Vaccination in the splitting — simple and versatile method
Eighty five million one hundred forty nine thousand seven hundred fifty five
The topic of today's conversation — grafting cuttings in splitting. a very common and loved by gardeners method. It is used for grafting of fruit trees, berry and ornamental shrubs, grapes and home citrus.
The advantages of the method
Time for vaccinations in rasshifrovyvayut in splitting in spring, while the trees are dormant and in the beginning of SAP flow at the time of Bud swelling. The first, the second half of March, begin to instill in stone rock, and from the beginning of April — pome.
As is done in vaccination vaccination Resepsi to spend on one-two-year wilding or a branch of a small diameter, the procedure will not be difficult. But vaccination in stumps and large boughs is a more complex process that requires certain skills.
(this photo was already in the article, too, in the middle)
Technology of grafting in the split involves the same stages as other methods of vaccination: preparation of rootstock and Scion, their combination and protection of the surgery site.
Selected for rootstock wilding, the trunk or branch should be cleaned from dirt, unwanted old bark. Wilding be cut at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground, and to cut a trunk or branch — on the situation. The slicer should be cleaned with a knife.
When cutting branches, please note that below the end there was no defects (swelling, thickening, branches), as they can affect the split.
Tip: if you have to graft one stem, stump recommended to cut so that one side of him was higher than the other. And the handle is placed on the higher part of the sloping hemp.
First, the crust along the proposed split (split) it is necessary to make the cut. This is necessary in order to split the bark went smooth edges. Then with a knife or chisel, hitting it with a hammer, or with the hatchet split the stump to a depth of 5-7 cm Below the split not closed, it introduced a wooden wedge (screwdriver, chisel and similar tools). Then the slit to extend through wedge or chisel. If you want cruciform split, then repeat the procedure, performing the split is perpendicular (at right angles).
Cuttings are selected so that above the combination with rootstock remained 3-5 buds. The lower part of the cutting should be cut at a wedge so that the length of the slice 3-4 diameter of the escape. Hands to touch the exposed wood is impossible, it threatens with infection of the Scion.
If vaccination is carried out in a tree stump or a wide cut, in splitting, as a rule, to insert 2 of the handle, placing two opposite sides. To vinocity that the bark of the hemp is thicker than the bark of the cutting. Therefore, inserting the handle into the split, not combine the bark of the Scion and rootstock and the cambium tissue.
If you want to inoculate 4 of the cutting:
a) first insert the first pair in one split;
b) take out the wooden wedge (screwdriver), which it expanded;
C) extending the second split, stick the second pair of shanks.
Until the opening of the first leaves, it is recommended to close the site of inoculation a plastic transparent bag. This will help keep the humidity. If the vaccination site is located on the Sunny side at the time of fusion it is necessary to make a shade for it.
The following video is a practical example of use of the technique of "splitting" by grafting apricot on wilding plum, and Apple at the top of the Apple tree of another variety
Different options for vaccinations, way in rassau virtue of the fact that a wide cross-section of a tree allows us to make some rassimov different forms and directions, this method has a lot of different options for the location of the grafting cuttings. Here are some of them:
Another video from Alexander the Mole — example 2 grafting of cuttings into the Central split at the trunk of the vine
All the rules of gardening "genre grafting" cuttings for scions are made in the autumn or winter, in the deep sleep state. But our gardeners manage in March-April to take cuttings directly from the chosen tree and to obtain successful inoculations.
So once again I want to repeat: the rules you need to know, but if the soul is asked to take a risk and do something differently — and why not??? Maybe just this method then will be to recommend to gardeners around the world as the most elegant and effective!
Well, I do not want to say the author of these vaccinations "Bravo"? Blossoming leaves of scions and Shine with joy — the owner gave the old bag a new youth for years to come!
If you have gotten this far — so the theme for you is important and necessary. And we hope that you will tell about your first steps, or about their achievements and discoveries.
Good luck to us all vaccinations and a rich harvest! published
Source: www.7dach.ru
The topic of today's conversation — grafting cuttings in splitting. a very common and loved by gardeners method. It is used for grafting of fruit trees, berry and ornamental shrubs, grapes and home citrus.
The advantages of the method
- It is universal — it can be applied for the same and at different diameters of rootstock and Scion. Resort to it when perepravit adults of fruit trees, it is used for vaccination of young and wild seedlings grew, and often for the salvation of the tree, when the ground portion dies, but the root is alive, and it is possible to revive it with the new grade.
- It gives a high percentage survival rate.
- It is not difficult to implement.

Time for vaccinations in rasshifrovyvayut in splitting in spring, while the trees are dormant and in the beginning of SAP flow at the time of Bud swelling. The first, the second half of March, begin to instill in stone rock, and from the beginning of April — pome.
As is done in vaccination vaccination Resepsi to spend on one-two-year wilding or a branch of a small diameter, the procedure will not be difficult. But vaccination in stumps and large boughs is a more complex process that requires certain skills.

(this photo was already in the article, too, in the middle)
Technology of grafting in the split involves the same stages as other methods of vaccination: preparation of rootstock and Scion, their combination and protection of the surgery site.
Selected for rootstock wilding, the trunk or branch should be cleaned from dirt, unwanted old bark. Wilding be cut at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground, and to cut a trunk or branch — on the situation. The slicer should be cleaned with a knife.
When cutting branches, please note that below the end there was no defects (swelling, thickening, branches), as they can affect the split.
Tip: if you have to graft one stem, stump recommended to cut so that one side of him was higher than the other. And the handle is placed on the higher part of the sloping hemp.
- Step 2: splitting the rootstock
First, the crust along the proposed split (split) it is necessary to make the cut. This is necessary in order to split the bark went smooth edges. Then with a knife or chisel, hitting it with a hammer, or with the hatchet split the stump to a depth of 5-7 cm Below the split not closed, it introduced a wooden wedge (screwdriver, chisel and similar tools). Then the slit to extend through wedge or chisel. If you want cruciform split, then repeat the procedure, performing the split is perpendicular (at right angles).
Cuttings are selected so that above the combination with rootstock remained 3-5 buds. The lower part of the cutting should be cut at a wedge so that the length of the slice 3-4 diameter of the escape. Hands to touch the exposed wood is impossible, it threatens with infection of the Scion.
- Step 4: synthesis of rootstock and Scion
If vaccination is carried out in a tree stump or a wide cut, in splitting, as a rule, to insert 2 of the handle, placing two opposite sides. To vinocity that the bark of the hemp is thicker than the bark of the cutting. Therefore, inserting the handle into the split, not combine the bark of the Scion and rootstock and the cambium tissue.
If you want to inoculate 4 of the cutting:
a) first insert the first pair in one split;
b) take out the wooden wedge (screwdriver), which it expanded;
C) extending the second split, stick the second pair of shanks.

- Step 5: protect the site of inoculation
Until the opening of the first leaves, it is recommended to close the site of inoculation a plastic transparent bag. This will help keep the humidity. If the vaccination site is located on the Sunny side at the time of fusion it is necessary to make a shade for it.
The following video is a practical example of use of the technique of "splitting" by grafting apricot on wilding plum, and Apple at the top of the Apple tree of another variety
Different options for vaccinations, way in rassau virtue of the fact that a wide cross-section of a tree allows us to make some rassimov different forms and directions, this method has a lot of different options for the location of the grafting cuttings. Here are some of them:

- In a cross splitting of 4 cuttings (Fig. a)
- In peripheral rassay (Fig.b)
- In peripheral polurama 2 cuttings (Fig. in)
- In peripheral polurama 3 cuttings (Fig. g)

Another video from Alexander the Mole — example 2 grafting of cuttings into the Central split at the trunk of the vine
All the rules of gardening "genre grafting" cuttings for scions are made in the autumn or winter, in the deep sleep state. But our gardeners manage in March-April to take cuttings directly from the chosen tree and to obtain successful inoculations.
So once again I want to repeat: the rules you need to know, but if the soul is asked to take a risk and do something differently — and why not??? Maybe just this method then will be to recommend to gardeners around the world as the most elegant and effective!
Well, I do not want to say the author of these vaccinations "Bravo"? Blossoming leaves of scions and Shine with joy — the owner gave the old bag a new youth for years to come!

If you have gotten this far — so the theme for you is important and necessary. And we hope that you will tell about your first steps, or about their achievements and discoveries.
Good luck to us all vaccinations and a rich harvest! published
Source: www.7dach.ru
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