The truth about autism firsthand

5 years ago we moved to Canada with full confidence that we are on our future children will take care of a lot better than where we used to live. Now I can say that it is my belief that the Canadian concern for people and was the cause of serious, incurable illness of my child. My letter to you about the dangers of which have hurt my child, and that is now looming over the Russian children.
My son was born here in Canada. 2.5 years ago, when he was 2 years old, he was diagnosed with "regressive autism global." This terrible disease, without leaving the parents no hope for the child's recovery. Children with this diagnosis have to then pass to a boarding school, because they are simply dangerous to others.
Once a child has been diagnosed, I lived for a year with a belief in local medicine and its ability to help my child. But the situation is getting worse and worse, the child grew up, with his development moving backward instead of forward. When local specialists just said that to help me, nothing can, and I have to put up with the situation, I began to study the problem of autism alone.
The results of these searches I was just shocked - autism is not even exist just 60 years ago! But it was then that began in childhood vaccines use thimerosal - a mercury compound used as a preservative. There is plenty of research showing a clear correlation between vaccines containing thimerosal and autism level in a given country, a particular state or just a selected group of people.
Autism level falls ten times over several years in countries that no longer use vaccines with thimerosal at least for children up to 3 years - the age when heavy metal poisoning can lead to the development of autism; later it will simply have other problems, but they still are.
There is quite a large percentage of successfully cured (90%) with autism using a special treatment, allowing to cleanse the body of heavy metals (autistic always find high levels of mercury in the body). The success of the therapy, the higher the earlier the treatment is started.
All of these studies and all the information about the dangers of vaccines, does not come to us just because pharmaceutical companies are making enormous efforts to do so. They earn a lot of money on vaccines with Thimerosal. When I was faced with this flood of information, on the one hand, I could not believe that Canadian doctors use these dangerous vaccines for children. On the other hand, I was nothing more to do but to try the most to help your child - from it all the same all the doctors refused, saying that the situation is hopeless
. I found materials that «Autism Research Institute» www.autismwebsite.com/ari/index.htm, an organization that for nearly 40 years has been the problem of autism, a few years ago initiated a conference for physicians and researchers, where the research results are discussed in this field of application and the results of these studies.
As a result, they have been designed DAN (Defeat Autism Now) - a technique by which we can already treat children with autism. Doctors who use it, there are already all over the world. But not in Russia! (I know of only one such doctor today).
The principles underlying this treatment are as follows - remove the child from all harmful, to give him useful, and he restored himself. The main part of the treatment, without which it is impossible to complete the restoration of the child - to excrete mercury. That the most mercury, which is settled in his tissues after vaccination.
Autism develops not always because of the children may bring mercury from the body completely or partially, and some - not. Children from the latter category are autistic, if poisoning has occurred up to 3 years. Research shows that an increasing number of children who developed normally up to a certain age and then lose skills and regressed in recent years.
That's what happened to my child, he regressed at age 2 years. He is now 4.5 years, he says, has no self-help skills, its development corresponds to the age of 1.5 year-long children. During the last one and a half years, and until now, our life has become a constant struggle for the child. We are well progressed, no longer a child regresses, it develops, but until the final victory we are still very far away. I still do not know whether we will be able to cure the child until the end and how much time and money it will take.
Believe me it is much easier to prevent the problem than to solve it later, even if we already know what caused it and how it can be combated. To date, the incidence of autism statistics have approached the United States to 1 in 160 children, and in some states it is 1 in 130 children! The number of sick children is growing from year to year, while 10 years ago it was quite a rare disease:. 3-4 cases per 10,000 children
Statistics Canada for better - one case of autism for 500 children. The situation in the US is much worse than the situation in Canada, because there is vaccination against hepatitis B in the first hours of life V. Used with this vaccine contains a huge amount of mercury. But a half years ago, this vaccine went into compulsory vaccination plan in Canada ...
I was already scared to look at local kids now and see all the signs that I observed at this age your child. We will see how to change data for Canada in the next year or two because of the beginning of the use of this vaccine for all the terrible (we used to pay for her further, so it did not all).
Most of the parents of these children, as I did once, believe that this is just a problem of age. But this is not so, autism does not disappear by itself. Why do I address today is to the citizens of the CIS countries, first of all - Russia? Because they were in a terrible situation, what you can imagine. These countries are quite prepared for an epidemic of autism.
Remember, if you've seen autistic when you were growing up? I'm sure that almost none of you, like me, had not even heard about this problem before. In Canada and the US about it everyone knows. Now some numbers. To grow an autistic child, the Canadian government spends about $ 3 million.; while still only 5% of autistic then able to live and work independently.
All other days remain until the end of special boarding schools, or in the care of their parents, in the case of a mild form of autism. Often, at least one of the parents of such a child can not work, because it requires constant supervision.
In addition, over 50% of these children are mentally retarded. autistic Education - a special treatment, which takes place on individual programs, which costs about $ 30,000 a year, we have this program is funded by the local authorities. Autistic children need help, and other specialists: the specialist for the development of speech, motor skills development specialists, etc.
Now look at what's happening today. Now the United States and other countries is in full swing campaign for a total ban on vaccines containing a mercury preservative. Articles about this already printed on the front pages of the most famous prints, many people require their doctors to use clean thimerosal vaccines. They already have in North America, only need to put a doctor aware of the fact that you do not want to poison your child thimerosal.
But pharmaceutical companies do not want to give up and pay through the nose penalties, so they are still not officially acknowledge their guilt in the tragedy of millions of children with autism. Moreover, they want to have time to sell goods already released. That is why they do not recognize the dangers of mercury in childhood vaccines, though it has been proved that thimerosal has not passed the required tests, when its use began 60 years ago in childhood vaccines. They do not care how many children suffer from it, it is important to watch out for their profits.
One of their latest maneuvers - to sell the vaccine with Thimerosal in countries where these vaccines have not yet banned. I am now writing to the people of Ukraine and Russia on this - vaccination is required, but vaccines found there is no longer possible without thimerosal! They all mercury! Check the vaccine, which prick your children, you will see that thimerosal is now everywhere. Studies show that 3 injection with this preservative, made up of 3 years, lead to the fact that autism is such children develop 27 times more likely than other children. But virtually no known cases of autism among unvaccinated children!
There is another huge problem in the CIS countries - it is impossible to hold the child's treatment therapy of heavy metal, the so-called chelation therapy. Even if we disregard the problem of autism and the fact that this therapy - the only real chance to cure this child, under current environmental situation, is simply unthinkable that nowhere in the CIS, this therapy is not carried out
! The main reason for writing this letter - is now unfolded in the Russian propaganda campaign to vaccinate children against influenza. I leave it to the conscience of those who are lying to you, proving the effectiveness of such a vaccine, but do not be lazy, look at the vaccine: ALL flu vaccines contain Thimerosal! If you can still find somewhere in the world of pure childhood vaccines, the influenza vaccines without thimerosal does not exist!
When I talk about the dangers of this poison for young children, this does not mean that it is safe for others. Look at the list of problems that you or your children can get because of this very questionable Protection: Heavy metal poisoning and problems associated with it www.elinahealthandbeauty.com/Symptoms_Of_Heavy ..
For those who want to understand this problem thoroughly and parents of autistic children would highly recommend to study the document describing the recent initiative of the Autism Research Institute, published in 2005: "Types of treatment in cases of poisoning with mercury and other heavy metals of autism and related disorders: agreed position". www.elinahealthandbeauty.com/Treatment_Options ..
Here are short excerpts from there: "In the past few years has increased the number of scientific and clinical evidence to suggest that most children with autism suffer from mercury poisoning and other heavy metals ... There is a huge difference in susceptibility to mercury in different people - heredity, age, state of health - all this affects the susceptibility. In adults, known variants of 78- and neonates of these options can be up to 10, 000. Metabolism and allocation processes also vary widely.
In animal studies, it became clear that newborns do not remove the mercury, are still breastfed, milk diet increases the absorption of metals in the gastrointestinal tract. For removal of heavy metals requires a certain amount of bile and neonates are often insufficient.
The intestinal flora plays a role in the output of the mercury from the body, thus the use of antibiotics lowers the ability of the organism to the conclusion of mercury. Stress and disease factors that lower levels of glutathione, which in turn leads to a decrease in the body's ability to excrete heavy metals. »
"Thimerosal - a preservative used in the manufacture of many medicines, including vaccines for infants and immunoglobulin preparations containing 49.6% ethylene mercury (ethyl mercury). The history of the use of thimerosal in vaccines is sufficiently complicated. It was first used in the late 1930s, and as soon as the number of vaccinations for newborns has increased, increased the number of children vaccinated with thimerosal.
As part of the ongoing review of biological products FDA announced in 1999 that infants who receive a complex inoculation with rtutisoderzhaschim preservative can get the level of mercury in the blood exceeding safety standards. In 1999, the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended to cease the use of thimerosal in childhood vaccines in 2001, FDA asked vaccine manufacturers to eliminate thimerosal from children's vaccines. Today, thimerosal eliminated from most childhood vaccines, but still not of all. »
"... Research Bernardin et al. Suggest that the symptoms described in the literature about autism are exactly the same as the symptoms described in the literature on mercury toxicity, and vice versa. Therefore, it is possible that children who have suffered from mercury poisoning, will be in the future diagnosed as "autistic," which is often simply a statement of fact, that they have a problem of communication / behavior / social adjustment and the reasons are unknown.
Mercury poisoning is likely to become the cause of many cases of "autism." ... Infants have limited ability to excrete mercury, and children with autism, this ability is even lower due to the low levels of glutathione, and the active use of oral antibiotics. Furthermore, antibiotics increase the toxicity of mercury. "
I very much hope that through this letter at least some children will be able to avoid this terrible disease. Prevention of autism is very easy - just not the grass children with mercury. Health to you and your children.