I think everyone of us at least vaguely heard about this couple.
Its very romanticized by presenting two lovers fighting the system. Who were they in reality - hard to say, but in general, read about them interesting. Although, if only because of the bright pairs really was not much. Bonnie and Clyde - famous American robbers, acting during the Great Depression. Killed in 1934 by FBI agents. Bonnie at the time of the murder was 24 years, Clyde - 25 years.
Bonnie was born in a poor family of a bricklayer and a seamstress with three children. Clyde - poor farmers in the family with seven children. Bonnie was a good student, was a woman of fashion, wrote poetry. Clyde, apparently, education did not shine.
Everything in their lives is extremely fast and concentrated.
Bonnie 15 years dropped out of school. At 16 she married. At 17, he got a job as a waitress. The 18 broke up with her husband. At 22, he met with Clyde, and away we go ...
In the photo: Bonnie and her first husband, with whom she, by the way, never divorced.
Clyde was 17 years old stole a car (rented and not returned), for which he was arrested. Later he stole turkeys, and was arrested again. In 18-20 years, he began to crack safes, rob stores and steal cars, for which the age of 21, was jailed. There he raped. Rapist killed Clyde. There Clyde lost two toes that are cut off in protest against prevailing in this routine.
It is believed that in prison, Clyde finally "matured". His sister, Mary said, "It must have been something terrible happened to him in prison, because he has never been the same." Ralph Fults, was serving a sentence at the same time with Clyde, he said that in his eyes, he turned from a schoolboy in a rattlesnake. At 23, Clyde was released prematurely, then met Bonnie, and away we go ...
They had only two years of life, for which they should have time to become famous as frostbitten murderers and robbers, of whom then lay down a lot of legends, will remove the film, and their names will become a household.
Bonnie and Clyde decided to present the romantic lovers, who were devoted to each other until the end. But there are some other opinions.
According to some sources it is believed that Clyde was a homosexual. On the other, it is alleged that Bonnie and Clyde were lovers, but at the same time entered into a sexual relationship with the other members of the gang. For example, it is known that Roy Hamilton (pictured) was the lover of both.
And then Roy has led the gang and a girlfriend, which is why relations within the team strained to the limit.
By the way, Raymond Hamilton was already sentenced to 264 years in prison for being drunk shot the sheriff and his assistants.
Photo: Hamilton's girlfriend, which he, by his own admission, he loved more than anyone else, except his mother.
On the basis of these "free" relations and Clyde orientation difficult, some people believe that no unearthly love between Bonnie and Clyde was not by definition. Although the fact that they really were very devoted to each other, there was no doubt: Bonnie once pulled Clyde from prison, handing him a date weapons and Clyde later, when police detained Bonnie rescued girlfriend, brazenly attacked a police station .
And his mother, Bonnie, Emma Parker, said: "I immediately realized that between them there is something that Bonnie has presented it to me. I saw it in her eyes, how she clung to the sleeve of his jacket ».
It is believed that Bonnie was the nerve center of the gang, and thanks to her, the crime reached a new level.
However, they explained their crimes, of course, not his bloodthirstiness or passion for profit, and the "hard life" and "the struggle against the system».
For example, Bonnie poems that she wrote at the time:
"Now Bonnie and Clyde - famous duo,
All newspapers are trumpeting about them.
After their "work" no witnesses,
It remains only the stench of death.
But a lot of them sound false words,
And they are not so cruel.
They hate snitches and liars,
And the law - their mortal enemy »
Once criminals have stolen the sheriff, stripped and bound, thrown to the side of the road and said, "Tell your people that we are not a gang of killers. Come into the situation of people trying to get through this damn depression ».
"From the cold killings shook the country,
And their cruelty - a grave sin,
But I knew Clyde and in those days,
When he was like at all.
He was a good guy, a simple Texas,
It had nothing to reproach him,
But life is hard to do with them
And pushed on the path of the devil ».
After meeting Bonnie and Clyde immediately close. They are often left out of the city and learned to shoot straight. Perhaps the marksmanship of all weapons is the only science in which they reached perfection.
They also liked to be photographed with weapons: a pistol or rifle in hand, they are often posed in front of the lens. Generally, they are constantly photographed. And in 1933, fleeing from the police, the criminals left at the site of his home a few things - a series of pictures and poems about the plight of Bonnie highwaymen. Clues were left "accidentally", but what is interesting. The pictures were extremely posey: Bonnie and Clyde appeared in the form of bold thugs with huge guns, cigars, in fashionable outfit and the background of the steep cars.
Bonnie narrated poems about love and anticipation of impending death by police bullets. After all it was published in a newspaper, the popularity of Bonnie and Clyde skyrocketed - they have become the main characters of society columns.
Once in Kansas Bonnie first saw the poster "Wanted by the police," with his image. The fact that he and Clyde were "celebrities" Bonnie shook so much that she immediately sent a dozen letters to major newspapers with pictures, which they did with Clyde at his criminal ways.
Generally, the PR they loved. Actually, because they eventually became so famous.
"If the Dallas police suddenly killed
And "cops" do not have a clue,
The real killer will not be revealed,
Bonnie Clyde carry answer.
If a couple decides to suddenly calm
And the apartment will remove myself,
After a couple of days they get tired of life,
Again, with a gun in his hand.
He once admitted to me bitterly:
"The Age of Freedom can not see me.
My life will end in the hell fire,
And reckoning can not escape! "
Darker and scarier unreliable path,
All the senseless struggle.
Let the rich become ever,
But free - never!
They do not consider that the strongest of all,
The law can not be beat!
And death will be retribution for sin,
Both knew for sure ».
They began with robbery with a weapon warehouse in Texas. There they were armed to the teeth. After that, they began to plunder cafes, shops, petrol stations. By the way, in the robbery of banks in those days it was not much money to make money - the Great Depression of the banks raked all the big money and the gang sometimes receive more robbing any roadside shop.
Scenario of robberies was usually as follows: Bonnie was sitting behind the wheel of a car, Clyde broke and took away the proceeds, and then on the move, shooting, he dropped into the machine. If someone tried to resist, then immediately gets shot. However, they were ruthlessly removed and innocent bystanders. They were not just thieves, they were murderers, and their scores were as ordinary people like the owners of small shops and gas stations, and police officers who kill Clyde preferred to avoid arrest.
After killing the first police officer who decided to check the documents of a suspicious couple in the car, there was nothing left to lose: now they are probably waiting for a death sentence. So Bonnie and Clyde had a ball and, without hesitation, fired at people in any situation, even when they are almost out of danger. August 5, 1932, two police officers noticed on rural holidays Clyde. When they asked him to come, a bandit on the spot laid both. A month later, breaking through police checkpoints on the road, the band shot the twelve guardians of the law.
Of course, they are constantly hunted by the police. However, for the time being they are incredibly lucky. However, they had absolutely nothing to lose, so any attempt to police to get this gang met with gunfire.
However, the father of one of the gang members, in exchange for a pardon his son offered his help in apprehending criminals. He gave the police the key to the house where he was hiding Bonnie and Clyde. The house was surrounded by two thick rings of police, all entrances to it were blocked.
On the morning of May 23, 1934 on the road, there was a stolen "Ford". On the driver had dark glasses, he was sitting next to a woman in a new red dress. In the car they were stashed away two thousand rounds of ammunition, three rifles, twelve pistols, two rifles and pump action ... saxophone. They were Bonnie and Clyde. Apparently, they still hoped to slip away.
However, they failed. Not having to fire a single shot, they were shot dead by police. They write that more than five hundred bullets pierced the bodies of gangsters and they were almost torn apart.
"Let the heart of the pain you suffer,
A decrepit death will take.
But the misfortunes of Bonnie and Clyde fate
Do not compare your small adversities!
The day will come, and fall on the eternal sleep
In neskorbeyuschey loose earth.
And relieved the country and the law,
They were sent into oblivion. »
Mutilated bodies of criminals were put on public display in the morgue, and wishing for one dollar could see them. Curious was quite a lot of dead bandits ... Photos posted all the newspapers.
After his death they became the true symbol, a kind of butterflies, to live a life in the law and the fight against poverty. And even at the grave of Bonnie wrote:
"As the flowers bloom in the sun and the freshness of the dew, and the world becomes brighter thanks to people like you».
What's the alternative gifted guessed write it on the grave of the killer - can only guess. But it is very significant in the sense of how crime can be romanticized. With their pictures make people even tattoos. So you can imagine their popularity.
By the way, about Bonnie and Clyde shot several films. But there is hardly possible to see something interesting. At least, judging by this photo, it shows nothing more than priglamurennye gangsters in love with each other.
Source: fototelegraf.ru
Bonnie was born in a poor family of a bricklayer and a seamstress with three children. Clyde - poor farmers in the family with seven children. Bonnie was a good student, was a woman of fashion, wrote poetry. Clyde, apparently, education did not shine.
Everything in their lives is extremely fast and concentrated.

Bonnie 15 years dropped out of school. At 16 she married. At 17, he got a job as a waitress. The 18 broke up with her husband. At 22, he met with Clyde, and away we go ...
In the photo: Bonnie and her first husband, with whom she, by the way, never divorced.

Clyde was 17 years old stole a car (rented and not returned), for which he was arrested. Later he stole turkeys, and was arrested again. In 18-20 years, he began to crack safes, rob stores and steal cars, for which the age of 21, was jailed. There he raped. Rapist killed Clyde. There Clyde lost two toes that are cut off in protest against prevailing in this routine.
It is believed that in prison, Clyde finally "matured". His sister, Mary said, "It must have been something terrible happened to him in prison, because he has never been the same." Ralph Fults, was serving a sentence at the same time with Clyde, he said that in his eyes, he turned from a schoolboy in a rattlesnake. At 23, Clyde was released prematurely, then met Bonnie, and away we go ...

They had only two years of life, for which they should have time to become famous as frostbitten murderers and robbers, of whom then lay down a lot of legends, will remove the film, and their names will become a household.
Bonnie and Clyde decided to present the romantic lovers, who were devoted to each other until the end. But there are some other opinions.

According to some sources it is believed that Clyde was a homosexual. On the other, it is alleged that Bonnie and Clyde were lovers, but at the same time entered into a sexual relationship with the other members of the gang. For example, it is known that Roy Hamilton (pictured) was the lover of both.

And then Roy has led the gang and a girlfriend, which is why relations within the team strained to the limit.
By the way, Raymond Hamilton was already sentenced to 264 years in prison for being drunk shot the sheriff and his assistants.
Photo: Hamilton's girlfriend, which he, by his own admission, he loved more than anyone else, except his mother.

On the basis of these "free" relations and Clyde orientation difficult, some people believe that no unearthly love between Bonnie and Clyde was not by definition. Although the fact that they really were very devoted to each other, there was no doubt: Bonnie once pulled Clyde from prison, handing him a date weapons and Clyde later, when police detained Bonnie rescued girlfriend, brazenly attacked a police station .
And his mother, Bonnie, Emma Parker, said: "I immediately realized that between them there is something that Bonnie has presented it to me. I saw it in her eyes, how she clung to the sleeve of his jacket ».

It is believed that Bonnie was the nerve center of the gang, and thanks to her, the crime reached a new level.
However, they explained their crimes, of course, not his bloodthirstiness or passion for profit, and the "hard life" and "the struggle against the system».
For example, Bonnie poems that she wrote at the time:
"Now Bonnie and Clyde - famous duo,
All newspapers are trumpeting about them.
After their "work" no witnesses,
It remains only the stench of death.
But a lot of them sound false words,
And they are not so cruel.
They hate snitches and liars,
And the law - their mortal enemy »

Once criminals have stolen the sheriff, stripped and bound, thrown to the side of the road and said, "Tell your people that we are not a gang of killers. Come into the situation of people trying to get through this damn depression ».
"From the cold killings shook the country,
And their cruelty - a grave sin,
But I knew Clyde and in those days,
When he was like at all.
He was a good guy, a simple Texas,
It had nothing to reproach him,
But life is hard to do with them
And pushed on the path of the devil ».
After meeting Bonnie and Clyde immediately close. They are often left out of the city and learned to shoot straight. Perhaps the marksmanship of all weapons is the only science in which they reached perfection.

They also liked to be photographed with weapons: a pistol or rifle in hand, they are often posed in front of the lens. Generally, they are constantly photographed. And in 1933, fleeing from the police, the criminals left at the site of his home a few things - a series of pictures and poems about the plight of Bonnie highwaymen. Clues were left "accidentally", but what is interesting. The pictures were extremely posey: Bonnie and Clyde appeared in the form of bold thugs with huge guns, cigars, in fashionable outfit and the background of the steep cars.

Bonnie narrated poems about love and anticipation of impending death by police bullets. After all it was published in a newspaper, the popularity of Bonnie and Clyde skyrocketed - they have become the main characters of society columns.
Once in Kansas Bonnie first saw the poster "Wanted by the police," with his image. The fact that he and Clyde were "celebrities" Bonnie shook so much that she immediately sent a dozen letters to major newspapers with pictures, which they did with Clyde at his criminal ways.

Generally, the PR they loved. Actually, because they eventually became so famous.
"If the Dallas police suddenly killed
And "cops" do not have a clue,
The real killer will not be revealed,
Bonnie Clyde carry answer.
If a couple decides to suddenly calm
And the apartment will remove myself,
After a couple of days they get tired of life,
Again, with a gun in his hand.
He once admitted to me bitterly:
"The Age of Freedom can not see me.
My life will end in the hell fire,
And reckoning can not escape! "
Darker and scarier unreliable path,
All the senseless struggle.
Let the rich become ever,
But free - never!
They do not consider that the strongest of all,
The law can not be beat!
And death will be retribution for sin,
Both knew for sure ».

They began with robbery with a weapon warehouse in Texas. There they were armed to the teeth. After that, they began to plunder cafes, shops, petrol stations. By the way, in the robbery of banks in those days it was not much money to make money - the Great Depression of the banks raked all the big money and the gang sometimes receive more robbing any roadside shop.

Scenario of robberies was usually as follows: Bonnie was sitting behind the wheel of a car, Clyde broke and took away the proceeds, and then on the move, shooting, he dropped into the machine. If someone tried to resist, then immediately gets shot. However, they were ruthlessly removed and innocent bystanders. They were not just thieves, they were murderers, and their scores were as ordinary people like the owners of small shops and gas stations, and police officers who kill Clyde preferred to avoid arrest.

After killing the first police officer who decided to check the documents of a suspicious couple in the car, there was nothing left to lose: now they are probably waiting for a death sentence. So Bonnie and Clyde had a ball and, without hesitation, fired at people in any situation, even when they are almost out of danger. August 5, 1932, two police officers noticed on rural holidays Clyde. When they asked him to come, a bandit on the spot laid both. A month later, breaking through police checkpoints on the road, the band shot the twelve guardians of the law.
Of course, they are constantly hunted by the police. However, for the time being they are incredibly lucky. However, they had absolutely nothing to lose, so any attempt to police to get this gang met with gunfire.

However, the father of one of the gang members, in exchange for a pardon his son offered his help in apprehending criminals. He gave the police the key to the house where he was hiding Bonnie and Clyde. The house was surrounded by two thick rings of police, all entrances to it were blocked.
On the morning of May 23, 1934 on the road, there was a stolen "Ford". On the driver had dark glasses, he was sitting next to a woman in a new red dress. In the car they were stashed away two thousand rounds of ammunition, three rifles, twelve pistols, two rifles and pump action ... saxophone. They were Bonnie and Clyde. Apparently, they still hoped to slip away.
However, they failed. Not having to fire a single shot, they were shot dead by police. They write that more than five hundred bullets pierced the bodies of gangsters and they were almost torn apart.

"Let the heart of the pain you suffer,
A decrepit death will take.
But the misfortunes of Bonnie and Clyde fate
Do not compare your small adversities!
The day will come, and fall on the eternal sleep
In neskorbeyuschey loose earth.
And relieved the country and the law,
They were sent into oblivion. »
Mutilated bodies of criminals were put on public display in the morgue, and wishing for one dollar could see them. Curious was quite a lot of dead bandits ... Photos posted all the newspapers.

After his death they became the true symbol, a kind of butterflies, to live a life in the law and the fight against poverty. And even at the grave of Bonnie wrote:
"As the flowers bloom in the sun and the freshness of the dew, and the world becomes brighter thanks to people like you».

What's the alternative gifted guessed write it on the grave of the killer - can only guess. But it is very significant in the sense of how crime can be romanticized. With their pictures make people even tattoos. So you can imagine their popularity.

By the way, about Bonnie and Clyde shot several films. But there is hardly possible to see something interesting. At least, judging by this photo, it shows nothing more than priglamurennye gangsters in love with each other.

Source: fototelegraf.ru