My second memory: 5 unusual tech note-taking

© Camille Marteil
The Cornell method the Cornell University Professor Walter Pauk developed his famous method of note-taking in the middle of the last century. To do this, you initially have to make a layout on a sheet of A4. You need to hold two horizontal lines: one at the top to othercity title and date, and another at the bottom, that it was possible to write five or six sentences summarizing the content of the abstract on this page. In the remaining middle part of the sheet you need to spend another long vertical line dividing it into two unequal columns — the left one should be much narrower than the one on the right (recommended to do it a width slightly greater than six inches). In the course of listening to the lecture or read the textbook, take notes in his usual manner in a wide column. Between sentences it is better to leave some empty space to allow them something else to add. After the lecture, fill the left column will highlight the most important ideas, names, dates, formulate questions and so forth. And in the next 24 hours will need to complete still and bottom in a few sentences defining the essence of your posts on this page.
This method of note-taking is very popular in America, and in some institutions even try to make it mandatory. It stimulates students to reread their notes, to Supplement them and recycle. But if the student returns to its records, any special benefit from such a design material, in General, no.
Read more about the Cornell method can be found in the book by his Creator, Walter Spider "How to Study in College" or here to see this videotutorial.
Method bill gatesIn 2003, young entrepreneur Rob Howard met with bill gates and, obviously being impressed by this meeting and wrote about it a post on your blog. Perhaps most readers of Howard was struck by the fact that during the talks, bill gates (at the moment, one of the most wealthy people in the world) made notes own hand, not the laptop. Howard little and describes the method in which the gates have structured the material. Sheet of his notebook was marked out into squares, in each of which he recorded the associated specific theme unit. For example, one of the squares at the bottom of the sheet was devoted to questions that appeared at the gates in the course of negotiations. Some bloggers believe that the squares gates is processed the traditional method at Cornell, and encourage readers to customize the system to suit your needs and not just try to copy the style of the Creator of Microsoft.
The method of mind maps (mind mapping)Mind-mapping is a popular technique of entry, the rules of which you should always start in the middle of the sheet. In a circle or in a frame directly on the page you need to specify the main concept, which will be discussed in the abstract. And then using the branches in different directions to record new circles key words and ideas associated with it. If you are going to use this method, it is better to stock up on pens at least three different colors to make more visible the different branches. The main promoter of this technology was Tony Buzan — British psychologist and broadcaster, which has used the method of mind maps in the mid 1970-ies in the television show "Use Your Brain". Today, this method is often used by the lovers of brainstorming.
Method suggestionsfor Those who are not yet ready to try new non-linear methods of note-taking, you can suggest the so-called proposals. It is very similar to the standard method of shorthand — when you're just trying to fix on the sheet, all that the lecturer says. The only difference is that each sentence here to record new lines and numbered it in order. Numbering will help you easily make reference from one sentence to the next with just one small mark (e.g., "see No. 67") — no need to understand intricate arrows, crossing out half of the records.
Flow method (flow method)If you are tired of shorthand in my notes, you can try this newly formulated coach Scott young, a method of note-taking. It is based on this idea: listening to a lecture is not a passive process, to really gain from the lecture benefit, you need to think and develop their own ideas. Therefore, in the abstract, is made in such a way, you should write down only the key points of the lecture and to give vent to his comments. It is clear that such records will be quite different from the classical summaries, so just in case take to the lecture to be safe and even the recorder.
Details of this method can be found in the book by Scott young's "Learn More, Study Less".
Source: theoryandpractice.ru