Instructions for the manufacture of ointment from beeswax
Bee wax, like many other bee products, has a unique composition and has long been used in folk medicine. In 2002, the newspaper “Grandma (Recipes for 100 troubles)” published Elena Seimova, which forced many readers to take a new look at this popular natural remedy.
The woman shared her successful experience in treating ointment from beeswax, vegetable oil and egg yolk. Not so difficult and everyone available remedy was so effective that grateful readers called it Seimas ointment, or Christmas ointment from God.
Even after so many years, Seimova was not forgotten, and today letters continue to go to the editorial address marked “For Seimova”, and more and more reviews appear on the Network from people who were able to independently cure themselves of many ailments.
For the preparation of the therapeutic composition, you will need real beeswax from the apiary, it is better if it is yellow. Sunrises and candles from the church are not suitable as a basis. Any oil is suitable: sunflower, corn, often take olive.
The ingredients
A truly effective miracle ointment can be obtained if you constantly control the melting process. Prolonged boiling and overheating can destroy most of the nutrients in beeswax.
What heals Seimova ointment
Some people believe, others do not believe in miracles. ointment of Elena Seimova. About its healing properties much talk and argue, but, starting to use, convinced that this simple tool helps even in cases where official medicine does not give results.
“It so happened that my elbow of my right hand began to hurt. The pain was so severe that combing your hair in the morning became torture. Rubbed the elbow with all sorts of ointments, tinctures, insulated for the night, but all in vain.
So I went to the doctor who examined the elbow and started prescribing. I dared to ask for a diagnosis, but he, looking at my card, immediately cut me: “Your job to do, and you will teach in your school.” The treatment boiled down to the fact that in the elbow joint I had only two injections and a blockade of Novocaine.
Such aggressive treatment shocked me, and I prepared Seymova ointment, which began to be actively treated herself. I rubbed this ointment into my elbow all day every 50 to 60 minutes. So it's been a week... The result was amazing: the pain was gone, my hand was healthy.
This ointment relieved severe chest pain, with a significant improvement after the first application. A couple of times I will apply, and the pain goes away, and before that I consulted a mammologist - he did not find pathologies at all.
“My tooth fell ill under my crown, a fistula appeared on my gum, my cheek swollen, and at the same time the same thing happened on my neighbor’s front teeth. She advised her to take ointment. I didn't. I was treated. So what?
The neighbor went to the dentist, who immediately removed 2 teeth, and I stayed with a tooth. The ointment in the mouth quickly absorbed, so I applied it to the bandage and applied it to the gums. I don’t remember how long I was treated, but definitely not more than a week.”
“Thanks to this ointment, I got rid of sinusitis twice. I'll tell you how I was treated. Melting the ointment in a tablespoon, immediately typed it into a pipette and buried it in the nose.
Do not be afraid that the ointment is hot: until you run to bed to lie down and take a comfortable position, the composition will already cool down. Make sure it doesn’t freeze, or you’ll have to warm up again. I buried twice at intervals of 1 hour and forgot about sinusitis: everything immediately broke!
“The ointment is amazing! I confirm its high efficiency and recommend it to everyone. I found out about it about seven years ago, and since then it has taken the most honorable place in my medicine cabinet. I will not list all the sores that I have successfully treated, as it will take a long time. It may be easier to say that I did not treat it.”
Starting treatment with Christmas ointment, do not forget to take into account the individual characteristics of your body, make sure that there is no allergy to wax, as well as consult your doctor.
Vishnevsky ointment, or balsamic liniment, is the strongest antiseptic and disinfectant, which few people pay attention to in the pharmacy. No way! Not only that, with its help, you can solve serious skin problems, so it also costs a mere penny.
Wrinkles for many women are not just a cosmetic problem, but one of the main causes of self-doubt. Budget cosmetics do not help everyone, and creams and serums of the luxury class do not always have enough finances. Fortunately, affordable heparin ointment from the pharmacy copes with such problems 100%!

The woman shared her successful experience in treating ointment from beeswax, vegetable oil and egg yolk. Not so difficult and everyone available remedy was so effective that grateful readers called it Seimas ointment, or Christmas ointment from God.

Even after so many years, Seimova was not forgotten, and today letters continue to go to the editorial address marked “For Seimova”, and more and more reviews appear on the Network from people who were able to independently cure themselves of many ailments.
For the preparation of the therapeutic composition, you will need real beeswax from the apiary, it is better if it is yellow. Sunrises and candles from the church are not suitable as a basis. Any oil is suitable: sunflower, corn, often take olive.
The ingredients
- 1/2 egg yolk
- 25-30g wax
- 150 ml of vegetable oil
- Boil a hard-boiled home egg and separate the yolk from the protein.
- Pour the oil into an enameled bowl and heat to 35-40 degrees.
- Crush the cooked wax in hot butter.
- Continue to heat the bowl on the fire, so that the wax is completely melted and combined with the oil, after which add in small portions a well-mixed fork yolk.
- The yolk can provoke the release of a large amount of foam. At this point, the pot needs to be removed from the fire for a short time. Then return it to the stove, without stopping constantly stirring and not allowing to heat up above 65-70 degrees.
- Keep the mixture on a constant fire until all products completely dissolve and a homogeneous mass is formed.
- Beeswax wonder ointment ready. Strain it through a capron tulle folded in several layers and pour into small (preferably glass) containers with a wide neck.
A truly effective miracle ointment can be obtained if you constantly control the melting process. Prolonged boiling and overheating can destroy most of the nutrients in beeswax.
What heals Seimova ointment
- Pulse otitis
Twist the flagellum out of the wool and insert it into your ear. If necessary, change the flagellum, while lubricating the ointment behind the ear. So you can treat all otitis, not only purulent.
DepositPhotos - Gaimorite
Put your nose in a tablespoon melted with ointment. To keep it from freezing, do it fast. It is enough to bury the nose ointment twice with an interval between instillations in one hour, and you can even get rid of monthly sinusitis.
DepositPhotos - Boils in the throat, purulent sore throat
Lubricate the throat with ointment, applying a compress to the neck area. If you do all this in the evening, every hour repeating the procedure, then by the morning the boil will burst. - Trophic ulcers
Apply a napkin with ointment every two hours. You can't lie still. You need to give a small load on the sick limb. In extreme cases, you can do exercises for the foot. - Mastopathy
With mastopathy, the ointment is used as an addition to the main treatment. Apply the impregnated pieces of dense tissue to the sore spot and cover with paper. Replace every two hours. Continue the procedures until the inflammation disappears. - Ovarian cyst, inflammation of appendages
Use the tampons with Seimas ointment. - Varicose veins
Rub the ointment into the skin 3 times a day.
DepositPhotos - Dermatitis, cracked lips
Lubricate problem areas 2 times a day. - Joint pain, rheumatism
Apply Seimas ointment at night, cover with parchment or film on top. Then, for better warming up, tie a wool scarf or shawl. - Nails.
To strengthen the nails at home, rub ointment into them at night. - Toothache
Put ointment on your finger and lubricate the gums next to the sore tooth. This also applies to toothache under crowns.
Some people believe, others do not believe in miracles. ointment of Elena Seimova. About its healing properties much talk and argue, but, starting to use, convinced that this simple tool helps even in cases where official medicine does not give results.
“It so happened that my elbow of my right hand began to hurt. The pain was so severe that combing your hair in the morning became torture. Rubbed the elbow with all sorts of ointments, tinctures, insulated for the night, but all in vain.
So I went to the doctor who examined the elbow and started prescribing. I dared to ask for a diagnosis, but he, looking at my card, immediately cut me: “Your job to do, and you will teach in your school.” The treatment boiled down to the fact that in the elbow joint I had only two injections and a blockade of Novocaine.
Such aggressive treatment shocked me, and I prepared Seymova ointment, which began to be actively treated herself. I rubbed this ointment into my elbow all day every 50 to 60 minutes. So it's been a week... The result was amazing: the pain was gone, my hand was healthy.
This ointment relieved severe chest pain, with a significant improvement after the first application. A couple of times I will apply, and the pain goes away, and before that I consulted a mammologist - he did not find pathologies at all.
“My tooth fell ill under my crown, a fistula appeared on my gum, my cheek swollen, and at the same time the same thing happened on my neighbor’s front teeth. She advised her to take ointment. I didn't. I was treated. So what?
The neighbor went to the dentist, who immediately removed 2 teeth, and I stayed with a tooth. The ointment in the mouth quickly absorbed, so I applied it to the bandage and applied it to the gums. I don’t remember how long I was treated, but definitely not more than a week.”
“Thanks to this ointment, I got rid of sinusitis twice. I'll tell you how I was treated. Melting the ointment in a tablespoon, immediately typed it into a pipette and buried it in the nose.
Do not be afraid that the ointment is hot: until you run to bed to lie down and take a comfortable position, the composition will already cool down. Make sure it doesn’t freeze, or you’ll have to warm up again. I buried twice at intervals of 1 hour and forgot about sinusitis: everything immediately broke!
“The ointment is amazing! I confirm its high efficiency and recommend it to everyone. I found out about it about seven years ago, and since then it has taken the most honorable place in my medicine cabinet. I will not list all the sores that I have successfully treated, as it will take a long time. It may be easier to say that I did not treat it.”
Starting treatment with Christmas ointment, do not forget to take into account the individual characteristics of your body, make sure that there is no allergy to wax, as well as consult your doctor.
Vishnevsky ointment, or balsamic liniment, is the strongest antiseptic and disinfectant, which few people pay attention to in the pharmacy. No way! Not only that, with its help, you can solve serious skin problems, so it also costs a mere penny.
Wrinkles for many women are not just a cosmetic problem, but one of the main causes of self-doubt. Budget cosmetics do not help everyone, and creams and serums of the luxury class do not always have enough finances. Fortunately, affordable heparin ointment from the pharmacy copes with such problems 100%!