Barcelona eye Faktruma: 10 facts about Barcelona Zoo

We continue the story of the journey to Barcelona, which went with the support of Aviasales. Previous posts can be found here, and today's facts are devoted to the Barcelona Zoo. We love animals, and sightseeing started with Parc Zoològic de Barcelona.

1. The Barcelona Zoo is located in the park of the Citadel, near the Catalan Parliament. Zoo occupies a third of the park, and in the remaining part are several museums (including the Museum of Geology - the oldest museum in Barcelona), an artificial lake, and Cascada - Outline a monumental fountain. Somewhere in the park of the Citadel is beautiful, in some places - not really, but it is very historic.

2. Barcelona Zoo was built in the late 19th century and was at the time a revolutionary device: it refused to hold cells of most animals, including dangerous predators. Instead of fencing used wide ditches with water.

3. Admission to the zoo is 19 euros and is valid for the day: you can go to the site and come back many times.

4. In the zoo of Barcelona more than 2000 species of animals and 400 species of plants. The area is very large, on foot is difficult. But you can ride on a special tram or rent your own vehicle - outdoor elektromobilchiki. However, the place of their lease is not at the entrance to the zoo, but somewhere in the middle, so that when we get to them, to pay another 20-something Euros it was pointless.

5. At the zoo has a children's cafe and several common, 2 toilets, 3 smoking area and free wi-fi in the central square. In such a vast territory - somehow not enough.

6. In the zoo built an artificial mountain for mountain goats. Around it there is a pedestrian path, and from the top offers panoramic views of the Ciutadella Park and the surrounding area. Very nice.

7. peacocks roam freely everywhere. Underfoot and behave quite calmly.

8. Animals look very cheerful and friendly - living conditions at the zoo is very good. There were no casualties and the sick in cramped cells at all - spacious enclosures with as close to their natural habitat conditions. Feed and try to attract the attention of animals is strictly prohibited.

9. Barcelona Zoo participates actively in scientific zoological studies and programs for the protection and rescue of endangered species of animals.

10. Once upon a time there lived a world-famous gorilla Snowball. Snow was the only known albino gorilla science. Although he died nine years ago, he is still considered a symbol of the Barcelona Zoo: all over the city selling cards with his image.

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