Vadim Zeland nutrition of children

"In fact, if you have enough of your milk, it is best to at least a year, nothing else to give. After a year, you may want to make the lure, if one has enough milk. If you want to feed the baby natural living food, doctors on this occasion it is better not to consult, because they, you know, are clearly against.
And not so much because of the fact that natural food can cause any harm, but because of the fear of some unforeseen complications. Raw food diet do not study and are not taught in medical school. Of course there are good and competent experts, who may know about veganism or at least understand that vegetable diet is high-grade for proteins, calories, minerals and so forth, and in general it can even give some advice, not "hitting", but these doctors are not many.
Complications are really, if violate certain rules of nature. But the rules are very simple.
The first rule is: the mother should eat the same food that is going to lure children. Milk in its composition is a mirror image of mother diet. If a breastfeeding mother eats one, and gives the child a very different, it can easily cause indigestion.
The second rule: moderation and gradualism. You probably know yourself and what foods should be administered in small portions and carefully. Juices should be diluted first. Does not begin with solid fruits and vegetables, and mashed potatoes with. Instant oatmeal is perfect for baby food.
Only once, it should be to give him a little at first, gradually accustoming. Instead of dead cooked porridge better certainly do live, wheat germ, rye, buckwheat, sesame seeds. They are prepared very simply: the sprouts are loaded into the blender, add water and it all ground to a fine fraction. You can also add a little honey to taste and a little natural linseed, cedar oil or thistle oil, amaranth.
Nuts are also introduced into the food carefully and gradually, starting with the cedar in shabby form. It is very valuable and useful food for children - living green soup, the backbone of the recipes. Sesame milk as easily prepared in a blender. Pollen, pollen, honey - very good. But all this must be entered in addition to the milk gently and gradually.
The third rule: in nature one does not drink foreign milk. Only the mother's milk is the perfect food. And just as a child eat milk. "