7 cool facts about dolphins
We humans are illogical creatures. We spend a lot of money and time on complex spacecraft, we learn, invent, risk, and why all this? To find a reasonable life.
Meanwhile, intelligent life - next door! On Earth, there are many creatures whose intelligence is so high that the approaches to the concept of "mind." For example, scientists no longer doubt that the great apes and dolphins have a real personality. And if the gorillas and chimpanzees are more or less clear, then what about dolphins? Can fish be clever? ..
Website tells about dolphins, and we'll start with the most important fact:
Dolphins - not fish h2> Despite the fact that dolphins live in the water and look like the other inhabitants of the sea, they are much closer to the people than it seems. Dolphin - the warm-blooded animal that gives birth to cubs, and feeding them milk, and not spawn. He does not have scales, but instead the body is covered with a smooth and delicate skin. Even dolphins fins are arranged differently. The fins of dolphins, unlike fin fish have the humerus and even something like the phalanges. Most likely, the dolphins once lived on earth, but in the process of evolution back into the sea.
Community h2> It is known that dolphins communicate by means of sound signals of different frequencies, we are reminded that the clicking and whistling. According to the latest scientific data, dolphins can be used about 14 000 different audio signals, which is about the vocabulary the average person. Each dolphin has its own name, to which he responds. It was found that the name assigned to a bunch of dolphin More at birth and lasts a lifetime.
Habits h2> Dolphins usually do not live alone. Their flocks have a complex social structure, in which each individual has its own specific place. Dolphins are extremely agile, inquisitive behavior. While most of the wild animals avoid human contact or exhibit aggression, dolphins love to play and interact with people, especially with children. They exhibit goodwill not only to humans but also to some other animal. In the entire history of observations has not been a single case of dolphin attacks on humans. Man on dolphin attacking constantly.
Riddle speed dolphins h2> In 1936, the British zoologist Sir James Gray (Sir James Gray) drew attention to the great speed (up to 37 km / h, according to him), that manages to develop the dolphins. Making the necessary calculations, Gray indicated that according to the laws of hydrodynamics is impossible to achieve such a high speed with the power of the muscles that have dolphins. This puzzle is called "Gray's paradox." The search for its solution in varying degrees, are still going on. At different times, different groups of researchers have advanced various explanations phenomenal speed dolphins, but the unambiguous and universally recognized answer to this question is no.
The ability to regenerate h2> Dolphins possess an incredible ability to heal itself. In the event of any injury - even large - they do not bleed and do not die from the infection, as one might assume. Instead, their flesh begins to rapidly recover, so that only a few weeks at the site of deep wounds, such as shark teeth, barely visible scars remain. Interestingly, the behavior of the injured animals does not differ from the usual. This gives reason to believe that the nervous system is capable of dolphins in critical situations to block pain.
Recognition h2> The Government of India has recently ruled dolphins among the animals and give them the status of "persons not belonging to the human race." Thus, India became the first country to recognize the presence of intelligence and self-awareness in dolphins. In this regard, Ministry of Environment and Forests banned all performances with dolphins and called on them to comply with special rights.
Meanwhile, intelligent life - next door! On Earth, there are many creatures whose intelligence is so high that the approaches to the concept of "mind." For example, scientists no longer doubt that the great apes and dolphins have a real personality. And if the gorillas and chimpanzees are more or less clear, then what about dolphins? Can fish be clever? ..

Website tells about dolphins, and we'll start with the most important fact: