Barcelona eye Faktruma: 15 facts about barselontsev

We continue the story of the journey to Barcelona, which went with the support of Aviasales. Previous post can be read here, and today's focus on the facts barselontsev, their lifestyle, behavior and appearance.

1. barselontsev - people leisurely. On their way of life, apparently, had a significant impact climate of this country - very warm, even hot. You can not make a fuss at the 30-degree heat, so the rush is not worth - a typical barselonets walks with measured steps, and at a meeting with friends - stops in the middle of the street and enter into a long lengthy dialogue on the theme "How are you».
2. In Barcelona, a huge number of outdoor cafes, virtually every house is a couple of institutions. Serve them, mostly fast food - sandwiches, tapas, pizza, coffee and, necessarily, the wine. With this seemingly huge competition, cafes never empty, as local residents of all ages simply adore them. I think if you put in any place in the shadow of a table and chair, it immediately sits down barselonets will slowly sipping beer, peacefully looking at the street life.

3. This barselontsev, of course, can not be called slackers: work, though not boiling, but everything is done on time and with high quality. Locals prefer to work mainly in the morning and evening. In the middle of the day, during siesta, considered normal for a couple of hours to leave the work place to dine, drink a glass of wine and how to relax. 17 hours work resumed and lasts until 20-21 pm.
4. The love of fast fuda and measured way of life leads to the fact that almost all barselontsev are overweight. Too fat people on the streets can not be found, but the Russian standards the figure is still much stricter than Barcelona. Even on posters and covers of local magazines have too skinny models here made to look natural.

5. Barcelona girls and women of all ages never wear heels, skirts and dresses and do not use decorative cosmetics. In the course of shorts, trousers and jeans, T-shirts and pale colors. Men also prefer summer pants and shirts or T-shirts are spacious.
6. For us, people from the middle part of Russia, 22-23 degrees - it is very warm. For barselontsev such temperatures - autumn coolness. Therefore, from the cabinet gets jackets and sweaters, sandals autumn shoes replaced. It looks pretty strange, especially in sunny weather on a background of palm trees.
7. In the center of Barcelona is full of tourists all year round. Most often it is the Germans, the British, the Russians and the Japanese. They are easy to distinguish from the locals: Germans - noisy and cheerful, go in large groups, always something to discuss and laugh. English - attentive and benevolent, examine in detail all photographed every bush, every minute reconciled with guides. They usually travel with one or two married couples. Russians often come in pairs, threes friends or friends, at least - families with children. There are fast, have the kind of focused and business-like, sometimes even gloomy. Japanese, or rather, Japanese, as are commonly found girls with great interest apply to all cultural attractions and sights, but just walking or sitting in a cafe, we hardly ever saw them.

8. barselontsev love cakes and sweets. At each corner - shop with cakes and handmade chocolates. Everywhere bakery. Local residents returning from work, be sure to grab a couple of fresh baguettes for dinner. All this is really amazing tasty.
9. In general, local produce in the shops seemed to us pretty good quality, everything tasted - like. Catalan cuisine is not too different from Russia, almost the same set of products - meat, vegetables, mushrooms, sausage, minced meat products. However, wherever possible, add olives, with obligatory with bones.

10. In Barcelona, very few large shopping centers with different groups of products. Preference is given to small specialty shops and boutiques. Supermarkets too little, the locals prefer to eat in the cafe, instead of cooking at home.
11. In parks and other public places are common shops in the form of three individual standing next to a chair with armrests. They sit sedately the older generation and lead discussions.
12. A Barcelona youth sitting wherever pleases: on the steps, railings, lawns and just on the sidewalks. Where I am tired and sat down to rest there. At first it seems a bit wildly, but quickly get used to.
13. barselontsev love dogs. With large walk in the park, a small drag around with them under his arm. A cat can not see at all.

14. For the week we stayed in Barcelona, we met three meeting in different places. From which we conclude that barselontsev - responsible and caring citizens. Or just like povozmuschatsya :) Besides, now the crisis in Spain is raging vengeance ...

15. Well, the last - not knowing any Spanish or Catalan, you still will not get lost in Barcelona: the locals will always render all possible assistance and try to understand your body language and bad English :) And with good and no problems at all - though barselontsev mostly in English do not speak, the staff of almost all schools and shops, be sure to know a few relevant phrases.
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