What are phobias

it turns out, a lot of them.
Ablutophobia: fear of washing and water treatment,
Aviafobiya: 1. obsessive fear of birds, 2. neurotic fear of traveling in an airplane,
Agoraphobia: 1. Fear of space open spaces, squares, 2. Fear of crowds,
Aichmophobia: obsessive fear of sharp objects they touch the body,
Acarophobia: obsessive fear, the fear of contracting scabies,
Akribofobiya: obsessive fear, fear not understand the meaning of reading,
Aknefobiya: fear of the appearance of acne on the skin,
Algophobia: fear of pain,
Amathophobia: obsessive fear, the fear of dust,
Amychophobia: obsessive fear of skin damage,
Anginophobia: obsessive fear stenokardicheskie attacks,
Anemophobia: obsessive fear, the fear of being caught by the wind, the storm,
Apeyrofobiya: obsessive fear of infinity,
Apifobia: fear of bees and wasps,
Apopatofobiya: obsessive fear to enter the toilets,
Aritmofobiya: obsessive fear of acquiring an individual patient to a significant number,
Astroofobiya: fear of the stars (in the sky),
Ataksiofobiya: fear of loss of coordination of movements,
Aurorafobiya: fear of the aurora borealis,
Automizofobiya: fear of dirt, causing the patient constantly wash, wash hands,
Autophobia: obsessive fear of loneliness,
Aerophobia: fear of drafts,
Bazofobiya: fear of walking,
Bacteriophobia: fear of contracting the bacteria from infected objects,
Barofobiya: obsessive fear of heavy lifting,
Bateofobiya: fear of heights,
Belenofobiya: fear of sharp objects, pin, needle swallow,
Blaptofobiya: fear cause someone defeated,
Bromgidrofobiya: the fear that others may notice a bad body odor, sweating of the patient,
Brontofobiya: fear of thunder, lightning,
Venerofobiya: fear of contracting a venereal disease,
Vermifobiya: fear of worms and related diseases sometimes associated with thanatophobia,
Vertigofobiya: fear of vertigo,
Vinofobiya: obsessive fear drink wine,
Vomitofobiya: fear of vomiting,
Haphephobia: fear of touching people around,
Hedonophobia: fear of pleasure,
Heliophobia: the fear of being in the sun, fear of insolation,
Gelmintofobiya: (a synonym, see. Vermifobiya),
Gerontophobia: 1. Fear of communicating with the elderly, 2. Fear of old age, aging,
Herpetophobia: Fear of snakes,
Gephyrophobia: fear pass over the bridge, a kind of bateofobii,
Gidrozofobiya: obsessive fear, the fear of catching a cold sweat and or be a source of odor,
Hydrophobia: the fear of seizures while trying to take a sip of water, it appears only in the form of water or one mention of it,
Ginekofobiya: obsessive fear, fear of women,
Hypengyophobia: fear of responsibility,
Hypnophobia: the fear of falling asleep, motivated by the fear of dying in a dream,
Gipofobiya: lack of feeling of fear, which appears in some psychiatric disorders, alcohol intoxication,
Glenofobiya: Fear of looking dolls,
Gomilofobiya: fear of communication with others because of fear to show their inconsistency, they seem ridiculous and suspicious, to attract attention,
Gomitsidofobiya: Fear of murder,
Gravidofobiya: 1. Fear often superstitious, meeting with pregnant women, 2. Fear of pregnancy,
Grafofobiya: obsessive fear, the fear of writing, pick up pens,
Dekstrofobiya: fear of objects to the right of the patient,
Demonofobiya: the fear of the devil, the evil spirit, evil spirit,
Demofobiya: fear of crowds, crowds,
Dermatopatofobiya: obsessive fear, fear of ill skin disease,
Dinofobiya: fear of vertigo,
Dysmorphophobia: Presentation about the alleged ugliness, fear of bodily changes,
Dorofobiya: the fear of getting or making gifts,
Zoophobia: fear of animals, often a certain kind (cats, chickens, and other),
Ierofobiya: fear of meeting with religious objects,
Izolofobiya: fear of loneliness in life,
Iophobia: fear of poisons, accidental poisoning,
Kayrofobiya: fear of new situations involving change of place, the advent of strangers, a situation that requires increased attention, increased requirements,
Cancerophobia: obsessive fear of contracting cancer,
Cardiophobia: episodic feeling of fear arises relating to the activity of the heart,
Keyrofobiya: obsessive fear of hairdressers, fear cut customer,
Cenophobia: the fear of a large blank spaces, such as empty buildings or uninhabited areas,
Keraunofobiya: fear of thunder and lightning,
Kipridofobiya: fear of contracting a sexually transmitted disease,
Claustrophobia: fear of closed spaces,
Kleptofobiya: fear of thieves,
Klimakofobiya: fear of walking the stairs,
Koinofobiya: the fear to go into a room where a lot of people going,
Kometofobiya: fear of comets,
Kontrafobiya: the desire for confrontation with the situation that causes the fear, the purpose of which - finding opportunities to obtain certain, usually sharp, experiences, without feeling fear,
Kopophobia: fear of fatigue,
Kosmikofobiya: the fear of cosmic phenomena,
Kriminofobiya: obsessive fear to commit a crime,
Kriofobiya: fear of cold, ice and frost,
Kristallofobiya: fear of touching the glass objects,
Lalofobiya: fear of speaking due to the occurrence of stuttering,
Laterofobiya: fear of lying on one side, often - on the left (if cardiophobia),
Leprofobiya: fear of contracting leprosy (leprosy),
Ligirofobiya: the fear of loud noises,
Lissofobiya: (same as maniofobiya),
Glossophobia: the fear that the ability to expressive speech, spoken words,
Lyuofobiya: fear of contracting syphilis,
Maniofobiya: fear of the mentally ill (synonym: Lissofobiya),
Melissoffobiya: fear of bees and wasps (synonym: Apiofobiya),
Menofobiya: the fear of menstruation and forthcoming in connection with the unpleasant, painful sensations,
Metallofobiya: fear of metals and metal objects,
Meteorofobiya: fear of meteorites,
Metrofobiya: obsessive fear of poetry,
Filth-dread: fear of contamination, avoidance of touching the surrounding objects,
Mikrofobiya: fear of small objects,
Mikseofobiya: fear of sexual intercourse because of the need to expose the genitals touch the body of the partner,
Myrmecophobia: fear of ants,
Monofobiya: 1. Fear of being alone. 2. The only kind of fear can not be combined with other,
Morfinofobiya: fear addicted to morphine,
Mottefobiya: the fear of moths,
Necrophobia: fear of corpses and funeral accessories,
Neophobia: obsessive fear of everything new (job change, the environment),
Nefofobiya: fear of clouds,
Niktofobiya: fear nightfall - because of the dark, foreboding painful insomnia, nightmares,
Nozofobiya: fear of ill any disease,
Odontofobiya: fear of dentist treatment and dental treatment,
Oykofobiya: the fear of returning home to family after being discharged from a psychiatric hospital,
Oksifobiya: fear of sharp objects,
Ombrofobiya: fear caught in the rain,
Onanofobiya: fear of the harmful effects of masturbation,
Ofidiofobiya: fear of snakes,
Ohlofobiya: the same as Demofobiya,
Pantophobia: fear of everything that can happen - any of the events surrounding the patient and actions, no matter what else changes in the external environment and, fear of everything around,
Parazitofobiya: 1. obsessive fear, fear of insect parasites (fleas, bedbugs) 2. Compulsive Stach ill parasitic skin disease,
Paralipofobiya: the fear that the careless and erroneous actions can harm someone,
Patroyofobiya: fear of heredity, especially hereditary diseases,
Pedofobiya: 1. Fear of children 2. Fear of giving birth in a family of 3. Fear of dolls similar to infants, young children,
Peyrafobiya: the fear of public speaking (speech has been delivered, exam),
Peladofobiya: fear of baldness,
Peniafobiya: the fear of impoverishment,
Pettofobiya: fear withhold intestinal gas in the presence of strangers,
Pyrophobia: fear of fire, fire,
Polifobiya: the fear of many things,
Potamofobiya: the emergence of fear at sozrertsanii rushing water, fast-flowing river, whirlpools,
Psihrofobiya: fear of cold,
Rabdofobiya: fear of punishment,
Rektofobiya: the fear of not having a chair,
Rhypophobia: fear of dirt, filth,
Rubrofobiya (See. Synonym: erytrophobia),
Satanofobiya (See. Synonym: Demonofobiya),
Selenofobiya: fear of the moon,
Selafobiya: fear of flashing lights,
Siderodromofobiya: fear of riding in the railway sector - especially in accelerated motion,
Simbolofobiya: obsessive fear, the fear of objects, events, phenomena of dreams, which are a special, hidden, meaning, and are perceived as a sign of unfavorable omens,
Sitiofobiya (See. Synonym: sitophobia),
Sitophobia: 1. The fear of eating, 2. fear of eating in diseases of the alimentary apparatus,
Sifilofobiya: fear of contracting syphilis,
Skabiofobiya: fear of ill scabies,
Skoptofobiya (See. Synonym: Skopofobiya),
Skopofobiya: the fear of appearing ridiculous, to attract attention,
Skotomofobiya: blind fear,
Skotofobiya: fear of the dark,
Social phobia: fear of contact, social situations, environmental assessment,
Spektrofobiya: fear of mirrors,
Spidofobii: the fear of contracting AIDS,
Stazobazofobiya: the fear of standing and walking,
Tabofobiya: fear of ill amyelotrophy (very rare),
Talassofobiya: fear of the sea (swimming, sea travel),
Thanatophobia: fear of death,
Tafefobiya: 1. Fear of being buried alive, 2. Fear of burial and associated ritual,
Teleofobiya: fear of religious rituals,
Telefonofobiya: the fear to use the telephone more often - an expected phone call from the unpleasant news,
Teniofobiya: fear of contracting worms,
Teofobiya: the fear of God, God's punishment, God's intervention in destiny,
Termofobiya: fear of heat, overheated rooms,
Maieusiophobia: fear of childbirth,
Toksikofobiya: fear of poisoning,
Topofobiya: fear of being alone in a room. The fear that will not be able to escape if a fire or an earthquake occur, or that no one will help,
Tredekafobiya: the fear of the number thirteen,
Tremofobiya: the fear of shaking,
Tropofobiya: fear of change,
Trihofobiya: the fear of falling hair in the food, clothing, a body surface,
Tuberkulezofobiya: fear ill with tuberculosis,
Tunnelefobiya: the fear of repetition of transport or on foot through the tunnel,
Uranofobiya: the fear of looking at the sky,
Urophobia: fear of urge to urinate in an environment where it can not be implemented,
Phagophobia: fear of eating for fear of choking her,
Fazmofobiya: fear of ghosts, spirits, devils and other fantastic creatures,
Farmakofobiya: the fear of taking the medicine,
Fengofobiya: fear of sunlight,
Phobophobia: fear of the onset of symptoms of fear,
Phonophobia (See. Synonym: phonophobia),
Fotoaugliafobiya: fear of bright light,
Photophobia: fear of light,
Ftiriofobiya: fear of lice,
Hayrofobiya: fear of the emergence of a sense of joy and fun in an inappropriate environment, for example at a funeral,
Harpaksofobiya: fear of robbers,
Cheymofobiya (See. Synonym: Psihrofobiya),
Hilofobiya: fear of the forest (to get lost, to meet with the wild beasts),
Hepengiofobiya: fear of responsibility,
Hrematofobiya: fear to touch the paper money, coins,
Chromophobe: fear of any color and dyed his subjects,
Chronophobia: neurotic fear of time,
Eyzoptrofobiya: fear of mirrors,
Eyhofobiya: fear to utter or hear good wishes, their superstitious avoidance,
Elektrofobiya: fear of electricity,
Eozofobiya: fear daytime,
Epistaksofobiya: fear of nosebleeds,
Ergasiophobia: fear of committing any action, movement,
Ereuthophobia: the fear that arises when viewing dyed red objects may resemble blood,
Eremophobia: fear to be in a deserted place to be alone,
Erytrophobia (See. Synonym: ereuthophobia)