Miracle ointment for all occasions
Twelve million six hundred forty eight thousand nine hundred fifty eight
This ointment cures a lot of diseases: fibroma, mastitis, gangrene, ulcers (including trophic), burns, boils, abscesses, painful joints, the most inveterate sinusitis, purulent otitis, abscesses in the throat, eczema, cysts ovarian — all this will heal miracle ointment!
In an enamel bowl pour 1 Cup of refined vegetable oil, throw beeswax the size of a matchbox and put the dishes on a small fire so that the wax melted. Half of the yolk from a hard-boiled egg. Crush with a fork on the plate and fingers gradually add in a bowl of oil and wax. Stir, remove from heat and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. Then strain through a nylon cloth, store in the refrigerator in a glass container.
The ointment is very effective. If the ointment you have to lay, then it is heated on a water bath to 40 gr. It heals:
1. Genyantritis. Melted in a tablespoon and then typed into the pipette ointment bury his nose in the most horrible sinusitis. So it is not frozen, do it quickly. Enough to drip a nose ointment twice with an interval between drops in one hour, and you can get rid of even monthly sinusitis. Ointment penetrates the maxillary sinus and pulls pus with a huge force!
2. Purulent otitis. Twist the flagellum of fleece and insert in the ear. As needed to change the flagellum, at the same time lubricated with ointment behind the ear. Ointment pulls pus with tremendous force. So you can treat all ear infections, is not only purulent.
3. Sores in the throat, abscesses in the throat, purulent angina. Lubricated with ointment the throat, applying a compress on the neck area. If you do this in the evening, every hour repeating the process, by morning, the abscess burst.
4. Bronchi, stomach pain, intestines, boils on the body, styes in the eyes. Three times a day before meals take half a teaspoon of the ointment.
5. Women's diseases: fibroids up to 10 weeks, ovarian cyst, inflammation of the appendages, mastopathy, mastitis. In the vagina to insert the tampon with the ointment, change morning and evening. A week from cysts only memories will remain, and with the fibroids to Tinker longer. On the chest to make a cloth soaked in ointment, top paper wraps or cellophane. Possible to change every two hours.
6. Burns, boils, wounds, edema, toothache, articular pain of the knee treated with ointment. Apply it at night on the sore spot, wrapping and zamatyvala it, clean finger obmazyvat aching tooth and the gum to lubricate it and you will see the sores will start to recede. The result is bound to be great.
7. Trophic ulcers, gangrene: also make napkins with ointment and also change in 2 hours. Profusely from the wounds will be pus, you'll see how fast your progressing life-saving treatment, despite any idle expensive drugs. Burns, boils, wounds, swelling inflammation of the skin, toothache (on the gums with a cotton swab with ointment).
8. All that is needed to lubricate, done for the night, applying compresses to sore knees, wrap — sores and will retreat from you with its simple and easy to prepare witch — ointment.
9. This ointment can strengthen the nails, rubbing the ointment at night nails.
Note: wax need to take a bee, natural. For external use you can take any oil, and for domestic olive better.
Opinion editor: the ointment is really wonderful. Small children rubbed the skin with any irritation in the diaper (nappy). Everything goes instantly. My son had phimosis (inflamed closed head of the penis) and the doctors were opened, treated. After healing, had all the time to wash the head. As soon as there is something pinched, smeared with this ointment and all discomfort passed. I use this ointment constantly.
Anti-inflammatory ointment.Ingredients: 1 Cup of animal fat, 100 grams of vegetable oil, 1 tbs. of birch buds, 50 g of propolis. In a water bath to melt the fat, bring to the boil, pour birch buds, stand in a water bath for 3 hours, after cooling add propolis to prevent it. After dissolution of propolis pour in vegetable oil. Leave in water bath until cool. Strain and store in the refrigerator. Helps with bronchitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.
Opinion editor: love this ointment. In the evening after a shower, make her a light massage of the shoulders, neck when I feel tension. In the morning the pain goes away.
Ointment, which heals all well, even festered wounds.For the preparation of ointments use the fresh juice of Potentilla anserina. The portion of ointment to take 1 tbsp juice of this plant. This amount of juice to put 60 g of melted pork fat. Stir and leave in a warm place, then stir again to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then to put 1 teaspoon of beeswax and a bit of propolis. The mixture put on fire, bring to boil and simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Again leave in a warm place for 2 hours to steep. Then put the ointment in the fridge but every hour to get the ointment and mix well to evenly it thickens. Now the ointment is ready. It is necessary to store in the fridge. To use it just. Apply the ointment to the wound, and the top — dressing. Very soon the wound heals.
Ointment of the herb cottonweed of wounds, ulcers, boils.10 gr. crushed dried herb cottonweed mix with 50 gr. butter or vegetable oil and 1 tsp.of honey. Thoroughly pounded. Applied ointment to the wound 2-3 times a day, and boils under a band-aid. Wounds heal very quickly.
Ointment to treat wounds, furunculosis ointments that painlessly draws the pus: take in equal proportions streptocidum, sintomitsinovoy and Ichthyol ointment. All three ointment mixed and applied to the wound, the pus is quickly drawn out and the wound heals quickly.
Ointment, the effectiveness of which proven godamit take equal parts: beeswax, vegetable oil cow's, oil (oil that poured into the lamps). Combine all, bring to a boil, turn it off, do not boil. Readily. Pour in a glass dish. Stored in the refrigerator. Treat her boils, sores, punctures nails. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: samsebelekar.ru/index/0-36
This ointment cures a lot of diseases: fibroma, mastitis, gangrene, ulcers (including trophic), burns, boils, abscesses, painful joints, the most inveterate sinusitis, purulent otitis, abscesses in the throat, eczema, cysts ovarian — all this will heal miracle ointment!
In an enamel bowl pour 1 Cup of refined vegetable oil, throw beeswax the size of a matchbox and put the dishes on a small fire so that the wax melted. Half of the yolk from a hard-boiled egg. Crush with a fork on the plate and fingers gradually add in a bowl of oil and wax. Stir, remove from heat and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. Then strain through a nylon cloth, store in the refrigerator in a glass container.
The ointment is very effective. If the ointment you have to lay, then it is heated on a water bath to 40 gr. It heals:
1. Genyantritis. Melted in a tablespoon and then typed into the pipette ointment bury his nose in the most horrible sinusitis. So it is not frozen, do it quickly. Enough to drip a nose ointment twice with an interval between drops in one hour, and you can get rid of even monthly sinusitis. Ointment penetrates the maxillary sinus and pulls pus with a huge force!
2. Purulent otitis. Twist the flagellum of fleece and insert in the ear. As needed to change the flagellum, at the same time lubricated with ointment behind the ear. Ointment pulls pus with tremendous force. So you can treat all ear infections, is not only purulent.
3. Sores in the throat, abscesses in the throat, purulent angina. Lubricated with ointment the throat, applying a compress on the neck area. If you do this in the evening, every hour repeating the process, by morning, the abscess burst.
4. Bronchi, stomach pain, intestines, boils on the body, styes in the eyes. Three times a day before meals take half a teaspoon of the ointment.
5. Women's diseases: fibroids up to 10 weeks, ovarian cyst, inflammation of the appendages, mastopathy, mastitis. In the vagina to insert the tampon with the ointment, change morning and evening. A week from cysts only memories will remain, and with the fibroids to Tinker longer. On the chest to make a cloth soaked in ointment, top paper wraps or cellophane. Possible to change every two hours.
6. Burns, boils, wounds, edema, toothache, articular pain of the knee treated with ointment. Apply it at night on the sore spot, wrapping and zamatyvala it, clean finger obmazyvat aching tooth and the gum to lubricate it and you will see the sores will start to recede. The result is bound to be great.
7. Trophic ulcers, gangrene: also make napkins with ointment and also change in 2 hours. Profusely from the wounds will be pus, you'll see how fast your progressing life-saving treatment, despite any idle expensive drugs. Burns, boils, wounds, swelling inflammation of the skin, toothache (on the gums with a cotton swab with ointment).
8. All that is needed to lubricate, done for the night, applying compresses to sore knees, wrap — sores and will retreat from you with its simple and easy to prepare witch — ointment.
9. This ointment can strengthen the nails, rubbing the ointment at night nails.
Note: wax need to take a bee, natural. For external use you can take any oil, and for domestic olive better.
Opinion editor: the ointment is really wonderful. Small children rubbed the skin with any irritation in the diaper (nappy). Everything goes instantly. My son had phimosis (inflamed closed head of the penis) and the doctors were opened, treated. After healing, had all the time to wash the head. As soon as there is something pinched, smeared with this ointment and all discomfort passed. I use this ointment constantly.
Anti-inflammatory ointment.Ingredients: 1 Cup of animal fat, 100 grams of vegetable oil, 1 tbs. of birch buds, 50 g of propolis. In a water bath to melt the fat, bring to the boil, pour birch buds, stand in a water bath for 3 hours, after cooling add propolis to prevent it. After dissolution of propolis pour in vegetable oil. Leave in water bath until cool. Strain and store in the refrigerator. Helps with bronchitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.
Opinion editor: love this ointment. In the evening after a shower, make her a light massage of the shoulders, neck when I feel tension. In the morning the pain goes away.
Ointment, which heals all well, even festered wounds.For the preparation of ointments use the fresh juice of Potentilla anserina. The portion of ointment to take 1 tbsp juice of this plant. This amount of juice to put 60 g of melted pork fat. Stir and leave in a warm place, then stir again to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then to put 1 teaspoon of beeswax and a bit of propolis. The mixture put on fire, bring to boil and simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Again leave in a warm place for 2 hours to steep. Then put the ointment in the fridge but every hour to get the ointment and mix well to evenly it thickens. Now the ointment is ready. It is necessary to store in the fridge. To use it just. Apply the ointment to the wound, and the top — dressing. Very soon the wound heals.
Ointment of the herb cottonweed of wounds, ulcers, boils.10 gr. crushed dried herb cottonweed mix with 50 gr. butter or vegetable oil and 1 tsp.of honey. Thoroughly pounded. Applied ointment to the wound 2-3 times a day, and boils under a band-aid. Wounds heal very quickly.
Ointment to treat wounds, furunculosis ointments that painlessly draws the pus: take in equal proportions streptocidum, sintomitsinovoy and Ichthyol ointment. All three ointment mixed and applied to the wound, the pus is quickly drawn out and the wound heals quickly.
Ointment, the effectiveness of which proven godamit take equal parts: beeswax, vegetable oil cow's, oil (oil that poured into the lamps). Combine all, bring to a boil, turn it off, do not boil. Readily. Pour in a glass dish. Stored in the refrigerator. Treat her boils, sores, punctures nails. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: samsebelekar.ru/index/0-36