslie Nielsen, he was obliged to strict father, who always had to lie to avoid punishment. Dad served as a police guy was strict and religious man, and belonged to the acting negatively, so the son of a very early start the game, had, as he could dodge and constantly lie.

Uncle Leslie, Jean Hersholt, in the past - film actor, became famous for his role as Dr. Christian played in the radio show of the same name.
Soon the family moved to Edmonton Nielsen, in which the boys went to school. In wartime, Leslie served in the Royal Canadian Air Force (or rather, here he received the necessary training, but in the field of military action was not what prevented his young age). After the service Nielsen Jr. worked radiodiktorom in Edmonton.

In 1949, Leslie graduated from training in the New York theater and decided to devote himself to the actor's craft. To this end, Nielsen went to New York debut novice actor on the big screen was the TV series, which went on the screens since 1955 to 1962 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents." Over the next few years honing his skills Nielsen, acting in various television dramas, one of which was and «Tales from Tomorrow», released in 1951.
In the mid 50s the actor settled in Hollywood, where he received his first film role. Leslie Nielsen film debut took place in 1956 in the movie "Forbidden Planet".

In 1959, Leslie Nielsen starred in one of the greatest American westerns directed by Ted Post's "Rawhide." His partners in the set then became known actors: Eric Fleming, Clint Eastwood, Steve Reines and James Murdoch. In the series of the same in 1959, "The Untouchables" actor successfully performed a secondary role with the actors Nutan and Sunil Tarun Bose. The plot was about a fight FBI Organized Crime, headed by Al Capone.

In the next decade, almost famous actor "feet up" on the spot. Leslie Nielsen mainly received minor role, although the number of roles played by Leslie Nielsen outdone many Hollywood celebrities. Directors and producers adored Leslie Nielsen for its reliability, for the brilliant epizodnoe appear on the screen. At that time, Leslie Nielsen starred in more than 30 films, but, unfortunately, was well known only to a narrow circle of film enthusiasts.

1970 to Leslie Nielsen's acting career was better than previous years. During this period left a number of films with the actor, unfortunately, moviegoers have seen their idol back to the "backyard" of the screen.
In 1971, Leslie Nielsen brilliantly played the role of an American detective series "Columbo: Lady waiting for", created by Richard Levinson and William Linke.
A year later, based on the novel by Richard Hooker's "MASH: A Novel of the three army doctor" rolling out the American TV series "MASH 1983" directed by Larry Gelberta.

Then Leslie Nielsen appeared successfully in the frame in the film "The Streets of San Francisco" and in the adventure comedy directed by Claude Zidi "recruits". In the film of the same year "Catastrophe" Poseidon "Nielsen just worked a minor role, the main role is performed by well-known actors: Shelley Winters, Ernest Borgnine and Gene Hackman.
In 1977, Leslie Nielsen flashed in a shot in his first major Rolet with excellent actor Christopher George and Lynda Day George, in the thriller "The Day of the animals," directed by William Girdlera.

In 1979, with the participation of Leslie Nielsen came just two films: "Little Tramp" and the film - directed by Alvin Rakoff catastrophe "City on Fire" co-production of the Canadian and American film companies. In the picture partly reflects the events of urban disaster in 1947 in Texas. Which, incidentally, did not bring any glory of the tape or the box office, which amounted to only $ 784, 181 or creators. Not she added appreciation and actors, and Leslie Nielsen is no exception.

The turning point was the role of an actor in the comedy "Airplane!" (1980). "Airplane!" Hurricane swept through the American cinemas collected from 2 million budget of almost 90 million. Dollars. Instantly reminded of old movies Nielsen began calls from agents and directors. But Leslie assessed the situation and decided not to tease fate. Since then, his career took a sharp turn, probably the most famous in the history of Hollywood, from serious dramas to comedies nuts. As we have seen, Nielsen has not lost. Since then, his career is clearly divided into two parts - before the "Airplane!" And after.

Mask comedian excellent "rooted" to Leslie Nielsen, actor and talented, professionally used it in almost all of his subsequent films. After a two-year hiatus famous actor once again took part in the filming of several successful films.
Already in 1982, he appeared in several films series "Police Squad", playing detective Frank. This character was continued in the hit comedy "The Naked Gun" (1988), directed by the famous trio Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker. It was this film that became a hit, Leslie Nielsen brought worldwide fame. This was followed by two very successful continuation - film "The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear", filmed in 1991, and "The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The last insult" 1994 release. Later, Leslie Nielsen says that the work of the famous Zucker, Jim Abrahams and became his real success.
From 1984 to 1992, followed by series featuring the famous Leslie Nielsen: "Murder, She Wrote" and "Ray Bradbury Theater". Directors continued to operate kinodar Leslie Nielsen in episodic scenes of the movie. At this time, with his participation came tape "The Canadian Conspiracy," "Golden Girls," "in a board," "The Patriot", "Home is where the Heart." The film in 1987, "Crazy" Leslie Nielsen flashed in company with Barbra Streisand and Richard Dreyfuss.
After parting with Zucker, Leslie Nielsen and then slowly continued to operate successful kinoelementy image Frank Drebin. In 1994, the actor has successfully played in the TV series "Due South", played a secondary role in the Italian film "Operation clean hands. 2000 years and six months ago, "and the American film" How to learn to play golf badly ".

Success was accompanied by the famous actor and tape another king parody of Mel Brooks in the movie "Dracula: Dead and Loving." Many scenes of the film described in burlesque vein.
By the mid-90s Nielsen was already so popular and rich that he could only accept offers from those who were either obliged or who liked him personally.
In 1995, the actor made a decision that has led to confusion creators of films: Leslie Nielsen returned to television, and began acting in various TV shows and serials. In 1999, Leslie Nielsen played in the movie "Wrongfully Accused" - it was a parody of the popular Hollywood movies "The Fugitive," "Titanic" and many others. In the picture the actor played the famous violinist Ryan Harrison, his ridiculous error accused of murder and sentenced to death, but on the way to prison, he escaped.

In 1996, Nielsen first tried his hand as an executive producer on the film "Spy Hard". "I invested the money, it would seem, in a dead project - Rick Friedberg was debutant director, the script was weak, little-known actors were planning" - says the actor of the film. But Nielsen has not lost - hooligan parody of James Bond not only paid off, but also earned 60 million. Dollars of net profit.
The beginning of the new century Leslie Nielsen met at the zenith of glory, full of creative energy and professional plans.

In 2003 he published the third part of the comedy-horror film parody "Scary Movie 3" directed by David Zucker, it brilliantly Leslie Nielsen starred President Baxter Harris.
Three years later, in 2006, rolling out the fourth part of the film "Scary Movie," which also played President Leslie Harris.

In 2008, all in the same star cast: Leslie Nielsen, Regina Hall, Craig Bierko and Anna Faris in rolling out another sequel acclaimed tape "Scary Movie 5". This was followed by tape "Superhero Movie".
In the same year, directed by David Zucker, "An American Carol" Leslie Nielsen played a modern version of the character, and ridiculed the American culture. Nielsen's partner on the film became Kelsey Grammer.
Film career Leslie Nielsen - unique: for twenty-five years old actor was filmed primarily in second-class tapes, and achieved fame and glory only in the fifties of his life.
Leslie Nielsen starred in many films. His exceptional diligence (annually actor starred in several films), the versatility of his talent (actor has is subject to any role), the mind, the magic charm, loyalty and devotion to himself friends did Leslie Nielsen first magnitude star in Hollywood.

The actor has been married four times, the last time he was married in 2001 to a woman with whom relations have lasted since 1983. At Nielsen has two children.
He - a cult figure in American cinema, a prominent actor in the creative account of which more than 200 roles in all known genres. He played golf, wrote scripts and books (also a golf pro). In life, it was a gentleman with impeccable manners, always dressed immaculately. He was the recipient of many awards, Chevalier of the Order of Glory and the Canadian owner of the personal star best Canadian actor.

Nielsen wanted to become an actor. What do you think, why?
"I believe this work the epitome of elegance and intelligence, I always wanted to be immaculately dressed, wearing a gold watch, meet beautiful women, good money ... I had no idea how much crap in my profession! How much intrigue, envy and anger! How many unethical things: hundreds of times I fell down the stairs, I was beaten, thrown cakes, thrust deep in mud, smear cream and sprinkle with flour, forced to dive to beat my head against the wall and kiss other men's wives! »
About 50 years:
"Shoot a lot, but only one can not understand why you call it the golden era of television? Gold and there was no smell! Received $ 50-70 per show ... »
80s heyday began Nielsen talent - his every expression is laughable, every word in his mouth became a comic tirade.
"I like the second breath opened, I was ready to work 25 hours a day. I was not hard to laugh, because the only difference between comedy and drama that comedy should be played much more serious! »

A little more quotes:
"Working with Zucker and Jim Abrahams - that was best in my career. Before I met them, I often watched their own films and laugh at their stupidity. All the characters were so serious, and the situations in which they fell, were monstrous prohibitively stupid. From this combination of humor was born in itself, without any additional effort ».
"Sometimes I feel like an incontinent dwarf, which is suitable to high urinal
"The only thing a man can not laughing at you - it hit you».
"I try to follow closely behind him, because sometimes I think that I can casually say something serious and important».
Never say Never. At least as long as someone asks you: "When you knock on the best face wet flounder?» ».
"Do nothing - a complicated thing. You never know when it will end ».
"I hope I will be able to work until death. I can not imagine myself without cause. I do not feel that I am I stick up a sweat. I enjoy the work. I like it to appear in comedies. Comedy came into my life quite late and hopefully will stay with me until the end! »

Leslie Nielsen died in 2010 November 28. Death came to him in a dream when he was in the hospital, located near the house in the town of Fort Lauderdale in Florida. The cause of death was the consequence of pneumonia. Family and friends of the famous actor had been with him until his last breath.