Moscow Miami Moscow
Let's start with the fact that my girlfriend is working on cruise ships in the states.
One week endov we sat with her at the pond (soon she had to fly to another contract), and plan for the future. My tongue is my enemy. It pulled me then blurt out that, well, I'll fly to her. You understand romance, then we knew each other only a few months. Just at this moment all my adventures started.
Preparations began early. I received a passport to the cherished American label (visa) for a period of 3 years. Here, too, a kind of problemki were, but now is not about that. If there is anyone interested - I unsubscribe later. A little reflection, I have determined the date your travel tickets, and the search began.
Almost hour flipping through the Internet and determine the dynamics of prices. The most optimal choice if you take a ticket for 24-21 days before the expected departure. When it was this period were purchased tickets for the route Moscow - Barcelona - London - Miami - Madrid - Moscow. I cost me a ticket in wood 30663. Price due to the fact that all transplants I waited an average of 10 to 12 hours.
Everything seemed to be in-date information, but the adventure was just beginning.
When the hour of X, collecting chumadany,
I started off. To Moscow I decided to travel by car. In the capital, the day before departure, went to see a friend. We decided to drink hard liquor. Special thanks to them for their welcome and for the transportation to the airport and back.
We went to take a nap. Since this trip I had planned for a long time and I was in Miami really someone waiting for the sleep I struggled fiercely, so as not to be late.
At the airport came in 3 hours before departure.
Goodbye to a friend, I walked to the registration. During this procedure, I was told that my luggage can register only to London in order to Miami on those. reasons, they did not "beat." Throwing off ballast, I decided to visit the duty free breakfast and beer, note, so to speak, the upcoming trip.
My girl, being already professional pereletchikom, told me in various airports around the world, with difficulty pronouncing her name, asked her to go through the gate. With this in mind, I wanted to hear his name on the loudspeaker at the airport. I was sitting a hundred yards from me the right boarding gate, I sipped beer and constantly waiting for this moment. Whether neskolkosutochnaya fatigue, or nerve perezhivayaniya alcohol, or all together gave my brain some tormoznutosti. I stupidly sat and waited. The girl from the speakers periodically repeating that all aboard. "Right now is the moment" - I thought, but instead of my name, I heard that the landing was over ... I hurried to the door. Present the boarding pass, in response, I was told "no tickets. The president did not foster a day! ". To me it sounded like a death sentence. Within 10 minutes, I begged to let me on the plane. I told how I should go, I was there waiting for them and that does not cost anything to get me to miss. In response, I heard only: "We understand you, but do nothing, unfortunately, can not." Corner of my eye I saw how they brought a ladder from my airplane ... A few minutes later, I realized that my luggage somehow, unlike me, if you do not already flies to Miami, then in London for sure.
But, if you really want - and you can fly into space. I went to the booths, so to speak, to know that for anything. The next flight to Barcelona was an hour later. I recall that I had the transplant long, and I even managed to catch up with the very your flight Barcelona London. Laying out another 31,000 rubles, I went to the registration. But there it was. When registering I was told: "No Schengen - Barcelona no." I frantically began to tell that I transit, I catch a plane and my luggage is already out there flying ... caused mainly by the airport, I repeated several times. After reviewing all the details, I was allowed to go. The benefit of all this was happening in Russia, and all speak in Russian, and I was able to explain, since I only speak Inglish Thank you and fuck you. The main thing is not to confuse.
Barcelona. Upon arrival, I headed for the corridor for transit. After customs clearance, I attempted to register on your flight. Yeah ... The notorious Inglish began ... From all this I realized just words passport, ticket and visa. Remembering his entire stock of a foreign language, I explained that my plane go to London, I (all the text, I was accompanied by gestures, body language or body language, dancing cabinet Yumba) go plane right now. No visa, I go Miami. She apparently does not speak in English, so I asked the help of a partner. I had to dance again. Her partner, opening his eyes wide, he said: «One minute, please» and decided to call my airline representative. 40 minutes later, there was a representative. Dance is also repeated for her. And again, «one minute, please». Again 40 minutes of waiting ... When the representative came again in her hands she held my boarding passes for flights to London-Barcelona-Miami.
She also has held me in the transit zone, apologizing and explaining to me in the way that the remaining 8:00 I have to spend in this area due to lack of Schengen.
Again, duty free, and over a beer.
By the way, a note to a smoker for a long time waiting for departure at the airport in Barcelona. Airport smoking. And if there is a smoking place - I could not figure out. I had to smoke in a brazen kilometer corridor right in the airport.
I found the distance between cameras - 100 meters. I just wandered through the endless corridors and deserted airport, there is the benefit of their set, and smoking between the cameras and the bulls are released into the toilet.
After the right time, having had the unfortunate experience, I did not wait for the announcement of its family, and proceeded to land. So I caught my plane.
I was sitting in front of his gate (gate), forward landing. 3 security men see a man starting to get round all the passengers of the flight, check instruments and glue sticker on the passport of the security check. I also stuck. Declared fit. I am standing in line one of the first (in order not to be late), and I see as one of the security men gesture asking me to come. I went. Ask again the documents show. Ask for a credit card, saying that, well, cash. Ask for a driver's license. Showing. Give a pen and a blank sheet of paper and asked to sign it. Painted. Ask even any document with photo and signature. I give the internal Russian passport. The result: four signature and all, in their view, are different. Verdict: passport invalid (((. I'm in a stupor. They start to call somewhere and something to find out. Ask me why such a complicated route. I'm trying to dance, it's me was cheaper (I did not yet know how much I ticket cost) they do not understand. Then they change their mind and tell me that my difficulty obtaining US visas, valid. The dance in this respect I was not prepared. They began to call the American Embassy to inquire about the visa., This the process lasted about 2 hours, and in this regard, the flight was delayed by 1.40. There were shocked not only me, but all the rest of the passengers. Imagine how much they loved me all these 1.40! ... When the Americans confirmed the validity of my visa - I was allowed to fly.
I sit on the plane, the flight attendant came up to me and asked why I was so sad, I answer, they say, everything OK. She calls my name and I wondered whether this. I say yes, and ringing in the brain: "What else ???". She gave me a voucher for luggage and explains that he is renewed, and that my bags get to Miami. At least one good news!
Five hours passed easily fly. Unlimited beer and great food helped me pass the time in a way.
London. Coming out of the plane and ofigev from the long queues at passport control, I realized that I stand here a long time. Since my experience in flights of extremely enlarged in the last few days, I decided to simplify your life and try to find a compatriot. Nearby stood a man and spoke in Russian on the phone. I thought that he would be my guide and assistant in one of the biggest airports in the world - Heathrow.
Posted in [mergetime] 1406751161 [/ mergetime]
I went over to the selected object, and begin to know from where he is and what makes London. It turned out to be a Muscovite, who finished the last three years of school in London and is now studying in the first year in Cambridge. I asked to help me in the translation at passport control, to clarify the whereabouts of my luggage and how do I get out into the city even for a minute. Before the flight, I learned that Russian citizens in transit, can go in London to the city without a visa for 72 hours.
After imigreyshn, I got a stamp in your passport, allowing me access,
I went over to the selected object, and begin to know from where he is and what makes London. It turned out to be a Muscovite, who finished the last three years of school in London and is now studying in the first year in Cambridge. I asked to help me in the translation at passport control, to clarify the whereabouts of my luggage and how do I get out into the city even for a minute. Before the flight, I learned that Russian citizens in transit, can go in London to the city without a visa for 72 hours.
After imigreyshn, I got a stamp in your passport, allowing me access,
After I was told that if I missed the plane, I was deported, and at my own expense.
The boy led me through the endless corridors of Heathrow, at the entrance to the subway we went. I thanked him and went to the door, and he went down into the subway. On the way out I walked to parkovschitse and tried to find out how to get to the city. How I did it - you can imagine. To which she smiled at me and said, "Do not strain yourself, I am from Tula")))). It checks for coupons taxi drivers, showing that they are legally stopped at the airport, and observing all, approaching for passengers. I expressed a desire to take a picture to remember the London taxi. I went to the driver and he said to me, saying, 7 pounds, sir. I tell him, but the pounds, the EC dollar. And he told me - but a pound, but pikcher. Tula parkovschitsa neighing and made me a picture of the coveted free.
Then, in her tip I found I needed a red London bus, got in and drove ventilated.
Outside it was about 10-11 pm, so my airing did not last long. I went to one of the stops, wandered, smoked and went back to the airport.
I passed Face control and proceeded to land. I show your passport and boarding, and a man said to me: «One moment, please» and called someone else. Suitable his partner and asks her to pass. It turns me into a separate glass room where telling me to wait. After 10 minutes, joins me another Russian woman (from Tagil) with the child and we are called Rashn Family)))). I ask for documents to give, and employees of the airport in front of me tears (!) My boarding pass. The only thing that flashed through my mind, it is «Hello Moscow - I was in a board ..." A few minutes later withdrawn from the glass room with the baby girl, and I was asked to wait. I ask: «What a fuck?». They say: «It's ok», dosmotorschitsa female is available, and there is no man. Will have to wait. Waiting 15 minutes comes the same worker, writes me a new boarding, whatever his crosses, and asks me to go for inspection. The procedure was the usual: things on the scanner, belt, shoes and phone separately, easy oblapyvanie myself and go to plane!
While all these actions is happening to us, the plane was delayed for 50 minutes.
Welcome to Miami. I'll be back a little. When we were planning my visit to the city of dreams of many, my girl prepared me for the difficult passage imigreshina in Miami. No one could not assume that many of them happen to me long before that. I got off the plane with the idea that everything is just beginning to turn, and headed to the alleged difficulties. The airport was Nemer people, planes landing one after the other, and people just adds. Stand in those queues 2-3 hours - means speed imigreyshn. I chose one of (let's call it so) kiosks, prepared documents and waited. Kiosk, which was next to mine was closed. But, apparently, fate took pity on me and, ooooh, a miracle (!!!), this kiosk was opened, and, as I was standing very close to him, I was asked to go first.
Dialogue with polismenshey was brief. I showed all the documents. She asks, I'm just going to sleep in Miami. I say no. I TRAVEL buy spike (trying to say that cruise food). She smiled and said that I do not speak English and if I'm alone, I'll be traveling. I, pointing to the way out, said that in May frendy I already waiting. She smiled again, took my fingerprints, sfotkala on the Web camera, put a stamp (for 6 months.) Into the passport and wished them a pleasant journey. I could not believe that the fact that the idea was to be the most difficult for me, it was the easiest! And I spent only forty minutes.
And here in front of me opened the automatic door, and a gust of hot air blowing me off the street.
Around somewhere people are fleeing, hundreds of taxis and shuttles, you can smoke freely. Tomorrow I will see a loved one, to fulfill his promise and will cruise on a huge white ship.
He looked into Google maps. The distance from the airport to the port was 11 km. I decided not to go to the hotel and spend the time to explore the area. I crawled, if not all, then most Shasta Miami International Airport and the surrounding area, and in the morning also decided to march to the liner.
I took chumadan and headed in the right direction to me. Many taxi drivers stopped offering their services, but I just went. The difficulty is caused by the absence of moving walkways at the Miami numerous bridges,
unbearable heat and very high humidity. After 2 kilometers, I realized that under this sun, I just get burned in the next two kilometers and decided to catch a taxi. Prices I knew, and not in collusion with the first taksisitom, I caught the second.
And here he is white giant.
While waiting for his girl met with an elderly married couple, our former, nice chat. When my girlfriend came out, we were driven to the down town (she had a store), at one of the cafes drank horrible American coffee and returned to port.
Voila! I'm on the ship! More precisely, inside it.
Upon entering, I was given a plastic card, which is also a key to the door and means of payment on the liner.
I went up to my room (cabine)
which was on the 10th floor (the right to speak deke). The cabin was small but cozy.
A few hours later started safety briefing. This is when the show how to put on life jackets and where to go if something happens on the ship.
Shortly thereafter, my first cruise began. All bars blared music, tons of food (you have no idea how much Americans eat!) Were distributed in coffee shops and all the 3,000 passengers took to the open deck to say "Goodbye port of Miami!».
The first port was a private Bahamian island cruise desert of Half Moon Cay. For some reason it ships on the island close to the shore is not suitable. And on the very shore of the ship all deliver small boats,
they are called tender (tender).
Half Moon Cay - this is what is called paradise. So the white sand and clear turquoise water I have ever seen.

One week endov we sat with her at the pond (soon she had to fly to another contract), and plan for the future. My tongue is my enemy. It pulled me then blurt out that, well, I'll fly to her. You understand romance, then we knew each other only a few months. Just at this moment all my adventures started.
Preparations began early. I received a passport to the cherished American label (visa) for a period of 3 years. Here, too, a kind of problemki were, but now is not about that. If there is anyone interested - I unsubscribe later. A little reflection, I have determined the date your travel tickets, and the search began.
Almost hour flipping through the Internet and determine the dynamics of prices. The most optimal choice if you take a ticket for 24-21 days before the expected departure. When it was this period were purchased tickets for the route Moscow - Barcelona - London - Miami - Madrid - Moscow. I cost me a ticket in wood 30663. Price due to the fact that all transplants I waited an average of 10 to 12 hours.

Everything seemed to be in-date information, but the adventure was just beginning.
When the hour of X, collecting chumadany,

I started off. To Moscow I decided to travel by car. In the capital, the day before departure, went to see a friend. We decided to drink hard liquor. Special thanks to them for their welcome and for the transportation to the airport and back.

We went to take a nap. Since this trip I had planned for a long time and I was in Miami really someone waiting for the sleep I struggled fiercely, so as not to be late.
At the airport came in 3 hours before departure.

Goodbye to a friend, I walked to the registration. During this procedure, I was told that my luggage can register only to London in order to Miami on those. reasons, they did not "beat." Throwing off ballast, I decided to visit the duty free breakfast and beer, note, so to speak, the upcoming trip.
My girl, being already professional pereletchikom, told me in various airports around the world, with difficulty pronouncing her name, asked her to go through the gate. With this in mind, I wanted to hear his name on the loudspeaker at the airport. I was sitting a hundred yards from me the right boarding gate, I sipped beer and constantly waiting for this moment. Whether neskolkosutochnaya fatigue, or nerve perezhivayaniya alcohol, or all together gave my brain some tormoznutosti. I stupidly sat and waited. The girl from the speakers periodically repeating that all aboard. "Right now is the moment" - I thought, but instead of my name, I heard that the landing was over ... I hurried to the door. Present the boarding pass, in response, I was told "no tickets. The president did not foster a day! ". To me it sounded like a death sentence. Within 10 minutes, I begged to let me on the plane. I told how I should go, I was there waiting for them and that does not cost anything to get me to miss. In response, I heard only: "We understand you, but do nothing, unfortunately, can not." Corner of my eye I saw how they brought a ladder from my airplane ... A few minutes later, I realized that my luggage somehow, unlike me, if you do not already flies to Miami, then in London for sure.
But, if you really want - and you can fly into space. I went to the booths, so to speak, to know that for anything. The next flight to Barcelona was an hour later. I recall that I had the transplant long, and I even managed to catch up with the very your flight Barcelona London. Laying out another 31,000 rubles, I went to the registration. But there it was. When registering I was told: "No Schengen - Barcelona no." I frantically began to tell that I transit, I catch a plane and my luggage is already out there flying ... caused mainly by the airport, I repeated several times. After reviewing all the details, I was allowed to go. The benefit of all this was happening in Russia, and all speak in Russian, and I was able to explain, since I only speak Inglish Thank you and fuck you. The main thing is not to confuse.
Barcelona. Upon arrival, I headed for the corridor for transit. After customs clearance, I attempted to register on your flight. Yeah ... The notorious Inglish began ... From all this I realized just words passport, ticket and visa. Remembering his entire stock of a foreign language, I explained that my plane go to London, I (all the text, I was accompanied by gestures, body language or body language, dancing cabinet Yumba) go plane right now. No visa, I go Miami. She apparently does not speak in English, so I asked the help of a partner. I had to dance again. Her partner, opening his eyes wide, he said: «One minute, please» and decided to call my airline representative. 40 minutes later, there was a representative. Dance is also repeated for her. And again, «one minute, please». Again 40 minutes of waiting ... When the representative came again in her hands she held my boarding passes for flights to London-Barcelona-Miami.

She also has held me in the transit zone, apologizing and explaining to me in the way that the remaining 8:00 I have to spend in this area due to lack of Schengen.
Again, duty free, and over a beer.

By the way, a note to a smoker for a long time waiting for departure at the airport in Barcelona. Airport smoking. And if there is a smoking place - I could not figure out. I had to smoke in a brazen kilometer corridor right in the airport.

I found the distance between cameras - 100 meters. I just wandered through the endless corridors and deserted airport, there is the benefit of their set, and smoking between the cameras and the bulls are released into the toilet.
After the right time, having had the unfortunate experience, I did not wait for the announcement of its family, and proceeded to land. So I caught my plane.
I was sitting in front of his gate (gate), forward landing. 3 security men see a man starting to get round all the passengers of the flight, check instruments and glue sticker on the passport of the security check. I also stuck. Declared fit. I am standing in line one of the first (in order not to be late), and I see as one of the security men gesture asking me to come. I went. Ask again the documents show. Ask for a credit card, saying that, well, cash. Ask for a driver's license. Showing. Give a pen and a blank sheet of paper and asked to sign it. Painted. Ask even any document with photo and signature. I give the internal Russian passport. The result: four signature and all, in their view, are different. Verdict: passport invalid (((. I'm in a stupor. They start to call somewhere and something to find out. Ask me why such a complicated route. I'm trying to dance, it's me was cheaper (I did not yet know how much I ticket cost) they do not understand. Then they change their mind and tell me that my difficulty obtaining US visas, valid. The dance in this respect I was not prepared. They began to call the American Embassy to inquire about the visa., This the process lasted about 2 hours, and in this regard, the flight was delayed by 1.40. There were shocked not only me, but all the rest of the passengers. Imagine how much they loved me all these 1.40! ... When the Americans confirmed the validity of my visa - I was allowed to fly.

I sit on the plane, the flight attendant came up to me and asked why I was so sad, I answer, they say, everything OK. She calls my name and I wondered whether this. I say yes, and ringing in the brain: "What else ???". She gave me a voucher for luggage and explains that he is renewed, and that my bags get to Miami. At least one good news!
Five hours passed easily fly. Unlimited beer and great food helped me pass the time in a way.
London. Coming out of the plane and ofigev from the long queues at passport control, I realized that I stand here a long time. Since my experience in flights of extremely enlarged in the last few days, I decided to simplify your life and try to find a compatriot. Nearby stood a man and spoke in Russian on the phone. I thought that he would be my guide and assistant in one of the biggest airports in the world - Heathrow.
Posted in [mergetime] 1406751161 [/ mergetime]
I went over to the selected object, and begin to know from where he is and what makes London. It turned out to be a Muscovite, who finished the last three years of school in London and is now studying in the first year in Cambridge. I asked to help me in the translation at passport control, to clarify the whereabouts of my luggage and how do I get out into the city even for a minute. Before the flight, I learned that Russian citizens in transit, can go in London to the city without a visa for 72 hours.
After imigreyshn, I got a stamp in your passport, allowing me access,

I went over to the selected object, and begin to know from where he is and what makes London. It turned out to be a Muscovite, who finished the last three years of school in London and is now studying in the first year in Cambridge. I asked to help me in the translation at passport control, to clarify the whereabouts of my luggage and how do I get out into the city even for a minute. Before the flight, I learned that Russian citizens in transit, can go in London to the city without a visa for 72 hours.
After imigreyshn, I got a stamp in your passport, allowing me access,

After I was told that if I missed the plane, I was deported, and at my own expense.
The boy led me through the endless corridors of Heathrow, at the entrance to the subway we went. I thanked him and went to the door, and he went down into the subway. On the way out I walked to parkovschitse and tried to find out how to get to the city. How I did it - you can imagine. To which she smiled at me and said, "Do not strain yourself, I am from Tula")))). It checks for coupons taxi drivers, showing that they are legally stopped at the airport, and observing all, approaching for passengers. I expressed a desire to take a picture to remember the London taxi. I went to the driver and he said to me, saying, 7 pounds, sir. I tell him, but the pounds, the EC dollar. And he told me - but a pound, but pikcher. Tula parkovschitsa neighing and made me a picture of the coveted free.

Then, in her tip I found I needed a red London bus, got in and drove ventilated.

Outside it was about 10-11 pm, so my airing did not last long. I went to one of the stops, wandered, smoked and went back to the airport.
I passed Face control and proceeded to land. I show your passport and boarding, and a man said to me: «One moment, please» and called someone else. Suitable his partner and asks her to pass. It turns me into a separate glass room where telling me to wait. After 10 minutes, joins me another Russian woman (from Tagil) with the child and we are called Rashn Family)))). I ask for documents to give, and employees of the airport in front of me tears (!) My boarding pass. The only thing that flashed through my mind, it is «Hello Moscow - I was in a board ..." A few minutes later withdrawn from the glass room with the baby girl, and I was asked to wait. I ask: «What a fuck?». They say: «It's ok», dosmotorschitsa female is available, and there is no man. Will have to wait. Waiting 15 minutes comes the same worker, writes me a new boarding, whatever his crosses, and asks me to go for inspection. The procedure was the usual: things on the scanner, belt, shoes and phone separately, easy oblapyvanie myself and go to plane!

While all these actions is happening to us, the plane was delayed for 50 minutes.
Welcome to Miami. I'll be back a little. When we were planning my visit to the city of dreams of many, my girl prepared me for the difficult passage imigreshina in Miami. No one could not assume that many of them happen to me long before that. I got off the plane with the idea that everything is just beginning to turn, and headed to the alleged difficulties. The airport was Nemer people, planes landing one after the other, and people just adds. Stand in those queues 2-3 hours - means speed imigreyshn. I chose one of (let's call it so) kiosks, prepared documents and waited. Kiosk, which was next to mine was closed. But, apparently, fate took pity on me and, ooooh, a miracle (!!!), this kiosk was opened, and, as I was standing very close to him, I was asked to go first.
Dialogue with polismenshey was brief. I showed all the documents. She asks, I'm just going to sleep in Miami. I say no. I TRAVEL buy spike (trying to say that cruise food). She smiled and said that I do not speak English and if I'm alone, I'll be traveling. I, pointing to the way out, said that in May frendy I already waiting. She smiled again, took my fingerprints, sfotkala on the Web camera, put a stamp (for 6 months.) Into the passport and wished them a pleasant journey. I could not believe that the fact that the idea was to be the most difficult for me, it was the easiest! And I spent only forty minutes.
And here in front of me opened the automatic door, and a gust of hot air blowing me off the street.

Around somewhere people are fleeing, hundreds of taxis and shuttles, you can smoke freely. Tomorrow I will see a loved one, to fulfill his promise and will cruise on a huge white ship.
He looked into Google maps. The distance from the airport to the port was 11 km. I decided not to go to the hotel and spend the time to explore the area. I crawled, if not all, then most Shasta Miami International Airport and the surrounding area, and in the morning also decided to march to the liner.
I took chumadan and headed in the right direction to me. Many taxi drivers stopped offering their services, but I just went. The difficulty is caused by the absence of moving walkways at the Miami numerous bridges,

unbearable heat and very high humidity. After 2 kilometers, I realized that under this sun, I just get burned in the next two kilometers and decided to catch a taxi. Prices I knew, and not in collusion with the first taksisitom, I caught the second.
And here he is white giant.

While waiting for his girl met with an elderly married couple, our former, nice chat. When my girlfriend came out, we were driven to the down town (she had a store), at one of the cafes drank horrible American coffee and returned to port.
Voila! I'm on the ship! More precisely, inside it.
Upon entering, I was given a plastic card, which is also a key to the door and means of payment on the liner.

I went up to my room (cabine)

which was on the 10th floor (the right to speak deke). The cabin was small but cozy.



A few hours later started safety briefing. This is when the show how to put on life jackets and where to go if something happens on the ship.
Shortly thereafter, my first cruise began. All bars blared music, tons of food (you have no idea how much Americans eat!) Were distributed in coffee shops and all the 3,000 passengers took to the open deck to say "Goodbye port of Miami!».




The first port was a private Bahamian island cruise desert of Half Moon Cay. For some reason it ships on the island close to the shore is not suitable. And on the very shore of the ship all deliver small boats,

they are called tender (tender).

Half Moon Cay - this is what is called paradise. So the white sand and clear turquoise water I have ever seen.


