Acute otitis media in children from the point of view of the doctor homeopath
Or why parents should not hesitate to disturb the doctor at night.
This article initially conceived simply as a guide for mothers of my young patients (no offense dad, in 95% of cases call mom). Imagine a situation - calls me at night the mother and tear from excitement voice asks: — "the child has an Earache what to do"?!!!
In a detailed explanation of the picture is as follows: — a child screaming. Yelling, and screaming hysterically. Or, if the temperament is not the wild — a mother's heart brings forth tears and complaints. Torments, and the case. Because he's in pain, and the disease develops quickly. The night before everything was fine, the maximum observed mild tenderness and slight prodromal phenomena, which as always did not pay attention. And closer to the night I had a sore ear and throat, snot flowed, the temperature of the Popper up.
But the pain in the ear naturally predominates in the clinical picture and determines all further actions of the parents. Or call me or, if the night feel uncomfortable in the ambulance. It would be better to call me, then explain why.
Based on the above, I came up with the idea to write a short manual on the topic: "what to do mother to visit a doctor in case of acute pain in the ear from the child."
And only in the process of writing it became clear that the material in the course of such emergency telephone consultations and the subsequent "analysis of the flight" has accumulated enough to make though preliminary, but the findings and share them with interested doctors. Not only doctors but also parents, so the article will be to the extent possible, free from latinisms incomprehensible to the uninitiated and presented in plain "human" words.
I.e. mom still will get detailed instruction on the topic: "what to do". In parallel will be presented in intuitive practitioners homeopaths rationale of treatment. The question "who is guilty?" must not remain unanswered, or at least without trying to find the answer. There's no special terms are necessary, but parents are able without harm to themselves, this part is omitted, is still self-treatment is permissible only in severe cases when the doctor is not at hand.
So, let's proceed to set forth point by point:
1) What happens in this children's ear that makes him so much hurt?
To answer this question you need at least schematically to imagine the structure of the hearing aid inside. To do this, type in Internet search "the structure of the inner ear" and enjoy the new knowledge in the field of human physiology and anatomy. And are surprised to understand that hurt in the first place is not the outer or inner ear, and the ear average! Because the outer ear often hurts when it clocked up strict parental hand or knocked out the neighbor's boy. And when it hurts the inner ear, the disease has gone so deep that the affected system drum ossicles, cochlea and auditory nerve, and we are not talking about an ambulance, but about the whole system of rescue measures of hearing.
By the way, most often this situation develops as a result of the course of treatment prescribed by doctors officinal medicine. And that such treatments be avoided we need to understand the pathophysiology of otitis media. So we will deal with the structure and purpose of the middle ear and occurring in it during otitis media processes.
In short, the middle ear is an epithelium lined cavity filled with normal air and which serves as the receptacle of a whole system of tiny "drum" of bones that transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to the cochlea of the inner ear.
Why mother nature and our heavenly father took such a fancy design, a very interesting topic, but our case is only indirectly, if curious – and sort things out for yourself, good material on the Internet enough. For us there is only one important anatomical detail – the presence of a narrow passage connecting the middle ear cavity with the nasopharynx — the Eustachian tube. The main purpose is to equalize air pressure on both sides of the eardrum.
If for some reason the pressure is changing too quickly (as often happens in the takeoff or landing of an airplane or during scuba diving) ear "lays" is sometimes very painful, and in some cases may tear the eardrum, then talking about barotrauma.
So, this Eustachian tube in adults-it is not very wide, and the children at all is a tube, sometimes tapered to 1-2mm! And it is lined with the same epithelium that SIP. That, in theory, should lead to a transition in otitis media any more or less of a severe cold.
Fortunately this is not happening. Why? Yes, because our General Designer and then put an additional line of protection tubes the amygdala. This miniature lymphatic piece of iron supplied as custom, which prevents the penetration of infection in the middle ear cavity.
Hence it is clear – inflammation of the throat easily passes to the mucosa of the Eustachian tube in children and adults with previously compromised immune systems.
The pathology affects mainly the lymphatic ring Pirogov (including the well-known "tonsils" and adenoids) and then start of a cold. Why some cases suffer from the ears, others the lungs, or of the maxillary sinus is a topic that requires separate consideration.
Now we just need to understand that as soon as the inflammation and accompanying swelling of the mucous spreads to the Eustachian tube it "sticky" and inflammatory exudate (fluid and later pus) from the cavity of the middle ear, just to be nowhere to flow. Pressure in a small "pot" begins to rapidly rise, but "safety valve" does not work!
And the higher the pressure, the more it hurts the ear and so until until they burst eardrum from the ear and flow pus. It usually happens in the case of untreated otitis media. Then the pain dramatically goes away. But on the eardrum scarring. And in the middle ear cavity—adhesions, hearing, as I understand, is not aggravating.
Hence it becomes clear that the first thing to do to numb the ear of the child. Should be remove the blockage of the Eustachian tube, i.e. it is necessary to fight inflammation throughout the nasal passages with a special emphasis on the middle ear.
Now, most importantly – HOW to DO IT? Primary care pediatrician, as caused by night the emergency doctor in most cases prescribe:
1) Antibiotics. I don't care that the infection is viral and antibiotics do not treated. The main thing — to follow the instruction.
2) anti-Inflammatory tablets, powders or candles. In the children's case — something like paracetamol or Nurofen.
3) Vasoconstrictive drops in the nose, with the expectation that some part of them "accidentally numb" to the beginning of the Eustachian tube. In fact this happens only occasionally.
4) And, most importantly, a drop that contains some or all of the above components+anesthetic (e.g., lidocaine), in the ear. And, most likely will be anti-inflammatory, to strengthen the "adrenali" actions have steroid-hormone. Something like dexamethasone.
And then what? Well, the ear in most cases, such treatment ceases to hurt. Formally, the task of the doctor decided. But a VIRAL INFECTION PAINKILLERS AND ANTIBIOTICS NOT TREATED!!! And the use of vasoconstrictor and, especially, hormones weakens the local immune system and leads to more severe and prolonged course of the disease, as well as to the accession of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, primarily fungal...
As a result we have chronic process. Ear infections occur with regularity. The hearing child has progressively falls, as his immune system, regrind a regular intake of the increasingly potent drugs. That is the situation that we want to avoid.
So let us think that we can oppose this harmful practice. This I DOCTORS treated. To those who think is not lazy and takes the trouble to track long-term results of treatment...
First, it is necessary to give mom the recipe for first aid in your absence. And, believe me, is primary. And then we can talk about the individualization of treatment, prevention, etc. mom must be a way to avoid sabotage assignments in an acute case. The recipe is simple and requires a minimum of thought and special equipment. Want? Get — here it is!
PRESCRIPTION in ACUTE OTITIS media: in an ordinary pharmacy buy homeopathic drops "Aflubin". Dad's in the stash – a good vodka (pure, without pepper, birch buds, etc.) Unless otherwise specified ( see below), give Aflubin drops on the water according to the instructions, as a homeopathic remedy overlapping up to 80% of SARS leading to inflammation of the middle ear. But then, it gets interesting. Take a teaspoon of vodka in there and add 4-5 drops Aflubin.
The child is placed on its side and carefully pour him a vodka aluminum in the ear. Top—cotton-gauze swab. Rubs his hand revenkova ear red. So that the heat inside felt, check advance, then on the baby! Time is 2-3 minutes max. Then repeat for "healthy" my ear has long since proven that otitis media develops in both ears. Just one hurts, because of impaired outflow via the Eustachian tube. So treat two.
And more: — baby must not be hurt! That is, the child has the right to yell. Especially if characteristic, but not from pain, but from the violence against his person. If the eardrum has a hole from there with the current pus, pour vodka over there don'T! But this situation is not in the first day of acute otitis media and is not the case, so that the previous warning is a simple protection "from the fool".
Well, the pain removed, what to do next? Here we have two tasks: — tactical (to treat accompanying symptoms) and strategic (cure the child so that eliminated the very cause of transition of a cold on the ears). Parents are not involved in medicine and (or) healing professional, have to deal with problem # 1. And preferably under the supervision of a professional. So let us examine frequently occurring in practice, the issues and their solutions.
The rise in temperature. In fact, temperature is good. Inflammation is the fire that burns out all evil from the body of the patient. Activates metabolism and the cell activity of the immune system. Are released into the blood antiviral and antitumor proteins: interferons, globulins, interleukins ... a lot of Them, and they all intended to fight with possible causes of the disease. But cleaning the fire should not burn the apartment with the trash, so this "useful" inflammation it would be nice to learn to manage.
This can be done roughly (using simple "recipes") or thinly—choosing homeopathic remedies according to the picture of each individual case. This is the aerobatics, and I always try to teach him the basics of the parents of the patients, but it turns out not all and, in any case, takes time.
For DOCTORS, HOMEOPATHS will make a few brief comments on the topic. If you don't go in "homeopathic jungle" inflammation is of two types:
1) With a predominance of excitation of the sympathetic nervous system (a sharp heat with quick temperature rise. My mouth is dry, the PUPIL is NARROW; the skin is pale or red, but not "beet", the child is excited and feels scared for no reason). It is a case of Aconite, which it is necessary to use a higher dilution (well 200) which you have. I give 4 doses in equal intervals during the day, ESPECIALLY if the clinical picture is present a dry cough.
2) With excitation parasimpatic ( dominated by a sharp hyperemia, diaphoresis, agitation to delirium increases with the temperature rise, WIDE PUPIL, salivation) is a case of Belladonna, which I prefer to give increasing dilution of the drug "on the hill" 6-12-30-200-1000 during the day.
3) often follow SPONGIA Aconite, Hepar SULPHUR, and sulphur, Phosphorus and your role with Belladonna—Calcarb., Phytolacca (especially when teething!) and preparations of mercury.
On mercury—read more. In the case where could not abort the disease in the first days and (or) connects the reaction of the regional lymph nodes + symptoms of secondary bacterial infection (profuse sweating does not bring relief, intoxication, etc.), Preparation No. 1 in the therapy of otitis is MERKURIUS ДУЛЬЦИСс6 — 3-4 pea 4 times a day. If not working during the day to change for MERKURIUS СОЛЮБИЛИСс6!
4) If the child belongs to the tuberculin Constitution or has corresponding weights (Bcit now it is more likely than contact with tuberculosis patients) come up in repertorization drugs tuberculin row. In the first place – PULSATILLA.
If the clinic are snot green, physiological (lack of thirst, intolerance of stale air and fatty food) and mental modality (nagging, jealousy and excessive attachment to parents) the appointment of a Pulse.6-12-30-200... for the same "hill" as the Belladonna aborts the process on the first day. Psyche and tuberculin comorbidities are here in the first place, and it is necessary to carefully examine the medical history. What the child is Mantoux test? Is there a TB in a direct relationship? Was the real cause of illness severe emotional suffering, and if so, what?
The child is jealous of his younger brother (sister) to parents, does not want to leave mother and go to kindergarten – feel free to give Pulsatilla...
But then be careful! In these patients the disease is deeper rooted and chronic often present the interest of the kidneys, so leave the child on bed rest for at least 3 days since the "recovery" under the guise of kidney herbs or homeopathy.
First look at the shape and position of the ear. Alpinum kidney for its pain and dislocation, watching the projection area (for Okulovo) and swelling. Blood tests and urine tests there also will be not superfluous. In the future, to prevent recurrence, use a long appointment constitutional homeopathic medicines in high 9 of 30) dilutions and rare techniques.
Supplements assigned to the same constitutional, chickens here long 2-3 month periods of spring-autumn. "Tuberculin" preparations going well the bark of aspen (Populis etc), ASD-2, leaf of black walnut (especially Todikamp!), fat dog (dog, badger, bear, seal). Bee products and supplements based on them. After the injection of tuberculin (Mantoux test scheduled) and other "grafting of abuse" against a child it is recommend the appointment of constitutional antidotes (Tuberculinum, Pulsatilla, Silitseya...)
Now back to COMMON RECIPES. If the temperature rises above 39S, the situation becomes DANGEROUS for the baby — do an enema consisting of 2/3 of stewed fruit any anti-inflammatory herbs (fireweed, color lime, chamomile — which is handy!) and 1/3 beet juice (to stand at least an hour). Enema temperature 1 ° C higher than t of the body, its volume—100 ml/10 kg of body weight of the child. This enema not only for the "churning" of temperature. If you look at the works on Chinese medicine, to become clear: — the colon and lungs are paired functional system. Remove the toxicity in the gut infection do not go down into the lungs!
And finally, what if the output of otitis media the child "fell" hearing. First of all, to continue treatment, but not so many ears (although vodka rubbing I recommend for up to 2 weeks after otitis media!), but and kidneys. Together with the classical techniques of visceral therapy launched in the course of homeopathy. The drug is No. 1 here КалийМуриаикумС3, assign it 5-7 grains every 3 hours in combination with vitalizing (the first squadrons to do the breeding yourself on the water!) or any (not involving stimulus type, cowberry leaf or Tsagan-dal!) renal charges. Antidetonant is there to be afraid is not necessary. Homeopathic medicines from a number of minerals, salts, animal venoms (APIs!) YOU need to assign in parallel a herbal medicine!
Author: Dr. Smirnov, Konstantin Anatolyevich
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: zdravica.me/editor/ID-237/
This article initially conceived simply as a guide for mothers of my young patients (no offense dad, in 95% of cases call mom). Imagine a situation - calls me at night the mother and tear from excitement voice asks: — "the child has an Earache what to do"?!!!
In a detailed explanation of the picture is as follows: — a child screaming. Yelling, and screaming hysterically. Or, if the temperament is not the wild — a mother's heart brings forth tears and complaints. Torments, and the case. Because he's in pain, and the disease develops quickly. The night before everything was fine, the maximum observed mild tenderness and slight prodromal phenomena, which as always did not pay attention. And closer to the night I had a sore ear and throat, snot flowed, the temperature of the Popper up.
But the pain in the ear naturally predominates in the clinical picture and determines all further actions of the parents. Or call me or, if the night feel uncomfortable in the ambulance. It would be better to call me, then explain why.
Based on the above, I came up with the idea to write a short manual on the topic: "what to do mother to visit a doctor in case of acute pain in the ear from the child."
And only in the process of writing it became clear that the material in the course of such emergency telephone consultations and the subsequent "analysis of the flight" has accumulated enough to make though preliminary, but the findings and share them with interested doctors. Not only doctors but also parents, so the article will be to the extent possible, free from latinisms incomprehensible to the uninitiated and presented in plain "human" words.
I.e. mom still will get detailed instruction on the topic: "what to do". In parallel will be presented in intuitive practitioners homeopaths rationale of treatment. The question "who is guilty?" must not remain unanswered, or at least without trying to find the answer. There's no special terms are necessary, but parents are able without harm to themselves, this part is omitted, is still self-treatment is permissible only in severe cases when the doctor is not at hand.
So, let's proceed to set forth point by point:
1) What happens in this children's ear that makes him so much hurt?
To answer this question you need at least schematically to imagine the structure of the hearing aid inside. To do this, type in Internet search "the structure of the inner ear" and enjoy the new knowledge in the field of human physiology and anatomy. And are surprised to understand that hurt in the first place is not the outer or inner ear, and the ear average! Because the outer ear often hurts when it clocked up strict parental hand or knocked out the neighbor's boy. And when it hurts the inner ear, the disease has gone so deep that the affected system drum ossicles, cochlea and auditory nerve, and we are not talking about an ambulance, but about the whole system of rescue measures of hearing.
By the way, most often this situation develops as a result of the course of treatment prescribed by doctors officinal medicine. And that such treatments be avoided we need to understand the pathophysiology of otitis media. So we will deal with the structure and purpose of the middle ear and occurring in it during otitis media processes.
In short, the middle ear is an epithelium lined cavity filled with normal air and which serves as the receptacle of a whole system of tiny "drum" of bones that transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to the cochlea of the inner ear.
Why mother nature and our heavenly father took such a fancy design, a very interesting topic, but our case is only indirectly, if curious – and sort things out for yourself, good material on the Internet enough. For us there is only one important anatomical detail – the presence of a narrow passage connecting the middle ear cavity with the nasopharynx — the Eustachian tube. The main purpose is to equalize air pressure on both sides of the eardrum.
If for some reason the pressure is changing too quickly (as often happens in the takeoff or landing of an airplane or during scuba diving) ear "lays" is sometimes very painful, and in some cases may tear the eardrum, then talking about barotrauma.
So, this Eustachian tube in adults-it is not very wide, and the children at all is a tube, sometimes tapered to 1-2mm! And it is lined with the same epithelium that SIP. That, in theory, should lead to a transition in otitis media any more or less of a severe cold.
Fortunately this is not happening. Why? Yes, because our General Designer and then put an additional line of protection tubes the amygdala. This miniature lymphatic piece of iron supplied as custom, which prevents the penetration of infection in the middle ear cavity.
Hence it is clear – inflammation of the throat easily passes to the mucosa of the Eustachian tube in children and adults with previously compromised immune systems.
The pathology affects mainly the lymphatic ring Pirogov (including the well-known "tonsils" and adenoids) and then start of a cold. Why some cases suffer from the ears, others the lungs, or of the maxillary sinus is a topic that requires separate consideration.
Now we just need to understand that as soon as the inflammation and accompanying swelling of the mucous spreads to the Eustachian tube it "sticky" and inflammatory exudate (fluid and later pus) from the cavity of the middle ear, just to be nowhere to flow. Pressure in a small "pot" begins to rapidly rise, but "safety valve" does not work!
And the higher the pressure, the more it hurts the ear and so until until they burst eardrum from the ear and flow pus. It usually happens in the case of untreated otitis media. Then the pain dramatically goes away. But on the eardrum scarring. And in the middle ear cavity—adhesions, hearing, as I understand, is not aggravating.
Hence it becomes clear that the first thing to do to numb the ear of the child. Should be remove the blockage of the Eustachian tube, i.e. it is necessary to fight inflammation throughout the nasal passages with a special emphasis on the middle ear.
Now, most importantly – HOW to DO IT? Primary care pediatrician, as caused by night the emergency doctor in most cases prescribe:
1) Antibiotics. I don't care that the infection is viral and antibiotics do not treated. The main thing — to follow the instruction.
2) anti-Inflammatory tablets, powders or candles. In the children's case — something like paracetamol or Nurofen.
3) Vasoconstrictive drops in the nose, with the expectation that some part of them "accidentally numb" to the beginning of the Eustachian tube. In fact this happens only occasionally.
4) And, most importantly, a drop that contains some or all of the above components+anesthetic (e.g., lidocaine), in the ear. And, most likely will be anti-inflammatory, to strengthen the "adrenali" actions have steroid-hormone. Something like dexamethasone.
And then what? Well, the ear in most cases, such treatment ceases to hurt. Formally, the task of the doctor decided. But a VIRAL INFECTION PAINKILLERS AND ANTIBIOTICS NOT TREATED!!! And the use of vasoconstrictor and, especially, hormones weakens the local immune system and leads to more severe and prolonged course of the disease, as well as to the accession of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, primarily fungal...
As a result we have chronic process. Ear infections occur with regularity. The hearing child has progressively falls, as his immune system, regrind a regular intake of the increasingly potent drugs. That is the situation that we want to avoid.
So let us think that we can oppose this harmful practice. This I DOCTORS treated. To those who think is not lazy and takes the trouble to track long-term results of treatment...
First, it is necessary to give mom the recipe for first aid in your absence. And, believe me, is primary. And then we can talk about the individualization of treatment, prevention, etc. mom must be a way to avoid sabotage assignments in an acute case. The recipe is simple and requires a minimum of thought and special equipment. Want? Get — here it is!
PRESCRIPTION in ACUTE OTITIS media: in an ordinary pharmacy buy homeopathic drops "Aflubin". Dad's in the stash – a good vodka (pure, without pepper, birch buds, etc.) Unless otherwise specified ( see below), give Aflubin drops on the water according to the instructions, as a homeopathic remedy overlapping up to 80% of SARS leading to inflammation of the middle ear. But then, it gets interesting. Take a teaspoon of vodka in there and add 4-5 drops Aflubin.
The child is placed on its side and carefully pour him a vodka aluminum in the ear. Top—cotton-gauze swab. Rubs his hand revenkova ear red. So that the heat inside felt, check advance, then on the baby! Time is 2-3 minutes max. Then repeat for "healthy" my ear has long since proven that otitis media develops in both ears. Just one hurts, because of impaired outflow via the Eustachian tube. So treat two.
And more: — baby must not be hurt! That is, the child has the right to yell. Especially if characteristic, but not from pain, but from the violence against his person. If the eardrum has a hole from there with the current pus, pour vodka over there don'T! But this situation is not in the first day of acute otitis media and is not the case, so that the previous warning is a simple protection "from the fool".
Well, the pain removed, what to do next? Here we have two tasks: — tactical (to treat accompanying symptoms) and strategic (cure the child so that eliminated the very cause of transition of a cold on the ears). Parents are not involved in medicine and (or) healing professional, have to deal with problem # 1. And preferably under the supervision of a professional. So let us examine frequently occurring in practice, the issues and their solutions.
The rise in temperature. In fact, temperature is good. Inflammation is the fire that burns out all evil from the body of the patient. Activates metabolism and the cell activity of the immune system. Are released into the blood antiviral and antitumor proteins: interferons, globulins, interleukins ... a lot of Them, and they all intended to fight with possible causes of the disease. But cleaning the fire should not burn the apartment with the trash, so this "useful" inflammation it would be nice to learn to manage.
This can be done roughly (using simple "recipes") or thinly—choosing homeopathic remedies according to the picture of each individual case. This is the aerobatics, and I always try to teach him the basics of the parents of the patients, but it turns out not all and, in any case, takes time.
For DOCTORS, HOMEOPATHS will make a few brief comments on the topic. If you don't go in "homeopathic jungle" inflammation is of two types:
1) With a predominance of excitation of the sympathetic nervous system (a sharp heat with quick temperature rise. My mouth is dry, the PUPIL is NARROW; the skin is pale or red, but not "beet", the child is excited and feels scared for no reason). It is a case of Aconite, which it is necessary to use a higher dilution (well 200) which you have. I give 4 doses in equal intervals during the day, ESPECIALLY if the clinical picture is present a dry cough.
2) With excitation parasimpatic ( dominated by a sharp hyperemia, diaphoresis, agitation to delirium increases with the temperature rise, WIDE PUPIL, salivation) is a case of Belladonna, which I prefer to give increasing dilution of the drug "on the hill" 6-12-30-200-1000 during the day.
3) often follow SPONGIA Aconite, Hepar SULPHUR, and sulphur, Phosphorus and your role with Belladonna—Calcarb., Phytolacca (especially when teething!) and preparations of mercury.
On mercury—read more. In the case where could not abort the disease in the first days and (or) connects the reaction of the regional lymph nodes + symptoms of secondary bacterial infection (profuse sweating does not bring relief, intoxication, etc.), Preparation No. 1 in the therapy of otitis is MERKURIUS ДУЛЬЦИСс6 — 3-4 pea 4 times a day. If not working during the day to change for MERKURIUS СОЛЮБИЛИСс6!
4) If the child belongs to the tuberculin Constitution or has corresponding weights (Bcit now it is more likely than contact with tuberculosis patients) come up in repertorization drugs tuberculin row. In the first place – PULSATILLA.
If the clinic are snot green, physiological (lack of thirst, intolerance of stale air and fatty food) and mental modality (nagging, jealousy and excessive attachment to parents) the appointment of a Pulse.6-12-30-200... for the same "hill" as the Belladonna aborts the process on the first day. Psyche and tuberculin comorbidities are here in the first place, and it is necessary to carefully examine the medical history. What the child is Mantoux test? Is there a TB in a direct relationship? Was the real cause of illness severe emotional suffering, and if so, what?
The child is jealous of his younger brother (sister) to parents, does not want to leave mother and go to kindergarten – feel free to give Pulsatilla...
But then be careful! In these patients the disease is deeper rooted and chronic often present the interest of the kidneys, so leave the child on bed rest for at least 3 days since the "recovery" under the guise of kidney herbs or homeopathy.
First look at the shape and position of the ear. Alpinum kidney for its pain and dislocation, watching the projection area (for Okulovo) and swelling. Blood tests and urine tests there also will be not superfluous. In the future, to prevent recurrence, use a long appointment constitutional homeopathic medicines in high 9 of 30) dilutions and rare techniques.
Supplements assigned to the same constitutional, chickens here long 2-3 month periods of spring-autumn. "Tuberculin" preparations going well the bark of aspen (Populis etc), ASD-2, leaf of black walnut (especially Todikamp!), fat dog (dog, badger, bear, seal). Bee products and supplements based on them. After the injection of tuberculin (Mantoux test scheduled) and other "grafting of abuse" against a child it is recommend the appointment of constitutional antidotes (Tuberculinum, Pulsatilla, Silitseya...)
Now back to COMMON RECIPES. If the temperature rises above 39S, the situation becomes DANGEROUS for the baby — do an enema consisting of 2/3 of stewed fruit any anti-inflammatory herbs (fireweed, color lime, chamomile — which is handy!) and 1/3 beet juice (to stand at least an hour). Enema temperature 1 ° C higher than t of the body, its volume—100 ml/10 kg of body weight of the child. This enema not only for the "churning" of temperature. If you look at the works on Chinese medicine, to become clear: — the colon and lungs are paired functional system. Remove the toxicity in the gut infection do not go down into the lungs!
And finally, what if the output of otitis media the child "fell" hearing. First of all, to continue treatment, but not so many ears (although vodka rubbing I recommend for up to 2 weeks after otitis media!), but and kidneys. Together with the classical techniques of visceral therapy launched in the course of homeopathy. The drug is No. 1 here КалийМуриаикумС3, assign it 5-7 grains every 3 hours in combination with vitalizing (the first squadrons to do the breeding yourself on the water!) or any (not involving stimulus type, cowberry leaf or Tsagan-dal!) renal charges. Antidetonant is there to be afraid is not necessary. Homeopathic medicines from a number of minerals, salts, animal venoms (APIs!) YOU need to assign in parallel a herbal medicine!
Author: Dr. Smirnov, Konstantin Anatolyevich
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: zdravica.me/editor/ID-237/