Spicy nuts in sugar, or Tasty gifts for March 8
Nine million four hundred sixty nine thousand seven hundred thirty seven
Experiment with good gifts has shown that such gifts may easily NOT live up to the desired date because of its exceptional flavor. No lunch, no dinner yesterday, not a soul received after a loading dose of almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts in the magic crisp caramelized crust — with random grains of salt, the scent of cinnamon and the gentle tickle of pepper.
Nuts I had from myself to hide on a high shelf, so every time when I want to take another, had to climb on a chair and reach up to the shelves. While being dragged to the shelf, the chair, the desire to eat nuts became more tolerant — so the trick worked and to acrobatic exercises on a chair with a jar of nuts is not reached. Today I will give children to be torn apart to dinner not cook itself was not tempted.
I mean, that's nuts turned out just divine — I would such a gift is not exactly refused.
And it's all for half an hour.
To separate protein from eggs, place in a bowl, which will then fit all nuts. Mix protein with sugar, cinnamon, paprika and salt. Cinnamon can be replaced/ added cloves or cardamom, paprika removed or to the visual senses change kenski pepper.
Add in protein mix of nuts and stir so that sugar with protein spread evenly over the nuts. Experience has shown that it is better to stir and bake different nuts separately — due to the different texture and size. For example, the walnuts because of their figuresthe collect the entire protein-sugar mixture, but they have to mix long enough to blend has got all the pockets and curves.
Spread nuts on a baking sheet, covered with foil, baking paper or reusable Teflon cloth (a miracle of modern technology, which does not stick anything under any circumstances — is sold in most large supermarkets).
Bake at 150C for 25-30 minutes, gently stirring every 5 minutes. The goal is to obtain at the output of the individual nuts in sugar crust, that is, not to let them stick to each other (then the crust will not have to share).
Now the question is, what would they pack?
Ikeevskogo jar remains an excellent option:
Even found a little gift bag. Inside laid the tracing paper, which the son of school age thick roll — that the nuts were not included in the package and can be if you want to cover them. Remember that IKEA sell a great tin boxes — cute and useful — long plan to purchase for packing edible gifts, but this is for chocolate truffles.
Spicy nuts in the Sahara
Sugar is better to use melkoprosejannyj. Big sugar may be crushed within just a couple of seconds in a coffee grinder.
500 grams of nuts — almonds or walnuts. For hazelnuts, see note below.
1 egg white
70 grams white sugar (about 3.5 tablespoons)
40 grams brown sugar (about 2 tablespoons)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon spicy paprika or 1 teaspoon spicy
1-1.5 teaspoon of salt (NOT fine granulated)
Preheat the oven to 150C Separate from the eggs protein, put in a bowl, which will then fit all nuts. Mix protein with sugar, cinnamon, paprika and salt. You can also add spices — such as cloves or. or remove the paprika, to listen to your taste and then reasonable to give freedom to imagination. Add in protein mix of nuts and stir so that sugar with protein spread evenly over the nuts. Spread nuts on a baking sheet, covered with foil, baking paper or reusable Teflon cloth (a miracle of modern technology, which does not stick anything under any circumstances — is sold in most large supermarkets). Bake at 150C for 25-30 minutes, gently stirring every 5 minutes. The goal is to obtain at the output of the individual nuts in sugar crust, that is, not to let them stick to each other (then the crust will not have to share). Allow to cool, put in vacuum containers and removed on a high shelf until the New year. ***If you want to prepare the hazelnuts, you ought to clean it from the skin, as it is in the process of cooking will darken (to be not very aesthetically pleasing), and then will begin to fall off along with sugar and spices.
For this purpose hazelnuts are dry in the oven for about 15 minutes at 150C. Then allow to cool, put in a cloth bag or towel and to actively RUB the nuts against each other to spread through the skin. It remains to separate the nuts from the resulting hulls and now start from step 1.
There is an alternative for perfectionists who are not satisfied with the inevitable remains of the skin on the hazelnuts using this method — in short, you need 3-4 minutes to boil the hazelnuts in a solution of half a liter of water and three tablespoons of baking soda (the water radical will turn black — don't worry, as it should be). Then in cold water to clean the hazelnuts from the skin. The result is obscenely bare nuclei. published
Source: buckwheatandspinach.com/spicy-candied-nuts/#more-369
Experiment with good gifts has shown that such gifts may easily NOT live up to the desired date because of its exceptional flavor. No lunch, no dinner yesterday, not a soul received after a loading dose of almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts in the magic crisp caramelized crust — with random grains of salt, the scent of cinnamon and the gentle tickle of pepper.

Nuts I had from myself to hide on a high shelf, so every time when I want to take another, had to climb on a chair and reach up to the shelves. While being dragged to the shelf, the chair, the desire to eat nuts became more tolerant — so the trick worked and to acrobatic exercises on a chair with a jar of nuts is not reached. Today I will give children to be torn apart to dinner not cook itself was not tempted.
I mean, that's nuts turned out just divine — I would such a gift is not exactly refused.
And it's all for half an hour.

To separate protein from eggs, place in a bowl, which will then fit all nuts. Mix protein with sugar, cinnamon, paprika and salt. Cinnamon can be replaced/ added cloves or cardamom, paprika removed or to the visual senses change kenski pepper.

Add in protein mix of nuts and stir so that sugar with protein spread evenly over the nuts. Experience has shown that it is better to stir and bake different nuts separately — due to the different texture and size. For example, the walnuts because of their figuresthe collect the entire protein-sugar mixture, but they have to mix long enough to blend has got all the pockets and curves.

Spread nuts on a baking sheet, covered with foil, baking paper or reusable Teflon cloth (a miracle of modern technology, which does not stick anything under any circumstances — is sold in most large supermarkets).

Bake at 150C for 25-30 minutes, gently stirring every 5 minutes. The goal is to obtain at the output of the individual nuts in sugar crust, that is, not to let them stick to each other (then the crust will not have to share).
Now the question is, what would they pack?
Ikeevskogo jar remains an excellent option:

Even found a little gift bag. Inside laid the tracing paper, which the son of school age thick roll — that the nuts were not included in the package and can be if you want to cover them. Remember that IKEA sell a great tin boxes — cute and useful — long plan to purchase for packing edible gifts, but this is for chocolate truffles.

Spicy nuts in the Sahara
Sugar is better to use melkoprosejannyj. Big sugar may be crushed within just a couple of seconds in a coffee grinder.
500 grams of nuts — almonds or walnuts. For hazelnuts, see note below.
1 egg white
70 grams white sugar (about 3.5 tablespoons)
40 grams brown sugar (about 2 tablespoons)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon spicy paprika or 1 teaspoon spicy
1-1.5 teaspoon of salt (NOT fine granulated)
Preheat the oven to 150C Separate from the eggs protein, put in a bowl, which will then fit all nuts. Mix protein with sugar, cinnamon, paprika and salt. You can also add spices — such as cloves or. or remove the paprika, to listen to your taste and then reasonable to give freedom to imagination. Add in protein mix of nuts and stir so that sugar with protein spread evenly over the nuts. Spread nuts on a baking sheet, covered with foil, baking paper or reusable Teflon cloth (a miracle of modern technology, which does not stick anything under any circumstances — is sold in most large supermarkets). Bake at 150C for 25-30 minutes, gently stirring every 5 minutes. The goal is to obtain at the output of the individual nuts in sugar crust, that is, not to let them stick to each other (then the crust will not have to share). Allow to cool, put in vacuum containers and removed on a high shelf until the New year. ***If you want to prepare the hazelnuts, you ought to clean it from the skin, as it is in the process of cooking will darken (to be not very aesthetically pleasing), and then will begin to fall off along with sugar and spices.
For this purpose hazelnuts are dry in the oven for about 15 minutes at 150C. Then allow to cool, put in a cloth bag or towel and to actively RUB the nuts against each other to spread through the skin. It remains to separate the nuts from the resulting hulls and now start from step 1.
There is an alternative for perfectionists who are not satisfied with the inevitable remains of the skin on the hazelnuts using this method — in short, you need 3-4 minutes to boil the hazelnuts in a solution of half a liter of water and three tablespoons of baking soda (the water radical will turn black — don't worry, as it should be). Then in cold water to clean the hazelnuts from the skin. The result is obscenely bare nuclei. published
Source: buckwheatandspinach.com/spicy-candied-nuts/#more-369
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