MIRACLE-active ointment hundred diseases!)))

It really is a healing ointment! It consists of only three components, but the potency of its great!
I am somewhat exaggerating!))) Read all the reviews for yourself! People have lost all hope of recovery, losing the last bit of willpower - started to apply ointment, recovered their lost strength.
Now a bit of ointment. Who invented it? Similarly, no one knows! And certainly I did not do it Valentine Seymonova This recipe I met a long time - a long time in the old folk recipes health. But apparently the prescription ointment has caused mistrust (the composition of this easy!) Or a few patients took advantage of it ... I do not know! All I know is that Valentine - one of the few tested on myself action of ointments, told about this wonderful means thousands and thousands of people seeking healing from the worst diseases. A low bow to her!)))
Read all the reviews carefully. Simply stunning information - how much emotion, how many words of joy!
This ointment heals many diseases: fibroids, breast, mastitis, gangrene, ulcers (including trophic), burns, boils, abscesses, painful joints, most chronic sinusitis, purulent otitis, abscesses in the throat, eczema, ovarian cysts - all Ointment miracle cure! Ointment Valentina Seymovoy
Prescription ointments:
vegetable oil,
a piece of wax,
In an enamel bowl pour a glass of vegetable oil, to throw a piece of wax the size of a match box and put on a small fire, the wax melted. From pre-boiled egg yolk removed, take away half, crush with a fork on a plate with your fingers and slowly throw in a bowl of boiling wax melted. (The oil on the fire bowl will boil, and you will hear a backache. Here in this moment and throw the yolk! But not all at once, but gradually). With the first crumbs egg content starts foaming. Keep the wings in the hands of a rag. If the wax yellow (which means - the best ointment), the entire contents of the bowl in one second can be "overboard". Picks up the bowl with a cloth, remove from the heat for a while, let perebushuet aside and continue stirring it all. And so three times. All - cream is ready! It remains only to strain it through a nylon tulle, folded in half. Wax is capricious, and is not suitable gauze, tulle and even with repeated application is like new. In a glass container ready ointment is stored in the refrigerator for up to ten months
A small addition of experience: Ointment necessary to pour a small volume in the jar, but with a wide neck, and if we use every day, the working dish can not put in the fridge - ointment and stored at room temperature. Other banks to put in the fridge. On the issue of grinding yolk - manually get the desired results, but if you scroll it through the blender, which is already part of the roasted oil (7-10 table. Spoons), the result is excellent - all the yolk is dissolved and a part of the ointment, which is not observed during grinding by hand. To be most effective, with the same amount of wax and oil (corn can be), I use 2 egg yolks.
The ointment is very effective. If it is necessary to lay the ointment, it is heated in a water bath to 40 grams. It cures:
1. Sinusitis. Melted in a tablespoon and then typed into the pipette ointment buried his nose in the most terrible sinusitis. That it is not frozen, do it all quickly. Enough to drip nose ointment twice with an interval between instillation of one hour, and you can even get rid of the monthly sinusitis. Ointment maxillary sinus punch and pulls the pus with a huge force!
2. purulent otitis. Twist the flagellum of fleece and inserted into the ear. As the need to change the flagellum, while salve behind his ear. Ointment pulls the pus with tremendous force.
3. abscesses in the throat, throat abscess, purulent tonsillitis. Salve his throat, put a compress on the neck. If all this is done in the evening, every hour repeating the procedure, by morning the abscess burst.
4. bronchi, stomach pain, in the intestine, boils at body sty. Three times a day before meals take half a teaspoon of ointment.
5. Women's diseases: up to 10 weeks of fibroids, ovarian cysts, inflammation of the appendages, breast, mastitis. Sticking pads with ointment, change the morning and evening. After a week of cysts only memories remain, but with fibroids to tinker a little longer. Put on chest cloth soaked in the ointment, the top paper or cellophane packs. If possible, change every two hours.
6. burns, boils, sores, swelling, toothache, knee joint pain treated with ointment. Apply it at night on a sore point, wrapping and zamatyvaya him a clean finger coated with an aching tooth and the gum to lubricate it, and you will see how the sores begin to recede. The result is bound to be great.
7. The trophic ulcers, gangrene: also put napkins with ointment, and also change in 2 hours. Profusely from the wounds will go pus, you'll see how fast your moving life-saving treatment, despite all sorts of idle expensive drugs. Burns, boils, sores, swelling, inflammation of the skin, toothache (gum on cotton wool with ointment).
8. All that is needed to lubricate, done for the night, applying compresses to the patient's knees, wrap up - and sores begin to recede from you through a simple and easy to prepare sorceress - ointment.
9. This ointment can strengthen your nails, rubbing ointment at night in the nails.
10. ointment copes with dermatitis, dry skin, cracked lips, makes a hardened heel.
Wax is necessary to take bee, natural, not podsotniki not candles from the church. The wax can be purchased from beekeepers or the market. And about oil. If you take crude oil, cream will taste bitter, suitable for outdoor use, but not everyone will be able to swallow. Therefore, for external application can take any oil and refined for domestic better. Some readers asked about the vegetable oil, saying that is. Lean - this is the sunflower. Even better olive. You can insist on various herbal oil, and then used as an additive to a base oil.
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