Reminder for those who keep Petrov post. Dietary restrictions will pass unnoticed for you!
Traditionally, the 57th day after Easter begins the Apostles, or Petrov post. The people call him "Petrovka." Always ends with the post July 12 - the feast day of the Apostles Peter and Paul. For people who believe this post is one of the easiest, it is not as strict as the Great and Advent. The apostle Peter is known as the patron saint of fishing, maybe that's why old post allows the eating of fish on all days except Wednesdays and Fridays. Fasting - is always preparing for the holiday. At first people did not limit itself only in food but also in entertainment and a holiday is happy around, like the first time! For this and stands fast. To have lost the taste for the pleasures of life and jaded people post - the best medicine, cures any kind of depression.
A small reminder for those who dared to observe old Petrov post this year:
1. From diet to exclude all animal products except fish. Em>
2. The fish can be eaten on all days except Wednesday and Friday. Em>
3. Saturday and Sunday are allowed drinking wine. Em>
Sticking year post is quite simple: food fresh fruits and vegetables - enjoy! Vegetarians, for example, follow this menu all the time. Salads and vegetables (cucumber, tomato, onion, greens, cabbage, radish), steamed vegetables, mushrooms, fried and baked zucchini, berries! It is difficult to imagine a more healthy diet, especially when the season came of all these products. Use during Lent recipes vegetarian cuisine - great idea, it is not only useful, but also incredibly delicious. Here are some recipes to help you post will be quite a burden.
mushroom pancakes
Ingredients: em>
500 g potatoes; 250 g mushrooms; oil; salt.
Summer vegetable hash
Ingredients: em>
1 liter of kvass; 0, 5, Art. cucumber brine; 2 turnips; 1 tbsp. diced boiled potatoes; 2 fresh cucumber; 1 tbsp. green onions; 2 tbsp. l. dill; 0, 5, Art. l. parsley; 1 tbsp. l. grated horseradish; 0, 5 h. liter. black pepper.
Salad with mushrooms and vegetables
Ingredients: em>
3-4 potatoes; 150 g fresh mushrooms; 1 onion; 100 g sauerkraut; < 1 tbsp. l. vinegar; 1 h. liter. sugar.
The meaning of fasting is not just dietary restrictions. Train strength of will and spiritual growth - essential elements without which the post becomes only diet. Give up the entertainment during Lent, try to do something from which you get better - read, meditate on his life, spending time efficiently. Avoid idle talk and useless activities. The best way to hold the post - to devote his self-development, to avoid quarrels and conflicts, do good deeds, as soon as such an opportunity will drop out. Frankly, this way of life is always desirable, not only in the specified period of time. Post only reminds us about it!
« Post - this medicine, but even the most useful medicine becomes useless if the patient does not know how to use it em>». Share this article with your friends on Petrov post, it is useful to many.
via takprosto cc

A small reminder for those who dared to observe old Petrov post this year:
1. From diet to exclude all animal products except fish. Em>
2. The fish can be eaten on all days except Wednesday and Friday. Em>
3. Saturday and Sunday are allowed drinking wine. Em>
Sticking year post is quite simple: food fresh fruits and vegetables - enjoy! Vegetarians, for example, follow this menu all the time. Salads and vegetables (cucumber, tomato, onion, greens, cabbage, radish), steamed vegetables, mushrooms, fried and baked zucchini, berries! It is difficult to imagine a more healthy diet, especially when the season came of all these products. Use during Lent recipes vegetarian cuisine - great idea, it is not only useful, but also incredibly delicious. Here are some recipes to help you post will be quite a burden.

mushroom pancakes
Ingredients: em>
500 g potatoes; 250 g mushrooms; oil; salt.
Summer vegetable hash
Ingredients: em>
1 liter of kvass; 0, 5, Art. cucumber brine; 2 turnips; 1 tbsp. diced boiled potatoes; 2 fresh cucumber; 1 tbsp. green onions; 2 tbsp. l. dill; 0, 5, Art. l. parsley; 1 tbsp. l. grated horseradish; 0, 5 h. liter. black pepper.
Salad with mushrooms and vegetables
Ingredients: em>
3-4 potatoes; 150 g fresh mushrooms; 1 onion; 100 g sauerkraut; < 1 tbsp. l. vinegar; 1 h. liter. sugar.

The meaning of fasting is not just dietary restrictions. Train strength of will and spiritual growth - essential elements without which the post becomes only diet. Give up the entertainment during Lent, try to do something from which you get better - read, meditate on his life, spending time efficiently. Avoid idle talk and useless activities. The best way to hold the post - to devote his self-development, to avoid quarrels and conflicts, do good deeds, as soon as such an opportunity will drop out. Frankly, this way of life is always desirable, not only in the specified period of time. Post only reminds us about it!
« Post - this medicine, but even the most useful medicine becomes useless if the patient does not know how to use it em>». Share this article with your friends on Petrov post, it is useful to many.
via takprosto cc
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