About gifts, the sinister and strange
Gifts to nice, and to give them even more enjoyable. Of course, if you know what to buy and have sufficient funds to please bestows.
For me personally, the choice of a gift is almost always painful; it is the holidays in stores, bought an enormous amount of unnecessary things, which are then rented back.
In a psychological sense, the gift carries a huge meaning, as it were, encrypted, encoded message that you convey to another person.
The medieval philosopher and scientist Roger bacon invented many useful things — for example, glasses. These are the first points he immediately gave a sighted the Pope. For which he was imprisoned from about the wording, they say, invented at the instigation of the devil kind of device for vision correction. Man should see God's world with those eyes that God has blessed him with. There is malice and heresy. It's good that the scientist has not been burned as a witch and a heretic in those days it was perfectly normal.
The artist van Gogh gave one lady your own severed ear sent by mail, parcel post. The last years of his brilliant life the artist spent in a psychiatric hospital, in what was clearly an original gift.
Well, the most famous in the history of the gift — the notorious Trojan horse; inside the wooden statues were hidden armed soldiers, their night attack and prejudge the outcome of the Trojan war. So with the help of a sinister gift was won a long war. "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts", is known since ancient times is true the expression to this day.
In the history and mythology of many examples of the ominous and magical gifts: a poisoned garment given to his father of Medea, and enchanted spindle it on which Princess fell into a lethargic sleep, and a poisonous Apple and many other dark subjects, which served as a tool to destroy the receiver.
Gift — a form of compliment,if you like flattery, and flattery, as you know, affects the subconscious mind, bypassing the mind control. In a broad sense, we are helpless before the gift, how the gullible Trojans, and this is often used by evil people, as would say the writer Bunin.
All delegations to the rulers of antiquity and our days are sure to bring, I bring rich offerings; with these gifts begins the conversation with the powerful. The enumeration of the gifts, sent some to the king, occupy entire pages of close text.
However, the kings were very careful when taking gifts. Alexei Mikhailovich, about the nickname of the Quietest, most genial, his time Russian Tsar, came in furious anger (which, as you know, often masks an even more frantic fear) when he discovered in his chambers richly inlaid crest, someone unknown put-planted to his bed. With passion, i.e. torture, was questioned all the servants, identified the suspect is a summer girl and confessed. Recognition has justified the worst suspicions of the ruler — comb really was planted at the instigation of the nobles, who wanted to convince the king of their will and to influence his public decisions.
In the language of modern psychology and psychotherapy it was an attempt of the so-called craspedote suggestion. This is when the doctor gives the patient say, a pen, and says that she will have a positive impact on cognitive ability, roughly speaking, make it smart and invincible. The patient believes and soon achieve success in research activities or in negotiations with business partners.
In fact, it is magic, named only as complex scientific terms, so as not to cause annoyance and ridicule of brothers scientists.
Comb — is the subject of personal hygiene; it is touching the hair, scalp, the best way to influence thoughts not find. Comb and hay girl burned, but the righteous and disturbing the king became even more cautious...
The researchers of Russian folk medicine and psychotherapy noted that the gifts in people, too, were always perceived with suspicion. Yes, the gifts were loved, they were happy, but always felt some anxiety, if the gift came from a questionable donor or had unclear origin.
With the gifts was associated with multiple takes and beliefs, what he writes in his book, the scholar M. Trauberg. Existed and knew the ways of transfer of disease or misfortune, which, incidentally, was considered one and the same phenomenon having external origin. The source of the disease and misfortunes have always been associated with the damage, induced psychometricians the influence; a cause of unhappiness and loss of health was considered to be someone's evil will.
It was not only in Russia but in virtually all countries and civilizations; only since the late 19th century began to think that the man himself is the cause of their troubles and misfortunes, both in physiological and in a psychological sense.
Question of the psychologist: "why do you think you became ill? Why you allowed yourself to get sick?", — from the point of view of our ancestors sounds crazy. It was quite clear that the disease was the result of someone's intent, influence Zatvornik forces. By the way, now many experts come back to this point of view, but even fifty years ago, the psychoanalyst could have a profound asking a patient with infectious disease: "Why you have allowed yourself to become infected?".
One of the ways to get rid of the disease was considered to be the transfer method — followed to give the personal belongings of the patient or loser healthy, strong entity.
If, however, pursued the purpose to harm, to destroy, to harm by magic, the gift was simply indispensable as the mode of transmission of evil ( remember the spindle and the poisoned Apple).
Was suspicious to donated alcoholic beverages — they often became the object of magical transport, was used in contagious magic (Frazer, "Golden bough"). Contagious magic involves direct contact with a magical object — hence the so-called pads, which in medieval Europe and in Russia, up to the present day, are considered a sign of corruption, of someone's evil intent, aimed at the destruction of the health and well-being.
The lining is usually buried at the gate of the house, under the threshold, and with a successful for the villain circumstances, is transferred directly into the hands of the unfortunate victim, after which began the ruin, misfortune, and sometimes there is death.
For the destruction of established farms and a strong family have used alcohol, which in Russia has always played the role of a universal currency. A bottle with strong content buried in the barn, uttering incantations, the meaning was the following: as they say, dirty and lazy pig as it lies, and you, John DOE, drink and grunt, upogebia this unclean animal in his Affairs and habits. Then the bottle is dug up, washed and presented to the unsuspecting subject.
Soon the farmer began to drink, and it was a sure path to poverty and death, because the whole economy depended on the ability of a person to work from morning to night, to bear the burden of responsibility for family.
Modern etiquette alcohol, incidentally, is not the best gift, especially a loved one. Give the alcohol was not very proper and beautiful, but the roots of this view lie in the life of our ancestors, in their experience.
From practice remember the story of one promising young lawyer. As we approached the house, he saw the funeral of a neighbor, still young and strong men, which, they say, was burned with vodka. Drink to the last stage of alcoholism and committed suicide, leaving a widow and three children. The widow gave the lawyer a Cup and saucer, in memory of the deceased. The Cup and saucer was beautiful so a young man without a trace of anxiety and doubt began to use them for other purposes — tea, eat, drink. Soon tea he did not stop, he began to drink hard liquor; after a short period of time began binge drinking, absenteeism, loss of friends and other sad picture of alcoholic degradation of personality. The attraction to alcohol wore overwhelming, as if some dark force had forced the young lawyer as soon as possible to kill yourself with alcohol.
When parents drink too much fortunate son to the rural witch, the grandmother pointed to the cause of alcoholism: "things are dead, who not by his death died". A lawyer, by the way, have received treatment from a psychiatrist and now leads a sober lifestyle. And although "in all this nonsense do not believe," the Cup and saucer were carried to the cemetery, where was buried the unfortunate suicide, as advised grandmother.
Often a gift is the epitome of a hidden envy, subconscious hatred and the donor is unable to recognize. He sincerely believe that doing good brings something original and unusual, and in fact pass on their vile and destructive emotions that adversely affect the receiver.
One entrepreneur staff gave an anniversary picture, where with the help of photoshop he was depicted in the dress of an ancient knight with a sword in his hand. Knight, apparently, just came out of the battle because he was wounded, the robe flowed the blood.
The businessman hung pompous picture at home, but began to feel worse and worse — unconsciously he identified himself with images of the wounded and the dying knight. Employees, obviously, deep down, disliked his harsh boss, that have chosen such an unpleasant way. Getting rid of the picture, the man felt better.
I remember the story of the wealthy businessman donated the so-called "money tree" — a special herb, which supposedly should increase wealth and bring wealth. The tree immediately began to rot, hurt, coincidentally, came the decline and the Affairs of men, his health too deteriorated. Gave snotvornoe as ANCHAR, a plant poor relatives who felt the envy and hostility towards prosperous merchant. Of course, it was not in the sick plant, but in the emotional, hidden on a subconscious level the relationship between relatives, in regards to poverty and ruin.
And many stories were associated with the so-called podkladku: needles hidden in soft toys, and bundles of feathers, tied with black thread, and a Queen of spades... you name it, but always had the same dramatic and emotional human reaction to discovered the dark background of the gift; we are vulnerable to meanness and envy, which are hidden behind a good-natured smile and affectionate tone.
Interestingly, and give us things also make us vulnerable. In Italy on New year's old things thrown out, in America give to the Salvation Army. Among the romance peoples is considered highly dangerous to give your clothes and personal belongings of the unfortunate and ill man from hand to hand — so you can accept the fate bestowed, and soon you'll be standing in line for a bowl of soup at a soup kitchen.
The concept of "misery", "evil fate" remain in the subconscious and to this day, is the eternal archetypes. Want to do the honorable thing and give things in the hands of organizations that are professionally engaged in charity. So many civilized Europeans and Americans.
Therefore, it is considered unethical to give their worn things; again the origins of these rules of conduct connected with the ancient hygiene, psychological protection.
Of practice would lead to the remarkable story of how one man gave his lover an innocent and romantic gift — plush lion. He was born under the sign of Leo, so the gift had a deep personal meaning. After a while the girl he was disappointed, said it commercialism, a hysteria, noted that it was "evil", as he put it. In General, he declared that "we should break up", get married then changed his mind and was going to go to the sea to heal a broken heart.
Before leaving a jilted lover literally threw in the face given to him once the cub eyes the toys were torn, ripped stomach, and the hair shaved! "Let all this happen to you!" — cried the girl. At sea with a man happened wild story he didn't notice as he swam very far, so far that he lost sight of the shore. A few hours he literally fought for his life; it was picked up by rescuers when he was finally exhausted and had swallowed sea water and was horribly burned. How and why it happened — he himself did not understand.
Incidentally, the expression "in three pines to lose the way" also refers to perish. It has long been observed that people in a bad emotional state quickly losing their bearings even in familiar terrain, accidents and victims of accidents, that is, on level ground.
The moral of this story is simple — do not rush to give strangers gifts that are associated with you personally, with your soul, with your deep feelings.
Marina Tsvetaeva a lot of value attached to gifts: and she gave and received from friends. "To remember not an hour, not a year, to give you a favorite scallop" — this echoes people's love of magic, on the crest I had already written. Gave it also and rings, all her favorite men — well, in the comments of this gift does not need, it is very symbolic, it is an attempt to bind the man, expect him to faithfulness and everlasting love, "to entangle" him.
By the way, the earrings used to symbolize slavery; in ancient biblical times the master pierced the ear of the new slave, who voluntarily gave themselves in slavery. That is why earrings should give only the most close and native people, or they can play the role of a fatal psychological binding.
And with a gift of the ring came the tragic story of Pushkin — the woman gave him a ring with carnelian, a stone was cut drevneevreyskoe incomprehensible letters. Pushkin ring valued, but according to friends the state of his soul changed for the worse: he fell into a depression, become irritable, aggressive. At the end of life the fatal ring he gave to one man, as if trying to get rid of the drudgery and unsafe things, but the end was inevitable.
From the practice came to the memory of the tragic story, when the man, tossing between family and lover, killed herself, hung herself. Could not stand the depression, stress — the wife he loved, and another woman could not tear myself away. And before the fatal day the mistress gave him an expensive set of braces, a necktie and a belt. Kind of like goodbye. And these items are made hidden suicidal intention to break, to go outside, to be realized in action. The closer and more important for us people emotionally, the greater the psychological impact have his gifts.
Also interesting: beware of the gift! What not to give
How to give gifts with a spiritual perspective
But in General, people who give gifts, live longer and feel better. In a way, the gift is a victim to fate and other people; to feel happy, you need to sacrifice something and to give something back.
But the gifts of evil men I must collect and give to charity — even evil will turn into good even without the knowledge of angry envious. Maybe at the light of this it becomes easier.published
© Anna Kiryanova
Source: www.kiryanova.com/o_podarkah.html
For me personally, the choice of a gift is almost always painful; it is the holidays in stores, bought an enormous amount of unnecessary things, which are then rented back.
In a psychological sense, the gift carries a huge meaning, as it were, encrypted, encoded message that you convey to another person.

The medieval philosopher and scientist Roger bacon invented many useful things — for example, glasses. These are the first points he immediately gave a sighted the Pope. For which he was imprisoned from about the wording, they say, invented at the instigation of the devil kind of device for vision correction. Man should see God's world with those eyes that God has blessed him with. There is malice and heresy. It's good that the scientist has not been burned as a witch and a heretic in those days it was perfectly normal.
The artist van Gogh gave one lady your own severed ear sent by mail, parcel post. The last years of his brilliant life the artist spent in a psychiatric hospital, in what was clearly an original gift.
Well, the most famous in the history of the gift — the notorious Trojan horse; inside the wooden statues were hidden armed soldiers, their night attack and prejudge the outcome of the Trojan war. So with the help of a sinister gift was won a long war. "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts", is known since ancient times is true the expression to this day.
In the history and mythology of many examples of the ominous and magical gifts: a poisoned garment given to his father of Medea, and enchanted spindle it on which Princess fell into a lethargic sleep, and a poisonous Apple and many other dark subjects, which served as a tool to destroy the receiver.
Gift — a form of compliment,if you like flattery, and flattery, as you know, affects the subconscious mind, bypassing the mind control. In a broad sense, we are helpless before the gift, how the gullible Trojans, and this is often used by evil people, as would say the writer Bunin.
All delegations to the rulers of antiquity and our days are sure to bring, I bring rich offerings; with these gifts begins the conversation with the powerful. The enumeration of the gifts, sent some to the king, occupy entire pages of close text.
- Meager, pathetic gifts was a sure way to offend the king, and to wage war;
- rich gifts guaranteed peace and friendliness.
However, the kings were very careful when taking gifts. Alexei Mikhailovich, about the nickname of the Quietest, most genial, his time Russian Tsar, came in furious anger (which, as you know, often masks an even more frantic fear) when he discovered in his chambers richly inlaid crest, someone unknown put-planted to his bed. With passion, i.e. torture, was questioned all the servants, identified the suspect is a summer girl and confessed. Recognition has justified the worst suspicions of the ruler — comb really was planted at the instigation of the nobles, who wanted to convince the king of their will and to influence his public decisions.
In the language of modern psychology and psychotherapy it was an attempt of the so-called craspedote suggestion. This is when the doctor gives the patient say, a pen, and says that she will have a positive impact on cognitive ability, roughly speaking, make it smart and invincible. The patient believes and soon achieve success in research activities or in negotiations with business partners.
In fact, it is magic, named only as complex scientific terms, so as not to cause annoyance and ridicule of brothers scientists.
Comb — is the subject of personal hygiene; it is touching the hair, scalp, the best way to influence thoughts not find. Comb and hay girl burned, but the righteous and disturbing the king became even more cautious...
The researchers of Russian folk medicine and psychotherapy noted that the gifts in people, too, were always perceived with suspicion. Yes, the gifts were loved, they were happy, but always felt some anxiety, if the gift came from a questionable donor or had unclear origin.
With the gifts was associated with multiple takes and beliefs, what he writes in his book, the scholar M. Trauberg. Existed and knew the ways of transfer of disease or misfortune, which, incidentally, was considered one and the same phenomenon having external origin. The source of the disease and misfortunes have always been associated with the damage, induced psychometricians the influence; a cause of unhappiness and loss of health was considered to be someone's evil will.
It was not only in Russia but in virtually all countries and civilizations; only since the late 19th century began to think that the man himself is the cause of their troubles and misfortunes, both in physiological and in a psychological sense.
Question of the psychologist: "why do you think you became ill? Why you allowed yourself to get sick?", — from the point of view of our ancestors sounds crazy. It was quite clear that the disease was the result of someone's intent, influence Zatvornik forces. By the way, now many experts come back to this point of view, but even fifty years ago, the psychoanalyst could have a profound asking a patient with infectious disease: "Why you have allowed yourself to become infected?".
One of the ways to get rid of the disease was considered to be the transfer method — followed to give the personal belongings of the patient or loser healthy, strong entity.
If, however, pursued the purpose to harm, to destroy, to harm by magic, the gift was simply indispensable as the mode of transmission of evil ( remember the spindle and the poisoned Apple).
Was suspicious to donated alcoholic beverages — they often became the object of magical transport, was used in contagious magic (Frazer, "Golden bough"). Contagious magic involves direct contact with a magical object — hence the so-called pads, which in medieval Europe and in Russia, up to the present day, are considered a sign of corruption, of someone's evil intent, aimed at the destruction of the health and well-being.
The lining is usually buried at the gate of the house, under the threshold, and with a successful for the villain circumstances, is transferred directly into the hands of the unfortunate victim, after which began the ruin, misfortune, and sometimes there is death.
For the destruction of established farms and a strong family have used alcohol, which in Russia has always played the role of a universal currency. A bottle with strong content buried in the barn, uttering incantations, the meaning was the following: as they say, dirty and lazy pig as it lies, and you, John DOE, drink and grunt, upogebia this unclean animal in his Affairs and habits. Then the bottle is dug up, washed and presented to the unsuspecting subject.
Soon the farmer began to drink, and it was a sure path to poverty and death, because the whole economy depended on the ability of a person to work from morning to night, to bear the burden of responsibility for family.

Modern etiquette alcohol, incidentally, is not the best gift, especially a loved one. Give the alcohol was not very proper and beautiful, but the roots of this view lie in the life of our ancestors, in their experience.
From practice remember the story of one promising young lawyer. As we approached the house, he saw the funeral of a neighbor, still young and strong men, which, they say, was burned with vodka. Drink to the last stage of alcoholism and committed suicide, leaving a widow and three children. The widow gave the lawyer a Cup and saucer, in memory of the deceased. The Cup and saucer was beautiful so a young man without a trace of anxiety and doubt began to use them for other purposes — tea, eat, drink. Soon tea he did not stop, he began to drink hard liquor; after a short period of time began binge drinking, absenteeism, loss of friends and other sad picture of alcoholic degradation of personality. The attraction to alcohol wore overwhelming, as if some dark force had forced the young lawyer as soon as possible to kill yourself with alcohol.
When parents drink too much fortunate son to the rural witch, the grandmother pointed to the cause of alcoholism: "things are dead, who not by his death died". A lawyer, by the way, have received treatment from a psychiatrist and now leads a sober lifestyle. And although "in all this nonsense do not believe," the Cup and saucer were carried to the cemetery, where was buried the unfortunate suicide, as advised grandmother.
Often a gift is the epitome of a hidden envy, subconscious hatred and the donor is unable to recognize. He sincerely believe that doing good brings something original and unusual, and in fact pass on their vile and destructive emotions that adversely affect the receiver.
One entrepreneur staff gave an anniversary picture, where with the help of photoshop he was depicted in the dress of an ancient knight with a sword in his hand. Knight, apparently, just came out of the battle because he was wounded, the robe flowed the blood.
The businessman hung pompous picture at home, but began to feel worse and worse — unconsciously he identified himself with images of the wounded and the dying knight. Employees, obviously, deep down, disliked his harsh boss, that have chosen such an unpleasant way. Getting rid of the picture, the man felt better.
I remember the story of the wealthy businessman donated the so-called "money tree" — a special herb, which supposedly should increase wealth and bring wealth. The tree immediately began to rot, hurt, coincidentally, came the decline and the Affairs of men, his health too deteriorated. Gave snotvornoe as ANCHAR, a plant poor relatives who felt the envy and hostility towards prosperous merchant. Of course, it was not in the sick plant, but in the emotional, hidden on a subconscious level the relationship between relatives, in regards to poverty and ruin.
And many stories were associated with the so-called podkladku: needles hidden in soft toys, and bundles of feathers, tied with black thread, and a Queen of spades... you name it, but always had the same dramatic and emotional human reaction to discovered the dark background of the gift; we are vulnerable to meanness and envy, which are hidden behind a good-natured smile and affectionate tone.
Interestingly, and give us things also make us vulnerable. In Italy on New year's old things thrown out, in America give to the Salvation Army. Among the romance peoples is considered highly dangerous to give your clothes and personal belongings of the unfortunate and ill man from hand to hand — so you can accept the fate bestowed, and soon you'll be standing in line for a bowl of soup at a soup kitchen.
The concept of "misery", "evil fate" remain in the subconscious and to this day, is the eternal archetypes. Want to do the honorable thing and give things in the hands of organizations that are professionally engaged in charity. So many civilized Europeans and Americans.
Therefore, it is considered unethical to give their worn things; again the origins of these rules of conduct connected with the ancient hygiene, psychological protection.

Of practice would lead to the remarkable story of how one man gave his lover an innocent and romantic gift — plush lion. He was born under the sign of Leo, so the gift had a deep personal meaning. After a while the girl he was disappointed, said it commercialism, a hysteria, noted that it was "evil", as he put it. In General, he declared that "we should break up", get married then changed his mind and was going to go to the sea to heal a broken heart.
Before leaving a jilted lover literally threw in the face given to him once the cub eyes the toys were torn, ripped stomach, and the hair shaved! "Let all this happen to you!" — cried the girl. At sea with a man happened wild story he didn't notice as he swam very far, so far that he lost sight of the shore. A few hours he literally fought for his life; it was picked up by rescuers when he was finally exhausted and had swallowed sea water and was horribly burned. How and why it happened — he himself did not understand.
Incidentally, the expression "in three pines to lose the way" also refers to perish. It has long been observed that people in a bad emotional state quickly losing their bearings even in familiar terrain, accidents and victims of accidents, that is, on level ground.
The moral of this story is simple — do not rush to give strangers gifts that are associated with you personally, with your soul, with your deep feelings.
Marina Tsvetaeva a lot of value attached to gifts: and she gave and received from friends. "To remember not an hour, not a year, to give you a favorite scallop" — this echoes people's love of magic, on the crest I had already written. Gave it also and rings, all her favorite men — well, in the comments of this gift does not need, it is very symbolic, it is an attempt to bind the man, expect him to faithfulness and everlasting love, "to entangle" him.
By the way, the earrings used to symbolize slavery; in ancient biblical times the master pierced the ear of the new slave, who voluntarily gave themselves in slavery. That is why earrings should give only the most close and native people, or they can play the role of a fatal psychological binding.
And with a gift of the ring came the tragic story of Pushkin — the woman gave him a ring with carnelian, a stone was cut drevneevreyskoe incomprehensible letters. Pushkin ring valued, but according to friends the state of his soul changed for the worse: he fell into a depression, become irritable, aggressive. At the end of life the fatal ring he gave to one man, as if trying to get rid of the drudgery and unsafe things, but the end was inevitable.
From the practice came to the memory of the tragic story, when the man, tossing between family and lover, killed herself, hung herself. Could not stand the depression, stress — the wife he loved, and another woman could not tear myself away. And before the fatal day the mistress gave him an expensive set of braces, a necktie and a belt. Kind of like goodbye. And these items are made hidden suicidal intention to break, to go outside, to be realized in action. The closer and more important for us people emotionally, the greater the psychological impact have his gifts.
Also interesting: beware of the gift! What not to give
How to give gifts with a spiritual perspective
But in General, people who give gifts, live longer and feel better. In a way, the gift is a victim to fate and other people; to feel happy, you need to sacrifice something and to give something back.
But the gifts of evil men I must collect and give to charity — even evil will turn into good even without the knowledge of angry envious. Maybe at the light of this it becomes easier.published
© Anna Kiryanova
Source: www.kiryanova.com/o_podarkah.html
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