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Vaccination as a world religion

Among the senses, creating the psychological ground for the emergence of religion should be attributed primarily to fear. On the relationship between fear and religion, wrote of the ancient atheists. The phrase "Fear created the gods" goes back to this ancient age. Religion inevitably gives rise to the fear of the unknown for people and prevailing over them by external forces.

Almost all educated modern mothers somehow know that vaccination thing is not safe and theoretically threatening complications and even death.

Most of the modern mom understands that these complications are very real and can touch their child, too – but take their children for vaccination, with prayer and fresh blood.

Many modern mothers are afraid of these complications and therefore do not all vaccinations, and only the “most necessary”, or only after a year, after two, after three, a special vaccine from a particular doctor — but they do.

Some modern moms are afraid of them so that you don't vaccinate — but at the slightest threat of an outbreak of any vaccination of the disease start to twitch: maybe necessary, but can do well only one, that at least some sort of protection was, and that is scary. In this they are often accused of “grafting mom”, saying that you are so brave, and just that, just to get vaccinated will suffer. And really — many incur.

So what is it? In fear of further complications, immediate or delayed — even if that fear is based on real examples or your own experience — may be only a very weak reason for the refusal of vaccination, making the mother “antipresidential” constantly doubting and often from time to time. Even the most antireligioznik prefers to focus on the dangers of vaccinations and their futility in connection with a rarity in our time, vaccination of the disease, but fully believe that vaccines still protect against disease.


Because there are far more terrible and ancient fear — the fear of epidemics, before the mass with contagious deadly diseases that can't defend themselves. And when we are talking about a newly minted mom with a raging in the minds of the prolactin, this fear turns into unreasoning panic, which we need to get rid of at any cost.

And what do you think – will relieve a mother from fear tips antireligioznik to strengthen the child's immune system, to understand the symptoms of disease? Well, right now! Where he is, this immune system than to strengthen it and how to measure it? Many modern mothers and the immune system to strengthen only able immunomodulators. And most importantly, how to learn sufficiently strengthened immune system to protect the child from disease? To understand the disease, their names-it is terrible to say, not that symptoms! And in General – and doctors we on that?

Nooo, mothers for peace of mind need protection not so precarious and uncertain, and a simple, affordable, fast and guaranteed! It is scary on itself, to hope, to take responsibility – how much better to share it with doctors, and even completely them to pass the doctors – they always know better what is necessary for your baby, their this Institute taught. They guarantee to give. Only oral, though.

So, vaccinations begin and win, because only the belief in them makes mom's life easy and not scary. And this is faith, not certainty, of the nature of religious, not scientific. Because she is so comfortable that no evidence is required.

As calmly as encouraging motherly heart to believe such a simple thing: just pricked the child – and he had defeated a terrible disease, and performed a mother's duty, and provide security. Well, your life easier, of course. So the kid falls asleep with a happy smile, clutching a toy pistol, from which, as he believes, it is possible to kill all monsters. That's just for the sake of completeness we will present the pistol, which can middle of the night to explode and injure the sleeper.

Actively contributes to this vaccination propaganda. Any classic grafting the article begins with the active intimidation of disease and ends with the unconditional statement that vaccination is the only way to protect against them. Sometimes even added vague threats to the unvaccinated in General, believers will be saved and unbelievers will burn in hell epidemics!

The researchers note that religious attitudes play the role of a filter in relation to all information that comes to the believer, i.e. all non-religious information is acquired "selectively" in accordance with established plants. Improper installations this information to the believers is not perceived. (From the book the PSYCHOLOGY of RELIGION)

And this is in all respects a convenient and comfortable faith trying to destroy with the help of some pathetic articles, figures, examples, statistics and logical conclusions!

Yes, no true believer to grasp something in such utter heresy and blasphemy will not, and will read with disgust the article title and write in the comments your opinion — not about the article, of course, and that despicable author of the heretic and the sinner, him reading, and sometimes about the resource, such foolishly placed — ish, encroached on the sacred, I want to return mother's fear! Yes, fire all of them along with their false articles!

There is another category of mothers, do not read articles like these from other principles: they are aware that vaccinations are not okay, and I vaguely suspect that somewhere there are arguments, can significantly undermine their position and even, God forbid, just to trip them up. And then — good-bye, calm mental and physical diseases have to be afraid of in their symptoms — to understand the immune system to strengthen, and with pediatricians and kindergarten to fight. No, well, it is happiness, we would be better to know nothing and remain in the faith of their ancestors.

There is a third category, very few. Are moms whose children have suffered from vaccines and are sometimes affected so that bad. But they don't believe in vaccinations is to blame — they just fatally unlucky, but vaccination is still necessary, because they protect from diseases.

To explain or to prove anything to them is meaningless, and to read articles they would not even headers.

This position sometimes causes their family and friends the confusion, turning into resentment: why are they blind or something, or stupid, it is obvious that the vaccine is to blame for the complications! Whatever else information they slip, to understand the last!

Not help here information it's something in psychology. These women are good mothers, presenting to itself the overestimated demands and taking on too much. And to be good mothers they are more important than anything else. And because the subconscious is screaming: “I COULD NOT HARM MY CHILD! It's someone else, bad doctors or bad luck, but I had nothing to do, I did everything as it should — because I'm a good mom, I always do the right thing!”

To recognize the harm of inoculations will mean for them once and forever to cease to be a good mom. And God will judge them, leave them alone. You will not convince without damage to their psyche.

All these categories of mothers can be found in allopreening discussions of almost any Internet resource.

Religious faith is characterized by great stability and is able to survive even if life experience gives people information that contradicts their beliefs. (From the book the PSYCHOLOGY of RELIGION)

The following happens: a vaccinated child contracted the disease that was vaccinated. Case, you know, is not so rare. A reasonable question mom – why vaccination is not protected?

The doctors in this case an explanation at the ready, as the rule is: you incorrectly did it. The timing of the vaccinations, I suppose, have not kept? Remember, the baby teeth were cut, and You vaccinated foolishly for a week postponed. well, now I see how important it was to stick to terms. Go, mother, and sin no more.

And the main argument — it's alive baby, then You? It's because vaccinations are life-giving! Those without vaccinations — they are much heavier than sick, if not die, that I as the doctor speak!

And mommy goes soothing: as well, that vaccinated the child, and would be napravit is unknown, as it all turned out (maybe not would be sick).

Now he will root easily, and unvaccinated would be seriously ill. Or will hurt hard, and unvaccinated would all have died.

But if vaccinated, God forbid, will die here, of course, faith can fail. But if the doctors not warning in advance it will not prove that he died-that he is altogether from a different disease, not vaccination. Or that the child is uniquely immune to vaccination came across such cases — one in a million. Well, or she will think about defective vaccine, the open window and the inept nurse.

But, fortunately, both vaccinated and unvaccinated die now extremely rare. So normal flight — believe on.

Skull with traces of trepanation carried out date back 3.5 thousand years ago. Done this operation for ritual purposes — thus "produced" illness. On some Islands in Oceania newborn boys of the family leader did a craniotomy at an early age, that the child has been healthy all his life. The hole in the skull was made with a sharp silicon knives or cutters, and later with bronze ritual knives. (From the book “the World's cults and rituals. The power and strength of the ancient”)

Mothers from Oceania, probably also with relief sighed, breaking the child's skull: now you can sleep well, child. But another time, other rituals.

The rite Proper Vaccination must be consistent with the stars, excuse me, with the Vaccination Calendar to include a ritual Examination by a Pediatrician, a sacrifice in the form of Blood and use as a talisman Tablets Antihistamine.

With strict observance of all rituals in a child's grace descends in the form of a solid lifelong immunity, and mom can consider your duty fulfilled and never think about the terrible, awful, dreadful disease, and on the “lost sheep” down to laugh, they say give up-give up, here comes the day of judgment, that is an epidemic — yet, but later will be.

An important indication that for most mothers, the vaccine is not questionable medical manipulation, as a religious rite, is the fact that almost no one ever bothered testing for antibodies to pathogens “vaccinated” diseases, to ensure that the vaccine reached the goal and immunity in children developed.

However, such analyses can be done in certain laboratories paid for virtually all diseases — measles, rubella, mumps, whooping cough, hepatitis, polio, tetanus, diphtheria. And like everyone has heard that the vaccine generates immunity not a hundred % of cases. But then adopted the same approach as the complications: that can't happen, it's just wrong mothers who do not comply with the vaccination rites (and thus unable to bring the child divine wrath and not to protect). And we blasphemy will not go – we have no tests I believe. Amen.

So — no most modern and compelling information will not be able to defeat vaccinations across the whole of humanity.

Win a miracle shot, only some similar the latest invention in medicine – the miracle pill, the miracle pill or miracle powder. In General, something tantamount to miraculous — does not require much thought, labor, and promising to effect a quick, reliable, and durable, with strong evidence of effectiveness is not mandatory, their mothers will think of themselves.

Something that we can believe.

Science has never managed to oust religion, they are in different weight categories. It is only a new religion.published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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