Barcelona eye Faktruma 7 facts about Picasso Museum

We continue the story of the Catalan capital, Barcelona, visited by the end of September with the support of the search service of the cheapest tickets Aviasales. Today we tell you about the Picasso Museum.

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- 20 facts about the first impression < / 1. A little bit from Wikipedia: Picasso Museum in Barcelona - one of the two museums of the artist in the world, the second in Paris. In Barcelona, represented mainly early works, the most famous of the later paintings - the series "Las Meninas" (59 works), written by Picasso based on the eponymous painting by Velazquez.
2. Entrance to the Picasso Museum is located in one of the narrow crooked alleys of the Gothic Quarter in Barcelona, and find it not so easy. First we unknowingly passed, but then enlisted the help of local residents. Then they brought the rule: do not know where the museum - look for the longest of all, most likely, it leads it there. Well, all that moves quickly.
3. The building, which houses the museum was built in the 16th century. In it absolutely stunning patios and some rooms can look. Interestingly, such a museum in a museum. Some walls, erected 400 years ago, are worth.
4. It is convenient that the exposition is placed in chronological order starting with the earliest work, and we can observe the emergence of the artist, consistently moving from the hall into the room. Here and there, a sense of timing failures: for example, the work of the "blue" period a lot, but "pink" is hardly represented, apparently still in Paris.
5. audio guide in Russian for some reason do not. In other Barcelona's museums have, but not here. It's a shame :) gather to visit - brush up on the major milestones of Picasso, will be much more interesting.
6. «Las Meninas" take either 2, or 3 rooms. First, I wonder then get bored, still nearly 6 dozen nearly identical pictures. Picasso spoke of "Las Meninas", "Suppose that someone wants to simply copy the" Las Meninas. " If the job I was taken, then it would come a time when I would have said to himself, which will, if I put this character to the right or to the left? And I have tried to make the movement in my way, not particularly caring about Velasquez. Such an attempt would certainly lead me to the point to change the lighting, or place it in another way, as I moved the character. Thus, little by little I was able to make a picture - "Las Meninas" - which for the artist-copyist would be unsatisfactory; it would not be "Las Meninas" what he sees them on the canvas Velázquez, it would be my "Las Meninas" »
7. In general, the experience of visiting the Picasso Museum mixed: on the one hand, like, very good, on the other hand - disappoints almost complete absence in the exhibition of pictures of the probably famous pikassovskogo period - "Cubism" . But, of course, to go there strongly recommend anyone indifferent to the world culture.
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