English sources of different naturopathic sites and companies last year began to appear SHOCKING information. In the beginning, it was quickly removed, but now there are too many serious alternative specialists and adherents of alternative approach to health rapidly discuss the incident. Some facts of this story even leaked in the mass media.
What has happened is nothing less than a detective story, which could easily be of interest to Hollywood if he was not the mouthpiece of the establishment. So, it all started with the fact that 2 months passed away 12 well-known experts on natural medicine and a few other disappeared under strange circumstances. They all worked on one common theme and was close to publication and disclosure of results. If they succeeded, it would mean neither more nor less than the collapse of several official medical areas, and possibly around the medical-industrial complex.
Cause suspicion not only quick care from specialists of the same profile on a single major topic, but the nature of their death. Some were murdered under mysterious, unexplained circumstances. Others were "samarbete" as Dr. Bradstreet, whose body was found in the river with the unusual suicide of a gunshot wound to the chest. A few days before, on his laboratory were made the RAID of the authorities.
One of the victims was Dr. Gonzales, who many of you know the movie "the Truth about Cancer". His death was ruled a heart attack, although his colleagues and relatives believe that he was killed. During these tragic 2 months was raided by authorities on the only laboratory in Europe that did the same, and that the slain professionals. The laboratory was closed and the only access in Europe to the substance on which these people worked, was closed.
The list of "eliminated" of specialists and a short description of the circumstances of their death or disappearance is taken with a Russian-speaking resource Our planet, which is presented below:
"June 19, 2015 — in one of the rivers of North Carolina local fisherman finds the body of Dr. Bradstreet known physician who practiced in Florida and Georgia, with a gunshot wound to the chest. Authorities are cautiously talking about a possible suicide.
June 21, 2015 — found dead Dr. Bruce Heidendal. 67-year-old healthy male athletic physique discovered in a private car with a stalled engine and no signs of an accident. Relatives of the doctor are still awaiting the autopsy and findings of the pathologists, and police vaguely talking about "natural causes" of death.
June 21, 2015 — killed 33-year-old Dr. Baron Holt. A man who had never suffered from any disease, died suddenly during a trip to Florida. Relatives still do not know the causes of death.
June 29, 2015 — in his own house, located in luxurious, quite and safe area, discovered the body of 46-year-old Dr. Teresa Sievers. Apparently, the woman was killed with a hammer blow. Police have failed to arrest anyone, but the police claim that developing multiple versions.
On July 1, 2015 — the body of Dr. Lisa Riley discovered in her home with a gunshot wound to the head. Police believe the murderer of her husband, the boxer, in 2010 he was accused of the attempted murder of his ex-girlfriend and was shot in the head.
July 19, 2015 — in own house was found dead by Dr. Ronald Schwartz. The police said murder, but details are not disclosed.
July 22, 2015 — found the corpse of a famous physician Nicholas Gonzalez. According to police, the man probably died of a heart attack — despite the excellent condition.
July 28, 2015 — in North Carolina right in the process of preparation for the half marathon dies a 41-year-old dentist Hakeem Abdul-Karim. His body on the roadside found a passer-by.
August 3, 2015 — colleagues homeopath and healer Geoff Harvey reported on his "sudden death of non-medical in nature." The official cause of death of the doctor still has not called.
16 Aug 2015 — in his own house killed a 65-year-old Marie Rene bovier, osteopath. The woman died from stab wounds, but police said murder.
September 15, 2015 — 59-year-old new York oncologist and author of 6 books, including bestsellers "the gene therapy Plan" and "the Healing power of sound," Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor was found dead in the woods near his luxurious country mansion.
He taught his patients to complement traditional cancer treatment, relaxing music, diet and meditation. The circumstances of the death of the founder of the popular clinic "Integrative Oncology Gaynor" remain unclear, but the police put forward the version of suicide. Friends and acquaintances of the doctor does not believe it and trying to find out the true circumstances of the death.
In addition to the 11 doctors, by a strange coincidence, killed or dead in less than 90 days, in the same period in the United States recorded the disappearance of at least 2 physicians: a 74-year-old ophthalmologist Patrick Fitzpatrick and 63-year-old pulmonologist Geoffrey Whiteside. Today they are recognized as missing persons.
Meanwhile, on June 19 in Mexico killed 4 people: 3 doctors of Acapulco Raimundo Terek Cuevas, Marvin Hernandez Ortega, Jose Osvaldo Saucedo — and their lawyer Julio Cesar Fur Saldago. The police found them shot auto: found shell casings, and the casing seat — the blood. After 5 days, the police found the bodies of the dead, and then brought them in to identify relatives.
And then the incredible happened: the members of the families of the missing medics said that it is not their remains, and the police were just trying as quickly as possible to close the case and therefore went to the forgery. Erupted serious scandal, and the Governor took the matter under control — the investigation is still ongoing.
And on September 11 the British newspaper the Telegraph reported the shocking news: "the Police suspect something filthy with a mysterious poisoning of 29 participants took place in Germany of the workshop on alternative medicine: people have suffered from terrible convulsions, delirium and hallucinations". The homeopaths, chiropractors, osteopaths and healers gathered near Hamburg to exchange experiences and discuss urgent problems. Soon they became so powerful symptoms of poisoning psychedelic drug that local authorities had to be involved to transport the injured to hospitals and saving lives of 160 people, 15 of carriages "first aid" and the duty helicopter.
The investigation is not complete, but experts are sure: we are talking about multiple overdose psychedelic drug phenethylamine, or Aquarust, completely banned in Germany since 2014 This drug in high doses is deadly."
And you thought this only happens in the movies?!
Let's talk of what these scientists worked.
Our immune system is very complex and multifaceted. Her work is influenced by many different factors that can weaken and cause a state of immunodepression. However, there is a substance called "mahalasa", which causes a spot-kick for the immune system, causing profound immunodepression.
This substance is released by cancer cells and various viruses and accuracy of its action unique. It breaks the link between the 2 electrons 420й amino acids in a huge protein molecule, one of tens of thousands of proteins, each of which has millions of electrons. If you translate it into more understandable language, this accuracy is equivalent to sighting the destruction of one of the benches in the Park from a distance of 10,000 km.
The purpose of magalasy are the centers of protein synthesis GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor) on the surface of T and b lymphocytes, which she just destroys.
GcMAF is connected with vitamin D, forming the essential connection to activate macrophages, which are the main killers of cancer cells. Thus, blocking this mechanism, Nagamasa removes the ability of the immune system to prevent and fight such serious diseases as cancer.
Interestingly, children with autism showed a significant presence of magalasi.
Thus, GcMAF is the only absolute means of destroying cancer cells in our immune system.
In this case, Nagamasa is an absolute shredder of protein GcMAF, thereby removing control of the immune system over cancer cells, leading to cancer development and its aggressive.
However, the most important in the study of Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues was the fact of getting magalasi into the body with vaccines. They found that at birth, the children had blood nagaraju, but after a vaccination has shown its high content. In other words, vaccines do not strengthen the immunity to certain diseases, and nagamasu caused profound suppression of, causing cancer, autism and other conditions. It could also be an explanation for the fact that, despite the false claims of the media and official statistics, vaccinated children get sick on average 5 times more likely to be unvaccinated.
Dr. Bradstreet not limited to this and successfully treating autism with GcMAF.
From 1/6 children's symptoms went away completely, and 85% of children had positive dynamics (of the 1,100 who were treated by Dr. Bradstreet children).
While there is no consensus how Nagamasa enters the human body by vaccination. It is unlikely that the synthesized Nagamasa simply added to vaccines (which is not possible, aware of other toxic additives that are causing autoimmune disease, cancer, infertility, etc.). For such a strong depression of the immune system Nagamasa must act long, and if she was injected with the vaccine in its pure form, it would have been taken out of the organization relatively quickly. We can assume that the action extends magalasi some kind of adjuvant in the vaccine.
Many adjuvants for this purpose, and are added to a vaccine to prolong the validity of some of the ingredients of the vaccine. Another likely by prolonged action magalasi after vaccination may be the fact that, for example, the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella, which is done in the West on reaching 1 year old) contains live pathogens, i.e. the vaccine is "live". It is already known that the gene encoding ngalazu found immunovirus, oncovirus and viruses contained in the bacteria. Therefore, not only viruses, but some bacteria also have ngalazu encoding gene. These viruses and bacteria are transmitted this gene during infection of humans.
Thus, it can be assumed that the introduction of a live vaccine to a child or adult, this gene can easily be embedded in mitochondrial DNA of human cells and provide long-lasting synthesis of magalasy that will point and regular attacks to beat on the most important part of the immune system and this effect will be very difficult to stop. Thus, to prevent such a transfer path gene magalasi, the MMR vaccine and other live vaccines should die (in the recent past, most vaccines were dead pathogen).
Probably not all the way falling magalasy the body studied, but today it is proven fact that after vaccination Nagamasa begins its catastrophic effects on the immune system.
Now you can easily imagine the outcry that would have been obtained from the publication of the fact that vaccination causes irreparable blow to the immune system, and that mass vaccination is responsible for the rapidly growing cases of autism (currently 1 out of 50 children with the forecast 1 in 20 by 2020), because cancer today is much "younger" and cancer mortality in children generally came in 1st place, ahead of injured. Because today, every 3rd-5th person in developed countries will get cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. It is likely that the same factor explains the increased overall incidence of vaccinated children, a sharp increase in autoimmune diseases and other serious pathologies.
There is no doubt that this effect is known to vaccine manufacturers, as they are behind the introduction of laws on mass vaccination, lobira leading politicians. Thus, pharmaceutical companies, cancer industry and the medical establishment as a whole through ngalazu guarantee your profits with almost every person for many years. It can only be described as genocide — a crime against humanity because the victims are already and become hundreds of millions of people. That is why these scientists so brutally, quickly and exponential spread.
Interestingly, the corporate trolls have already started "exposing conspiracy theories" regarding the death of naturopaths, who worked on the problem of magalasy-GsMAF. According to their version, or admitted to the top guidelines, States that the suicide was committed on the grounds of repentance of these naturopaths after many deaths in the treatment of protein GsMAF, a single laboratory, which produced the GsMAF in Europe, was just very unsanitary.
Unfortunately, this tragic story for many people may remain "inventions crazy conspirators". However, for the doubters in the bright order and the medical establishment, hopefully, this will be the final argument in the understanding of what is happening. Those who are already "in the know" probably nothing will surprise you. They know that there is a war against people, the extermination, and that scientists, experts and activists working for the benefit of people in the crosshairs.
The author of the article: Boris Grinblat
Because of recent events, we decided to translate for you part of another article on this topic.
50 physicians practicing holistic methods, mysteriously died or were killed in the last year
Recently, Erin Elizabeth of HealthNutNews wrote about the disappearance and death of several doctors-naturopaths.
It all started with the fact that he was found dead Dr. Bradstreet, a well-known researcher of autism with a gunshot wound. Authorities confirmed that it wasn't suicide. His colleagues link the death with the use and promotion of new methods of treatment including GcMAF.
Since about a year, under mysterious circumstances, killed about 50 doctors.
Everywhere in the US people are told that they must buy more and more on credit, there are a lot of fatty and sweet food, take more prescription drugs. The U.S., which is considered one of the most "developed" countries in the world spend the most on health care, while remaining very poor health.
Many suspect that the reason lies in a small elite that controls most of the corporations and the media, and through them the government. Unhealthy ideals of progress in society with the aim of making a profit.
If society knew that healthy eating, exercise, positive thinking, simplifying life, getting rid of toxic people and situations are able to dramatically improve their health, the world would have turned out different. It seems that now targeted doctors who convince people to become their own doctor, taking responsibility for their health. These doctors spoke out against the corrupt and toxic system.
About 50 doctors-naturopaths have died in the past year. Currently preparing a documentary to shed light on these mysterious deaths. The most important thing is clear now: these doctors were killed because they were practicing true medicine
The author of the translation: PhD Andrey Martyushev-Poklad
Project Medal'ternativa.info was first brought to attention in Russia to GcMAF and detective stories that developed around it. Following our publication, telecast on Ren “witch doctors” have attracted even more attention to this subject. However, the world media and big Pharma have done and continue to do everything possible to suppress information about this protein and strongly inhibit its production and distribution.
We encourage you to share this information with all your friends and loved ones. We believe that the arguments against vaccines have been added, probably the most important. Only self-education will help us take control of our lives and health.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/147354
What has happened is nothing less than a detective story, which could easily be of interest to Hollywood if he was not the mouthpiece of the establishment. So, it all started with the fact that 2 months passed away 12 well-known experts on natural medicine and a few other disappeared under strange circumstances. They all worked on one common theme and was close to publication and disclosure of results. If they succeeded, it would mean neither more nor less than the collapse of several official medical areas, and possibly around the medical-industrial complex.
Cause suspicion not only quick care from specialists of the same profile on a single major topic, but the nature of their death. Some were murdered under mysterious, unexplained circumstances. Others were "samarbete" as Dr. Bradstreet, whose body was found in the river with the unusual suicide of a gunshot wound to the chest. A few days before, on his laboratory were made the RAID of the authorities.

One of the victims was Dr. Gonzales, who many of you know the movie "the Truth about Cancer". His death was ruled a heart attack, although his colleagues and relatives believe that he was killed. During these tragic 2 months was raided by authorities on the only laboratory in Europe that did the same, and that the slain professionals. The laboratory was closed and the only access in Europe to the substance on which these people worked, was closed.
The list of "eliminated" of specialists and a short description of the circumstances of their death or disappearance is taken with a Russian-speaking resource Our planet, which is presented below:
"June 19, 2015 — in one of the rivers of North Carolina local fisherman finds the body of Dr. Bradstreet known physician who practiced in Florida and Georgia, with a gunshot wound to the chest. Authorities are cautiously talking about a possible suicide.
June 21, 2015 — found dead Dr. Bruce Heidendal. 67-year-old healthy male athletic physique discovered in a private car with a stalled engine and no signs of an accident. Relatives of the doctor are still awaiting the autopsy and findings of the pathologists, and police vaguely talking about "natural causes" of death.
June 21, 2015 — killed 33-year-old Dr. Baron Holt. A man who had never suffered from any disease, died suddenly during a trip to Florida. Relatives still do not know the causes of death.
June 29, 2015 — in his own house, located in luxurious, quite and safe area, discovered the body of 46-year-old Dr. Teresa Sievers. Apparently, the woman was killed with a hammer blow. Police have failed to arrest anyone, but the police claim that developing multiple versions.
On July 1, 2015 — the body of Dr. Lisa Riley discovered in her home with a gunshot wound to the head. Police believe the murderer of her husband, the boxer, in 2010 he was accused of the attempted murder of his ex-girlfriend and was shot in the head.
July 19, 2015 — in own house was found dead by Dr. Ronald Schwartz. The police said murder, but details are not disclosed.
July 22, 2015 — found the corpse of a famous physician Nicholas Gonzalez. According to police, the man probably died of a heart attack — despite the excellent condition.
July 28, 2015 — in North Carolina right in the process of preparation for the half marathon dies a 41-year-old dentist Hakeem Abdul-Karim. His body on the roadside found a passer-by.
August 3, 2015 — colleagues homeopath and healer Geoff Harvey reported on his "sudden death of non-medical in nature." The official cause of death of the doctor still has not called.
16 Aug 2015 — in his own house killed a 65-year-old Marie Rene bovier, osteopath. The woman died from stab wounds, but police said murder.
September 15, 2015 — 59-year-old new York oncologist and author of 6 books, including bestsellers "the gene therapy Plan" and "the Healing power of sound," Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor was found dead in the woods near his luxurious country mansion.
He taught his patients to complement traditional cancer treatment, relaxing music, diet and meditation. The circumstances of the death of the founder of the popular clinic "Integrative Oncology Gaynor" remain unclear, but the police put forward the version of suicide. Friends and acquaintances of the doctor does not believe it and trying to find out the true circumstances of the death.
In addition to the 11 doctors, by a strange coincidence, killed or dead in less than 90 days, in the same period in the United States recorded the disappearance of at least 2 physicians: a 74-year-old ophthalmologist Patrick Fitzpatrick and 63-year-old pulmonologist Geoffrey Whiteside. Today they are recognized as missing persons.
Meanwhile, on June 19 in Mexico killed 4 people: 3 doctors of Acapulco Raimundo Terek Cuevas, Marvin Hernandez Ortega, Jose Osvaldo Saucedo — and their lawyer Julio Cesar Fur Saldago. The police found them shot auto: found shell casings, and the casing seat — the blood. After 5 days, the police found the bodies of the dead, and then brought them in to identify relatives.
And then the incredible happened: the members of the families of the missing medics said that it is not their remains, and the police were just trying as quickly as possible to close the case and therefore went to the forgery. Erupted serious scandal, and the Governor took the matter under control — the investigation is still ongoing.
And on September 11 the British newspaper the Telegraph reported the shocking news: "the Police suspect something filthy with a mysterious poisoning of 29 participants took place in Germany of the workshop on alternative medicine: people have suffered from terrible convulsions, delirium and hallucinations". The homeopaths, chiropractors, osteopaths and healers gathered near Hamburg to exchange experiences and discuss urgent problems. Soon they became so powerful symptoms of poisoning psychedelic drug that local authorities had to be involved to transport the injured to hospitals and saving lives of 160 people, 15 of carriages "first aid" and the duty helicopter.
The investigation is not complete, but experts are sure: we are talking about multiple overdose psychedelic drug phenethylamine, or Aquarust, completely banned in Germany since 2014 This drug in high doses is deadly."
And you thought this only happens in the movies?!
Let's talk of what these scientists worked.
Our immune system is very complex and multifaceted. Her work is influenced by many different factors that can weaken and cause a state of immunodepression. However, there is a substance called "mahalasa", which causes a spot-kick for the immune system, causing profound immunodepression.
This substance is released by cancer cells and various viruses and accuracy of its action unique. It breaks the link between the 2 electrons 420й amino acids in a huge protein molecule, one of tens of thousands of proteins, each of which has millions of electrons. If you translate it into more understandable language, this accuracy is equivalent to sighting the destruction of one of the benches in the Park from a distance of 10,000 km.
The purpose of magalasy are the centers of protein synthesis GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor) on the surface of T and b lymphocytes, which she just destroys.
GcMAF is connected with vitamin D, forming the essential connection to activate macrophages, which are the main killers of cancer cells. Thus, blocking this mechanism, Nagamasa removes the ability of the immune system to prevent and fight such serious diseases as cancer.
Interestingly, children with autism showed a significant presence of magalasi.
Thus, GcMAF is the only absolute means of destroying cancer cells in our immune system.
In this case, Nagamasa is an absolute shredder of protein GcMAF, thereby removing control of the immune system over cancer cells, leading to cancer development and its aggressive.
However, the most important in the study of Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues was the fact of getting magalasi into the body with vaccines. They found that at birth, the children had blood nagaraju, but after a vaccination has shown its high content. In other words, vaccines do not strengthen the immunity to certain diseases, and nagamasu caused profound suppression of, causing cancer, autism and other conditions. It could also be an explanation for the fact that, despite the false claims of the media and official statistics, vaccinated children get sick on average 5 times more likely to be unvaccinated.
Dr. Bradstreet not limited to this and successfully treating autism with GcMAF.
From 1/6 children's symptoms went away completely, and 85% of children had positive dynamics (of the 1,100 who were treated by Dr. Bradstreet children).
While there is no consensus how Nagamasa enters the human body by vaccination. It is unlikely that the synthesized Nagamasa simply added to vaccines (which is not possible, aware of other toxic additives that are causing autoimmune disease, cancer, infertility, etc.). For such a strong depression of the immune system Nagamasa must act long, and if she was injected with the vaccine in its pure form, it would have been taken out of the organization relatively quickly. We can assume that the action extends magalasi some kind of adjuvant in the vaccine.
Many adjuvants for this purpose, and are added to a vaccine to prolong the validity of some of the ingredients of the vaccine. Another likely by prolonged action magalasi after vaccination may be the fact that, for example, the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella, which is done in the West on reaching 1 year old) contains live pathogens, i.e. the vaccine is "live". It is already known that the gene encoding ngalazu found immunovirus, oncovirus and viruses contained in the bacteria. Therefore, not only viruses, but some bacteria also have ngalazu encoding gene. These viruses and bacteria are transmitted this gene during infection of humans.
Thus, it can be assumed that the introduction of a live vaccine to a child or adult, this gene can easily be embedded in mitochondrial DNA of human cells and provide long-lasting synthesis of magalasy that will point and regular attacks to beat on the most important part of the immune system and this effect will be very difficult to stop. Thus, to prevent such a transfer path gene magalasi, the MMR vaccine and other live vaccines should die (in the recent past, most vaccines were dead pathogen).
Probably not all the way falling magalasy the body studied, but today it is proven fact that after vaccination Nagamasa begins its catastrophic effects on the immune system.
Now you can easily imagine the outcry that would have been obtained from the publication of the fact that vaccination causes irreparable blow to the immune system, and that mass vaccination is responsible for the rapidly growing cases of autism (currently 1 out of 50 children with the forecast 1 in 20 by 2020), because cancer today is much "younger" and cancer mortality in children generally came in 1st place, ahead of injured. Because today, every 3rd-5th person in developed countries will get cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. It is likely that the same factor explains the increased overall incidence of vaccinated children, a sharp increase in autoimmune diseases and other serious pathologies.
There is no doubt that this effect is known to vaccine manufacturers, as they are behind the introduction of laws on mass vaccination, lobira leading politicians. Thus, pharmaceutical companies, cancer industry and the medical establishment as a whole through ngalazu guarantee your profits with almost every person for many years. It can only be described as genocide — a crime against humanity because the victims are already and become hundreds of millions of people. That is why these scientists so brutally, quickly and exponential spread.
Interestingly, the corporate trolls have already started "exposing conspiracy theories" regarding the death of naturopaths, who worked on the problem of magalasy-GsMAF. According to their version, or admitted to the top guidelines, States that the suicide was committed on the grounds of repentance of these naturopaths after many deaths in the treatment of protein GsMAF, a single laboratory, which produced the GsMAF in Europe, was just very unsanitary.
Unfortunately, this tragic story for many people may remain "inventions crazy conspirators". However, for the doubters in the bright order and the medical establishment, hopefully, this will be the final argument in the understanding of what is happening. Those who are already "in the know" probably nothing will surprise you. They know that there is a war against people, the extermination, and that scientists, experts and activists working for the benefit of people in the crosshairs.
The author of the article: Boris Grinblat
Because of recent events, we decided to translate for you part of another article on this topic.
50 physicians practicing holistic methods, mysteriously died or were killed in the last year
Recently, Erin Elizabeth of HealthNutNews wrote about the disappearance and death of several doctors-naturopaths.
It all started with the fact that he was found dead Dr. Bradstreet, a well-known researcher of autism with a gunshot wound. Authorities confirmed that it wasn't suicide. His colleagues link the death with the use and promotion of new methods of treatment including GcMAF.

Since about a year, under mysterious circumstances, killed about 50 doctors.
Everywhere in the US people are told that they must buy more and more on credit, there are a lot of fatty and sweet food, take more prescription drugs. The U.S., which is considered one of the most "developed" countries in the world spend the most on health care, while remaining very poor health.
Many suspect that the reason lies in a small elite that controls most of the corporations and the media, and through them the government. Unhealthy ideals of progress in society with the aim of making a profit.
If society knew that healthy eating, exercise, positive thinking, simplifying life, getting rid of toxic people and situations are able to dramatically improve their health, the world would have turned out different. It seems that now targeted doctors who convince people to become their own doctor, taking responsibility for their health. These doctors spoke out against the corrupt and toxic system.
About 50 doctors-naturopaths have died in the past year. Currently preparing a documentary to shed light on these mysterious deaths. The most important thing is clear now: these doctors were killed because they were practicing true medicine
The author of the translation: PhD Andrey Martyushev-Poklad
Project Medal'ternativa.info was first brought to attention in Russia to GcMAF and detective stories that developed around it. Following our publication, telecast on Ren “witch doctors” have attracted even more attention to this subject. However, the world media and big Pharma have done and continue to do everything possible to suppress information about this protein and strongly inhibit its production and distribution.
We encourage you to share this information with all your friends and loved ones. We believe that the arguments against vaccines have been added, probably the most important. Only self-education will help us take control of our lives and health.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/147354