Behind the modest packaging of this product hide properties that you did not suspect!
"Levomekol" is a drug that is widely used in medicine to treat purulent wounds. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps cleanse wounds from purulent masses. It also promotes tissue repair and strengthens local immunity. But this is not all the use of this tool. For example, did you know that Levomekol in gynecology is the first remedy?
Editorial "Site" He will tell you about all the properties of Levomekol and what is being treated with it.
What does Levomekol help with? This ointment combines several components. It includes: antibiotic, stimulator of metabolic processes and auxiliary substances. It is thanks to this composition that the ointment is able to effectively fight infection and inflammation.
Ointment "Levomekol" is used in various fields of medicine. Let's figure out how and from what sores this miracle ointment treats.
We have already mentioned this above, but this is the main purpose of the ointment. To cure a purulent wound, a gauze bandage is impregnated with Levomekollem and applied to the wound. If the wound is deep, the tool is applied inside and covered with a bandage. The bandage is changed once a day. Thanks to such compresses, the wound will quickly heal.
Not everyone knows that this ointment can be used for hemorrhoids. For such treatment, it is worth applying ointment to clean hemorrhoids before bedtime. Treatment lasts 10 days, unpleasant symptoms gradually disappear, and the disease goes into remission.
Ointment is effective in inflammation in the oral cavity. It is used for implantation and removal of teeth, as well as to reduce swelling and pain.
To cleanse the nasal passages, it is necessary to lubricate the mucous membrane of the nostrils and lie down with the head thrown back so that the ointment completely dissolves.
Levomekol in gynecology Levomekol in gynecology - a popular remedy in the treatment of infectious diseases, such as vaginitis, colpitis, cervicitis, and various erosions. Postpartum sutures are also treated with ointment.
It turns out that pimples can be used. "Levomekol" for the treatment of acne. To do this, apply ointment to large pimples, fasten with adhesive plaster and leave for the whole night. Ointment will reduce inflammation, and pimples will pass faster.
Sinusitis and inflammation of the ear With purulent inflammation in the ear shallowly insert a gauze tourniquet impregnated with ointment. In the same way it is used for sinusitis.
Ointment has a very wide application in medicine and treats various diseases. At the same time, there is a list of contraindications, although it is small. Do not use ointment for individual intolerance to components, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. And do not forget that self-medication can be dangerous, consult a doctor before using any means!
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Editorial "Site" He will tell you about all the properties of Levomekol and what is being treated with it.
What does Levomekol help with? This ointment combines several components. It includes: antibiotic, stimulator of metabolic processes and auxiliary substances. It is thanks to this composition that the ointment is able to effectively fight infection and inflammation.
Ointment "Levomekol" is used in various fields of medicine. Let's figure out how and from what sores this miracle ointment treats.
We have already mentioned this above, but this is the main purpose of the ointment. To cure a purulent wound, a gauze bandage is impregnated with Levomekollem and applied to the wound. If the wound is deep, the tool is applied inside and covered with a bandage. The bandage is changed once a day. Thanks to such compresses, the wound will quickly heal.

Not everyone knows that this ointment can be used for hemorrhoids. For such treatment, it is worth applying ointment to clean hemorrhoids before bedtime. Treatment lasts 10 days, unpleasant symptoms gradually disappear, and the disease goes into remission.

Ointment is effective in inflammation in the oral cavity. It is used for implantation and removal of teeth, as well as to reduce swelling and pain.

To cleanse the nasal passages, it is necessary to lubricate the mucous membrane of the nostrils and lie down with the head thrown back so that the ointment completely dissolves.

Levomekol in gynecology Levomekol in gynecology - a popular remedy in the treatment of infectious diseases, such as vaginitis, colpitis, cervicitis, and various erosions. Postpartum sutures are also treated with ointment.

It turns out that pimples can be used. "Levomekol" for the treatment of acne. To do this, apply ointment to large pimples, fasten with adhesive plaster and leave for the whole night. Ointment will reduce inflammation, and pimples will pass faster.

Sinusitis and inflammation of the ear With purulent inflammation in the ear shallowly insert a gauze tourniquet impregnated with ointment. In the same way it is used for sinusitis.

Ointment has a very wide application in medicine and treats various diseases. At the same time, there is a list of contraindications, although it is small. Do not use ointment for individual intolerance to components, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. And do not forget that self-medication can be dangerous, consult a doctor before using any means!
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