Barcelona eye Faktruma 7 facts about Barcelona Cathedral

In late September, the team Faktruma visit Barcelona with the support of the service search cheap airline tickets Aviasales. Today we tell you about the Barcelona Cathedral.

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1. Barcelona Cathedral fully called St. Cross and St. Eulalia. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Barcelona and the main cathedral of Barcelona. We stumbled on it by accident while looking for the Picasso Museum. The Picasso Museum in the day did not find, so visited the cathedral. And remain in full admiration :)
2. Cathedral in the heart of the Gothic Quarter, near the famous Roman wall, built in the beginning of our era - in the 3rd century. Once the Roman settlement was surrounded by a wall Barsino, "ancestor" of modern Barcelona. In some places the wall is destroyed in some places restored at a later time, and in some places are the same walls that were 18 centuries ago. This antiquity is very impressive.
3. Sam's Cathedral built in the 13-15 th centuries, and the facade - only in the late 19th century, with not everyone liked it. Architects and authorities have long argued about the project until a decisive banker Manuel Girona, who took care of all the expenses on construction, not approved the project despite the opinion of many. So built.
4. The white geese live Cathedral - a symbol of the purity of the Holy Eulalia, after whom it is named. Eulalia was martyred in 13 years.
5. The Council has a patio marvelous beauty. There are marble statues, fountains and tiled medieval tiles with inscriptions. Under this tile are the graves of various church leaders and privileged.
6. under the main altar of the cathedral are the relics of St. Eulalia, where you can throw a 50-cent coin in the slot and turn on the backlight of the sarcophagus. By the way, St.. Eulalia and worship in Orthodoxy, so in 2006, the year in the Catholic cathedral chanted Orthodox prayers.
7. And finally - spicy detail: beneath the spire of the cathedral are two ugly figures, one of which pushes itself to the bag of money. So one of the sculptors revenge greedy Girona, to finance the construction of the cathedral and try to save on everything.
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