Barcelona eye Faktruma: 10 facts about transport

We continue the story of the Catalan capital, Barcelona, visited by the end of September with the support of the search service of the cheapest tickets Aviasales. Today we publish his observations of how things are on the roads of Barcelona.

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- 20 facts about the first impression 1. strong > In Barcelona, there is the asphalt pavement on the sidewalks, but on the roadway. People walk on the tile, the car drive on excellent asphalt. Everybody is happy.
2. Pedestrian crossings marked with squares instead of strips, as in Russia. Marking "zebra" is applied only on pedestrian crossings without traffic lights. Such transitions - a rarity, since traffic lights barselontsev like to hang out in any place where possible.
3. On the roads acts inviolable rule - a pedestrian important car. If you want to cross the road in not the right place - you will miss. If you run across the street and gape at the red - too.
4. In Barcelona almost no traffic jams. Firstly, because the movement is perfectly organized: a lot of one-way streets, assuming certain circuit trips, so that on one street does not accumulate too much traffic. Second, the car in the city is not so much because ...
5. ... the majority of people drive scooters (scooters), motorcycles and bicycles. The number and diversity of 2-wheeled vehicle immediately catches the eye. Scooter - a very handy thing for all ages, economic and plenty of space for parking is not needed. Well, plus more - not loads streets. Given that the temperature in Barcelona does not drop below 10 Celsius, Motorcycles relevant all year round.
6. In Barcelona operates automatic rent bicycles. Bicycles are attached to a special reception in different places in the city, from where you can take a vehicle to go where you want, and there is attached to another of the same rack. Your actions are recorded in a computer in the parking lot with a special card. For tourists, the service is unfortunately not available. Rent a bike at the hotel cost 20 euros for 1 day.
7. ground public transport is presented by buses and trams. Buses travel a lot and they are very fast, as the move through a dedicated specially for them lane road. Bus rush times faster than the car. At the same dedicated lane travel and other municipal vehicles such as ambulance.
8. In some parts of the city streets are so narrow that sitting in an outdoor cafe, you can talk to the driver of the car, standing at the crossroads. Bus passengers friendly nod and waving to people passing the road. Optional familiar.
9. This quiet and friendly traffic allows owners institutions do "street" part of the road. Himself restaurant on this side of the street, and summer tables under umbrellas - with that. Waiters scurry calmly back and forth across the street with trays all day, missing only buses. Everybody is happy, nobody is indignant.
10. parking is mostly underground. Under each house - parking tenants. No ground parking lots and garages. Convenient, safe in the streets freely. By the way, the air in Barcelona is much cleaner than in the Russian cities: the level of gas concentration is below, and you can feel.
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