The secret of happiness in Denmark
What country do you think the happiest and most serene people live in? Imagination paints some warm island, where it is always beautiful and sunny? The happiest country is the cold and rainy Denmark.
The temperature here rarely rises above 20 degrees, and the Danes themselves joke that they have summer from winter differs only in that the rain is slightly warmer. Despite 6 months without sunshine each year, Denmark is considered the happiest nation in the world. So how do they do that?
And today's edition. "Site" Discover the Danish secret of happiness. hyggeIt helps even in the harshest conditions to shine with happiness and feel confident in the future.
Someone will say that the Danes are happy because of life in a developed and rich country, where there is no corruption, but there is a state concern for each individual citizen. As a result, every resident of this Scandinavian country can confidently look to the future.
But the Danes themselves believe otherwise, because their country is far from the richest and most developed. And the climatic conditions are not the most favorable. But there is a secret of happiness - hygge. This is a special philosophy of the Danes, a kind of view of life through the prism of spiritual comfort.
Here's how it works. hygge:
Hugge, or cozy happiness in DanishIt has no clear boundaries and rules. Everyone chooses their own path to happiness and peace of mind. And the above tips only help to come to this state. The main thing is not to go astray and give up the things that make happiness out of life.
Do you want to let hygge into your life?
The temperature here rarely rises above 20 degrees, and the Danes themselves joke that they have summer from winter differs only in that the rain is slightly warmer. Despite 6 months without sunshine each year, Denmark is considered the happiest nation in the world. So how do they do that?
And today's edition. "Site" Discover the Danish secret of happiness. hyggeIt helps even in the harshest conditions to shine with happiness and feel confident in the future.

Someone will say that the Danes are happy because of life in a developed and rich country, where there is no corruption, but there is a state concern for each individual citizen. As a result, every resident of this Scandinavian country can confidently look to the future.
But the Danes themselves believe otherwise, because their country is far from the richest and most developed. And the climatic conditions are not the most favorable. But there is a secret of happiness - hygge. This is a special philosophy of the Danes, a kind of view of life through the prism of spiritual comfort.

Here's how it works. hygge:
- More things to create coziness
If you look at the life of an ordinary Dane, then in his house you can see many blankets, pillows, mats, lamps, candles and other things that help to feel comfort and warmth. Danes are sure: the more cozy the house, the more favorable the atmosphere in it.
DepositPhotos - Personal space for everyone
In the house, each family member should have a personal corner - a place where he will relax, dream, read books. And reading in hygge is given an important role. Danes believe that a person who has not found a favorite literature can not be truly happy, because books are a constant journey that brings joy.
DepositPhotos - Warmth from candles
Electric lighting is beautiful and comfortable, but candles create a unique atmosphere of comfort, kindness and security. The Danes also love dimmed lights. And adding a drop of your favorite essential oil, you can give the air the desired aroma. It is not surprising that Denmark is considered the leader in candle consumption.
DepositPhotos - Let nature into your life.
Danes can not do without natural materials when equipping a home. Here you can see not only furniture made of natural materials, but also unusual stones, branches or plants with which Scandinavians decorate their homes. And without regular trips to nature in hygge can not do. - Find a hobby.
It is believed that a hobby is necessary to give gifts to others. In Denmark, needlework is taught from early childhood. Being able to create gifts with his own hands, a person can share the warmth of his own soul.
DepositPhotos - Keep your emotions.
Danes are not ashamed to keep personal diaries, where they record positive and inspiring moments. They also write down what they want out of life.
Hugge, or cozy happiness in DanishIt has no clear boundaries and rules. Everyone chooses their own path to happiness and peace of mind. And the above tips only help to come to this state. The main thing is not to go astray and give up the things that make happiness out of life.
Do you want to let hygge into your life?
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