Curcumin helps to erase bad memories

A new study has shown that the common ubiquitous spice mixture curry can help to erase terrible memories. Scientists discovered that the substance of the bright yellow color of the rhizomes of the turmeric not only prevents the memorization of fear, but also removes already recorded in the brain bad memories.
It is hoped that this discovery will help develop new treatments for people suffering from mental disorders.
As the newspaper writes Daily Mail, in the study, psychologists from the City University of new York frightened of experimental mice a specific sound. Afraid rodents would freeze in place. Several hours later, the researchers re-played the frightening sound. In contrast to mice fed a normal diet, rodents, sitting on curcuminoid diet, did not feel fear.
The results of the study suggested that curcumin helped to erase unpleasant memories in mice brain.
The authors of the study suggest that curcumin-enriched foods may help people with post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental disorders to get rid of the memories that cause fear.

As is known, memories are formed in the brain as new connections between neurons. Initially, these connections are very fragile, but in the process of transformation in long-term memory, they become stronger. When extracted they are temporarily destabilized, becoming a new memory. If nothing happens, then they move to long-term memory. In other words, they re-strengthen (konsolidiruyutsya).
Scientists say that curcumin has helped them to penetrate the mouse brain during the destabilization of relationships and prevent them from re-consolidation:
"In fact, we were able to remove memories. And this was done through curcuminoid diet."
The researchers associated the results with anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin:
"There are inflammatory processes in many diseases – from allergies to cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease. Inflammation is also involved in psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety and PTSD. Some of these inflammatory pathways associated with memory formation."
For a deeper study of the question, however, more research is needed. Scientists still can't understand why curcumin works only with bad memories, ignoring all others.
Previous studies have shown that curcumin helps in the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and also serves as an anti-depressant.
Source: hi-news.ru